What would you say if you were the first man to walk on the moon...

What would you say if you were the first man to walk on the moon? The entire world is listening and it's going to be in history books forever.

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Other urls found in this thread:


> sucks to be Aldrin
Buzz will forever be histories second stringer


hi mum
hi dad

love my home
love my town
love pints

simple as.

GOOD MORNING soviet union

I would start singing Barry Manilow's "Looks Like we Made It"

"Finally, a planet without niggers"

What's 15 percent but also 50?


Buzz is alright. Imagine being that guy just orbiting the moon while Neil and Buzz are actually on the surface.

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Yee haw



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Remember Lads, Subscribe to PewDiePie

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meh not really, dude still got to go to the moon I don't think he's that ticked about not being first.
literally the loneliest man alive ever when he was on the far side of the moon.

I always think of this.

>we've set sneed where no chuck has formerly gone before, houston

if you were alone like that would you take the opportunity to JACK OFF ON THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON?



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>it's like a snowglobe in here


Yes I can see them now. Three of them, walking towards the lander. They're small, about three feet tall, with pale red skin and bright yellow eyes. I can hear them speaking to me in my head.

We really out here

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Seems like you are the nigger here.

No such event and feeling can be made today, no matter if it's even bigger or more important.
Whatever happens today just get's digested by irony and memes, no matter how tragic or heroic it is. If Neil went to the Moon yesterday there would be no feeling at all, just memes and le ebin twitter screencaps until it get's replaced with something else 3 days after. That's pretty sad.

Boomer out.

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Jet fuel cant melt steel beams, taxation is theft

>Be Apollo 10
>mission is to ALMOST land on the moon
>NASA purposely gives you low fuel so you cant try to land and be first
>everyone forgets Apollo 10
that was the true JUST


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We made it. Next up, Mars.

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>>NASA purposely gives you low fuel so you cant try to land and be first
You think those super trained and disciplined astronauts would actually try to land it when it wasn't their mission just because?

>And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

To be the first man on the moon? Hell yeah.

every picture of man on the moon is Aldrin tho
and hes still alive, still bathing on that sweet sweet money even today in the year 2019

why'd they have to pick an autistic Canadian to play him?

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Without a ticket back?

>literally the loneliest man alive ever when he was on the far side of the moon.

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Moons are planets. You all forget that "planet" doesn't have a real definition.

>I drive (back home)

Imagine fucking stuttering when you're supposed to say the one liner of the millennium

fun fact all the planets of the solar system fit between the earth and the moon, thats how far away it is


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>you all

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Similar to mars. You know the plan is going to be for a women to be first on Mars. I just hope any man aboard that flight understands the historical importance, and throws her out of the way to be first.

What was he supposed to say?

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What did he mean by this

Save this for the first bong on the moon

Ireland is British

They don't, that's why they yeeted pluto back in 06.

>be first man on moon
>do not draw penis in moon dust
Missed opportunity desu.

even though it is dumb to call a moon a planet in the context of it orbiting a planet. just use natural satellite I guess.

Badabim badabom.

I hate nigs

fuck jannies

It could have been epic if the drawing was visible from Earth. Imagine the lovers sharing their first date, holding hands and walking under the full Moon, but not looking at it because a fucking manchild draw a fucking DICK on it.

>That's one small step for man, one... uhm... I'm sorry Mr Kubrick, I've forgot my line, could we do it again?

“Houston, despite making up only 13%...”

Only hope is if it’s Elon musk in his own rocket. Otherwise it will be a diversitynaut

"Go Rockets"

Do you have any idea how big you’d have to draw if to be visible from earth?

>If stanley makes me redo the scene one more time I swear I'm gonna kill someone.

Moon. Formerly Snoon.

>yfw irl it ends up being some twitter-tier feminist clapback


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500 km would be enough.

For some of them it was a little bit tempting but the LEM for Apollo 10 was too heavy to even take off so it was impossible no matter how they tried.


He'll send Grimes

fuck all ya'll earthlings, i'm not coming back.


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Collins didn't care. Gordon was the one who never got over that (and on top of that he was later supposed to command Apollo 18 the first cancelled mission).


course if it was MY dick it'd have to be bigger

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>This is one small step for woman
>And one giant leap for womankind

>What's 15 percent but also 50?
Lurk moar

>super trained and disciplined astronauts
Discipline doesn't work that way. You take a dude and use him as fodder, which is what the first group of astronauts were, you better not be surprised when he gives you the finger from time to time, because he know's you bastards are just using him and will resent you for it regardless.

