
Bless ____ and her tits edition

The one true poll



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First for Stannis

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I'm just finnishing season 6, and fuck the shilling for feminism is getting too strong. Will it get much worst than this?

Azor Theon

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is that guy still alive? is he gonna make an epic comeback?

Azor Theon

>Stephen dillane didn't even understand what was happening in the plot


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What if Cersei wins? Is she going to attack the rest of them after the Winterfell battle?

First for King Bronn

>Episode 3
>Theon is defending Brann in the godswoods
>Night King manages to get past the forces and to the godswoods somehow
>Theon attacks NK but is easily overpowered and thrown to the ground
>NK grabs his spear and is about to kill Theon execution style and shoves his spear into Theon's junk
>The Night Kings eye widen up as he realize that Theon is still alive
>Theon smirks
>"heh....nothing personell kid..."
>Theon grabs his dragonglass weapon and shoves it into the Night King's heart, saving Brann, Winterfall and all of Westeros
*flash foward*
>Huge celebration of Azor Theon, the saviour of mankind
>Tyrion: Look Varys! I told you not having balls up here in the north was an advantage!
>Everyone burts out in laughter
>Theon: Yeah and at least I'm not a worthless fucking manlet like Jon Shit over there
>Everyone laughs even more and Dany gets down on her knees and starts giving Azor Theon a rimjob

The end

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"Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets.
He’ll break before he bends. And Renly, that one, he’s copper, bright and shiny,
pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day"
Donal Noye

"It may be that we shall lose this battle,” the king said grimly. “In Braavos you may hear that I am dead. It may even be true.
You shall find my sellswords nonetheless.”
The knight hesitated. “Your Grace, if you are dead — “
” — you will avenge my death, and seat my daughter on the Iron Throne. Or die in the attempt."

“I shall bring justice to Westeros. […] Every man shall reap what he has sown,
from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips
off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed,
and I do not forget that.”

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Did Gilly contact the soul of Brandon the Builder at Godswood?

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>cut Dany out
Autist BTFO

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How would you feel if Stannis actually did come back in the next episode but as a wight?

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>rewatch season 2
>Jaime literally murders an innocent fanboy in a cell with him
>actually beats him until he's convulsing
jesus christ what a piece of shit, how can people like him again?

If the stupid writers of the show actually wrote it right then yes, he would be useful

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“I am content to be your knight, Your Grace. I would not know how to begin being lordly.”
“Good. To be lordly is to be false. I have learned that lesson hard. Now, kneel. Your king commands.”
“Ser Davos of House Seaworth,” the king said, "are you my true and honest liege man, now and forever?”
“I am, Your Grace.”
“And do you swear to serve me loyally all your days, to give me honest counsel and swift obedience, to defend my rights and my realm against all foes in battles great and small, to protect my people and punish my enemies?”
“I do, Your Grace.”

“Then rise again, Davos Seaworth, and rise as Lord of the Rainwood, Admiral of the Narrow Sea, and Hand of the King.”
For a moment Davos was too stunned to move. I woke this morning in his dungeon. “Your Grace, you cannot... I am no fit man to be a King’s Hand.”
“There is no man fitter.” Stannis sheathed Lightbringer, gave Davos his hand, and pulled him to his feet.

“I am lowborn,” Davos reminded him. “An upjumped smuggler. Your lords will never obey me.”
“Then we will make new lords.”
“But... I cannot read... nor write...
“Maester Pylos can read for you. As to writing, my last Hand wrote the head off his shoulders. All I ask of you are the things you’ve always given me. Honesty. Loyalty. Service.”
“Surely there is someone better... some great lord.."
Stannis snorted. "... but I trust none of them as I trust you, my lord of Rainwood. You will be my Hand. It is you I want beside me for the battle.”

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In case you haven't seen it yet, Based LastRiver has a new vid out.


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Did you guys know that /ourguy/ Qyburn is jewish?

you can’t possibly imagine how horrific season 7 is

we /bobby/ here

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Didn't happen in the books so it's not canon.


Nudes confirmed real and not CGI

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>the man who was there literally for a paycheck outacted everyone else
yes, our king is a good king

"Words. Words are wind. Why do you think I abandoned Dragonstone and sailed to the Wall, Lord Snow?”

“I am no lord, sire. You came because we sent for you, I hope. Though I could not say why you took so long about it.”

Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that. “You’re bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner.
If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty,
when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said.
I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.”
Stannis pointed north. “There is where I’ll find the foe that I was born to fight."

