Cargo shorts girl is backpedaling


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Who are these people and why should I give a shit

You're all being played. His reaction wasn't genuine. You can tell he was really forcing himself to create tears.

If you've ever watched Glenn Beck and his constant crying, you'll know what I mean.

b-but Yea Forums told me he's a loser!!!11!!1!

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Wow it’s almsot as if white women are inconsistent, two faced, and parasitic creatures

Yea Forums- twitter and virgins

average conservative

>Based Eric making her wet by being a nice guy and not losing his shit

where is she wrong?

goddamn based Eric only won from all of this in every way possible

didn't know Yea Forums actually stands for /tvitter/

Do you guys actually wear cargo shorts? Lol

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>woman doesnt actually stand by anything and is just looking for an opportunity to become famous
im truly shocked

Judge me

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She contradicted herself. Either Eric is an undateable loser or he's a great guy. She's walking back on her first insult because it's cool to do so now.

>hate cargo shorts fags
>hate comic book basedboys
>hate women
Not sure which side I pick tbqh.

What do you wear? Basketball shorts like a nigger?

Nathan Fielder

shorts are for children. wear jeans or pants

Based if /fit/, loser if anything else.

>Either Eric is an undateable loser or he's a great guy.

She said beta male

low value on the sexual marketplace =/= bad person

Yea Forums has memed him to the point where he now has high value on the sexual marketplace

Are you suggesting its impossible to be /fa/ without being /fit/?

You must live in a place that has a winter.

>what is hyperbole

With that outfit, yes.

I wear shorts, just not cargo shorts with a bunch of pockets. 2 front pockets and 2 back pockets. Any more and you’re an incel.

Better to get the undateable tag out in the open so guys aren’t banging their heads against a wall trying.

Post example of non /fit/ but /fa/

Doesn't he have a wife?

What if I'm not /fit/ but thin? I'm 150 pounds and 5'10.

Looks like what Woody Allen is wearing in the other thread

Biggie smalls

Better than being /fat/, regardless of what any apologist will tell you.

I wear cargo pants but I'm a journalist so I actually use all the pockets

he cried numerous times in previous trailer reactions and got only hundreds of views. if he's forcing it, he wasn't doing it to get the kind of attention he got and "play" us.

She contributed to those hateful comments, though, not in an anonymous funny way either, she did it in an effort to bring attention to herself. And she's still doing it.

What do you think
>anything else
means, loser?


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movies about the beta male being alpha chad all along?

Jean shorts? Just as bad as cargo shorts.

but im not fat. I thought only fat are losers?

the crying faggot was not a man, she was right the first time.

Scary Movie, technically.

Where do you put your car keys, wallet, cell phone and keys from your house? Are you 12 and you dont need all these stuff or what?

Genuinely curious.

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Think again, retard.

who are any of these people

Just got these badboys from my roommate(mom) can't wait to break them out

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No, and she should have stayed by her word.
She's right, those "men" who eat up Star Wars and Marvel trash are not men at all.

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Get with the times old man.

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>i lived on ramen for three months to afford these shoes starterpack

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>using back pockets
Have fun getting attention from every pickpocket

>calling capeshit fans for the betas they are
this girl is based

Alright if you're over 23. Cringe if below.

Based Eric. Absolutely based.

If you're still invested in popular culture you're a sucker. At least in the past there was still some genuine creativity around, now it's pretty much 100% driven towards profit, marketing, over-hyping the product etc, and it's all done in the most dishonest and manipulative way possible.

Think about it, why the fuck is a grown man crying over a children's movie about space wizards in the news, and not only that, why is the news defending him? They are all in bed together and are all in it for the money. They are no better than some con man in olden days driving his wagon from town to town selling magic wonder tonic to idiots.

yes user just sweat like a pig in your jeans in summer. That will show these woman how alpha you are

She’s dripping wet for this alpha that wouldn’t apologize for his behavior. Unironically based as fuck

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The reification of this towards playing insecurities of social hierarchy relations is a way of distracting from the real issue here, which is inauthentic performance of emotion being an expectation, not simply talking about the man's video itself, but the reactions to the video. Reaction has become the primary form of entertainment, and this is the fertile soil of monsters and tyrants.

