Are you exited for "CATS!"?

Are you exited for "CATS!"?

Attached: taylor1.jpg (1200x1800, 596K)

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To be honest, I'm more interested in that gap.



Attached: 124325.jpg (2336x3500, 2.76M)

>avoiding eye contact
>awkward foot placement
>ugly print clothing
It really is autism


Attached: andnothingofvaluewaslost.jpg (640x480, 32K)

>finally gets kinda hot right before the wall years
>vanishes from public and starts dressing ugly

I think it will be fun

What the fuck she's even doing near that dumpster. I don't think she drives that old red Suburban.

What if she took a huge dump behind that truck... just imagine...

No ass, No tits. Don't know what you cunts see in her

>ass, tits
Fuck off nigger. We see a natural beauty in women.

Attached: taylor3.jpg (1262x1800, 569K)

not everybody here is a nigger
some of us like elegance and beauty

Whore makeup, tit implants, destroying her natural curls, she’s practically a Kardashian

Why is she so perfect?

>can see the shape of her pussy

Tit implants? Didn't you just say that she has no tits and ass?

Pennsylvanian master genes

>hurr s-samefag
Stop being retarded

Look at her older photos then. She always had the same pair of tiddies.

Attached: taylor2.jpg (2652x3000, 1.15M)

Hehe, outted yourself as a nigger!

God willed it

Attached: cute off.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)


Attached: br.jpg (600x350, 23K)

they're both jewed

How the fuck is she only getting hotter with age

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What can I say no "aryan" princess can resist BJC (big jewish cock).

Attached: jew.jpg (655x650, 82K)

How long till she hits the wall?

Based overlord. I love you. God Bless Israel! Take another $999999 bazilions from us!

She already did.

Some of the best legs I've ever seen, holy shit.

Attached: niggaugay.jpg (259x194, 10K)

Yeah, definitely one of the best legs in the market

She knows


>tfw will never fall asleep next to taytay as your final thing in your mind as you’re drifting out of consciousness is the aroma of her hair

What is this power she has over men, and do you think Tom regrets his moment of insanity?

Attached: Tom and Tay.jpg (615x409, 56K)

Momentary euphoria after finally tasting true white pussy
They reeducated him shortly afterwards

so if i pay her 40mi dollars i can touch her leg?


>that small feminine thigh gap
Sweet Jesus

What about toes? Did she insure them too? For how much? I bet a trillion.

This is such a dumb article. The insurance is if she had a leg injury that prevented her from performing: like if she was wheelchair bound. This article makes it sound like if she had a scar on them she could make an insurance claim like a dented bumper.

Also Taylor Swift is worth more than 200 million, just her airplane costs 45.

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For that much money you should be able to kiss and lick them

>No ass, No tits.
It amazes me that you could type your post when you are so blind.

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Need to see that fur first.

>She always had the same pair of tiddies.

Taylor Swift fans being delusional as always. No female grows tits in their mid/late 20s unless they are bought.

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Attached: tayswiftNOW2.jpg (1108x1028, 351K)

no im not excited, i bet it will be degenerate, like the new tay and her bought "co-op" album.

this. people who dont notice ayylmfao.

Lloyds of London is meme insurance anyways

shes clearly underweight here you dumb nigger. woman can and will grow tits when significantly gaining weight

>she's probably 16 in this picture
>literally not understanding how puberty works

I need to kiss those cheeks. Her face is nice too

Are you a pretty girl?

potential furkino

>she's probably 16 in this picture
You are an obvious Taylor Swift white knight, so you obviously know she did not look like that at 16. Playing dumb only makes you actually dumb.

prime for breeding hnnnnnnnnng

Her body is perfect for a grimdark and erotic live action She-Ra movie now.

Attached: tumblr_p7iw6f6oMU1wn8c78o6_1280.jpg (688x1000, 71K)

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