Even Family Guy and Simpsons have episodes mocking SJWs from rich east coast universities

>Even Family Guy and Simpsons have episodes mocking SJWs from rich east coast universities.
>South Park wants to convince you that a Fratbro is the most representative example of an SJW, and not say, an obese purple haired woman that they would've easily mocked five or ten years ago.
In fact there hasn't been a single sort of SJW archetype in southpark, despite it traditionally being a show that never picked sides.
What explains this?

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someone post trey's wife's son

What else can you expect from a show made by BLACKED kikes?

Maybe they're a made-up enemy, or at least not that big a deal

he was funny for one episode and then decided to make him a recurring character because they are lazy. just end it already try and matt

South Park is really not funny anymore

>South Park wants to convince you that a Fratbro is the most representative example of an SJW

It's funny I think

Could it possibly be because it has traditionally been a show that never picked sides? Fucking retard.

Because the white bro panderer is the worst possible SJW

Isn't less of their appearance and more of their attitudes? If anything I saw that season as anti-sjw (pro-trans, anti-racist/sexist, micro-aggression) with a different skin. Its not insulting "chads" like how you always perceive it to be.

Reminder that South Park officially died at the end of season 14. By then the series was already going downhill and the episodes after that are ZOMBIE SP. My headcanon final story arc is season 15 episode 7 and 8.

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That means mocking all sides, like they used to, not hiding.

South Park died with Isaac Hayes

Alt righters really are humorless cunts, you want the maximum amount of pandering with none of the jokes

Scientology forced him to quit

Did you already forget two or so seasons worth of literal orange man bad?

I understand that but South Park very noticeably gets shittier Season 10 Episode 1. I noticed this when it was airing and I was 13 (prime South Park demographic) and it has only gotten worse as each season goes on

Imagine being too dumb to get South Park.

Why the fuck do you still watch any of these shows?

It's called humor you moron.

My best friend is actually an ultra-left fratbro. Attending a university generally makes people lean more left due to the professors leaning left.

I was 10 when season 1 first aired. I thought I was the prime demographic

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The joke is that fratbros (the rape patriarchy) are actually SJWs.
How does it feel being too stupid to understand South Park?

It wasn't because Hayees left. It was because around that time they dropped their charming art style and went full soulless CGI, and also stories started revolve more and more about shit that's only relevant for a week or so and will not age well at all.

>Because the white bro panderer is the worst possible SJW
This. OP is a brainlet.

Maybe being educated allows them to see the smart choice?

That your brain works in this stupid way....it infuriates me.

I was sure the joke was supposed to be that the least likely person to be a huge SJW would be a fratboy.

Damn you are retarded.

Boomer here, giving south park yet another go and finally getting around to the new seasons.

I dont care what anyone says, Gerald trolling in season 20 (specifically that montage of him trolling to Boston's Smokin') was absolute prime hilarity to me. i hope they keep this up

That's the case they argue. I didn't make it far in college so I can't really say.

are the seasons after 11 worth watching at all? what are the good episodes?

Most frat guys are conservative. The entire culture is built around waspy elitism and being unabashedly proud of being rich, white, young, and stupid

>Everyone that disagrees with me is an alt-righter/nazi.
You couldn't be more of a caricature even if you tried.

Anyone watching South Park past middle school age should take a block of cement and walk into the ocean. Shit hasn’t been funny since after the movie you tards.

Just checked and "City Sushi" is decent iirc, mainly because I love Trey's gook accent. Also it has Butters in wacky situations.

Also the Pandemic episode was relatively funny I think. Might be nostalgia googles though. I haven't rewatched almost any episodes past season 9.

None of what you have said is remotely humorous either. Maybe you should start as you mean to go on?

In my opinion South Park died with episode 201 with the whole censorship fiasco. Matt and Trey should have cancelled the show in protest after that episode.

>I'm far more mature than you guys. See, I even called you tards and told you to walk into the ocean.

Live it! Live it!


should have specified that I didn't mean it was directly because Hayes left, just that I noticed it was getting shittier around the time he did. I agree with what you said

No it's probably the tittieeeeees

I love jou Ben! Especially when you remind me of....TACOOOS..

There's nothing sadder than a millennial still watching south park. Move on gramps

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Of course, tons of great episodes. Where have you been?

There's nothing sadder than premium dubs wasted on an unbeliever.

>South Park wants to convince you that a Fratbro is the most representative example of an SJW
That's not the point. It's subverting your expectations, a frat guy spouting SJW shit is funnier than the tired "obese purple haired woman" and also, anyone can be a SJW why do you need it to be a trigglypuff?

i dunno i just stopped watching

What a strange take for a transgressive show

this. you PC bro?

Anyone know a good place to watch South Park, maybe a google drive of it cause every site ive found is aids


It's not strange, that was the entire point of PC Principal.

Like I said, its aids. Copyright restriction or something

>Show mocks millenials on scooters.
>Show mocks liberals abusing weed.
>Show mocks conservatives who don't believe in global warming.
>Show mocks priests who abuse children.
>Show mocks big companies.
>Show mocks small companies.
>Show mocks being politically incorrect.
>Show mocks being politically correct.
>Show mocks MRA types.
>Show never mentions anything remotely close to current things happening in east coast universities despite other more family friendly shows being able to do it (even if they are center-left pandering shows).

Whoops. Your answer unfortunately does not explain why this happened, but you can always try again!

hulu.com +ublock origin. ad free eps of south park, seinfeld, and more for only 5.99/mo

works perfectly fine for me, idk what you mean by that. the only episodes that are not included there are the 2 or 3 they were sued about

you're blowing 'what is happening in east coast universities' out of proportion.

Try a different browser/privacy setting?


