What do you think of bob's burgers?

What do you think of bob's burgers?

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Shit. Bob gets cucked and shit on every episode and he just takes it like a bitch. Even when he's in the right he gets shit on. Literal normie tier trash.

Too close to home huh?

fathers have to be stupid or pussies in american television


Go to bed, Bob

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have you guys watched the show? bob doesn’t come off dumb or weak. he’s generally one of the more logical characters and they portray him as being a good caring father. his personality is the dry straight man reacting to the quirky people around him. his biggest downfall is he has less than ideal luck in a lot of situations. I agree it’s a normie show, though. I only ever watched it with girls I was trying to fuck. it’s funnier than I expected.

Bob is the best cartoon dad since Hank Hill and the family is one of the comfiest things to watch on Yea Forums. The quality had noticeably dipped but the soul and purity of those first few seasons was amazing. Except Gene. He is a shit character

I think it’s really funny. Tina can be annoying but only when she gets her own storyline.

Why do people watch this shit? Like really? Adult cartoons? Come on, kids.

Gene is shockingly good in his own episodes but always a waste of space when the episode isnt about him.

Him dressing up as Bob was great

It's good. I like the songs, and I usually hate musical numbers in everything.

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that intentional combover always made me kek

Big truth. That’s why I hate him. He’s so inconsistent between doing really funny shit like being little bob and just making cringey gay jokes that take away from the timing of everything else.

Formerly Chucks's Chuggers

Can`t compete with Sneeds Feed and Seed

Formerly Chuck's Burgers

it was good until the tumblr crowd latched on and the writers starting appealing to that crowd

the kids completely destroy it.
every episode has 5 minutes of them screaming at each other just to kill time. pure filler.
its a shame because most of the adult characters are great.


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It was fairly funny and Archer's voice is nice.

Boring. Unlikable characters. Ugly.

Shitty 'adult cartoon' for manlets and stoners

Formerly Sneed's Steamed Hams

I couldn't really get into it. I guess I'm more of a King of the Hill guy.

>fathers have to be stupid or pussies in american television

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I mean, anything is better than Archer at this point, right?

Moms love this show

It’s geared toward a younger audience than shows like the Simpsons or family guy.

Would be better if it focused on Bob and his loser friends rather than the obnoxious kids.

First 2 seasons were the closest we've had to a KotH replacement (though no where near as good). After that it started to get as zany as The Simpsons but with more musical numbers.

all of the men on this show are losers though

secretly being the best animated on tv right now

Stop following me in front!

Rather than being a son, the character should've been Louise's friend instead of the twins. That way they could use him more sparingly. Plus as a son he comes across as an ungrateful asshole when he screws things up for Bob. Louise at least gets moments that show she loves her parents.

You can tanked hard after the second or third season I forget


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that would be around when the focus shifted to the kids

Yea I'm not sure desu but it just became not funny. I remember i asked my friends who I used to watch it together with and we all basically agreed that it just wasn't funny. Sad

This, there are too many episodes and moments where the kids (and Linda) are given carte blanche to fuck up Bob's hobbies, drive the family deeper into poverty, etc. and he's forced to just sack up and deal with it.

Louise is the fucking worst about it.

Bob is neither stupid nor a pussy. He's portrayed as a good father, a good husband who has the respect of his wife and family, and as a talented chef (but a mediocre businessman). Of every major character in town, only Mort is more of a straight man than Bob.

that’s probably his peak

Bob is the voice of reason in the series, but there are times he's doing shit all on his own, like whenever he wants to do mischief/revenge on Linda's ex or that pizza place. The time he became a taxi driver for Tina's bday was really good.

Louise and Tina are annoying but the show doesn't focus too much on them so it's a good balance.
Gene however is retarded, and not in the good way