That's why some of the astronauts only flew one mission, and why some weren't selected as commanders.

That’s one small step for man, one big leap for you.

t. nigger

> diversitynaut

>If Neil went to the Moon yesterday there would be no feeling at all, just memes and le ebin twitter screencaps until it get's replaced with something else 3 days after. That's pretty sad.
this hit me hard

>let's see those spics and niggers do this haha

George Bush doesn't care about black people

cant av been that interestin if e dint even botha to get out

>'ate pakis
>'ate niggers

>luv me mam
>luv pints
>luv the Queen

Simple as.

"Our conquest begins"

>"planet" doesn't have a real definition.
True, but generally the difference is that moons orbit planets, while planets orbit stars....at least so far...in our system.


I bet Collins is tired of telling everyone that no he wasn't lonely. For 50 straight years. We only have 22 of those "classic" astronauts left. The last one will probably be gone by the end of next decade unless he lives to be 100. It's a sad thought. Maybe one will live to see humans walk on the Moon again. It will be weird to live in a world without anyone with such experience. 4 moonwalkers left.



rogue planets in interstellar space that got ejected from their system are probably pretty spooky

And they're out there. Somewhere.

One small feed for Sneed, one giant seed for Sneedkind

"we fuckin did 'er boys"

think about how fast they're just plummeting through essential nothingness tho

"heh, so the earth is flat"

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For me, it's the McChicken.

For me, it's the Whataburger honey butter chicken biscuit.

Unironically, i would say:
>The first of many...

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"i'd like to remind the folks at home that moon spelled backwards reads noom"

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so glad I have a telescope that can see the moon with this kind of detail.
one day I'll be able to get one of those that can automatically track objects and take photos

For reference

Apollo 11
1.Neil Armstrong: "I'm going to step off the LM now. That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind"
2.Buzz Aldrin: "Magnificent desolation...Looks like the secondary strut had a little thermal effects on it right here, Neil."

Apollo 12
3.Pete Conrad: "Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but that's a long one for me. I'm going to step off the pad. Mark. Oooh, is that soft and queasy. Hey, that's neat. I don't sink in too far."
4.Alan Bean: "Boy, the LM looks nice on the outside.Okay. My, that Sun is bright"

Apollo 14
5.Alan Shepard: "Al is on the surface. And it's been a long way, but we're here."
6.Edgar Mitchell: "He's releasing it now."

Apollo 15
7.David Scott: "Okay, Houston. As I stand out here in the wonders of the unknown at Hadley, I sort of realize there's a fundamental truth to our nature. Man must explore."
8.James Irwin: "Boy, that front pad is really loose, isn't it?"

Apollo 16
9.John Young: "There you are: Mysterious and Unknown Descartes. Highland plains. Apollo 16 is gonna change your image. I'm sure glad they got ol' Brer Rabbit, here, back in the briar patch where he belongs."
10.Charlie Duke: "Fantastic! Oh, that first foot on the lunar surface is super, Tony!"

Apollo 17
11.Gene Cernan: "Jack, I'm out here. Oh, my golly! Unbelievable! Unbelievable; but is it bright in the Sun. Okay! We landed in a very shallow depression. That's why we've got a slight pitch-up angle...very shallow, dinner-plate-like, dish crater just about the width of the struts. How you doing, Jack?"
12.Harrison Schmitt: "Hey, who's been tracking up my lunar surface?"

Some said while still on the pad then followed by the rest said on the surface.

>I sort of realize there's a fundamental truth to our nature. Man must explore

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good luck, mister gorsky


I am starting to realize Yea Forums has ruined me, the first thing I thought of when humanity is starting to approach a human landing on Mars, is the avalanche of articles "why a woman/pos/gay/etc should be the first one on Mars" or...don't even want to think too much about it.

There were already people speculating about and making fun of space voyage, before the moon landing, there were some tv shows featuring some faux space astronauts or aliens visiting, of course is harder to find those than it would be now just writing "moon memes", you say that because the internet lets you experience much more of what people create now other than computers allowing an easier infrastructure and tools to create this content.

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Chances are, I'd stumble, fall down the stairs and swear like a cobbler.

Name a more impressive human achievement
you can't

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I forget which flight it was but at one point the module crew started getting pissed at ground control and wanted to do their own thing

Not what you're talking about but look up the Skylab mutiny.
Pretty crazy how important morale is, even for such highly trained people

>Doesn't matter, still went to the moon

What are some good space films?

