Everyone else has been fighting for the past 4 years

>everyone else has been fighting for the past 4 years
>these guys come in, do a little bit of fighting and pat themselves on the back

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Other urls found in this thread:


>do a little bit of fighting
*do a little bit of winning


I bet you feel like a big guy talking down on people who had to experience the worst war known to man

this guy had more combat experience than anyone in Easy Company, but nobody cared.

>the worst war known to man
good thing they were only there for the tail end of it in the most cushiony front. might have scared them if that weren't the case.

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>Dick standing out in the open trying to motivate blythe to man up
how can people say BoB isn't a feelgood adventure story? it even ends with a baseball game for fucks sake

>most cushiony front.
The breakout operations zone after D-Day, from Caen to Carentan had more German armour per square km than fucking Kursk.

>most cushiony front
>fighting the insane japs
even you don't believe this

>the most cushiony front
I'd argue that the african front was the most cushiony. In some parts the germans and british even had a truce after 1700 each day and would radio each other and take not of who had been captured prisoner.

>we're missing a hauptman steiner, could he possibly have been captured?

>yes he's alive and well here

That kind of stuff

this is blatantly false, the first battle of kursk involved some 10,000 tanks and during operation cobra allied forces only had to contend with 200 or so, tops.

>barely win one war while getting free stuff from US
>win two wars simultaneously while giving everyone else free stuff

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I'm lend-leasing you this (you) to fuck off

The US would never, ever have committed the amount of manpower needed to defeat nazi germany or the axis.

just because soviet life was cheap doesn't mean you would need all that manpower from a well equipped military.

All things equal it is estimated that the german infantryman at the western front was worth about 1,5 of his opposite number. This is actually true, they did calculations on how much weight an individual soldier would pull in the combat zone after the war was over and factoring in how many casualties they inflicted, how hard they fought for their positions etc- and it's not just some myth. The germans were better trained, or at the very least better deployed than their western counterparts.

So with this math in mind you do the math. To inflict 4 million+ military deaths on the germans (who in total suffered between 4,5 - 5,5 million deaths) and 7 million wounded (they suffered about 7,3 million wounded) you'd have to commit yourself to a war where you'd lose 6 million combat deaths and 14 million to wounds. And that's just from fighting Germany. And that's a low estimate.

There's no fucking way a European war is worth that many US lives in the eyes of the popular opinion back home.

>"Cushiony front"
>fought the japs
>entered Germany the worst way possible
Nice based and retardpilled

>Japanese having anything to do with Europe

>owned japan with 75% of their navy being destroyed first

pretty based desu

To be honest fighting the Japs was probably not that hard seeing as they were weak from starvation and tactically inept most of the time.

Do Americans really do this?

We're talking about America in the war, he never specified just the western front illiterate user.

We're specifically talking about the 101st, which exclusively fought in the ETO.

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no we aren't.

Yes, we are.

Everything I've ever heard is that while parts of WWII were bad, especially in the Pacific, WWI was way worse.

see He was not being specific to the western front illiterate user.

Maybe in terms of miserable living conditions.

the eastern front was more brutal and larger scale in its violence, but select WW1 battles involving 12 hour long 1,200 gun barrages are hard to top.

Well he's not me and I created this thread which is exclusively about the 101st airborne. I don't know why you're even bringing the Pacific into this, for all intents and purposes it's an entirely different war anyway but that is besides the point.

>fighting the eternal kraut

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Too bad that's exactly what we did. Europe was LOSING, which is why we entered the war.

Your arrogance of youth is pretty evident. The US committed the bulk of it's manufacturing powers and adult men to the cause. You're young, so I'll just assume you haven't looked into what actually happened during the war, at home, but just trust that you're so fucking wrong it's pure comedy.

my mother's cousin who was a tunnel rat in 'nam would disagree

>the german infantryman at the western front was worth about 1,5 of his opposite number.
Pre D-day figures, after 1944 German casualties went through the roof.

desu their carriers werent damaged and to top it all off, the US was making several new battlegroups at the time of pearharbor, the things the japs tried to destroy and they were near completion at the time of PH so the went from 100% > 25% naval strength back to 100% within a few months and then straight to 500% by the end of the war with the war machine in progress.

the nips were always fucked in WW2 and as were the Germans. they declared wars on super powers with no actual intention of invading them to deter them from waging infinite war. Germany could never have bombed the US and both japan and Germany could never have done a land invasion. and as for Germany declaring war on the soviet and US at the same time lol

>Europe was LOSING, which is why we entered the war.
You're a retard. It's verifiable proven that the US was not going to enter the war in Europe until the Germans declared war.

Maybe in terms of trench warfare. And why both sides abandoned it because it was so fucking horrific.

I'm just going to assume anyone who downplays WWI just doesn't know anything about it. Because that's usually the case.

>Europe was LOSING, which is why we entered the war
Oh thank goodness you did. The literal indifference and inaction on the US's behalf was definitely not the major cause of Hitler's uninterrupted rape of Europe. But you coming in at the last moment to nuke starving civilians into submission was the push we all needed.

>I created this thread which is exclusively about the 101st airborne.
And anons can't ever bring anything up that's tangentially related? Do you not know how conversations work? Follow the reply chain and try reading sometime.


The Government of the United States having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression.

On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force. Acting under this order, vessels of the American Navy, since early September 1941, have systematically attacked German naval forces. Thus, American destroyers, as for instance the Greer, the Kearney and the Reuben James, have opened fire on German submarines according to plan. The Secretary of the American Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that-American destroyers attacked German submarines.

Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States, under order of their Government and contrary to international law have treated and seized German merchant vessels on the high seas as enemy ships.

The German Government therefore establishes the following facts:

Although Germany on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the United States during every period of the present war, the Government of the United States from initial violations of neutrality has finally proceeded to open acts of war against Germany. The Government of the United States has thereby virtually created a state of war.
>tldr you're wrong

actually just to give your point some nuance, FDR wanted to join and so did many politicians but they couldnt garner full support but when Japan attacked the public support for a war against the Axis exploded, Germany declaring formal war was just a cherry on-top.

Nobody abandoned trench warfare, it was a result of the military tactics and equipment at the time. Nobody planned to have static warfare on an industrialized killing scale for 4 years.

You Brits are going to be like Superman's dad in the famous invincible son scene when you need help next.

>USSR: 20+ million casualties
>USA: 400,000
>Yeah guys we did all the work the USSR were just lazy commies asking for free handouts from America

I read an interesting opinion article on how American generals may have made a poor decision by not studying the German military doctrine and modifying the American doctrine accordingly because the statistically speaking German forces were far more effective that any allied force even when they were on the offensive or counter attacking.The allied solution was almost always strength in numbers.

Probably true, but in this scenario here we're removing the russian behemoth so that's a valid comparison.

The US didn't commit to have 6+ million of it's soldiers killed off and if you believe that you're an idiot.

