So how the FUCK is he able to fuck all these 8/10s, is it an American thing, are American girls that easily fuckable?
So how the FUCK is he able to fuck all these 8/10s, is it an American thing, are American girls that easily fuckable?
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As if women don't swoon over large, powerful men all over the glove you limp-wristed milquetoast.
He is a rich mob boss.
yes. why else would hot american girls get with the ugliest men alive?
He really wasn't an ugly guy though.
1. Yes, if you offer them a drink, they'll repay you on the spot with a blowjob
2. Tony is an italian mob boss, if money doesn't get their attention, fear will. That's why Tony obsessed over his doctor, as she wasn't swayed by either.
women are whores
the whole point is how little he actually has to do: the women he fucks already want to fuck him because they're flawed and weak.
the show plays a very clever game with the casting by using very attractive women to make the point that they could make much better choices but don't.
it reflects the fact that the unattractive men have multiple logical reasons to leave the mafia, and could fuck attractive women anyway, but don't.
Disney told me that the slender young man from a poor background gets the girl in the end
He's a rich, powerful mob boss with great social skills and built like a tank despite being middle-aged.
bitches love power and forbidden love. also he hands out jewelry like candy.
rich, powerful, respected/feared, big guy, funny, confident
Only if he kills the rich guy who's trying to win her over
Over six feet handsome dad face, rich powerful mob boss, alpha does what he wants, has money
It's a gangster thing, damaged girls are drawn to those types of men because they are broken inside and need to feel danger to make their vagina tingle.
Look at any drug dealer criminal piece of shit, they're almost always ugly but have a harem of women.
Not all of us criminals are ugly m8
Bitches love danger. Its a submissive thing
do you buy bud from goblins or some shit?
All women have daddy issues and want to fuck older men who look like them.
It is called fiction for a reason.
post the sexy russian girl
>So how the FUCK is he able to fuck all these 8/10s
This. Tony was decent looking and very charming and dangerous and powerful. He could get any bitch he wants.
He was good looking when young but just fat and bloated look at him in first season was just a balding handsome guy
Unironically, it's a male power fantasy. You're supposed to self-insert as Tony.
he was good in season 1
Exactly he looks good with a beard too but eating truck loads of gabagool, ziti and rum and cokes will make any man disgusting
Trannies and incels
>ultimate alpha behavior
>mob boss
Gee, I wonder how.
He's fucking ugly. You've been desensitized by watching his disgusting pig face for dozens of hours.
>are American girls that easily fuckable
Yes, but that's not it. It's because he's a desirable male. Many such cases of otherwise ugly men having good looking women flock to them. The incels will deny this to the moon and back, of course.
In that picture he radiates masculinity, and he is handsome as fuck.
Contrary to popular belief, the "every girl wants a super-symmetrical Chad or prettyboy" is just a meme. At least for girls older than 16.
t. girl on the internet
Because he behaves like an alpha
los goblinas del loco maxico
he could make himself look ratlike and gross but there are scenes like when hes in the italian restaurant doing the godfather thing where you can see he can look attractive when its the goal
Is it just me that thinks he is the most attractive, iconic looking guy that's been on TV and I say this as a 100% heterosexual male. He just has something about his face, super boyish and soulful but yet larger than life and physically huge. No way in hell he is ugly.
post op or pre op?
u have been mesmerized by james performance man. It truly was the best TV has ever seen.
he's a rich man with confidence
Incels never cease to amaze me
Neither. Sorry I couldn't fuel your tranny fetish, user.
>this much naive
Women go with rich, powerful men regardless of looks.
Don't you even watch your politicians?
He's tall and women crave powerful men.
I didn't deny that. I just said he's ugly which he is.
My sister is a 16 year old art hoe who watched it with me and is obsessed with gandolfini, she calls him daddy tony and shit with her friends
You can find a bunch of instances of his female costars talking about how sexy he was. It's because he was big and sensitive, but also kind of scary. Girls find people attractive for different reasons that we do. Sooner you figure out the better user
to be fair tony was only super super fat in season 6. anything before you could argue he was just a big strong hefty man
Season 1 he even looked fairly skinny. Not overtly skinny but way more normal looking than Bobby with his fat suit, its night and day.
post her feet faggot
Anything below male model tier is invisible to females don't you know
And under 6’5 with 10 inch dick
No that’s weird
Because once women mature, they start getting more attracted to money and power.
