Please stop the racism

My dudes, stop using the n word around here. I have a black friend who’s getting into movies and recently stumbled upon this board. But because he saw so much racism here, he’s losing interest in the hobby which is hurting us all. Don’t be a jerk and don’t use the n word.

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why does he give so much value to pixels on the screen

why do you give so much value to digits on a post

If this bait gets over 50 replies this board is officially dead.

they are fun

Shut up whiteboi

black people have awful taste


reddit go back, fuck dude, I mean come on holy shit, first the dumb avenger sticky begging people not to spoiler now this, holy fuck, where do you think you are? youll never get rid of us, never. we will spoil and call you a coon.

literally every demographic is constantly shit on by this board, blacks arent special

>Don’t be a jerk
Don't be a nigger

Tell your friend to take it like a man.

Imagine being middle-eastern and being ANYWHERE on the internet

No one who is getting into movies comes to Yea Forums

He won't find Tyler Perry threads here anyway.

nigger faggot

Fuck your black friend and fuck ninjas.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

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I also hate it when someone calls my black friends nazis.

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I’m cool with anyone I can have a decent conversation with about actual tv and films on here. Genuine threads go smoothly with very few shitposters. Like the big Alexander thread the other day. That’s why I still come here.

Anyway nice bait

I didn't even hate niggers until they started hating my waifu

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okay sorry, I did not mean to upset your friend

Rec him r/movies

Posting in epic thread. Check these dubs

Hahaha nigga what the fuck, like, just turn away from the screen hahaha. What a stupid nigger lmao

>value to digits on a post
because i lost control of my life

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Riddle me this
What is 13% of the population, but commits 70% of all crimes and 90% of AIDS?

dumv sneednigger. Rest of the post is baste, though

How could anyone hate her?

Kek, OP here. I've been making this thread on other boards too and just changing the wording. Then I report everyone who says N****R for "racism outside of Yea Forums"

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Officially or possibly?

niggers hate white people and she is the top white woman


>lost interest in the hobby
>the hobby
Don't EVER do this again

Incredibly, undeniably based

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almost everyone just evades bans dude

oh shit

holy shit epic time

Tell that nigger not to take it personally.

very based

Holy based batman

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>Be black
>Still expunge gallons of seed over her feet pics on /hr/

>falling for the ban meme


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Why do you call yourself a nigger?

bring me your black friend user

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Based op dabbing on the nigger posters


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Yeah, I hate racism too. Tbh, I fucking love niggers. Niggers>latinos, tbf.

You, and your nigger friend, can fuck back off to reddddit with this trash thread.

based sjw warrior against racism, anti-semitism, homophobia and transphobia

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here i am

>he’s losing interest in the hobby which is hurting us all.
though this is likely bait, ill oblige. if that's all it takes for him to lose the hobby of film making, than he's never going to make it. not to be mean, but you got to be a 'shark' to make it in the industry. especially if he wants to be a director.


OP here.

Sorry I made this thread, guys. I knew this was garbage when I was making the thread, but I couldn't help myself.

I've been making a lot of bad threads lately. I just like the attention I get. I think the only way I can get myself to stop is if people just stop responding to my awful threads when I make them. Deep down, that's what I really want and hope for every time.

Please ignore all my terrible threads; they're just cries for attention.

The best way you can help me is to just ignore all my posts where I try stir up trouble or get attention, even ones claiming this isn't me.

Thanks in advance for not encouraging me.

>thinks reporting does anything
congratulations. you played yourself.