The eastern front of ww2 is probably the worst war can possibly get - or at least has ever gotten. I'd pick being an infantryman in the trenches over fighting on the eastern front any day. At least in the trenches I get rotated out every two weeks.

Still wrong. There's a difference between engaging is sporadic combat and committing millions of troops for a mainland invasion force. American congress and senate were still largely against a war in Europe.

Were they not waiting to go to the specific theatre in the last episode?

>Were they not waiting to go to the specific theatre in the last episode?
Retard, did Japan not surrender before they even packed their footlockers?

reminder that nuking japan was actually the humane thing to do. Regardless of what ever talks the Japs had of "peace" the majority of the Cabinite was still in favour of a war and so was large portions of the population, death before dishonor. A land invasion of japan would have been an absolute slaughter on both sides, more horrifying and devastating than 2 nuclear blasts. Plus the US was shifting EVERY SINGLE strategic bomber from Europe to station in the pacific, they were going to FLATTEN japan from head to toe to convince them to submit before a land invasion and Okinawa was a show of how tough the Japs could get on their own soil. 2 Nukes is nothing in comparison to how bad the alternative would have been, its lucky Truman wanted to try and scare the soviets so he authorized the dropping of the bombs, more people would have died period if they hadn't been dropped.

>He who dies, wins
Are you Canadian?


LOL, so butthurt, and so wrong.

Good think we could've just nuked Berlin six times and been done with it

That's not Captain Marvel...

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I was just pointing how much of the fighting the USSR took on for the allied victory in Europe. Its easy to say the Americans won the war easily when someone else went through the hard part.


Watch the US joins the war episode of the BBC The World at War. It goes into detail about American government reluctance to join the war in Europe until Germany declared war.

FDR was another story though, he was fully committed to the war and saw the declaration as a saving grace since he could hold onto his support.

>reminder that nuking japan was actually the humane thing to do
t. boomer who unironically supported concentration camps for American citizens

I just love the fact that elderly warhawks convinced the American people that starving kids and mothers could invade America. Holy shit, what a lie.

>nuking civilians is better than committing combat troops to fighting other combat troops
morally, no

>retards ITT thinking we had to invade japan if the nukes didn't fly
we literally had their entire island nation blockaded and the people were starving more than churchill circa 1941

When the civilian casualties projected for that invasion are higher than the death toll of the atomic bombings, then yes.

That's a pragmatic way of looking at it, sure.

dude, Germany lost 80 percent of it ground forces on the Eastern Front. You can divide the 20% on poland, France the rest of Europe and Africa and the western front

And Hirohito's bitch ass would have let them starve too. You're welcome Japan.

Or they could have nuked the US back.

did you even read the post?

A ground invasion of Japan would have turned into a massively prolonged, bloody battle and insurgency, costing far more lives than two bombs dropped on the cities, the Japanese high command were arguing but still on the side of a war. Plus the Americans were planning to step up bombing raids through the roof, something that previously killed more than those bombs anyway. To argue that it would just be combat troops vs combat troops is ridiculous when you look at Okinawa and the results of combat in the heart of Europe, civilians died in the bucket load and the Japanese were firmly determined to fight till the end, even when Hiro tried to declare an unconditional surrender, a group of officers tried to stop the announcement, Japs were against this but with the Emperor giving his word and the news of two entire cities being wiped out with a single bomb, they were shocked and submitted. This would have not been the case with a prolonged, bloody land war. 250k deaths in 2 bombs is far more shocking than 500k+ over several month long ground invasion and bombing, which it would have been. It was obviously a horrible thing to do and nobody in their right mind is happy to do that but its a necessary evil vs actually having to wage a ground invasion against Japan along with the strategic mission being planned.

Japs were arming civilians in preparation for an invasion. Sometimes with sharpened sticks and random field implements. The Jap civilian population was held prisoner by the military much like modern day north korea.

>did you even read the post?
yes, did you read mine?

Or maybe they were a proud warrior nation that wasn't allowed its own manifest destiny.

Clearly you didnt even read my post again so

>Imperial Japan
They were the niggers of asia at the time. Go to bed Tojo.

The US had a lot of incompetent or at the very least mediocre generals. This was probably the direct the result of the fast mobilization of the US armed forces - which just a few years prior to World war 2 had a smaller standing army than Portugal.

Compare this to Germany (or rather; Prussia) which had a very long tradition of always fighting outmatched and outnumbered and had perfected tactics that still allowed them to win. This is also reflected in the way that Germany had to win all of it's campaigns in a short amount of time, as they could not sustain a long war as well as Russia or the US.

>it's another spielberg jew revenge fantasy episode

Clearly you're not understanding the difference between a plethora of hypothetical against the facts of the bombing as we know them.

>muh niggers of ______
great argument

yea you're right, america should never bail europe out of a problem ever again, ungrateful cunts.

>great argument
And where is yours exactly? Manifest destiny? Cry more weeb.

>smaller standing army than Portugal
the fuck? the US is a massive country that owned a bunch of overseas territories, basically colonies. how the fuck did they justify having a tiny army? buncha tards

This entire thread is shit and you've all just had your weekend passes revoked.

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yeah because it's not like the Russians wouldn't have continued their 2 month long advance into Germany or anything.

>war gains allowed for me, but not for thee
I'm just not a retard that looks at history as good guys vs. the bad guys.

Sounds accurate enough actually
>you will never spend your days tanning, playing cards and smoking/drinking to your hearts content in the North African desert only a few days drive off the Mediterranean Sea and occasionally dropping bombs on enemy tanks

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This. Let em rot the next time.

they bombed Japan befor the could surrender to the russian, read the Book " Hiroshima-Stalins greatest Fail"

>and so was large portions of the population
Most of the japanese population was against the war towards the end. They had been fighting a war since 1937 and except for brief periods of victories against the UK and US they were constantly losing which in turn reflected on civilian life (hardships, widespread famine, etc)

Even a large part of the officer class were in favour of ending the war.

Having said that the nukes were probably still the humane thing to do. If for nothing else it ended the war and allowed the US to ship in massive food aid to a starving population.

>A ground invasion of Japan
Why did you need to invade a collapsing island with starving women and children? Why did you nuke them if you were so concerned about the bloodshed?

Imagine being brainwashed.

Pffttttt I posted the wrong one, that’s a cosplay of THIS pic

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this is what americans actualy believe lol.

>war gains allowed for me, but not for thee
So everyone is allowed to invade anyone else without consequence? Japan attacked america first user, they reaped the consequences and all of asia was thankful to be rid of them.

Everyone cut back on their military spenditure during the inter-war period. The US especially so since it was under threat from nobody and needed to cut funds in order to deal with depression.