He had both.
when was the last time you peed your pants?
I find the opposite to be true.
If a woman cant pull her own weight around powerful men she quickly becomes just another thot getting passed around from cock to cock.
He's wealthy, smart, charming, powerful, and dangerous. He wasn't just going to the club and taking home dimes. Most of these girls knew who he was, what he did, and what he could do for them, which was attractive to them.
>I am a foreign beta male and just can't understand how alpha men attract bitches
please respond to
More like incel
Fuck off, you sick pajeet cunt.
Bitches love confidence.
Sheer charisma mainly, not counting his wealth and confidence. I hate the term but I've heard normie call it big dick energy.
Finally got round to watching sopranos, halfway through s5 already and I'm super fucking into this.
Didnt even know Gandolfini died 5 years ago, just read it then :(
haha but it's funny haha
>Group of 10 men stands in a room and talks
>Woman enters room
>Woman subconsciously reads the body language of the 10 men, and is quickly able to figure out which man is at the bottom of the hierarchy, and most importantly, which one is at the top
Big dick energy is real. All women are drawn to it due to evolutionary purposes, either consciously or subconsciously.
he was handsome but he was no Johnny Sack
It is real, but it's got more to do with your metaphorical penis than your actual one. And it goes beyond just fucking thots.
I've talked Sopranos with women and they like Paulie the most, go figure.
>you ever feel like nothin good was ever gonna happen to you?
>yeah and nothing did.
he's a funny guy.
>Content with life
>Best jokes
>Fucks strippers
Paulie was the biggest Chad of the show.
I don't blame them. He's pretty likeable.
also tall.
It's a money thing plus he's not really ugly.
Tony did tend to get with adept women
>mob boss
>high test demeanor
>tall and robust
it's a mystery
what you stupid incels don't seem to get is that beautiful women are a dime a dozen. They're nothing special. Have sex.
>what you stupid incels don't seem to get is that beautiful women are a dime a dozen. They're nothing special.
unironically agree but
>Have sex.
I'm facing a lot of difficulty with this step
the major thing you fags don't realize is that this is a television show.
Apart from that, women like power and money.
>has bad taste
Every. Friggin. Time.
There's a lot more leeway once the man has reached a "dad" age. Conventional looks become less important and it becomes more about apparent toughness.
>incel argues what women should be attracted to
please just take some time out of your busy schedule to have sex
I was a virgin until 19 when I decided to lower my standard by what I considered one point. Turns out most girls that have a 6/10 face can still have 8/10 bodies.
>Thinks female sexuality is what he learned on TV
Let me guess. You think Jackie Jr or some other twink is every girls wet dream, just because you'd fuck him if you were a fag.
Women don't have a sexuality. It's more like a pseudo-sexuality. Which is obvious, given how much money and status play a part.
Jackie Jr. was more about being someone that was close to the family.
The quality that gets women off the most when it comes to men is instinctual and old as humanity itself: power.
Nothing gets a woman wetter or spreading her legs faster than a man who can exert his will over others.
Besides, noones gonna get squashed, my father was Jackie Aprile
*vito teleports behind you*
"Nothing personal kid"
The female sexuality is about attractiveness to masculinity (physical protection) and security (meaning our offsprings don't starve to death).
But how a man carries himself plays a major fucking part, too. Almost all powerful men carry themselves in a way that instantly attracts women. Some non-powerful men also carry themselves well. Which is why you often see confident losers drowning in pussy.
I managed to play the confident loser a few times but eventually they get sick of the loserness.
I'm not attractive enough to pump and dump so I would prey upon girls that I noticed had a crush on me.
Almost all confident losers who've slept with friends of mine lied about the loser part, and pretended that their confidence was justified until they got their dicks wet.
That's the thing a lot of Yea Forumsirgins don't seem to get. Nearly all average guys lie, cheat and steal to get into girls pants, but you guys seem to be playing it straight and expecting to beat the liars at their own game.
It's obviously on a much different scale than with Tony, but every billionaire around the world no matter how old and fat, even if they are married is fucking supermodels all the time just because they have money/power. If they do get divorced, they'll just marry a younger chick to keep up appearances at gatherings and continue fucking 18 year old super models on the side. Just look at Trump for gods sake.
>i've been playing fair while everyone else used cheat codes
Because it's a TV show, you fucking retard.