"Floating above them were the largest banners yet, royal standards as big as sheets; a yellow one with long pointed tongues that showed a
flaming heart, and another like a sheet of beaten gold, with a black stag prancing and rippling in the wind.

“Robert,” Jon thought for one mad moment… but when the trumpets blew again and the knights charged,
the name they cried was “Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!”

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but he is still alive though? what the fuck happened to him this whole time?

First for Euron.

Let's hope he kills Dany and then gets thrown into the sea

Remember when Dany said her bathtub scene was real?

I finished the first book when Season 7 ended but never got round to the next one. I have the whole collection on my shelf right now, should I start reading A Clash of Kings? Or wait until the TV series is over?

Clearly this is only concerning women who actually got topless on GOT itself cos otherwise the Waif would win it.
Also you forgot Fake Sansa

I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little,
I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well,
as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations.
But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done after the Trident.

"And it is important that the individual books refer to the civil wars, but the series title reminds us constantly that the real issue
lies in the North beyond the Wall. Stannis becomes one of the few characters fully to understand that, which is why in spite of everything
he is a righteous man, and not just a version of Henry VII, Tiberius or Louis XI."
-George R.R. Martin

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What are the chances we see a man again?

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She never said it was.

My brother, Robert Baratheon had raised the banners of Storm’s End, our ancestral castle, against the Mad King,
Aerys. Jon Arryn of the Vale and Eddard Stark of the north stood with him, and Hoster Tully of the Riverlands would
join. But their lands were far from ours, and separated by the combined strength of the west, the Reach,
and King’s Landing itself. Even Robert’s own lords were against him. It was the hardest choice I’ve ever made.
My brother or my king. Blood or honor. Aerys ruled by right of all the lords in Westeros. Everyone knew the price
of defiance, but there are deeper, older laws. The younger brothers bows before the elder. I followed Robert.
Early in the war, Mace Tyrell’s indecisive victory at Ashford cut Robert off from Storm’s End. Instead of pursuing
Robert and risking his record, Mace Tyrell turned east and laid siege to our home. His vast army and navy
encircled us and prevented any resupply by land or sea. If a wagon tried to reach us, it was burnt.
If a ship tried to land, it was sunk. We were locked in Storm’s End to starve, but Robert commanded me to hold
the castle no matter the cost. He could ill afford to lose his ancient seat which had never fallen.

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Not possible, Rosabell's scene was literally the most perfect pair of tits to ever appear on a screen

Man her nipples are tinier than I expected

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hes imprisoned by the lannisters/freys. jamie told him if he surrendered his castle he would be imprisoned at the rock but treated like a highborn

Weird that Arya can now be in these polls but Sansa is still absent.

While Robert smashed Rhagar on the Trident, my men ate the dogs, because the horses had already been
devoured. While the Lannisters sacked King’s Landing, we ate the rats. If the smuggler Davos had not
slipped through the Tyrell blockade with his onions, we’d have eaten our own dead. But I held the castle
until Lord Eddard remembered us and marched to lift the siege. The Tyrells didn’t even put up a fight.
And Robert threw a feast to celebrate Lord Eddard’s victory. I was sent to the royal island stronghold
of Dragonstone to deal with Viserys and Daenerys, the last surviving Targaryen children. Before I arrived,
however, they escaped across the narrow sea. Robert was furious. He stripped me of Storm’s End and gave
it to that prancing fool, Renly, my younger brother. I could keep Dragonstone. Now, Robert is dead and a
bastard pretender soils my throne while the realm fills with schemers and traitors. But the rightful king
is coming for them all. And I will not stop until I have scoured this land clean of abomination.
The Baratheons say, “Ours is the fury.” I will show them fury burns

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whatever you do don't start reading now
chances are the fat man will die before he finishes the next book

He is still alive, he was prisoner at the twins, then arya murdered everyone in the twins and the retard writers never clarify if she freed him or not.

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Yes she did

Season 7 is really fucking bad I don't think Dany has one scene that isn't her sitting high up on a pedestal or throne of some sort judging the remaining male characters.

Season 8 is.... okay, so far. But Dany is still terrible. Sansa and Arya are a lot better than in 7. Because they actually have plot to participate in. Still shitty actresses tho.

In S8E2 Dany literally spends the first 3 minutes dressing down Jamie for his past crimes when A) the dead are less than a day away and B) she has already admitted her father was a crazy mofo in S5 and/or S6

I have realized that both Jamie and Brienne are kingslayers. Kingslayer defends kingslayer at royal court, kingslayer knights other kingslayer. Wow it gives another deep level of meaning to their interactions.