Anyone is allowed to invade anyone, but after it happens you should have faggots crying on internet forums about who was mean and who was the good guy for beating them.

eeeee they're the niggers of [insert region here] get em

>400,000 americans gave their lives to fight a european war caused by euro fags over euro problems

>At least in the trenches I get rotated out every two weeks.

no retard u had to rush the enemy trench and got fucking rekt or gassed by chlorine. thats why it was called a sitting war. countries literally traded hundreds of thousands of men for a few metres and maybe, maybe a trench. how can you be so fucking stupid.

probably wouldn't have been as many deaths if you joined earlier and learned the ropes like the rest of us

>the russians
you mean the guys that none of you would trust today? like ever? the guys who set up the berlin wall and would have done that in every european country they wanted had it not been for america? yea russians are bro tier they would totally have helped you out

>but after it happens you should have faggots crying on internet forums about who was mean and who was the good guy for beating them.
You mean like you were doing? More like, after it happens you shouldn't have weeb faggots moaning about muh proud warrior nation. Look at Japan's actual conduct during the war and rethink your idiotic comment.


oh that makes sense, forgot all about the depression. i guess im the tard

who says I don't trust the Russians? they're not the expanding Soviet Union anymore. in fact what they do on the world stage in the 21st century is pretty based.

>sending in hundreds of thousands of american troops to fight on the ground while strategic bombers flatten every major city in the country as the high command demand death before dishonor is better than bumping two cities off the map and then helping rebuild them

the island was collapsing but it wasnt collapsed. The bombs were a sign to the Japanese to give up and surrender unconditionally, something they were so firmly against. Okinawan civilians were starving and completely fucked but it was some of the worst fighting seen in WW2 other than the western front, civilians died in their masses.

We were busy killing Japs, the ones that actually attacked us.

this is what modern plebs actually believe

Is this what /int/ talks about all day? What a worthless, irrelevant board.

What movie is this?

Japan was a proud warrior nation though, I don't know why this upsets you.
>Look at Japan's actual conduct during the war
Yeah and I look at the British Empires conduct over the centuries and I don't winge an declare the UK is evil and should be extinguished from the planet. I look at a nation looking out for themselves.

eastern front**

Which is why when you first encountered actual disciplined troops engaging in combined arms warfare you got swamped.

>in fact what they do on the world stage in the 21st century is pretty based.
Unless you're Ukraine. Or any eastern european nation in their area of interest. Or Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

i need no hamburger to teach me, keep your retarded education and dont forget to do your holocaust homework before bedtime.

you do realized that you rotated every 2 weeks on the front lines right? its a complete myth you would sit in the same trench for months

>he thinks anything in the pacific can compare to the level of violence in eastern europe

Attached: remove children.png (500x628, 324K)

Problem Child 2

Oh no, they took Crimea for perfectly understandable and practical reasons. What douchebags! Meanwhile NATO and the EU has been encroaching on Russia for decades and committed more heinous and vile acts than Russia has/

wrong pic

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>Japan was a proud warrior nation though
sure thing weeb
>declare the UK is evil and should be extinguished from the planet
You're imagining things again user, you must have this problem a lot.
>I look at a nation looking out for themselves.
Then why laud a nation that clearly wasn't looking out for itself like Japan?

nothing can but the 2nd worst front was the pacific, western front was pretty good compared to pacific and eastern. eastern was hell incarnate fought by two nations that were determined not to lose and hated each other

i find it hard to believe you would survive a rotation.

>expanding your empire isn't looking out for yourself
wow wow wow

well most people did so

Oh wow, didn't know we had an actual russian shill in the thread. Awesome.
>Oh no, they took Crimea for perfectly understandable and practical reasons.
Which were?
>NATO and the EU has been encroaching on Russia for decades
How are some nations signing a mutual defense pact an encroachment on Russia if Russia has no plans to invade anyone?
and committed more heinous and vile acts than Russia has/
Such as?

So you pretty much believe that the life expectancy in the trenches was a maximum of two weeks?

we also ended it with the nukes because eurofags were too dumb to figure it out

Go to bed, Vlad.

>german armour
>per square km
The Battle of Kursk, playing out as a vast battle over a large area with so many separate actions and moving parts as to be almost considered a miniature theatre/campaign totaled far more armoured vehicles than the Normandy campaign. But much of this total came from the Soviet side who enjoyed a huge numerical superiority in those vehicles.
The Germans had 18 armoured formations (division or brigade strength) at or around Kursk and 11 to prevent the western breakout in Normandy. So relative to the ground being fought over the Americans Canadians and British had to fight through more of the best armour in the world.

Sevastopol, warm water port.
>he doesn't know about the CIA glow niggers in Kiev

>1% of the dying
>99% of the glory
Maybe next time you'll play your hand better.

>doing so while attacking a much larger and well established empire that dooms your own to invasion
Glad you thought this one out Tojo.

>99% of the glory
l m a o

>Oh thank goodness you did. The literal indifference and inaction on the US's behalf was definitely not the major cause of Hitler's uninterrupted rape of Europe.
I wonder where the weird european conceit that America is obligated to save their asses comes from. By all rights we could have just let germany or russia gobble you up.
>I don't like the way you saved me!
Foreigners are genuinely like spoiled children, which makes sense since you've been so infantilized from hiding under America's skirt for the last century.

Well that’s because you have no idea what your talking about.

>Sevastopol, warm water port.
And? Anyone is allowed to take russia's shit then I guess.
>anyone that dislikes my russian puppet man is a cia REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Do you actually believe this garbage?

What choice do you have when your oil supplier shuts off the pipes? You do know how important oil is, right? It's not like the Americans would have stood back if the Japanese had tried for the East Indies.

just want to add onto what this guy is saying, im not some retarded russia-boo supporter or bot but people should always remember that after the USSR collapsed, not only did millions of ethnic russians find themselves across the wrong side of the border over night but NATO didn't disband (something that was formed to counter the warsaw pact), they promised not to expand NATO (but not in writing which Yeltsin has been completely slammed for) which they did ever increasingly around Russia's borders.

Things arent as black and white as people say but I am not condoning Russia in the 21st Century, it had the perfect chance to work with the west and there was even hope of it joining NATO but it has obviously gone down its own route.

>And? Anyone is allowed to take russia's shit then I guess.
If they could sure.

>Do you actually believe this garbage?
You do know the CIA operates in Kiev, right?

>What choice do you have when your oil supplier shuts off the pipes?
Maybe not murder people like an autist. Probably a difficult concept for you to grasp.

FDR was just mad that some nip hooker didn’t want his cripple dick.

>You do know the CIA operates in Kiev, right?

>murdering people
Right, so Japan should have just stood back and did nothing as their entire oil based civilization crumbles. Makes sense.


The Soviets would've invaded before long.

>It's your fault I invaded everything in sight REEEEEEEEE
Sounds like a personal problem.

John Brennan just likes taking his vacations there I guess.

You have a child's perception of geopolitics and warfare.

>invade everything across Asia for your own gain and conquest
>threaten your main oil supplier with moving troops all around their islands

So no proofs then.

>What choice do you have when your oil supplier shuts off the pipes?
start experimenting with plague bombs, performing live vivisections on pregnant women, and attack pearl harbor I guess

Moralizing isn't going to get you anywhere.