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Oh wait that's what it was. Pretty interesting stuff

"I shidded and farded and jizzed"

>all the low IQ pseuds having to insecurely assert their “intelligence” by pointing out a mistake a 5 year old would recognise

I'll give an honest answer if I actually found myself in that situation, no shame in answering truthfully.
>Insignificant as we are in the universe, we've taken our first peek beyond the veil, like a child learning to walk in the world, we are learning to walk in the cosmos. The events that enabled this feat span back centuries, even millenia. Let it be known, this was possible for the collective effort of humanity as a whole, and I place my faith in the boundless curiosity of man which will penetrate the deepest reaches of space. Infinity stretching everywhere, yet surrounded by nothing evokes a feeling incomparable, it's as if flying across the blue sky over the still waters. I sincerely wish everyone could be here. I thank you for making this possible.

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I enjoyed Interstellar even with the hippy shit

The two Voyagers are a pretty good second. They're the first man made objects to pass into interstellar space, that's still damn impressive.

Could be Apollo 7. Wally Schirra, professional veteran (only one to flight from Mercury to Apollo) caught cold and there was some friction. Chris Kraft was pissed as always although Schirra already said he's gonna retire his co-pilots Cunningham and Eisele never flew again either.
The Skylab case is interesting. I hope to find Searching for Skylab one day (it's gonna be tough because it's an independent documentary) or read more about it but the crews usually weren't happy if the schedule was too intense for them.

Can’t believe he Saturn V Was That big

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Big Boi is down, Houston. The lander is alright too.

brilliant satire

On that note, The Farthest Voyager in Space is a really good documentary about the voyager crafts

I was going to say the powergrid and worldwide network infrastructure. But really, that shit ain't kino.

Extreme fucking cringe

>gets jumped by moon niggers who steal your oxygen supply

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One small step for me.. One giant leap, for you!

I swear I'm gonna buy the lego set on my next payday. Or the one after that. One of these days I'm gonna do it they're not that expensive.

Thin your paints

Model set is where it’s at

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10 and over bend em over

Yeah I saw it in the cinema when it came out, it's amazing


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The Right Stuff is the best one, followed by Apollo 13.

how can you tell


>spoiler alert: after this we never go to the Moon again


Naiveté and hubris wrapped in one generic statement

1000% based

big fellah

I'd be really tempted to say something like "niggers tongue my anus" or "gas the kikes race war now", but I know for a fact I'd pussy out of it

>Name a more impressive human achievement
convincing the world that the NAZI's persecuted the Jews instead of the communists hiding among them

BRAZIL 1, GERMANY 7!!!!!!!!!!!

Waxing poetry wouldn't sit really well I think, being general and generic is better I think. What would you say if you were the first man on the moon? I'm curious.


*I step out after you*
“Hey sorry about my buddy over here hes a bit autistic”
*throws a moon rock at autismo*

>cracks visor

In the long line of humans, I am the first to breach this worlds barrier. Not because of luck or the work of others, but because of my own tenacity and ability to make my desires reality. I stand on this moon not as some mindless representative for a collective, but as the bearer of my own will and my own ego, a true individual as all men should be. This is my success and mine alone, to step on moon.

>*begins seizing up and convulsing from the crack*
>“Yeah Houston hes having another conniption fit ill just let him sit this one out.”
>“Roger that Commander Chad, just make sure you keep his Geiger counters active, Operation Radiation Sponge wont be successful if you dont.”
>”Am I gonna strap him to the outside of the CM on the way back again?”
>”Thats correct.”

No joke id leave the fucker behind if he said that on my mission

LHC is a more impressive machine but it doesn't have as visually stunning an outcome

>wanted to do their own thing
One of the Mercury astronauts blew off ground control because he was trying to figure out what the fucking little "lights" were flying around his craft (ice particles). This was when mission timelines were tight as fuck, and his fucking around required changing to the alternate landing spot, and nearly cost the dude his life. I think it was Carpenter.

"That's one small step for- Hey... hey wait a minute. What's that? Oh my God. OH MY GOD HOUSTON THERE'S A MASSIVE METEOR HEADED STRAIGHT FOR EARTH!"

>my big magnetic donut is cooler than the BWC moon fucker

Imagine being this wrong

>we forgot the crackers!

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I think it was Apollo 7 or something. The mission commander decided not to wear his helmet during reentry because his sinuses were fucked up, despite the insistence of ground control, so the rest of the crew decided fuck it we wont either. None of them flew in space again.