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Ghost nips

Who does /ourgirl/ get with so we can finally see her boobies? Place your bets boys

The same chance that we see Quaithe.

Though Robert had risked all our lives to win it, the Iron Throne bored him. He cared little
for justice and less for rule. If it weren’t women or wineskin, he had no use for it.
Without the stalwart Jon Arryn as Hand of the King, the challenge to Robert’s crown would have
come much earlier than it did. The Iron Islands have never lacked for treachery.
They respect only strength. And honor is as foreign to them as the Seven. After six years,
their ruler, Lord Balon Greyjoy, wagered that King Robert had not won the support of the great
houses of Westeros, many of whom still named him “usurper.” Lord Balon declared the Iron Islands
independent and set his Iron Fleet to Lannisport. Lord Tywin Lannister was careless,
and the Ironborn caught and burnt his ships at anchor. Lord Balon and his reavers controlled the
Sunset Sea. Robert then ordered me to succeed where his father-in-law, Lord Tywin, had failed.
Beneath Robert’s fury, I sensed relief. War he could understand.
He would smash Lord Balon as he had Rhaegar. I raised Robert’s fleet and sailed around Westeros
to the Iron Islands. I set a trap for the Iron Fleet off Fair Isle. As sailors and warriors,
the Ironborn are unparalleled. But they are not soldiers

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this will actually happen

Go find her saying her bathtub scene was real.

No she didn't

They have no discipline, no strategy, no unity. In a battle, each man fights only for his own glory.
And their longships are built for lightning strikes and shore raids. When the captains rushed in,
I smashed their longships with our larger war galleys. The strength of the Ironborn is in their ships.
With the Iron Fleet broken, I had assured Robert’s victor. He could now transport troops and shield
weapons to invade the Iron Islands. And contrary to Balon’s hopes, Robert had plenty of both.
I’ve never seen such allegiance as Robert could inspire in war. Enemies who tried to kill him one day
would be drinking with him the next under their own fallen banners. In rebelling against the Iron Throne,
Lord Balon did more than Robert ever could to cement his rule. When Robert came to the Iron Islands,
he brought with him the full power of Westeros. Sir Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard lead the assault
on Old Wyk while I subdued the Great Wyk, the largest of the Iron Islands. But Robert saved the seat
of House Greyjoy, Pyke, for himself and Lord Eddard.
Robert would later boast of the battle’s bloodiness and how he could have torn down the island into the
waves if Lord Balon hadn’t bent the knee. But if I’d have led the assault, Balon’s neck would have bent.
Under a sword. Because I do not forget. I do not pardon. His time will come. All their times will come.

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so they're gonna retreat to the Neck and get sandwiched by cersei and the zombies, right?

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Who the fuck is voting for Dormer? I find her hot and even I say those tits are a horrorshow

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>he never had any idea what he was doing
We could tell. Show Stannis is an abomination. Though not his fault. It is the director that is supposed to DIRECT the actors. Especially one as experienced as Dillane.

But really he was miscast from the very start.

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Yes she did
I'm not the red woman. Find your own damn source

Renly would've been ten times the king Stannis was. But of course plot tool demanded him out of the way because he was literally too good to stay alive.

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I think that may be the "bittersweet" ending. The good guys get massacred but the dead are repelled. Cersei and Euron survive.

what happened to darkstar posters


There, the realm in the darkness
Four usurpers ruling
Fallen from god
Fallen from grace
R'hllor be my witness
I never shall yield
Till we come face to face
Till we come face to face

They know their way in the dark
Mine is the way of the Lord of Light
Those who follow the path of the righteous
Shall have their reward
And if they fall
As the Great Other fell
The flames
The sword!

In your multitudes
Scarce to be counted
Filling the darkness
With order and light
You are the sentinels
Silent and sure
Keeping watch in the night
Keeping watch in the night

You know your place in the sky
You hold your course and your aim
And each in your season
Returns and returns
And is always the same
And if you fall as the Great Other fell
You fall in flame!

And so it must be, for so it is written
On the doorway to paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price!

Lord, let me defeat them
That I may see them
Safe behind bars
I will never rest
Till then
This I swear
This I swear by the stars!

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>age 29 when filming that
Meanwhile, at age 42 (with kids)

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>Find the source of something not happening
people like this vote

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God damnit they are so perfect

reminder she is /ourgirl/

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You mean Azor Reek?

