The great debate
The great debate
I must be loyle to my capo
There's nothing to debate. The Wire is really good, one of the best, but Sopranos is Sopranos. There's nothing as subtle and poignant as that show.
>Like comparing a piece of dogshit to a slice of cake
Sopranos is like a modern day Shakespeare play. The Wire is a mildly entertaining story about trifling niggers. Is it even a contest?
Can't agree more. Sopranos only attracts the most pretentious plebs in television, it is the most pseudo series in modern times.
Sopranos is the greatest tv drama ever made
The Wire for me, purely because I feel compelled to rewatch it while I respect The Sopranos but have no desire to revisit family mob kino. It's just somehow a more unpleasant experience even though The Wire's considered more depressing
>There's nothing as subtle and poignant as that show.
*snicker* yeah those dream sequences are an exercise in subtlety
The Wire (except S2 which I'll give you a pass for)
>Muh chess pieces in da game ov da str33ts
The Sopranos
>So much sub-text pulp, it's coming out your fongool ears
If you could stop being obsessed about niggers for 3 seconds, you'd realise The Wire is on the same level of kino as Sopranos. If we get real, it's literally pastaniggers vs niggers. Not a lot of good here.
Eat my ass!!
>except S2
Pleb detected S2 is the best in the series, no the best in any television series.
These are right.
ur a faget
Did you like it because the main characters were white this time?
Personally it was an even slower burn than s1. By the last few episodes I felt really bad for the stevedore union.
Season two of The Wire comes really close but The Sopranos wins.
Season 6 is pretty hollow. Virtually all of them are either dead or dead inside
>people so defendant of Sopranos that they’re putting down the Wire
Sopranos is superior, but by a thin margin. Never have I so enjoyed the drama of trifling niggers, it would have been the better show without the fag shit.
>not rewatching seasons 1-4 of The Sopranos every 6 months
The Sopranos is funnier
>Did you like it because the main characters were white this time?
No need to project your insecurity, and to answer your question, no.
>Personally it was an even slower burn than s1.
I don't see how The Wire is slow burn, maybe you don't have the patience I don't know but it do requires focus to fully appreciate the substance of the show. I like the idea of a dying industry that is unable to adapt to the constant shifting socioeconomical world and crime is one way out of it. It also has the best character, great lines and that killer ending.
As someone who has watched both The Wire and The Sopranos multiple times, The Sopranos goes down a lot easier because it's much funnier, much more nuanced, and the characters are much, much more interesting.
>without the fag shit
But it isn't push nor stereotypical, if anything its only their sexuality that makes them homosexual, unlike newer shows where they need to show off their gayness to everyone (including the audience) about how gay and strong they are.
>snicker* yeah those dream sequences are an exercise in subtlety
Nope. And I didn't say that either, of course the entire show from beginning to end isn't subtle. But there sure are enough other little things throughout. But you wouldn't bother mentioning them right? Because you just wanted to sound clever and shit on something.
That's not GOT.
As much as I love to shit on the Wire, I still genuinely wonder why people like it besides "its so realistic". I like realism and true crime esque things. I'll watch documentaries on the crime in a city and so on, but the Wire doesn't offer shit besides petty crime and miserable unlikable people, both of which are more interesting in a news article...
Sopranos is trash, dream sequences are kino though
It's The Sopranos and it's not even remotely close. Simon is a joke.
Read it again, your reading comprehension needs some work
Sopranos is better because
1) the writing is better, and for example humour comes from what they say, ie. the substance, whereas in Wire humour comes from le wacky man is being wacky again, and relationships between characters is far more deep than in Wire. It's written as if it's real people doing real human things, while Wire has more or less puppets doing what the plot demands them to do.
2) The characters seem much more realistic. Almost every character in the Wire is an over-the-top caricature with little or no character beyond the surface level. Sopranos characters have complex feelings about shit and their interaction with others seem natural.
Wire is pretty cool and entertaining but it's very superficial as a drama.
Who is this faggot??
Sopranos is better. James gandolfini is superb
>It's written as if it's real people doing real human things, while Wire has more or less puppets doing what the plot demands them to do.
