Rock Hudson was diagnosed with HIV on June 5, 1984...

>Rock Hudson was diagnosed with HIV on June 5, 1984, just three years after the emergence of the first cluster of symptomatic patients in the U.S. At around 9:00 a.m. on the morning of October 2, 1985, Hudson died in his sleep from AIDS-related complications at his home in Beverly Hills at age 59

What did he mean by this?

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he fucked and sucked

I'm starting to think women invented HIV to keep men under control.

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>Rock Hudson
literally who

Voice actor for Farmer #1 in The Simpsons

Manliest man in the world in the 50s and 60s

You know it was known as GRID?

Gay related immune deficiency

Famous boomer fag

fucking faggot, rest in piss

apparently there was also a patient zero who slept with hundreds of men and singlehandedly spread aids in the us.

It was just a joke!


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women were the invention itself


based fag, and now niggers are spreading it too among themselves

this and gay haitians on "the downlow"

and your tax dollars are treating them, stupid goyim


not American, but slav so they go to gyspies instead

and of course, he was white

blacks are actually the gayest race sweetie.
The gay conspiracy dates back before Christ.
here's a red suppository

All Hollywood actors are gay.

and the cope has begun.
pathetic white faggot.

Everyone knew he was secretly gay. This is literally decades old gossip.

keep wearing saggy jeans like your favourite rapper does, blackie chan.

I would assume he meant something along the lines of taking and or giving penis to other men.

That's not really a secret then.

>sodomize other men
>die of incurable illness

God's right and just punishment?

Not that user but also similar in color, anyway I don’t think sagging is popular as much now it’s more skinny jeans or skirts in one case. But yes I see your point and have heard similar.

Imagine looking like that and having gay sex.
Like winning a literal lottery and blowing it away in hard drugs.

My word! Why is this place so homophobic and racist? I mean why? People are people - who cares what colour they are and whom they wanna have sex with! It isn't my problem and nor is it yours....

the point being that entertainment and academia are infested with satainst sex cult weirdos.

I'm straight, but it must be boring to do the same-o same-o thing with women when you're that hot/famous.

That's why you stop living a life of hedonism and live a balanced, self fulfilling and spiritually deep one.

Why are Americans so obsessed with the race and sexual orientation of celebrities?


Said no famous/hot person ever.
They usually get deeper and deeper into hedonism untill they die because of it or are too old to do hardcore shit.


Shame they let it get to their head
but there's lot of normal types, look at Nolan. Arguably the world's most famous filmmaker and he's as straight edge as can be.

he was a homosexual flight attendant

No way


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Not that manly if hes getting puzzled from taking it in the butt

Was he already gay before he was taken up by the #1 faggot agent in Hollywood, or did he become prison gay?

He got aids from James Dean on the set of Giant

Fucking auto correct. Meant getting pozzed*

late to the "he was gay?" party but I was genuinely surprised when I found out he was gay, he never set off my "gaydar", always thought he was hilarious at comedy and a really good actor too

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get out, phoneposter

Is this bait?

zoom zoom

Based zoomer.

Fuck old farts and their expired celebrities.