>let's have these two characters come together, and reminisce about early seasons
-GoT for past two seasons

i wish this wasnt last season, so I could drop it.

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Dany was the best when she was with Drogo. Man, I miss Drogo.He was so cool.

This entire arc was about how both Jon and Stannis were better fit in roles reversed.

go to bed, brienne

So in which episode Stannis comes back?

show sucked after season4. no new books

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Azor Theon


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Go to bed, showfag. Renly was literally perfect king. He had the largest host. He hated the Lannisters. He didn't want to fight the North. The only reason the plot babby removed him from the story is because all conflict would've ended with him at the throne.

The penultimate episode, along with Baelish

literally who

Christ they just had to include a scene for those two irrelevant cunts didn't they.

>tfw i'm into smaller saggy tits

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Enough of this cringe Stannis cocksucking. He was only ever good because Davos and Jon kept set his retarded autistic ass straight.

>kiddie diddling air-head without any shred of loyalty

No thanks

based and renlypilled

Wow, I forgot how good those look. Those are natural right? Damn.

Almost as good as 1st place which is: Those are just pitiful.

I dont think so

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Renly was following Robert's example. He knew Stannis was a lost cause. He was the best ruler. Best fighter, godly charisma, easy ally. He would've also saved Ned's life if Ned hadn't gone all muh children on his ass. Meanwhile Stannis left KL long before Renly did.

he only diddled loras who was about the same age. and their love was pure, not base and degenerate
>when the sun has set no candle can take its place


Sucks she's only a side character tbqh. Meanwhile ugly women in all the leading roles lmao

Is Blackfish dead in the show?

Brienne didn't kill any king

Oh yeah what the fuck happened to Sweetrobin. Did he finally die of epilepsy

Fuck that bitch man Like STANNIS the MANNIS don't have game

What was the point of this scene again? Did she really expect simply win him over with pussy?

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I had a dream about passionately making out with a girl that looks like her on a sofa

Can't remember whether I fucked her or not but shit was so cash

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Yes. Killed offscreen. Didn't even have a minute in the budget to kill him off properly.

ye, suicided for "muh home"

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God I hate this piss show.

That's called natural, thank you very much and these women are ALL beautiful. Thanks.

did you lick her abs?

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Yes, died offscreen

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Sansa is CUTE

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>so cash


Technically they didn't show the body or his death so he could still be alive.

Just like STANNIS

Just kidding tho, he's fuckin ded

>show nothing but sideboob, a slight nipple and plumbers crack
>people thought it was a body double

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Anyone fantasize about being some highborn heir and betrothed to some other highborn qt

I'm so fucking lonely

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They're natural yes. Clearly between Holland and Italy there's something in the European girls' water.

His final lines were also shit

>I-I'm so bad at everything you're much better at me Brienne
This motherfucker is a LEGEND and he knows it

>tfw had a wet dream where I was fucking Aubrey Plaza against the wall of my room while my parents were right outside in the living room

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I think you guys lowered your standard compared to s7

S8 is legit just fan fic at this point
>muh knighting scene
>muh manlet joke
>muh arya sex
>muh dragon ride to sex dungeon scene

For 2 season they are just sitting around and doing jack shit except telling every bitch in the show how strong and independent they are.

Jaime is a sworn enemy in the north, his mini-trial was necessary.
Regardless of how she felt, Jaime still killed her father - just looked at how Sam responded to his father dying who he also hated.

I miss Ygritte so much, bros.

She would have made a great Queen for Jon.

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Literally canon though

>No Myranda votes
Scumbags don't appreciate quality over quantity

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more like this

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his actor is like 70 years old too, he looks great

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It's the hair boys. The magic is in the hair.

This. I want to drop this shit so bad but it's the fucking end, what's the point watching 7 fucking season if I don't finish it.

I've read better shit on fanfiction.net.

Season 8 is already better than anything Season 7 produced. Season 7 was a travesty.

Skeletons are for spooks not for fucks

I am truly at a loss to ponder who might win this poll.

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Why am i thinking that the Night King is going to be killed off next episode?

Anyone wanna comment on that?

Ive I got news for you.

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Season 7 was fun in a fanfic kind of way. Also Spoils of War was well directed.

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sometimes life is pretty alright

also based trips of best couple

trips confirm best couple

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>he reads fanfiction
im desperate for good plots too but you won’t find them there

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Best fish. Edmure a shit.

>wanting to be some noblecuck
Yeah no thanks. I want to be some blacksmith who goes on adventures later on or a mercenary sellsword.


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Because he is; duh.