There is no real background to anything in the Wire, everything is just a dull grind of cops or drug dealers. Other cop shows like NYPD Blue, Southland or the Shield did it much better. That and the whole business school thing is just pure cringe.
it's actually impossible to compare the writing of the Sopranos to anything else because nothing else has even tried to do as many different things at the same time, much less pulled all of them off.
were it not for Chase's dated 90s conception of identity politics (I don't think it even occurred to him that Republican WASPS are just as guilty of it) the show wouldn't have aged a day.
Baltimore is the main character in the Wire, not any of the characters.
actually your typing comprehension
>were it not for Chase's dated 90s conception of identity politics (I don't think it even occurred to him that Republican WASPS are just as guilty of it) the show wouldn't have aged a day.
The Sopranos actually portrayed identity politics really well (it's bullshit)
adam you're a bug
that ending montage. Why is season 2 such a pleb filter
really slow season opener
Sopranos has better memes which, in the end, is all that really matters.
The wire is grander in scale and covers a whole city
The sopranos covers a family and their aquaintices
Depends on what you prefer, personal stories or a city wide story
Overall the sopranos imo
>The wire is grander in scale and covers a whole city
>The sopranos covers a family and their aquaintices
Sopranos does the same thing, but doesn't shoehorn every little character affected by Tony into the main cast of the show.
How is this an issue?
There is not really 1 singular main character in the wire and a good chunk of the cast never even meet each other
Everything in the sopranos revolved around Tony in one way or the other
its just funny that you'd choose such a silly and inconsequent thing to distinguish the two
centrist propagandist trash
Sopranos is a goofy sitcom with a bunch of wop grotesques we're supposed to laugh at. It's not even on the same planet as the Wire.
Sopranofags just want comedy and memes gabagoooooool loyle to my 1000 dollas xD
Sopranos was half filter, although comfy filter it's still filter not to mention the Hollywood tier plot
The Wire has some great comedy amid all the depression.
>humor and memorable moments are bad
ok man
the wire turns to capeshit whenever omar is on screen, such a horribly written character that gets way too much screentime
also, I love both series very much
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying people prefer comedy more to serious shit.
>the wire turns to capeshit whenever omar is on screen
Omar was way more realistic than Chrissy being an intimidating mob enforcer
>The Sopranos actually portrayed identity politics really well (it's bullshit)
it wound up implying that there is some vanilla neutral ground in American society with no "identity politics". it doesn't exist: human beings are a tribal primate species and postracial ubermensches like Noah are few and far between.
sopranos shield wire bb and what. tell me what my top 5 should be. tried rewatching mad men and deadwood, lost interest in both
I sure didn't, my favorite scenes in the sopranos are the serious ones
>tony asking junior if he loves him
>sitting alone in the hotel
how? he was a lone dude with a sawn-off shotgun that magically managed to scare off entire hoods even though tons of people were armed
chrissy shot people from behind like everyone else in the mob
the wire is boring shit past season 1. sopranos is good tho
Yeah, Omar was fucking terrible, and David Simon abandoning realism to be Epic and Meaningful is an increasing problem as the series goes on. But I'd even take S5 over anything that came out of the Sopranos.
The Gabagoolist is confused. It isn't inconsequential at all, as several of you in this thread like to complain about Wire characters while missing that the two aims of the shows were very different. Mad Men and Sopranos are much more easily comparable.
the wire is *snap*, it aged really poorly. I watched a few scenes like the one where the nig who robs drug dealers is in court, and almost had to turn it off out of secondhand embarrassment. meanwhile sopranos holds up to this day.
That's pretty much all the American TV series I've watched without dropping in the past 15 years. Liked the first season of 24, too. Very well-made neocon propaganda.
You think Freamon and Prez could follow Tonys money and get a warrant?
>Mad Men
unfortunately The Sopranos makes Mad Men almost completely redundant as a show, except for people who can't accept mafiosos as protagonists or really, really like watching ad pitch meetings.
the fucking season 2 climax is "Don goes to California and bangs a 20yo but it doesn't fill the aching void of nothingness that, etc etc". Knight in White Satin Armor it ain't.
they wouldn't have fucked up with the lamp and Tony would have been in prison by the end of season 2.