Women are only attracted to fat ugly men in your doujins.
In real life, being "dominant" has fuck-all to do with being an alpha male. Being handsome is all that matters.
There are no cheat codes to getting laid. PUA is lies peddled by gay men to incels who think if they read the 10th book on getting laid they'll finally be successful.
Hello tranny
>I want a big hairy fat man to fuck me in the ass
>Uhh, YOU'RE a tranny, not me!
Age also makes men inherently more attractive to a certain subset of females. Youth is ugly.
Listen to yourself, you sound demented
>Age also makes men inherently more attractive to a certain subset of females. Youth is ugly.
Again, only sexually deranged men who crossdress are attracted to balding old guys with sagging guts. Every actual woman who's been surveyed says she prefers a man with a full head of hair and abs.
>just be yourself bro
They're lying. There's a lifelong paradigm set into a woman's brain of what a strong mate is and that is her father not her peers. There's obvious social forces that go against this and the more intelligent they get the more ably they can predict what that will be in the future from a peer.
he never got to fuck melfi though and he wanted to fuck her more than any girl in the show
Thanks for letting me know about your incest fetish too, fuckwit.
No, sorry, women are not attracted to old fat men. It doesn't matter how many times you say this. Status means NOTHING, NO-THING to women without physical attractiveness.
He wanted lots of conflicting things.
Would I prefer a powerful man in his prime to physically protect me and my offspring over a powerful man whose age or physical condition would leave me physically vulnerable? Yeah, sure.
But would I prefer a man in his prime with no inherent security for me or my offspring, a loser if you will, over a powerful man who'd leave me physically vulnerable? No. And the same applies to the vast majority of women.
Call it biology if you will. Ensuring that our offsprings don't starve to death turns out to be more important to women than having a mate who makes sure we don't get hit over the head with a club and assfucked by some other man.
>It's because he was big and sensitive, but also kind of scary.
translation: it's because women want to fuck their dads
Nobody said anything about fat guys and ugliness is literally entirely subjective.
Who cares what you prefer, you weird transfreak? You spend 16 hours a day thinking about anuses.
t. loser
But at least you have a full head of hair, amirite?
>trusting surveys
>ugliness is subjective
>trusting what women say and do
>"Nah you should trust what trannies on Yea Forums say. Women totally want to gag on smegma-encrusted cocks of old fat ugly balding hairy guys."
>no wife
>no kids
>no goomar
>does nothing but lift weights and watch three's company in his spare time
paulie is /ourguy/
what's going on here?
Ugliness is entirely subjective outside notable genetic disorders. Also fat is relative, sign of status, etc. Italians have proven fatties can get laid for millenia.
also that /x/ shit he's always on about.
Wow, the things you say are absolutely bizarre. It's as if you think your sexual fetishes override reality itself.
>trusting what women say and do
But young women do pursue fairly average looking but confident and wealthy middle-aged men. If asked up front, I wouldn't be doubtful that a woman would say her preference would be Brad Pitt '96, but rhetoric isn't as important as action.
Literally no statistics bore out what you're saying. "Confidence" is mediated solely by how physically attractive you are. Women seek men with money NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE ATTRACTED TO THE MEN, BUT BECAUSE THEY'RE ATTRACTED TO THE MONEY. That's why they try to divorce them as soon as possible.
I don't blame him
It's basically a pandering to their target audience.
Fat, balding middle-aged men who catch the show on DVR after their kids go to bed can watch and self-insert as Tony banging young models.
>Woah, that is SO me!
Stats is the art of bullshit, my friend.
>"Confidence" is mediated solely by how physically attractive you are.
And physical attractiveness is mediated by personal presentation which, in part, derives from confidence.
If half your face is missing, sure, it won't improve your chances much, but if you're a guy whose only real deficiencies are a balding head (which girls don't necessarily dislike anyway) and a bit of a gut, you can definitely pull it back.
And thus the qualities of that man that make him able to produce money consistently and in large amounts.
Stop listening to blackpillfags, man. Stop listening to people who actively want you to despair.
Banging strippers.
That's literally what attraction is though. Losing attraction later is a different thing.
Tony soprano is what happens when you
>have sex
Paulie has goomars, we see one of them in the FUCKIN QUEERS episode
Big dick energy.
>cast interview 20 years later
>still hot as fuck
HBO was appointment television in 1999, user.