Warhol knew this.

Ah bloo bloo

Remember when resetera posted this guy in their banner and suddenly we had one thread after another defending the guy and saying how he would totally become famous and big after this and how all women were drooling over this numale, and now pretty much everyone's forgotten him already?

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literaly pic related

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I don't know bro. That's why I was asking. I have two little kids in tow wherever I go so I need pockets and shit. I don't really care, I'll wear cargo shorts, I just dont know what else you'd wear. Just short pants? Like those ugly blue, red, green shorts on dude models wearing button down shirts and sandals?

why do i hate this man so much

They were also insisting that he was invited to something by Mark Hamill himself or some shit.
God it was so obvious.

>he doesnt wear long shirts that cover most of your pockets
fag is gotta lift my shirt and then stick his hand in my pocket to rob me
who the fuck wouldnt notice

Based. Never apologize for who you are, even if you're a soiboi.

Because he's the perfect embodiment of the average millennial male, a pussified little bitch who cries over shitty movies made for 5 year olds.

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Twitter Screencaps need to be banned, but that's pretty much impossible.

rat face

He's a fucking beta numale, he would have apologized stuttering if he was in class, instead of gated behind his social media.
This is the kind of guy who, if they had beaten the shit out of her when he was in school, he would have been a better person, and not this bitch who sleeps in separate beds despite being married.

Hi friend

If he's cried before, then that really sells the idea that he's forcing it in hopes that one of his cuck videos goes viral. Congrats, it did.

Again, Glenn Beck did the same thing. After the first time he cried gave him a massive boost in ratings, he did it pretty much every time afterwards.

>average millennial male
In the States maybe, but everyone in your homeland is a walking caricature at this point.

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FUCK YOU and your blatant ADVERTISING you piece of human trash.

He's 40 years old, he isn't a millennial

Holy F this. You idiots always fall for the most blatant Jewish tactics every god damned time even when I scream at you this is a clear Jew move yet you STILL DO IT it's like you want to be enslaved forever. Fucking idiots. Sage.

Why are you talking to yourself, Eric?

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does anyone in this shithole county have a spine?

>he thinks high school matters
Lmao. Go get your dick sucked incel.

why are you so mad lmao? who cares if he is a bitch, get on with your own life and stop projecting

Found the numale.
Are you hyped as h*ck for le epic Avengers movie, millennial?

She has been turned and wants his Alpha soi dick. Sensitive soi is the new Chad.


spot on

Because those are the kind of people who make the world a worse place.
These are the people who deserve death the most in the west.

Maybe he wants to sleep in separate beds, he actually seems alpha as fuck. He posted himself bawling on the internet over a fictional movie, then he got made fun of and didn’t give s fuck. That’s extremely low inhibition behavior, meanwhile the Yea Forums virgins are too high inhibition to speak to women.

you're a millennial yourself, aren't you?

You're a walking meme my guy. I don't have to put any effort into making you look like an imbecile.
You're objectively doing it yourself.

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>he actually seems alpha as fuck
Let me guess, you are a balding, obese 29 year old who has his Avengers Endgame ticket preordered.

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Bro you're mentally ill if you genuinely think that, not healthy to be this mad over some manchild doing his thing

>men in the West just aren’t what they used to be

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Theres plenty of overlap. Don't tell me you've never used "beta male" as an insult. It certainly has been used as an insult by many people on this website and everywhere else on the internet.

Manchildren do not deserve to live.
What do they provide aside from being a punching bag?

Literally yes it will

lmao tradthot #5839 mocking "beta males" as if that wasn't her entire audience. why do they do this? are beta males that masochistic?