Then it will shift back to fighting for the Iron Throne because they still have to wrap all that shit up in a few episodes.

When will Melisandre come back? She is supposed to "meet again" Arya.

>it aint me

And all the cast were at the wedding

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I've seen a fapfic where Arya fails to assassinate Walder Frey and forced to be his sex slave

Not sure where it is now though

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No, edmure is /ourfish/

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based jon

I don't either. When I was much younger I used to read lots because I had multiple friends online that were writing, so I was proofreading for them.

I also spent far too much time reading Eva ficks back then. But that was many years back.

That sounds legitimately better than s8 so far.

>‘Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne
user, you're only confirming just how kino of a character Stannis really is.

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Jorah will die protecting her, I guarantee it.

Reminder that he drove the mountain from the riverlands and saved countless lives.

Man she really was fat in that season.

Bad angle to get a good assessment... at least they protrude.

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How do I achieve this mustache?

book Stannis is kino
show Stannis is dogshit


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Don't (You) me

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bad pusy for me

bullshit Edmure's fucking rad

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shut your whore mouth

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have to keep it lighthearted since he's a married man

Kit's putting on act so his wildling wife won't think of him a cheater.

It's a joke about him being married

Not even a Stannisfag but it's an absolute joke that he was effectively killed off by Ramsey Bolton and 20 good men.

I'd make "don't tell my wife" jokes seeing as Rose and Emilia are good friends.

let it grow
cut off the part 3/5ths above your mouth so they dont potrude over your lips, keep everything neat
then with some wax or whatever you wanna use, you shape the ends of your mustache to the desired direction

This is what Sophie wore to the wedding kek?

Dany came dressed as Kit Harrington's mother

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wtf bros...

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Anyone got that Night King wojak waving flag?

Every post feels like a failure and another year added to my decline

What did Kit do to piss off the writers, theres been a few jokes about his height.

It's a joke. Calm down incel

>got is still good

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She looks elegant, unlike Sophie the slag.

I bet like 70% that Kit, Rose, and Emilia have had a threesome together irl. At least once.

only faggots were offended by that line
t. manlet

She's a bit cute here desu

Slags gonna slag.

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Is it awkward attending the wedding of someone you've fucked? Must be awkward for the bride atleast.

>manlets unironically seething over this
based, we should round'em up to take them out of the bloodline.

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The one rule of dressing for a wedding don't upstage the bride. Maisie knows it, Sophie comes dressed for streetwalking.

These people look so British

>someone younger

I hate dany so much. Ruined everything.

This show became full or plotholes and fanfiction writing when dany and those fucking dragons came to Westeros

Prove me wrong You can't

Worst Characters:
1. Stannis Baratheon (King of stupid. So vile, burned his own kid. Should have bent the knee to Renly. Worshipped by incels.)
2. Robert Baratheon (Stupid and cucked by Cersei. Indirect cause of everything wrong. Has no character but memes.)
3. Jaime Lannister (Slave to her sister's cunt. Mostly a smug idiot. Forced redemption arc that doesn't make sense.)
4. Baelish (Always thinks he is smarter than he actually is even when truly smart characters like Sansa are involved.)
5. Cersei Lannister (Ruined lots of lives. Stupid and arrogant. Foolishly opposes my Dany. Doesn't know when to give up.)

Best Characters:
1. My lovely Dany (Most deserving of the Throne. Best girl, best khaleesi, best queen. Most pure and beautiful. Cute dragons.)
2. Tyrion Lannister (Smart and funny dwarf. Removed Tywin, another nonsensical patriarchal archetype that was shitting up the plot.)
3. Sansa Stark (Smartest Character, defeated Cersei, Baelish, Ramsay. Greatest character development. Keeps up with my Dany.)
4. Arya Stark (Based assassin, suffered the most out of everyone but always pulls through. My savage little wolf cub.)
5. Brienne of Tarth (Loyal and just to a fault. Completely destroyed the hound who exemplifies toxic masculinity. Justly executed the worst character.)

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Emilia looks like such an adorable dork in real like oh my gosh

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Does Dinklage think that hair style is acceptable?

>it's an absolute joke that he was effectively killed off by Ramsey Bolton and 20 good men.

I still can't fucking believe that shit happened.

None of that shit made any sense

Stannis losing everything to 20 GOOD MEN
Stannis burning Shireen, fucking Shireen, for no reason when they were 2 minutes away from Winterfell.
Half his army fleeing with the horses
His wife killing herself
Stannis being killed off screen

Might as fucking well have just taken a shit all over him D&D

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Legitimately funny. The Linkin Park parts had me in stitches.