Take ur meds shemale
>Stats is the art of bullshit, my friend.
I can guarantee you're from leftypol tranny discord now. No one who isn't a slimy leftist would ever try to discredit statistics themselves.
>And physical attractiveness is mediated by personal presentation which, in part, derives from confidence.
No, it actually isn't. Confidence has nothing to do with physical attractiveness. Proof: morbidly obese women don't become sexy when they strike a pose. Physically attractiveness is things like: angularity, proportion of mid-face, jawline definition, symmetricality, body fat percentage, etc.
>balding head (which girls don't necessarily dislike anyway)
Women hate balding men. You don't believe in statistics so what's the point of even arguing with you?
Paulie looks a little lost
>Women hate balding men
Girls hate balding men. Women don't care.
Keep coping faggot.
You post like a manlet
Tits or GTFO
paulie definitely gets laid.
>Confidence has nothing to do with physical attractiveness. Proof: morbidly obese women don't become sexy when they strike a pose.
Confidence isn't striking a pose, it's a compound on directness of action, and I didn't say it'd get you back from overt unattractiveness. But Tony isn't overtly unattractive.
>No one who isn't a slimy leftist would ever try to discredit statistics themselves.
Have you checked who ran the studies you're quoting? Their sample size, the women asked, the catchment range for women asked, the economic situation of the women asked, the phrasing of the questions themselves and answers that could be selected for in the case of a survey? I don't think data is useless, but one cannot treat it as unquestionable.
No, women care about that.
Stop treating statistical groupings as monolithic entities.
Do we have to have this thread every week, retards?
Every day, this is a Sopranos board.
The prequel movie will extrapolate on Tony's penultimate history with the hoes when he was young
What do you think penultimate means?
I don't use Yea Forums any more but they keep making this thread?
Yeah, definitely discord trannies.
None of those excepting sample size (which is usually at least 1,000, sufficient for establishing cultural trends) would affect the perception of attractiveness. Attraction is primordial and universal.
Also, they don't ask questions in studies like these. The women are shown pictures of men and asked to rate their attractiveness. The method used in this study withheld facts about their status until after a picture was selected.
Not only are you attempting to use your cursory understanding of statistical analysis to discredit data, you're attempting to discredit the primary motivator of mate selection in women, attractiveness.
why does he sniff clean panties from the drawer? Because he's a germ freak.
all the women he fucks are paid prostitutes dummy
historically, historic change has come out of war
Not that guy but nobody cares what the "primary" motivator is. Secondary or lesser is fine too.
My dick in your sister
There's a vast, vast chasm between primary and secondary in this case.
>tfw balding in my 20s
>also a kv
I'm gonna be a virgin loser forever, aren't I...?
Is that vast chasm meaningful? Is theoretical attractiveness even meaningful?
I'm the blackpill guy ITT.
It's possible for you to looksmax but don't keep the balding look unless you're older and you want to go piratecore, in which case you'd grow it out long and also grow out a handlebar moustache.
Only because you're here. Look into medical options for baldingness.
Actually, don't do that. The cosmetic procedures are all unconvincing and the drugs work by either lowering your testosterone drastically or decreasing your androgen senstivity altogether.
Look into medical options thoroughly.
The chasm itself is merely empty space and cannot be meaningful. If you're asking me how meaningful the differential is, it's huge. I would say the second most important thing is fame, and that can only increase your attractiveness by 20%, where as your handsomeness can break your attractiveness entirely or bolster it by 80%.
I have. A lot of the new drugs on the market only appear not to lower testosterone because they bind it all up in SHBG. It's still not converting to DHT.
Meant that for other guy Hormonal affects might be an acceptable tradeoff.
Nah, never. Your muscles will atrophy and you'll become infertile quick. Also, you'll be depressed all the time and you'll want to kill yourself.
I can't grow facial hair, but I try to keep my hair very short so it doesn't look too bad.
What this guy says: I've only heard bad things about medicines and such for balding.
>Only because you're here
You're probably right about this though.
You might be balding because you have too much estradiol and progesterone. That would explain your lack of facial hair.
HRT is a bit of a meme, but I would pursue it alongside things like HCG if you can't get your T up with diet and exercise.
Right but knowing Yea Forums thats probly already the case and thus a small loss.
You gotta really get in doctors faces about their bullshit though, they mostly ignore patients and side effects.
ITT: Have sex.