Yeah invasions are typically done for some kind of gain.

> So relative to the ground being fought over the Americans Canadians and British had to fight through more of the best armour in the world.

you mean RAF&USAF since u had total air superiority ? yeah must've been hard bombing those KT. inb4 muh ardenes

Probably shouldn't have tried to colonize China then.
Your argument becomes contradictory. Japan should 'look out for itself' by trying to expand it's empire but such expansion led to a war they couldn't win leading to a diplomatic and foreign relations crisis leading to a resource crisis leading to yet another war they couldn't win which they had to fight simultaneously with the previous war.
I have no idea how in the mess of Japanese 20th century militarism you could come to the conclusion that they were aiding Japan in really anyway.

Attached: P-47 strafing a Tiger tank.webm (576x360, 644K)

USA was firebombing major cities killing hundreds of thousands throughout the war anyway

yeh but when you invade around your main oil supplier, attacking and taking land and supplies from their allies and putting pressure on them, why would you be surprised that they tell you to fuck off and stop selling you oil? youre pretty stupid to get upset that they took your toys away when you start tipping chairs over in their backyard

oof, so hard, freedom and hard choices XDDD

In retrospect yes, yes they shouldn't have tried their hand in empire building when other empires say that's a bad idea. But that has nothing to do with Japan having more than every right to try.

>attack your supplier of oil
Hey retard, the oil was cut off before Pearl Harbour.

>tfw when you realise 90% of antisemitism stems from germans sperging out about them when they started losing ww1

>acts in wartime are morally acceptable

its all shades of black user, war is about one thing, killing people, killing 1 person to save 5 is as morally acceptable as it can get in war

>when you realize that maybe it's the fault of the Jew for being kicked out of every nation he has ever occupied

The battle of the Bulge is the only time the mutts came to know a real fire on their fat asses. Basically the best of the shitty Western Nazi divisions nearly destroy half the American forces advancing towards Germany. Had the cream of the crop armies of the eastern front fought in the west, no American/Anglo would dare look a German in the eye for a 1000 years. The Soviets won the war in Europe everything else is Hollywood bullshit

That's a great platitude, I'll have to write that one down.

That's a pragmatic decision, not a moral one.

>European War
It was called a World War for a reason, you fucktard

>russkies and weebs both getting BTFO and asspained

i never said they attacked american before the oil war cut off. My point is they were spreading across Asia and around various American islands and countries America was friendly with. Japan knew it was upsetting the US so they cant really complain when their only oil supplier takes it away lol they arent going to support someone threatening them and their friends

>banks fucks you up
>literally bankrupt
>lose war
>pay 1.0000.0000.000 million
yeah, i would go for round 2 aswell

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japan was just desperate to be noticed & on global map.

>Japan knew it was upsetting the US so they cant really complain when their only oil supplier takes it away lol they arent going to support someone threatening them and their friends
Yeah I'm generally upset when a neighbour moves in but I don't reee about it. The decision to cut off the oil had nothing to do with the American perception of barbarity with the Japanese, and they thoughtfulness for Asian civilizations being killed. It's just a strange position to take when you have to engage in moral posturing to justify largely political decisions.

>Americans Canadians and British had to fight through more of the best armour in the world.
Yeah. Best armour, at the end of the war, while Germany didn't have decent iron ore anymore and made dogshit tanks.

>and the thoughtfulness for Asian civilians being killed*

North African campaign sounds like kino.

The way that baseball game scene is shot and narrated is the most emotional I’ve ever gotten watching something. I didn’t cry but I felt sad as shit for a few hours.
t. OIF vet

If choosing to spare 5 lives for the cost of 1 life isn't a moral decision then not only have every moral psychologist been doing basic questions of morals wrong for decades but morals dont exist, only pragmatic decisions.

Choosing to nuke 200 thousand people is superior to invading a country of 70 million people in a land war is arguably a superior choice, and a more morally correct one. Doesnt make it good or actually morally good, just a lighter shade of grey in a war that was already the bloodiest human conflict in history and for the american, had entered it 4th year.

>OIF vet

Germans invaded neutral countries and were basically giant retards that brought a lot of hatred their way when it wasn't necessary. Not surprising they got shit on, they deserved it.

Eh. Sorry, but you're not gonna convince me of Germany having qualitative inferiority when it comes to armoured operations at any point in the war. IIRC they got high-quality iron ore from Sweden and trade was not interrupted so where do you get this iron shortage from? I know there were shortages in bauxite, tungsten and chemical resources.

That's not a moral decision. Are the lives of 2 combat troops worth more than the lives of 1 civilian? Who makes that determination and how?

>Yeah I'm generally upset when a neighbour moves in but I don't reee about it.
If your neighbor was a serial killer you might feel a bit different.

>ywn commit acts of genocide with your bros

>serial killer
More moral posturing.

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>Europe was LOSING, which is why we entered the war.
Ameritards actually believe this, lol. The only reason US entered the war was to prevent soviets from taking over the Europe.

>it's ok to have a neighbor that's invading everything in sight
More retardation


Attached: the original shitpost.jpg (1024x641, 256K)

>At least in the trenches I get rotated out every two weeks.

At least on the eastern front you wouldn't be gassed. Read about the guys so thirsty they drink from the muddy puddles without thinking about how they are contaminated. Its not a good way to go.

I'd take Eastern Front of WW1 trench any day.

Self-preservation or a preemptive strike is hardly moralistic navel-gazing come on user.

>take credit for Russia's victory
LOL amerikkka

>that part in the book where he’s describing how the Japs we’re pulling planes out of the Mitsubishi factories with Oxen all the way to port to load on the carriers

yeah it's not a direct comparison but I'm still not wrong. Empires forged in war upset at empire currently in the forge.

You can call it self-preservation without calling the Japanese serial killing niggers as if that means anything coming from a serial killing nigger.

more like
>get yourself blockaded
>run out of food
>citizens and military start revolting
>blame it on the jews

me on the right

>For the past 4 years
>Not knowing anything about the invasion of North Africa
Will people stop bashing American involvement in WW2? Americans started fighting in 1942 and had a military casualty rate similar to the UK. The US helped liberate France, the Philippines, Italy, and much of North Africa. Also, despite what tankies might say, Lend Lease played a major role in the Soviet victory on the Eastern Front.

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>No enemy plane will fly over the reich
Oh really?

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Frogs held the line during ww1 tho.

>invasion of North Africa
literally joined at the tail end and still got creamed by Rommel.

>DPS (& temp tank)
Russia, heavy hitter of the counterattack on Germany

Britain, finally halting the advance of the German invasion and shaking their resolve

US, support and provisions for the allies

Who else?

>weeb getting this butthurt

Amerimutts are so salty lol.

Not even a watcher of Japanese children cartoons, just someone who doesn't have an infants view of world history.

Attached: Holocaust Mk2 Lancaster Boogaloo.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

>>No enemy plane will fly over the reich
P-51: "Hello."