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hes not a sjw dumbass, hes a white knight get your Yea Forums meme lingo right.

ouch, tough luck britbong, works fine in the rest of Europe.
This is probably because of Brexit innit, I recommend you get a VPN

from Ireland, but um yeah idk why this is

Again, even left pandering shows are able to do some self critic, you're just delusional and/or out of arguments.

how is having a character that is literally called PC Principal and making fun of him not doing some self critic?

>things happening in east coast universities
As someone who doesn't spend all day on the internet, what is this user talking about?

southparkstudios.co.uk/ ?

The joke was that men pretend to be SJWs to get laid.

South Park wasn't using PC Principal to represent all SJWs it was poking fun that most males who say that stuff are doing it purely to get pussy and using the most extreme hyperbolic example to convey it.

>Even Family Guy and Simpsons have episodes mocking SJWs from rich east coast universities.

It's an easily mocked stereotype, like mothers-in-law in 50s sitcoms.

That hardly means it represents reality.

more like "Try-hard and Floor-mat"

Reddit spacers don't deserve jokes.


Imagine the group of people being targeted by PC Principle jokes/scenes.
Imagine the group of people being targeted by pic related.
I'm just curious why southpark decided to only mock one of these groups and give the other one a pass when even left-pandering shows were able to show some criticisms of said groups.

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>>South Park wants to convince you that a Fratbro is the most representative example of an SJW, and not say, an obese purple haired woman that they would've easily mocked five or ten years ago.
Fucking retard. The whole joke is that you wouldn't expect someone with his personality sterotype to be PC.

not every satire is criticism
and they have adressed that kind of stuff, remember mr garrison changed sex twice

Your are a fucking idiot, the observation in that episode is how dudebros adopt SJW policies as a way to get laid via easy lipservice and for the excuse of getting physically aggressive towards nonconformists.

>muh identity politics

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also, that these sjw internet types are "bullies". So the big frat bro is usually represented as a bully

>meanwhile hillary is drawn with a giant ass and a fucking nuclear bomb + monster in the vagina
Why are you such a faggot ?

That was like 12 years ago.

>Waaaaah South Park isn't writing the exact episode I want, wtf!

You're certifiably retarded. Why do you give any amount of a fuck about this?

They know how to poke idiots.

>hillary hips
>both acting like retards
You can be sure that if a democrap.wins in 2022 and if sp still exists they will shit on it too.

Continuity seasons are the worse thing South Park did. That's when they jump the shark though

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>In fact there hasn't been a single sort of SJW archetype in southpark, despite it traditionally being a show that never picked sides.
Because the people working on the show are SJWs now.

That season fell apart as it blamed the faux-progressivism and bullying culture around it on clickbait and advertising, rather than the reality of what SJW culture just is.

There have been protests at universities in favor of free speech where liberals stabbed people as part of their "counter protest".

What did a bomb being in Hillary's vagina have to do with anything in Hillary in the real world?

>they jump the shark
That shark ate them whole

I am also from Ireland and you can kindly go and fuck yourself.


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Are you a retarded?

The ENTIRE character is based on the fact these SJWs are getting radicalized in COLLEGE.
So they made him a college frat boy.

Matt and Trey are vocal conservatives and love poking fun at both sides. This is a divide and conquer shill thread.

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They are libertarians, AKA, habitual fence sitters

South Park was always like this, it was you that changed not them.
Take the episode
>With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
Where Randy becomes the Nigger guy, and scared white people bans the word "Nigger guy" and Stan has an epiphany that he will never know how hard it is to hear the word nigger
>Le Petit Tourette
When Cartman fakes having tourettes to be able to go on dateline and have a rant about jews but ends up blurting out secrets about his pitiful life instead.

I hope you feel proud now that you've come clean about being a fucking cunt

You think people would do that? Just go out and stab nazis?

they are left leaning libertarian and therefore retarded

>impale your ass on our retard parties

It's weird how SJWs can make fun of other SJWs while still being SJWs. The person who did "Welcome to Tumblr" went full "Trump is literally Hitler" last year, and Family Guy did the anti-Trump episode.


>South Park wants to convince you that a Fratbro is the most representative example of an SJW
No, user. They're using the stereotype of a moronic bully to show what SJWs actually are. It just went right over your head because you're fucking retarded.

fokin ell

That's the joke. He has no fucking reason to be a SJW.

those who can't do, teach

Was PC Principal too smart for Yea Forums? They complain about South Park being shit now but all they want is to just laugh at muh trigglypuff as if that already hasn't been done hundreds of times everywhere else.

Matt and Trey have no passion for South Park anymore, they haven’t cared about it ever since Book of Mormon. They’ve just been cashing easy paychecks for years.


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lmao wow

Irony, in its most basic definition, is contrast. The joke is that white frat bros are the enemy to university SJWs and would be the least likely to enforce political correctness and call-out culture.

Literally wife's black son


I still fucking loose it at "Ginger Cow".

Nah bruh, we get the same in Baguette land. I think it's bullshit due to who has licenced the show in your country. It gives me a link to the current French diffuser of the show.

The joke is that as a frat bro he's the last person you would think would be a Social Justice type. The sub-joke is that the Social Justice "communities" are circlejerks that operate similarly to frat houses ("you PC bro?).

I swear /pol/ strips the individual of any ability to understand context or appreciate humor.

Gee. It's almost as if they purposefully picked the stereotypical most un-PC kind of character to play this super PC character.

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Jesus fucking christ how difficult is this to get? Does this seriously go over everyones head? It's a fratboy because with their behaviour, they would be the last people to be PC so it is to emphasize just how far reaching the PC mentality has become.

Because Matt and Trey are fucking KEKS!!! KEK A DOODLE DOO!!!!!

Their target audience is grown men who sit at home and watch cartoons. Any social commentary they make is designed to appeal to a pretty pathetic demographic.


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