But really, those drugs are only effective for men whose hair follicles are sensitive to DHT. Diet and lifestyle changes are more appropriate for the group of people you're referring to.
your at the precipice of an enormous crossroads my friend
Last time I went to the doctor and got a full check-up including blood samples and all kinds of things I was told that my hormone levels were normal. My dad also has shit facial hair, so it's in the family.
all is fair in love and war, faggot
They tell you 200 ng/dl is normal. It's "normal" for an old man.
Why is a 16 year old giving life advice on Yea Forums?
Most of the chicks he fucked had issues and would easily fall for a big rich, charismatic and powerful guy like him
>thinks handsome is looking like a effeminate asshole
The worst thing you can do is listen to blackpill lookism incels
Black pill incels who grew up on r9k
Newsflash: getting fucked in the ass doesn't mean you're not an incel anymore.
retarded underage poofter. get some life experience first.
I do and have don’t h8 breh
I'm in a bad state mentally as it is that I'm trying to work my way out of, and I don't want to risk making things worse by opening Pandora's box and starting to medicate and do hormone treatment. Thanks for the advice, but it doesn't seem like a good idea imo.
I can't grow facial hair so none of those are an option for me. Clean head it is.
Become a trap
Kill yourself discord tranny
He's a rich, aggressive and charismatic. But it's also clear that he only goes after women who are horribly damaged in some way or another; his failed attempt to seduce Melfi is proof of how limited his powers are, and that's why he reacts so badly to her rejection
I'm not gay, so that would be counterproductive. Also, I have too many masculine traits and I'm too tall.
Funny she hit on him at the restaurant she clearly wanted him but realized it was against her best interest
As if there was ever any doubt discord trannies were in this thread when it's about 10/10 models licking Tony Soprano's shitty asshole.
Maybe your poor mental state is directly caused by your poor endocrine system.
My advice isn't HRT, it's diet and exercise. Look into sungazing with your eyes closed and the carnivore diet. Eat raw organ meats. Also, in the summer, eat starchy vegetables low on the GI. We're not carnivores, but it's a healthy diet.
Avoid hydrogenated oils high in transfats and try to get a good balance of omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. Supplement with cod liver oil (10 X better than fish oil pills) if you have trouble getting organ meats.
Finasteride and minoxidil pretty much stopped my balding in its tracks (27).
The sexual side effects with fin are extremely rare and I have never gotten any bad effects despite being on it for 3 months.
Stupid zoomer. You fucks will never understand this show.
I hope a nigger saws your head off.
I’m almost 30 you fool milfi was into him but knew she didn’t want t get involved
3 months? give it time
>I’m almost 30
You're not fooling anyone you retarded fuck.
For better hair growth or the sexual side effects?
As soon as I sense anything wrong with my pecker I'm dropping the fin cold turkey.
Okay I see you clearly got your point across about melfi thou damn bruh calm down
You obviously have a larger vocabulary than me as far as food is concerned as I don't know what half of that stuff means, but I'll look into it. Thanks for the tip.
Kek. My mom gave me some of that years ago. I wonder where I put it. I'm afraid my balding has progressed a bit too far for stopping it in its tracks to matter much though. My hairline has already receded halfway across my head.
Why are you so ashamed to be a zoomer?
Probably not much you can do, then. It's probably best to shave it all off and start wearing hats if you can't grow facial hair.
Look into Mewing. It might not be too late to get a God-tier jawline.
I’m 27 it’s nothing new to see the older generations complaining and hating on the younger Generations it’s been like this from the start of time
Don’t shave it off even this looks better than shaving it off
>I’m 27
90s born queers were a mistake.
Exactly my point the generation before youre thought the same about you and so on it will never end, the cycle of judgement and hatred
Now the discord tranny is going to LARP as a gen-X/boomer homophobe since we ruined his Tony Soprano fap session.
Done with this gay thread.
He's right. Melfi wanted him and was even having sexual dreams about him. But it's also true that he was used to seducing a certain type of woman and didn't know how to close the deal with a girl like Melfi.
I don’t think he could have she almost wanted too after she had been raped but her being stuck in the vending machine it means she would have been there forever plus chase wanted that plot line to fizzle
Your pic eases my growing weary brow. Im going full on chad embrace, ill slowly transition to custodian ascend when im a fifty five yr old gay man.