I revised it a little, it was too long admittedly.
>Looking at infinity, yet surrounded by stillness evokes a feeling of such divinity, as if flying across the blue sky over the still waters. I wish you all could experience this.

Not as much as the third guy who no one remembers.


Maybe ITER, or DEMO, if they really manage to create free enegy.

>Despite being only 15% of the population...


>I throw you back into the LM and jump out onto the surface
>”Houston did you see how hard I just cucked this guy?!”
>laughter from Houston
>”No hard feelings bro, now come get your sloppy seconds”

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thanks Mr.Sturmbannführer

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Michael Collins....but I know what you mean.

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On one hand it'd kind of hurt. On the other hand, he was in a much safer position in terms of not dying in an extra landing or take off.

Don't thank him, thank Bob.

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No we talked about this, Schirra felt ill and there were some arguments.
John Glenn witnessed the fireflies and didn't know what it was (or even if it was living or not). Of course it wasn't anything supernatural and it was Carpenter who helped solving the mystery on the next flight. He was the "romantic" astronaut but people often take this too far and think he was a mistake. In reality the mission had way too many planned experiments and Carpenter did what he could althought the communication could've been better. Just like later with Apollo 7 Chris Kraft went mad and Carpenter never flew again but became an aquanaut on Sealab (nice contrast with Skylab) an underwater research lab that was build with the aid of trained dolphins.

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Your mom's a planet.

his hairline doomed him

He was really comfy and his only problem was the fear of coming back alone and being marked for life (he talked about it in recent interview). He declined being the commander of later mission, probably 14.

Too many people, ironically mostly Americans, forget about the man who made the first modern rocket, their countryman. Is this just a Yea Forums thing because you know? He was great and even had his workshop in Roswell and it's not even the only link that this city has with the space program.

Can't believe the nazis took us to the fucking moon, the absolute mad lads!

Make it the biggest troll in history and claim you are seeing aliens in the moon.

Tell me honestly, what would you say in that situation? Be honest, or are you hesitant to show vulnerability to yourself? There's no way of me knowing who you are, the only person judging you is yourself.

based and imperium pilled

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>Earth is really far away now and a sanddust in the black!

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There were problems throughout the mission but Schirra wanted to have his helmet off during landing in order to blow his nose. Houston strongly disagreed wit this. Im not sure what youre disagreeing with me on here, im not even talking about “fireflies”. In the end they didnt fly back in space. Id rather be in space than in the ocean any day, despite the ocean being cool and all.

Im just shitposting, not sure what id say yet but it would probably be in a similar vein to what you wrote, just less... cheesy

>bad ass jet fighter
>some faggot comments about his hair
You know how I can tell you're a bong?

This is the correct answer

You suppose that guy rubbed one out when he was on the dark side of the moon?

That's because the fucking communist kikes have monopolized the broadcasting media and make sure people forget the accomplishments of their WHITE countrymen in favor of some stupid shit that bitch did after some dude already did it.....

“Yeah lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

i was being serious not mocking him lol

based and Éirepilled

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I think there are groups of achievements that have done more overall. Modern farming techniques and technology have as a whole eliminated hunger. Electricity has brought levels of convenience and luxury to the poor that kings hundreds of years ago couldn't even dream of. The internet and computers have revolutionized communication and information sharing in ways we're still adjusting to each day. That said, in terms of single achievements, no, nothing tops sending people to the moon, then sending them back.

>i was being serious
So was I.



>samefagging this fucking hard

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Welcome to Bonerland

Population - Me.

That is a great quote for stepping out onto the moon.

nasa probably had policies against masturbation. imagine sperm globs floating around everywhere in zero gravity. it could get everywhere

That'll happen when the chinks get there. Imagine the memes about chinese knockoff quality if they botch the mission.

well said, to be honest.

Ok we're done here, lets wrap it up

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Literally the most isolated man to ever exist at the time he was in that orbiter.

That was a big leap... FOR YOU

"Liking traps isn't gay!"


The funniest, the most talkative (more like the only talkative) and poetic astronaust on the mission was the only one who didn't make the landing.

The internet was the worst thing to happen to humanity


One small step for man, one giant leap for manlets

One small step for a male. One giant leap for the patriarchy.

we were barely ready for the lightbulb (fucked up our sleep schedules).
what makes anyone think we were ready for instantaneous global communication and access to every single bit of info (real or not) at once

That is no planet.
It´s a space station.