France - noob tank that gets kicked out asap.

the fuck you neets talkin about?

>just someone who doesn't have an infants view of world history
>proud warrior nation

The invasion of Japan wouldn't have been combat troops vs combat troops. the battle of Okinawa lead to the death of nearly 150 thousand civilians and 100 thousand soldiers. Did 200 thousand civilians DESERVE to die in the nukes? not really no, almost nobody deserved to die in WW2 in the grand scheme. But to say that more than 200 thousand civilians would die in the coming invasion of japan by land and air is almost a surefire assumption, then you have the lives of American and Japanese combat troops, which have a large number of conscripts (especially he Japanese side, at this point every man and teenager was being equipped and sent off, like the Germans), who would also die in the actual fighting and bombing. With the attitudes of the Japanese commanders and war cabinet, it would take a length show of force across the Japanese homeland to make them finally accept dishonor rather than death. The dropping of the bombs was a show that they were 200% fucked and finally convinced them into accepting unconditional surrender, something they wouldn't accept before, only conditional. I am sure it also triggered some existential fears within them about the fact that two cities were wiped from the map in a blink of an eye too, adding to the tipping towards accepting unconditional. It is an absolute case of a moral choice. At least 200 thousand civilian casualties alone could have been expected in a land invasion of japan, let alone the combat deaths of american and Japanese troops alike.

yeah. bit was well where they can barely supply guadalcanal and they're swimming out to the fuel barrels and supplies that've just been dumped offshore.

>What was the Spartacist Uprising
>What was the Entente Power deliberately starving 100,000 civillians after the war ended for no other reason than spite
>What was the Balfour Declaration

Citizens and military started revolting before the war even ended leading to the instatement of a Social Democratic Party and a succession of weak coup attempts mainly spurred by the legacy of the war and anger towards how much bullshit went into the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations. Anglos and Jews are bad news desu

Yep, they were proud and lived in a society that valued and honoured combat.

>I'd take Eastern Front
It gets chilly over here. Fancy some frostbites?

I like how you ignored the rest of the examples though

We're not having a debate on the implications of an Invasion of Japan, we're talking about what is and isn't pragmatic as opposed to moral.

ironically though, the french tank was superior on paper with its stats at the outbreak of the war and invasion of france, but it was wielded by pre-war commanders under the command of pre-war generals. German blitzkrieg ran circles around them and the french didnt have enough tanks to keep the lines with their outdated tactics

The german were surprised by the good quality of french tanks

Who was in the wrong here?

Failed in North Africa.
Philippines was your own engagement for your own benefit.
Italy was pretty good.

>all gearscore and no skill

Maybe from the point of view of a general. When you're the individual Marine fighting on those godforsaken islands against the deranged japs, it was a pretty fucking difficult time.

okay then, is it moral to end 1 life to save 5? my argument is that it is moral to kill 1 person to save 5, that the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was the necessary evil because it is morally correct choice when compared with the task and almost certain slaughter of a land invasion.

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>my argument is that it is moral to kill 1 person to save 5
I too would kill 1 baby to save 5 rapists

french tactics= balanced troop compositions
german tactic = tank stack

lame ass tryhard teamstackers

Airborne is the biggest meme in the military. I don't know why retards fall for their shit

>when the pay-2-win kid gets demolished

>Airborne is the biggest meme in the military


>using tanks wrong

>Spartacist uprising
Happened after the war ended.
>Entente starving citizens for spite
Spite after being on the defending edge of the worst war in human history up to that point, imagine that.
>Balfour declaration
Has what to do with German Jews in Germany apparently being responsible for defeat?
>bullshit went into the ToV and LoN
The treaty was pretty moderate compared to Brest-Litovsk and Germany's own plans for a western settlement. Stop painting the German fucking Empire as some noble victim and ignoring history.
Weimar was fairly stable from the recovery years after post-war chaos died down up to the Wall Street Crash. That's what got the nazis into power and started the path to round 2.

Not him but paratrooping large amounts of cannon fodder into enemy territory is not very effective.

Really? Because it seemed pretty effective on D-Day and Crete.

Don't forget France...
>Philippines was your own conflict and doesn't count
Why do foreigners (assumedly eurofags) always bitch about us not being as involved in Europe as Germany or Russia? We liberated 2 major countries and gave the Soviets insane amounts of weapons, ammo, and misc supplies. Fucks sake what more do you want?

>the guy whose whole character was 'dickhead who nobody likes'
>there from the start, fights in every battle, there at the end
>always a dickhead
>who knows, he's just always a dickhead
>in a company whose members got so tight they made a fucking bestselling story out of it
There's always just this one fucking guy

Doing more dying =/= doing more work

>being that guy that spams sweepkick and calls it skill

the loan repayments on that shit is what crippled the Anglo Empire

>not supporting your fellow soldier who might be fucked up from fighting in North Africa and getting torpedoed by a Uboat.

>USSR: didn't give a shit about their people
>USA: did

pretty sure you don't just use them on their own. They seemed pretty useful capturing shit like bridges before sappers could blow them up.

You do realize you weren't the only ones to give Russians equipment


meant for

>don't forget poland

these people doing more dying, were they dying in combat?

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All right all right.
We all seem to be skirting the big question.
How can any society justify the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children non-combatants, considerably more than that in generational radiation poisoning, all to flex at another emerging superpower?

>give civilian pointy stick
>they are now combat troop

>Happened after the war ended.
Yes, after the German Revolution where the socdems then decided to purge the communists alongside the Freikorps.
>Well all those starving German women and children had it coming anyways because their husbands and father's fought in the war
Go fuck yourself
>Had what to do with German Jews
Zionism was an international phenomenom and Jews are a diaspora people. Let's do some basic arithmetic , shall we?
>Whataboutism about Brest Litovsk
I like how everyone ignores the Bolsheviks in that age old fallacy.
>Weimar was fairly stable
... No ... No it wasn't. There was starvation, en masse prostitution, multipr coup attempts, armed militias in the streets, and eventually a massive bubble economy that lead to the rise of national socialism. Are you serious? Weimar Germany was extremely unstable.

>better nuke these Japs, the pointy sticks will kill all our marines

probably because it led to less deaths than the alternative

No, just the absolute majority of it by an extremely large margin next to the British.

>USSR: 20+ million casualties
>USA: 400,000
You're whining that we had a far higher KDR?

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That's still besides the point you think men dying engaged in combat isn't doing work. Americans like you are so cringe and hard to take seriously.



>Because it seemed pretty effective on D-Day
D-Day tv-series?

Yep, getting absolutely rekt.

Because they weren't the world police back then, so there was no need to

conventional firebombing of tokyo killed more civilians per raid. Dying by fire or smoke inhalation probably just as bad if not worse as getting vaporized.

>letting all of europe get taken over by the soviets

great plan

Deaths of combatants do not equate to deaths of non-combatants.

The reasons you named actually prove that Weimar was fairly stable since it took a global financial crisis to finish it off. Until then it prevailed.