I have this hair at 25 it really has only stopped me from talking to women twice yeah it sucks and can’t do anything because I can’t afford it but you need to ply the crew you’ve got
*women are hoooahs
You look like Frasier? That's really not the worst thing in the world. Maybe invest in some good sport jackets?
Gor the hair but much less worse Nd look like David harbour and jay courtney I usually wear tapered pants and normal fitted shirts to show off my coping body kek
After he beat that prostitute to death on the show he started getting hit on a lot
Im kinda seeing ive been looking at my thinning hair all wrong now, i should be gratful for what I got and make the best of it like a proper gentleman. Im 27 and my top is basically charlie dayish
You’re fine man it would be nice to have perfect hair but we all can’t just don’t shave it off unless everything falls off and than maybe just go me burn sleep the mistake people make is they see it receded or thin be think it over instead of working with what they have Nd sometimes the hair just stops at a certain age
Is balding the worst thing that can happen to a man in terms of looks? It sure feels like it.
I would think acid in the face or a horrible mutilation
>using a dating site to prove that being a powerful mobster isn't attractive to women
you fucking retard.
I think its a genuine issue that people dont really talk about. I NEVER thought about it until it started happening to me.
losing limbs in combat/work accidents seems worse desu
You're supposed to marry young before that shit hits you.
something you incels still don't understand is that women will take an uggo with a chad personality over a "chad" with a beta personality.
That's kinda tough when you start balding at 19 like I did. Nor do I ever plan on getting married.
should already be working on a second kid.
Yeah we don’t live in those times anymore desu
Who knows women will only take white guys, only take black, only guys over 6 feet, only funny guys, confidence is the only thing hat matters guys
Just be yourself desu
>Italian-Americans in general have no idea what portion-control is.
>Only if he kills the rich guy who's trying to buy her virginity
More like a harem of drug addicts.
Society doesn't give a shit about men problems and dads/male role models are hardly present to teach you this shit anymore.
Loads of people do and you could have, too.
I thought you had to be married for a mistress to count as a goomah
Yes. People vastly underestimate the importance of drugs when they do these armchair analyses of trashy peoples' sexual behavior.
No o couldn’t I can’t afford it and was in school on a full athletic scholarship
Where do you live, user? Where I live people hardly ever marry young anymore, if at all.
Hes fucking 6'3 and isn't a fucking beta male
You guys do understand that if you act like a fucking hard ass and your not bad looking you can LITERALLY do whatever the fuck you want right?
I mean jesus christ it's not fucking hard to understand that most women actually WANT a guy like Tony because they know hes not some whipped bitch and he 100% has a gigantic dick that hes going to destroy you with
Does that nigger in the thumbnail LOOK like someone you want to fight?
No and guess what Women instinctively go to the men who are the strongest
Who cares if he has a belly, that mother fucker has hair on his belly which 99% of limp dick pussys now a days dont even hair on their chest
Another shocker, men with hair on their chest is actually what women like.
If you think it's just the money and that women only want to fuck him because of that, your fucking wrong.
Tony is so fucking manly he decides to walk over to a stranger and just tell that nigger off about how wearing a hat inside is fucking stupid, and when the little basedboy skeleton said no Tony being the most alpha man on the fucking show literally huffed and puffed like a lion about to fucking rip a deers throat the fuck out.
That gaze as well, that little basedboy took his fucking hat off because he was going to literally die if he didn't take it off.
Thats the kind of fucking man Tony is
He was 37 here
You're probly just meeting the wrong people. Got one word for you Mormons
His face looks 37 but the hair doesn’t help
Cope what?
What are you even talking about?
I'm just explaning how much of a man Tony was
Why do you fucking redditors get on here and for no reason just reply Cope to people who people who put up valid and thorough statements
I was going to write up a 2 thousand word reply about how fucking braindead you are, but you're from reddit so whatever
This user is right, I have been acting like a hard ass for the past half a year and people really just roll over and respect you when you behave stronger than them. Wish I'd learned this earlier. I also took the misogyny pill some years back after reading the Rabbit series by John Updike. No matter what the SJW's tell you women will always admire an alpha male. Learn this before you waste too much time being a pussy. Be masculine.
Reply cope
its almost like pre millenial women used to like rich, powerful and masculine men... strange.
if sopranos was released in 2019, irina probably would have ditched tony for jackie jr or something.
Vita formerly Vito promoted to boss of bosses.