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It was fine until smartphones made it too accessible to the common retard



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There goes the neighborhood.

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Gen Z education, everybody.

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>3.Pete Conrad: "Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but that's a long one for me. I'm going to step off the pad. Mark. Oooh, is that soft and queasy. Hey, that's neat. I don't sink in too far."

Pete, you absolute shitposter


>Hey, that's neat.
always cool to see their inner-child peek out.

Imagine if Pete Conrad was the first man on the moon

I would 100% sacrifice my life to be the first man on the moon. Tapdance around the surface telling Houston all about what I think of The Jew then take off my helmet just as I was about to run out of air so my corpse would forever live on the moon.

Put that in the history books, ya fucks.

>Put that in the history books, ya fucks.
it'd be on tv too so it's not like they could just scrub it

"Heh... Funny. From up here, you see no borders..."

Cringe and pixy-pilled

"Heh... Funny. From up here, you see no niggers...”

>...except the water that separate continents, the mountain ranges, and the marked difference in development one can see at night thanks to electric lights.

Half of them are goddamn philosophers and the other half became space retarded.

you baited all the redditors


no john you are the niggers


Some are out of context and refer to the mission procedures. Out of LM pilots only Buzz sort of attempted to say something memorable but he says magnificent desolation part right before the first step.

He was supposed to go first. They say it's because Armstrong was closer to the door but he was also a higher rank so...

lmao nice job baiting all the newfags

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They only had to switch places before the final descent but in the end they didn't. Armstrong was likely one of the astronauts who designed the LM this way and it's honestly logical and right. Of course it also means that the LM pilot just reads the data and directions to the commander. Only Bean actually piloted the thing for a little while because Pete Conrad told him something like "have fun, babe".


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oh god I'm really freaking out you guys, we are so far away and alone. The earth is tiny and we are surround by darkness oh god

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>exposes himself as a massive braindead nigger monkey
>y-you guys stop samefagging!!11!1!!

me in the beam of light

Gargantua, my arch-nemesis.

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is Buzz Aldrin the only 2nd guy to do something important that's as well remembered as the first?

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>"Heh... Funny. From up here, you see no borders...probably why we need to build a wall to keep the shitskins out."

I just realized this thread is completely off topic. And it's an ok space thread. Definitely better than what a thread on /his/ would've been (likely zero replies). This is where I'll go when something important happens (most likely death of some important astronaut although Owen Garriott died a couple days ago I don't think many knew who he was).

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>it's because Armstrong was..
...a civilian.

They didn't want an active military dude because of the implication that we did it just for war purposes.....which we did......but by putting a civilian / ex-military dude on the moon first gave us plausible deniability that we also did it for "science", and not just defense purposes.

Tha's why official NASA portraits and other "promos" were never in uniforms. Just suits (or sometimes spacesuits). Although Armstrong was only a legal civilian, he was still a navy man. The fourth group introduced first astronauts with prior military experience (and in some cases without flying hours) but only two out of six (the youngest Gibson and the future moonwalker Schmitt).

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"I want to thank Werner Von Braun and all of the other Nazi scientists illegally snuck into the United States via Operation Paperclip. Without the scientific expertise of all those hardcore Nazis, America could never have pulled off this achievement. THANK YOU, NAZIS!"

>all those men died so some bitch could come along later and attention whore while dancing on their graves

>their grave is on the moon

>illegally snuck into the United States
What was "illegal" about it?

Subscribe to pewdiepie

>all those men died so
You are an idiot if you think you are using that phrase correctly.

>thinks a memorial card is a grave

>while dancing on their graves

You racists really lack education and intelligence.

You need to read about Operation Paperclip. Many of the scientists brought to the US were actually hardcore Nazis and war criminals. Due to their technical expertise, the United States had their war records erased and expunged. Instead of being put on trial for crimes against humanity with the rest of the Nazis, they were given new identities and brought to America.
That is illegal in anyone's book.

in all honesty, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" is the greatest possible thing anyone could have ever said. trying to think of something better is literally jonah vs. ornella tier futility

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Dumbass whiteboi. Stick to guns and impregnating your sister.

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>Without the scientific expertise of all those hardcore Nazis, America could never have pulled off this achievement
Von Braun and the other Paperclip people were important for sure but this isn't accurate.

i myself am american and that shit is so damn stupid

I would've started reading ads for as long as I could before they silenced me. When I came back to Earth, I would've landed in piles of cash.

It's an enemy stand.