>That's still besides the point you think men dying engaged in combat isn't doing work
... Okay, that has to be the most brainlet strawman I've seen on here so far. Where the fuck, okay no cite specifically where I said "men fighting and dying in the war doesn't count as work" after I said that we liberated 2 major European nations in WW2.

Fucks sake

Had the other side won we'd be learning about the evil allies instead of the evil axis. It's all relative. WW2 was pure insanity

>Canada fighting since start of the war
>lose less than the yanks
I'm interested in how you'll respond to that.

>Doing more dying =/= doing more work

your argument doesnt work. you have a problem with 200k Japanese (belligerent side) civilians dying in 2 bombs. But cant see that at least that number would die anyway in the coming invasion, alongside the actual military personal on both sides also dying (many of which are conscripts, especially on the Japanese side), so yes, there is some sense of equality in the dilemia because on either side of the track is a fuck ton of Japanese civilians, the other also has tons of combat personal stacked up on the side. More Japanese civilians would have died if there was an invasion by land, thus it is a moral choice to drop the bombs to save lives.

>durrr I sent in 20 million starving down's syndrome peasants armed with rocks, that's far better than your group of highly trained troops with state of the art equipment, armored divisions, air support, etc. In fact each retarded useless peasant is equal if not better than one career special forces operator

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>be daddy America
>the kids in europe are fighting again
>hope they'll work it out
>they don't
>go save them again
>have to develop nuclear bombs, build bases, and make threats to keep them peaceful for the last 70 years
>they still find ways to destroy themselves
We should give up. There's no helping those idiots in europe. They're suicidal.

>that's far better than your group of highly trained troops with state of the art equipment, armored divisions, air support
Surely you're not talking about the Americans.

>be japanese infantryman
>join the war effort to protect your family and home
>suffer hard battles, losing friends but stay strong for your family
>one day find out your entire family has been vaporised or burned to death

>Until then it prevailed
It lasted for 15 years during which it experienced multiple coup attempts, paramilitaries fighting in the streets, and was essentially just the whore of the League of Nations who couldn't do anything to stop the rising tide of communists and fascists in its own ranks towards the end of it's life
>It take a global financial crisis to end it
Which also ended virtually no other nations because despite how severe it was no other nations were quite as unstable as the Weimar Republic

the invasion of japan would have yielded at least equal civilian deaths, if not more, with the death of combatants of both sides and the elongation of an already drawn out war with a forgone conclusion of Japanese loss. yes america was flexing to the soviets but they were planning on dropping the bombs, they just sped the process up to get it in before the peace talks in europe. Every possible scenario other than "conditional surrender" leads to at least equal number of deaths in japan as the nukes, often far far more.

>More Japanese civilians would have died if there was an invasion by land, thus it is a moral choice to drop the bombs to save lives.
Can you see into alternate realities or something?

... So you couldn't find anything to cite your brainlet strawman then. Okay, cool

>then decided to purge the communists alongside the Freikorps.
I'm not sure why you're opposing purging commies and PTSD ridden extra-judicial paramilitaries but ok.
>all those starving German women and children had it coming anyways
Very few deserve what they get in a war. But I'm not sure why you're getting so emotional over a few hundred thousand German citizens compared to the hell most of Europe had been going through.
>ignores the Bolsheviks
Why should they be considered? The Germans decided the terms.
Dog-whistling about Versailles as the be all end all of punitive treaties and unfair treatment is simply moronic. Especially since many of the provisions became inactive - like the payments stopping once Germany defaulted on her loans.
I also think moaning about vague Zionist tendencies that did... something... to harm Germany is useless. If you have literally anything that proves the same German jews who bought war bonds and were murdered in the trenches were also a fifth column acting to harm Germany then post it.
About weimar, you also ignored that I said after the post-war chaos. Are you going to start posting about it's degeneracy now?

don't worry user. europe is embracing the religion of peace

You didn't even explain how your retarded post is even true. It's undeniable Russians did more work than the Americans.

buttblasted retarded peasant

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you realize that America invaded other japanese islands and their inhabitants were brainwashed into being suicidal zealots. There's footage of women throwing themselves and their children off cliffs to avoid the gaijins

Why do yuros get so assblasted over getting their asses saved twice by the US in the world wars

Because they refused to surrender

And are you going to provide proofs that more world have died? statistics?

the eastern front was horrific, in so many ways.
really recommend pic related. shockingly honest and brilliantly written first hand account of the russian front from a german infantrymans perspective.

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All the japs did was enslave and genocide everyone they came into contact with. It's understandable that the civilians would think that the enemy would show them the same courtesy if they won. Unfortunately they didn't realize that not everyone is as barbaric as a jap.

There was no reason to join earlier as it wasn't our fucking problem. That commie-sympathizing faggot FDR wanted to make it our fucking problem tho

Seriously if it wasn't for the US Germany might have gotten a better peace deal in WW1 therefore averting the entire second half


Real life is not a video game

They got BTFO more, naturally. Because the Germans invaded them.

Yeah, except all of europe would have been soviet satellite states

>clean up duty for WWI
ww2 comes along
>now America, you have to be a big boy and share your toys

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>still hasn't explained his retardation
still waiting

Inferiority complex. They overhype the >muh eastern front bullshit just so they don’t have to give America any compliments.

Russians didn't do any work. Winter and poor planning did all the hard work of killing the Germans.

What? Wilson was one of the few leaders that didn't believe in punishment for Germany. I guess you could argue that if they'd been treated harsher they'd be physically incapable of fighting back.

>America this war is YOUR FAULT for saving us the first time
>Now save us again!

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>didn't do anything in North Africa of note
>did some stuff in Italy
>helped the rest of us invade France
>gave us some gear to fight with
thanks for the assistance yankboys

stop baiting me

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>Maybe in terms of trench warfare. And why both sides abandoned it because it was so fucking horrific.
what a dumbass. Are they gonna abandon guns next because they're so horrific?

>saved twice
I'll give you ww2 because whatever it's a cesspit for historical study but America had very little to do with the outcome of the war militarily.
If you were making a point about credit loans and munitions shipments fine.

Meaning that when the US got involved it turned the tide in France and Britain's favor, whereas the alternative may have ended in a stalemate.

A) Allow the Japs a conditional surrender, entering peace talks and giving them what they want, despite the fact they started the war, committed awful crimes and refused to surrender after battles, only to kill Americans. (no)

B) Surround Japan, starve it out without a ground invasion (or air campaign) while telling to to surrender unconditionally, this results in civilians dying en-masse due to a lack of food while the upper commands and emperor get the last of the food, until there is a violent uprising/coup where they finally give in, this has no expected end date, could take months.

C) Same as B but you absolutely blast them from their air with air raids and the total force of strategic bombers of the allies, all of which have joined from the European front now, making it the largest air force ever created, resulting in complete destruction of Japan, head to toe. Previous fire bombing raids of Tokyo and other cities resulted in more deaths than both nukes because of the firestorms.