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i wonder the same.
i want my golden support actor of british TV show back\\\

and what happen to her QT waifu tho?

someone explain to me what's with all the fucking quips recently?

why would a literal midget be concerned about how his hair looks

When did Tyrion turn into such an angry pissed dude all the time

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Edd the most Chad in this photo

Everything would've happened the same way except without Dany and her goons.

>"he's too little for me" and "someone taller"
>falls in love with him

>"you want a whore buy one, you want a queen: earn here"
>whores herself out 2 mins later

d&d portray women quite accurately


What do they eat? Do they have metabolism? How do they derive energy?
Why are wights allowed to break all laws of thermodynamics? How do they never tire, where is this unlimited source of energy that drives them coming from?
What is their culture, do they even have one?
Do they have females?
Do they have ice benis / vagine?
Do they reproduce or can they only create more of themselves via human children / the Night King?
Do they have language?
If not, how do they communicate? Is it telepathically? Just magic (aka GRRM don't gotta explain shit)
Why do they make armor? How do they make it?
Do they have forges, do they mine for metals?
Are they just a "force of nature," mindless and with one goal (eradication of humans?)
What are their tax policies?
Do they have cities, towns, a society?
How many white walkers are there?
Are they all the product of Craster's Sons, or do they go back thousands of years?
Do they worship a god / gods? What god gives the white walkers their power / magic? Obviously, it's some sort of ice / darkness / god of death in opposition to the lord of light.
What exactly is their endgame? Let's say they eradicate westeros, do they turn their attention to essos?
Let's say they wipe out all life and create an entire planet of wights. What then?
Why are they attacking now, of all times to attack? There must have been moments in the last thousands upon thousands of years at which the wall was weak, at which the kingdoms were in conflict when he could have attacked with success. We're told that the coming of the dragons "awoke" the Night King and stirred him to start his campaign on westeros. Why? There were dragons for hundreds of years during Aegon's conquest and after, why did he not stir then?

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Right after he killed his father in the show and his writing went to shit.

Gendry mogs him

>dress down they said

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Renly was a Tyrell puppet. He had no mind of his own and just wanted to have endless tourneys.

I mean even his actor irl

Kinda pretty, if it wasn't for the nigger hair

That's why we love him.

>what are their tax policies
Only legitimate question... the rest are have sex tier

he just seems like a miserable guy in general

People were so shocked when they saw Ed Sheeran that they didn't pay attention to what the characters were saying. They tell Arya they're there to keep the peace after what happened to the Freys. The Lannisters probably took charge of the castle and Edmure is still in his dungeon.

No, Gendry doesn’t carry himself with confidence

>Renly was a Tyrell puppet
t. showfag

He literally told his older brother he would kill him because he didn't feel like respecting the law.

Imagine being the one member of the main cast they didn't invite.

wow it's almost like you shouldn't be casting fucking pop star celebrities in your fantasy show or something

Is that Dink’s slag on the right?

Remember when a russian model released pictures of him in her bed and claimed she fucked him a month before his wedding, and claimed they did a bunch of coke together

I know what you meant. It's the same reason.

The actor is mad because he's getting shittier and shittier lines and because he's no longer one of the main drivers of the story.

that's cute

who doesn't like her full out laughter face?

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He realized his brother was a lost cause. He told him to stand down or die.

Renly was right in the end. Stannis wasn't the man for the job. He botched Blackwater and is now freezing his balls off in the North with no allies except Ned's redneck buddies.

Rose Leslie 1.68m
Emilia Clarke 1.57m
Womanlet BTFO

A commander of the night's watch was said to have married a female white walker so maybe

The one good thing to come out of this shitpile

How come everyone is always meeting at that same inn at the crossroads? What are the chances of that? That place is as busy as a Wawa in rural eastern PA, it’s like no one has anything else to do but hang out there

I actually don't remember this but it sounds based enough to be Kit.

based amazonpilled Kit

"DABID, DABID, let's hire some actors that can play their characters incredibly well and kill them off as quickly as possible."
Just like the fookin legend himself.

What is the point of her character then?


Just when you though you were out, this trainwreck of a show pulls you back in!

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I mean maybe in relation to Kit but come on

>the virgin Maisie
>The Chad Sophie

>Leather jacket and boots to a wedding

Is this normal in bongland?

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I'm sure she'd enjoy elephant dick more than any other she had so far.

Why did they have to ruin Black Fish?