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The Right stuff
Apollo 13
For all Mankind
First Man
Apollo 11

> Von Braun and the other Paperclip people were important for sure but this isn't accurate.

Are you serious? Von Braun was literally the head engineer of America's rocket program. He designed the rockest that got us to the moon. When it came to the beginnings of our space program, there was nobody more important than Von Braun. He wasn't some side player. He and his engineers were the foundation of our space program. Read a few history books.

I, too, would say "I myself am American and that shit be stupid" if I had been the first man on the moon.

Based Pete

ebin :DD

Forgot to mention October Sky

>He designed the rockest that got us to the moon
So do the people at Rocketdyne that made the engines not count? What about the people that made the LEM or the Command module at Grumman? Or the folks who developed the actual plan for the moon landing? And again, he was the CHIEF engineer- he had loads of folks working under him, he didn't singlehandedly make the Saturn 5.



I would say Heil Hitler and do a Hitler salute, so everyone would think that USA has been undercover Nazis all this time.


the loneliest man ever, in the world

>Planets are the moons of stars

What did they feed him to make him grow almost as big as the moon?

>this was possible for the collective effort of humanity as a whole
No, this was possible because of White people.

Uh, the moon is a satellite sweetie

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Didn't Collins not give a shit about space at all? He just did it to fuck with the Soviets.
typical snownigger, can't even get his basic astronomy correct. stick to jacking it to BLACKED

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the moon is not a planet. It's a fucking moon.


Apollo 12 and Apollo 17 for most genuine reaction.

Some of these are either mistakes by the transcribers or the now-senile astronaut remembered it incorrectly.

Watch starting at 32:40 for the last words on the moon. YCYL

Collins didn't give a shit about not landing on the Moon. It was Borman who, although a perfect leader and really tough no nonsense guy, strangely for an astronaut never romanticized space. There are many recaps of this interview but they don't do him justice it's better to just listen to him.


Today he's the oldest living astronaut, and together with Lovell and Anders celebrated the 50th anniversary of Apollo 8 still sharp as ever and making jokes at the expense of political corectness.

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Commanders just had something prepared for the occasion. LMs didn't care.

"should we do another take, or are you gonna fix everything in post production"

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what's wrong with this webm, retard schizo poster?

What a shame that the mars landing is going to be some of-the-moment PC bullshit

I am already seeing SJW articles online saying the moon landing was faked as a way to divert money away from black people to the white men working in aerospace companies

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>Many of the scientists brought to the US were actually hardcore Nazis and war criminals.
Oh fuck off with your "war criminal" shit.

We burnt the fuck out of hundreds of thousands of "innocent" German civilians, and so did the bongs. We did the same thing to the Japs.

Fuck you and your "jew crimes".

link one of these articles

Well that's obviously bullshit, but Neil Armstrong was actually a black man

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>Dr Pavel, I'm CIA.

Holy shit it's just dawned on me that there will be committee in charge of picking a diverse group of astronauts to keep the normies interested in the mission.

Just as the ruined every fucking piece of media they'll ruin the new space race.

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Unfortunately the Mars landing or maybe even the return to the Moon is distant enough that no pre-shuttle astronaut will live to see it but not enough to go back to normal, meritocracy etc. NASA will choose their people based on the racial and gender criteria. When they proposed something similar in the 60s Deke Slayton refused to choose a black astronaut just because as he wasn't good enough and he didn't want to be an astronaut anyway.

Get fucked naziboo. We didn't burn shit, we took the role of judge and gave those countries their due sentence. Don't do the crime if you can't pay the price

he said human achievement.

They will AA themselves out of the space race and Elon will claim his rightful Martian ethnostate.

Say nothing. Just start playing the Moonraker theme song from James Bond.


This gives me the same vibes from the aliens that crashed in Ro—oops.

>Y-you too

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"My piss tube is choking my cock"

If I ever meet a genie I know what wish #1 will be.

Literally Who schizo Twitter posts are not "articles"

>that time when America had spaceship factories and could have landed a man on Mars by 89 but chose to scrap them in favor of a spy satellite delivering space pickup truck

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yet smarter minds at the time trid push the idea of colonies in orbit, building solar power satellites and mining the moon and asteroids

kek, sure kid, manned missions to LEO to drop off spy satellites was man's ultimate destiny in space and a real adventure story (well, for the crews that survived)

>stutters after the third word

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Unfortunately for us, Terraforming mars is at best a pipe dream. Venus is where it's at.

We need more thrust to moon Ivan!
Da 30 vodka engines!

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