D) Bloody land invasion of Japan against a highly zealous fighting force, desperate to defend their homes and families from the invaders, twinned with their death before dishonor culture. Causing this to be an Okinawa on steroids while we also enacted plan C), destroying japan entirely, killing hundreds of thousands, if not 1 million+ of people in the end with American combat troop loses included. Could last many weeks, if not months.

E) Drop two nuclear weapons on industrial cities (not hyper populated civilian cities, of which there was many options), to shock the Japanese into surrendering because a weapon has been used like no other, with no idea of how many more of these weapons exist, a weapon that could wipe the planet. Hiro was conscious of this existential crisis. Also doubled as a warning to the Soviets, who held peace talks with Germany and the allies shortly after.

Submitting japan would have been a massively bloody & costly endeavor regardless.

The Germans invaded Russia.
The Germans didn't invade America.
This isn't rocket science, mongoloid. Do some critical thinking.

>outcome of the
*First World War

that's a real term dumbass

>saved twice
from whom? atleast say you defeated us instead of that "le savior" bullshit

nobody cares that you can strage RPG jump the building on crossfire, noob

It literally can though. Just like the eastern front neither side took prisoners. In addition, look at Tarawa for example. 5,000 dead over less than one square mile island. While the overall numbers are completely dwarfed by the eastern front, the ratio of the carnage was almost just as bad if you look at it from the point of view of an infantryman

did all the hard work killing the soviets too. Eastern front was a clusterfuck of logistics

>I'm not sure why you're opposing purging commies and PTSD ridden extra-judicial paramilitaries but ok.
The paramilitaries were the ones who took power and I was making the point that the German Revolution began before the war ended, brainlet.
>But I'm not sure why you're getting so emotional over a few hundred thousand German citizens compared to the hell most of Europe had been going through
Oh yeah no, deliberately starving hundreds of thousands of civillians because "muh reparations" was nothing because eww Germans. Compared to who exactly? No really, beyond I guess the Armenians and the Russians, what civilian population had it worse after WW1 than the Germans who were deliberately starved en masse?
>Why are you getting so emotional
Idk, something about children starving in the streets gets to me. Guess I'm just a pussy eh?
>Germans decided the terms
With who exactly? O-oh yeah, violent communists who were not disarmed or deliberately starved to death by the Germans. You wouldn't happen to be a butthurt pole would you?
>If you have proof
Zionism and the Balfour Declaration. I already did.
>What did that do
Got Americans to join the war and made up a bulwark of socialist and communist dissenters as per their diaspora nature. You can point to the German Jews who served proudly in the military as an apex fallacy in the same vein that Nazis point to zionist and leftist Jews like Luxembourg all you want, but yeah there were issues with Jews being against German interests during the war. Not that it's a major issue compared to the rest of the ethnic factors of ww1
>You ignored how I said it's post war chaos
Mainly because it never really escaped it

>Europeans calling it a world war to shame other countries who obviously realized it was stupid

>muh Africa
>muh Italy
Literal irrelevant campaigns

Not really. The failure of the German Spring Offensive was due to French and British response to the frankly poorly planned offensive. American soldiers had nothing to do with it.
Then the Entente Hundred Days's offensive which provided the heavy defeat on the Western Front needed to bring the Germans to terms used American soldiers in only a subsidiary role. The French and to a lesser extent the British and Canadian armies played a much larger role.

Stalingrad was worse than every single island hopping campaign waged by the Americans.

The goal of war is to not die. Looks like soviets were very bad at it and got carried to me.

The Americans saved all the cucks in western Europe and all the cucks in eastern Asia and the Pacific too. That's why all of them have been under USA's influence since the end of WWII.

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Literally wrong.

When did I say the Russians didn't do more work? Once again, you're just strawmanning me

can we give credit where credit is due: Hitler single-handedly brought about the end of colonialism.

>99% of the glory
Oh wow american movie studios make movies about american experiences, how controversial

>there's a difference between committing acts of war and committing acts of war

>America single handedly defeats the Japs
>durrr Dey dindin nuthin
Riiiiiiight. Most of your countries just bent over and allowed the Germans to rape all your women.

If the nukes had not been dropped the soviets would have invaded Hokkaido at the very least. Under their occupation as many or more Japanese civilians would have died.


No, they would've lost anyway. Our guys showed up at the end of the Kaiser offensive, the German army kind of burned themselves out on it.

When you replied
>Doing more dying =/= doing more work
to someone giving casualty statistics comparing the US to the Soviet Union, retard.

>oi m8 we saved this useless patch of sand we did
Who gives a shit? Cope harder.

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>literally doesn't see the difference between a ship firing at a plane and hundreds of thousands of troops invading a fucking continent

The goal of war is to win the war you absolute retard.

>Hitler single-handedly brought about the end of colonialism.
it didnt end until 1991
lets be real, communism is just a variant of colonialism rather than a traditional empire, you just turn everyone into a puppet state that reports to Moscow/Bejing, therefore that honor goes to America, making the Brits dismantle their empire and pressured the USSR until it crumbled.

>oi m8 we saved this useless patch of sand we did
You just described the Pacific War.

For you.

The japs deserved to be wiped out for their chimpouts. They're lucky they got away with only 2 nukes.

I didn't? You're confusing me with someone else

My mistake then.

>Single handedly defeated the Japs
Chinese and Soviets objectively did more than we did

Reminder that the Japanese soldier was the worst combatant in the entire war, no other soldier engaged in that level of barbarity and fighting to the death, not the Soviet or the German.

lend-lease gave:
58% of the USSR's high octane aviation fuel
33% of their motor vehicles
53% of USSR domestic production of expended ordnance (artillery shells, mines, assorted explosives)
30% of fighters and bombers
93% of railway equipment (locomotives, freight cars, wide gauge rails, etc.)
50–80% of rolled steel, cable, lead, and aluminium
43% of garage facilities (building materials & blueprints)
12% of tanks and SPGs
50% of TNT (1942-1944) and 33% of ammunition powder (in 1944)[54]
16% of all explosives (from 1941–1945, the USSR produced 505,000 tons of explosives and received 105,000 tons of Lend-Lease imports)


My grandfather was captured at Hong Kong. He said the Americans were fat, lazy and sluggish.

You mean that massive ocean that Eurocucks literally did absolutely nothing in?

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I didn't say he ended it but he did create the conditions that brought about the collapse of colonial empires

Soviets btfo

oh dont be modest, you did plenty

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Yeah the massive ocean containing little of consequence for the ETO.

>The battle of the Bulge is the only time the mutts came to know a real fire on their fat asses. Basically the best of the shitty Western Nazi divisions nearly destroy half the American forces advancing towards Germany. Had the cream of the crop armies of the eastern front fought in the west, no American/Anglo would dare look a German in the eye for a 1000 years. The Soviets won the war in Europe everything else is Hollywood bullshit

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yeh but saying that is like saying that hitler brought about the creation of nuclear weapons because his war forced the americans to step it up, thus he caused the cold war, thus he created the internet. Hitler caused Yea Forums

You showed him!