>Best fighter

Davos proved time and again that Stannis is not inflexible. He should've allied himself and rule together.

Azor sneed

Leaked Spoilers:


Final moments of the White Walker army fleeing Winterfell after the next episode.

Imagine being the chicks in the poll underneath Bessie, a character that's not even on-screen or played by anyone

Sean Bean there?

I don't like her either. Emilia's acting is all over the place, she has zero chemistry with Kit and isn't hot enough anyway. Plus her character only makes sense if they reveal her as a villain, but she's literally the main female protag so D&D won't do it.

Drama plot device deus ex machina mary sue.

>Renly was
Renly was a Highgarden puppet who was in no way better suited to being king than anyone.

Why you have to prove yourself a showfag yet again? He absolutely dominated Robert's tourney and Ned kept going on how the guy is basically Robert in his physical prime.

>He should've allied himself and rule together.
Renly sought a quick and easy end to the war. With Stannis, it would've taken years and also with an unpredictable outcome. Not to mention Stannis always being jealous of Renly being Robert's favorite.

Like literally none of the black actors.

A wholesome scene. Even though the show runners were aiming it for Reddit... it inadvertently caters to trad-fags because Brienne of fucking Tarth is the least degenerate character of them all

i guess the weather is always bad in bongland

>Renly was a Highgarden puppet
t. showfag

Lads, do you still have any hope for mad queen dany

she doesn't really do anything though

there are like two of them in total

>my 4 brothers

Cringe and bluepilled

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Azor Jon will have to kill her when she asks Drogon to "Burn them all"

>reverse image search an ahegao picture
>gives me the full name of an ecchi manga about guns or something
Is this accurate?

never gets old



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stop self promoting

wait a minute...that hair...it can't be...

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reminder that if Jon kills Dany he will be forced to marry Cersei and Sansa will have to bend the knee

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It was a legit scene with actual character development (Brienne's arc) and they're two of the best actors left on the show. It was a rare moment from the glory days tbqh

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Man, Stannis is such a good fucking character in the books. I really hope he isn't wasted like he was in the show.


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Boomer Davos

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They're already setting her up to be a villain, didn't you notice? She had like 6 "jealous glare" scenes, how are you this blind


now this is uncanny valley

absolutely BASED

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It worked with Stannis.

He should just marry Salsa at that point

Dorne and the reach don't exist and neither does the valley

Based Donal built Robert's hammer.

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6'1 180, I'd fold you and partake in your sweet boipucci

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Imagine not being allowed to cut your hair for your own wedding

>Ghost is back, though. He was on the battlement with Jon. He didn't do anything but stand there, though.


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Donal Noye was clueless about the Baratheons though. He had it all wrong. Robert was the worst Baratheon to rule.


Unironically felt like I was watching previous seasons.

As another user pointed out, one of the few scenes that will 100% be in the books

Honestly if it were to happen I'd be fucking happy

But Dany hasn't won the Iron Throne, Cersei sits on it currently and barely anyone recognises Dany as their ruler, even with Jon trying to vouch for her. As of now, she has no official authority over any of Westeros.

Yeah because the Tyrells didn't do the right thing and supported him and instead just cucked themselves on blind ambition

Imagine how much money he made pretending to be someone else.

I probably won't make as much in 10 years as he did in one. And I have a decent career in IT that it took me over 10 years to achieve.

wasted my vote on Bessie on an impulse lads

I thought they were in WF with Dany? How do they control Essos too?

Foolish fool

The Tyrells would never support Stannis after Storm End's siege. Mace hated Stannis. It was either Renly or the Lannisters for the Tyrells. Or just grab the throne for themselves which they couldn't do because they had zero claim.


Seems legit


Maybe polls should be "Who has the best tits after Tyene/Melisandre" cos they're a given.

I can't help but think it's a red herring and they'll go for Jon x Dany disney shit in the end.


the dothraki number in tens of thousands at the very least. if they're at WF, where the fuck are they right now?

What did he mean by this

>Dragonstone a stone's throw from King's Landing

So why didn't Cersei send a fleet to crush Daenerys's forces when she had the chance?

>mfw the show ends with the women instituting democracy

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>Might as fucking well have just taken a shit all over him D&D
but this is what they did
didn't they literally say they hate that character and are working on getting him gone asap?

even if i had no clue what got was and who these two were, i'd have bet my kingdom that these two were british.
bong women are truly a unique breed.

based Cunningham methodical actor

Have sex

>but only if you freely choose me as your monarch

Remind me, how did he end up in that tourney? He lost? And Loras and a fat bald guy with a flaming sword won? Yeah, he was just like the Demon of the Trident.