>how? he was a lone dude with a sawn-off shotgun that magically managed to scare off entire hoods even though tons of people were armed
>chrissy shot people from behind like everyone else in the mob
boogy men in the hood do exist IRL. and since there is only one main gang (with actual power) in the wire, the only thing they could do is try to and snuff him out which they tried and failed.
the fuck are you talking about? omar was a lone dude, absolutely nothing stopped them from shooting him . they didn't even respect him because he was a fag
he's an absolutely ridiculous character
Omar existed so white liberals could virtue signal by saying, 'The black gay guy is my favorite character.'
Except there were several attempts to kill Omar in the show, he becomes extra feared after he survives Barksdale and eventually dies anyways.
attempts that make no sense because he literally walks out in the open several times while people cower inside. give me a single reason why thugs backed by barksdale and stringer are afraid of this lone fag
this isn't capeshit, people don't have powerlevels. why are you so eager to defend shitty writing?
I cannot comprehend how or why Yea Forums keeps discussing The Wire. It's reddit: the crime series.
How were they afraid of him? They got outskilled. You want to talk about real shitty writing? You have mob bosses beat up/shoot people in public with witnesses without it ever being traced back as well as the LE being useless as fuck when it came to Tony's crew.
Italians are so far above niggers it's not even funny.
did you mean to quote ?
those are not the scenes I'm talking about. I'm talking about "omar comin' yo". it was a regular thing that he just strolled in while EVERYONE hid for absolutely no reason. he was alone with a fucking shitty sawn-off shotgun.
it was just the writers jerking off saying "look at how mean and cool this dude is" and it's incredibly embarrassing
>omar was a lone dude, absolutely nothing stopped them from shooting him .
I knew a guy who was a fucking hitman, and only got put away a few years ago. for at least 8 years he was known by gangs from multiple different areas as a killer, and he had no real friends. This is in a gang filled city
the wire only takes place over a few years, and the majority of actual people in the wire neighbourhoods were just poor or crack heads. If omar has no wualms with someone how why the fuck would random people shoot back.
you are delusional
>You want to talk about real shitty writing? You have mob bosses beat up/shoot people in public with witnesses without it ever being traced back
just fucking look at this garbage
I honestly couldn't care less about your bs anecdote
and that neighborhood was owned by avon and stringer and they earned money through there. these were houses owned by gangsters
pic related is you
Low level drug dealers being afraid to confront him sort of makes sense, he already took the stash before as well so he was known around that corner.
How is this not hollywood mobster tier?
>low level
it was a fucking source of income for barksdale and stringer, did you not even watch the show?
>he was known around that corner
so why didn't they just fucking shoot him
eh, the scene in the first episode of the Sopranos is unironically a bit implausible.
He is a pretty great character though. Not as good as Marlo, but yeah.
Watch the scene, it was all kids. They were low level drug dealers.
these "kids" are thugs that work for barksdale. do you have any idea how gun violence works in the US? 14 year old nogs go away for homicide all the time
>all kids are the same
I agree that it was a hollywood tier scene meant to be le badass omar but it not an out of the world scenario for them to be scared of Omar during that situation. He was killed by Kenard later anyways because he thought he became untouchable because of the omar comin effect
The Wire is a study of society at large with some character stuff on the side, and Sopranos is an involved character study with broader reflections on the side. Everyone picks whichever they like best. To shit on either of them is the height of contrarian faggotry.
how do you know there were kids in the house? they were holding onto barksdale's stash so I bet they were grown dudes. why would barksdale allow that shitty security time after time?
>its so realistic
It also has a lot of jarring unrealistic bullshit. But it's mostly well-plotted and doesn't treat the viewer like a moron.
their used to be a time when mobsters could get away with some brazen shit before everyone and their dog started to carry a phone and a camera rolled into one in their pockets
to add to that, omar was wanted dead by barksdale so why in the fuck wouldn't they be prepared when he pulled the same shit time after time?
No more than 30 years ago John gotta would shoot people in broad day New York
There could be an argument if season 5 of The Wire wasn’t such dog shit. Sopranos wins by default
I hear ya but Sopranos was set quite a while ago. In the late 90's/early 00's people didn't have phones and cameras like another user said. Plus it's only a crime if it's reported etc.
I love The Wire, but The Sopranos is easily the greatest tv show ever made imo.
Sopranos, Deadwood and Rome are the trifecta of kino top-tier tv shows. No interest in watching ghetto niggers electric boogaloo aka the wire