And that's a good thing

Are you going to not be a brainlet? There was an expected 2 million casualties the Americans expected just for themselves.

thanks Hitler

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provide proofs :DDD

They were fighting as early as 1941 in the Philippines

>Americans didn't participate in North Africa so we're better
>We didn't participate in the Pacific or eastern Asia? Th-that doesn't c-count!

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>literally doesn't know what committing an act of war is

Anime is proof that 2 nukes we're not enough, my dude.

>armoured divisions, air support etc
The USSR produced similar if not more aircraft and armoured vehicles during ww2 than the USA

Oh you participated in North Africa, (which was probably twice as important as SE Asia) you just got smashed.

lose first battle =/= get creamed by rommel

You're an actual retard. Believable.

USSR actually had the largest air force in the world before the war.

"fighting", more like just got their asses wooped alongside the British

who? its been a few years since I've seen it

well, indirectly. More directly he was able to destabilize the colonial powers through direct attacks against them. UK had to agree to give up a lot of their colonies, the Dutch couldn't hold onto theirs, France unfortunately dragged USA into vietnam but eventually gave up its colonies.

Don't want to mention this battle ended just a couple of month before victory in Africa? heheheheh

Lol the entire fucking eastern front was for the Soviet's own benefit

More like for everyone's benefit since committing German troops to the East relieved pressure in North Africa and Italy.

Fun fact, the US was the only country to come out better before the war than starting. Germany, Japan, UK, France and the Soviets were absolutely trashed in every way. The Americans came out Richer, more industrialized, the highest GDP seen by any country ever, unemployment was basically 0, other than the lost of adult manpower, WW2 improved every single aspect of American life. Funny thing is, arguably the country worst off after WW2 was Britain, everything was trashed, no money, no adult males. Rationing ended in Britain AFTER Germany.

I didn't put a u in armored, Mohammed. Do you not know how to quote?

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The massive casualties in crete caused hitler to stop using them for the rest of the war

Seething lol also don't post pictures of my wife

germany only equipped their paras with pistols it was idiotic to begin with

>spelling words wrong

Only due to tactical mishaps. Germans really sucked at paratrooper landings.

You obviously haven't been following the thread

No, what they did was drop their weapons in separate crates and not attached to their persons, so a lot of Germans got killed trying to reach their weapons at Crete.

Learn how to quote bong boy, innit bruv

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>missing the point this hard
All those civilians that are now forced to become combat troops are now fair game to be killed

no shit


Lol you're the one dismissing the experience of an American soldier because the front they fought on wasn't as shitty as another one

Didn't fight in the pacific. Wow, that was easy

of course but it is unfathomably how much the US benefited from WW2, it was the least effected by combat loses, was never touched on its home soil and living conditions across the US exploded while having the most investment capital of any nation in the world. If any country "won" ww2, it was the US 100%

I'm dismissing the idea that the Americans as a whole did anything of note in Europe.

If I ever see you in kingston-upon-hull I'm going to make you eat your words lardarse.

Yes, we did fight in the Pacific, even before you fags got attacked.

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>protect your family in home
Lol that's like saying US troops protect our country. Bayonetting chinese babies is not protecting your home

>he doesn't know about Gander
Gander, initially a family pet named Pal, accidentally scratched a child's face with his paw. Worried that he would be forced to have Pal put down, the original owner gave the large dog to The Royal Rifles of Canada, a regiment of the Canadian Army stationed at Gander International Airport, Newfoundland and Labrador. The soldiers quickly renamed him Gander and "promoted" him to sergeant. When the unit was shipped to Hong Kong in the fall of 1941, Gander went along.

The Battle of Hong Kong began on December 8, 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Gander helped fight the Japanese invaders on three occasions. The last time, Gander picked up a thrown Japanese hand grenade and rushed with it toward the enemy, dying in the ensuing explosion, but saving the lives of several wounded Canadian soldiers.[3]

After efforts by the Canadian War Museum, the Hong Kong Veterans Association, and the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association, the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals awarded Gander the Dickin Medal on October 27, 2000, the first such award since 1949. The Dickin Medal is often referred to as the animal metaphorical equivalent of the Victoria Cross.[4] The citation reads:

For saving the lives of Canadian infantrymen during the Battle of Lye Mun on Hong Kong Island in December 1941. On three documented occasions, Gander, the Newfoundland mascot of The Royal Rifles of Canada, engaged the enemy as his regiment joined The Winnipeg Grenadiers, members of Battalion Headquarters "C" Force and other Commonwealth troops in their courageous defence of the island. Twice Gander's attacks halted the enemy's advance and protected groups of wounded soldiers. In a final act of bravery, the war dog was killed in action gathering a grenade. Without Gander's intervention, many more lives would have been lost in the assault.[1]

Same with WW1. Eastern front is always a clusterfuck of logistics. Apparently no one in that part of Europe understands logistics at all.

>stopping the soviets from taking italy

its more about the fact that organizing logistics in open terrain with no infrastructure is extremely hard. Blitzkrieg in modern Europe with roads, street signs and your own country 50km that way is a god tier tactic. Heading east into vast, endless fields and the threat of winter, blitzkrieg is not so much a good idea.

Lol no. US Marines stopped the germans at belleu wood in the height of the spring offensive, literally the closest the germans ever got to paris

>being able to not take things literally

I'd like to hear your justification of this. Really the only thing worse was the cold. Yeah there were way, way more casualties in stalingrad, but the probability of dying or getting maimed as an infantryman was probably pretty similar

>literally the closest the germans ever got to paris
And still literally wouldn't have been able to make it there anyway.

nice boomer bullshit, boomer. the purpose of the nuke was to show the soviets the US meant business. nothing else.

It was a factor but not a major one. The failure of the offensive was due to a lack of planning and logistical errors, one single battle fought by a group of Americans wasn't the deciding factor in the Spring Offensive, let alone the deciding factor in the German surrender. The Americans were a bolster into the defense to give the allies an even more of an advantage, one that was growing every day. Germany at home was a wreck, with massive food shortages and discontent with their leaders. Austria was all but done too. When you cook up a giant offensive with your entire army on a single frontier, it goes wrong on almost the entire front, a single US battle isn't the singular reason. That along with dire home conditions, caused the Germans to surrender 60 miles in enemy territory, not the Americans turning up.

>complete encirclement
>months long hand to hand combat
>dying starvation and dehydration
>freezing temperatures
>more casualties and deaths
>rampant insanity and mental illness
>plethora of diseases and vermin
Thousands died from smoke inhalation for God's sake.

t. i want a land invasion

There was already serious plans to bomb Japan with the nukes to make them surrender, Truman demanded to speed up those plans so to make a show to the Russians, regardless of when it happened or if it was to show off to the Russians, it would have happened and was a preferable choice to a land invasion or air campaign.