>Might as fucking well have just taken a shit all over him D&D

user, that's exactly what they've done with barristan and stannis


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Wasn't that Varys's thing

Half his shit doesn't make sense.

They already have plenty of dragonglass. Everyone and their mother has dragonglass weapons and they've even started adding shards of it to walls and barricades.

Edd seems like a really cool lad to hang out with

>NK vs jon & co
>NK is immuned to dragonglass, fire and valyrian steel
>All hope is lost
>Bran suddenly worgs into NK
>Stabs himself with his ice sword
>Bran dies aswell as NK
>Jon holds Bran, weeping
>Bran ! No...
>I... am... not... Bran *dies*
Mark my fucking words. Here's how the show will end

>He takes on the Night King as a heroic version of Rains of Castamere plays

that's the one I read first

then again ned knew jack shit about fighting so maybe it was just him being retarded again??

There are many different Khalasaar all over Essos. Dany just has a few of them under her control.

>Not bran warping to his past self and resetting everything since his fall

>I... am... not... Bran *dies*
Except that he is.

Just because he now can see and remember all things doesn't mean he isn't Bran. It's so fucking autistic.


They blew the budget on the Aladdin dragon ride, so you'll have to imagine the dothraki camp at the foot of the castle.

>So why didn't Cersei send a fleet to crush Daenerys's forces when she had the chance?
Because bad writing

There are still Hotpie and Ser Pounce to root for

The whole stash is in Wintertown tho

>the dragons aren't eating
>they don't like it up north
>burn calories flying dragons further north

Sounds to me like it's a house filled by selfish cunts driven by vanity that don't know their place and deserved every tragedy that befell them.

If only they only did what was just they might not have become a footnote of westeros history.

>I don't believe in taking people's freedom
>so you either submit to me willingly or I roast you with dragonfire

>There are many different Khalasaar all over Essos. Dany just has a few of them under her control.
Dany killed them all in season 6 episode 4.Remember this scene youtube.com/watch?v=7hotg_3K9kY.
Don't defend bad writing and plot holes

What fleet? She needed the Iron Fleet from Euron and he BTFO the sneks and then the unsullied in the show. In the books she has a new fleet built after Blackwater but some douche steals it. In the show she made Mace Tyrell master of ships so who knows what the fuck that dude was up to.

How does dany not collapse undwr the weight of her plot armor at this point?
I'm actually interested

She's a stronk womyn, you misogynistic shitlord

The Tyrells became the biggest deal when they told house Gardener that it was a good idea to fight Aegon and his dragons when he first came to Westeros. Tyrells were stewarts of house Gardener but got promoted because they yielded the castle and bent the knee after the battle.

I coun't watch the Arya sex scene. I had to skip it. No fucking chemistry, no fucking foreshadowing, absolute fucking disgrace. I need a drink now.

Why aren't dragons dead from cold? Wolves have fur, dragons are lizards and they can't survive in cold for more than few hours.
It is winter very cold and snowing

>Interrupting my birthday to express how much pain I’m in watching the Notre Dame fire unfold. Such an incredible building. I’m so sad

Same here. I had absolutely zero interest in watching goblin sex.

And what the fuck was with the setup, asking him how many women he's slept with? That wasn't awkward at all.

>Historically known for surrendering
Holy shit they truly are France.

She knows Dany with dragons is North fighting deadfags. Why isn't she attacking Dany's home and destroying it?

>And what the fuck was with the setup, asking him how many women he's slept with? That wasn't awkward at all.
You don't get it. She's a STRONK independent wamen that can make a man uncomfortable and fidgety with mere words. She was IN CONTROL. That's the lesson you filthy misogynistic swine.

>goblin sex

no, yara controls the iron islands and she is a subject of queen daenerys

Taking an empty or barely manned castle that's on an island for what reason?

she just wanted to get his experience levels to see if she needed to find a real man or not instead of a boy who was only raped by melly

i find it ironic that anytime someone without a penis does anything in westeros and in other tv and films you guys get all worked up.

all your penis envy and lust leads me to only one conclusion

Well yeah, but he was also a blacksmith, not a politician.

Go home, Maisie.

She wanted good sex, not virgin sex, yet someone who wasn't necessarily too experienced that they would dominate her as a virgin because she is clearly someone that wants to remain in control.

She asked him about something he would lie about because she knows when people lie now.

Shit bait, faggot