Somebody help this man

Somebody help this man

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Great way to vent desu.

Being an actor would suck. Playing a bunch of different characters would be like a continuous schizophrenic episode. That plus the constant harassment from the public? It must really wear your sanity thin.

How help someone who is his own worst enemy?

Not really i've been doing it for years and i'm fine

all the best, leo d.

What's wrong with singing?

This just goes to show that there are some things that you can't learn from an octopus.

Obviously cry for help. Have you ever seen a singer who isn't messed up?

I think he's talking about real actors Leo. Not single note pretty boys that gets roles purely on their continuously perishing looks.

Those poor fucking multi millionaires with their influence, substance abuse, foreskin creams and child-fucking. They sure do have it rough :'(

Give me the video you dumb ass

when I find out my wife had an affair and we got divorced I lit up my mattress on fire and spent an entire month sleeping on the car outside of the house. as in I came back from work and parked the car in front of the house and slept there, I didn't lose the house on the divorce I just didn't want to be in the house.
people do stupid shit when they are heartbroken

this is next level method acting

Cage is a shaman not an actor

>It's a "/pol/ conspiracy theorist tries to chime in" episode
They rerun this one too much, desu.

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When are you coming out of the closet Leo?

well, that was disappointing
literally nothing

i've literally NEVER seen a movie with nicolas cage in it. what is this gen X obsession with this faggot anyways?

inb4 zoomer i'm 28

>doesn't post a vid link
die in a fire, faggot

I'm not saying that it isn't worth it, but "fame" is unnatural as fuck and absolutely fucks up a person psychologically. Which then leads to the other deranged practices you mentioned.

t. Triggered pedophile

He has an oscar you fag.

>He didn't watch Con Air on TNT when he was home sick in 6th grade
Step the FUCK UP nigger.

I'm 27 and I have seen a shit ton of his movies, most of them are kino because of him alone.

This, give youtube link faggot

>oscars mean anything
good goy

The Rock, go fucking watch it right now


is it time for the coronation?

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absolutely fucking based. I love Nicolas Cage. he just doesn't give a fuck.

Reminder: Cage is a comic book acquired pseudonym. He is in fact a Coppola - of Godfather fame. He wanted to succeed on his own acting talents rather than his entertainment royalty lineage.

>paparazzis stalking them at all times
>women all want to marry you so they can Alimony your ass
>narciscism from all the fame
>drug-fueled lifestyle
>have to go on strict yoyo diets in-between roles

Pretty shit life desu. I’d be content just being an upper middle class guy with a good job, a house, my own car and kids

Lord of War

He based his name on his favourite super hero: Luke Cage, then in Mortal Kombat they named Jonny Cage after Nicolas

Who's this bimbo

But Purple Rain is a love song.

My feet on my table and a Cuban cigar

I cant even properly hear his voice on that video.

He is, at best, a very good actor, but most of the time he is an actor whose choices are at times mesmerizingly odd.

Supposedly he had (or still has) to pay the IRS so he took every shit movie that was offered to him for the paycheck.

Not sure. Some anons were posting her in other threads.

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>Single white male doing something angrily
I started to sweat a little.

where’s Kivi Park? I need to go sniff that table

I'm not only talking of his movie choices from the recent years, but his delivery as well what comes to acting.



You should have married Kate when you had the chance, Leo. You were destined for each other.
You could have had a happy life. Instead you will end up like Jack Nicholson and he fucking warned you, didn't he?
Also your best role was unironically playing that retard kid in Gilbert Grape and not that pity-Oscar performance in The Revenant. Sean Penn that insufferable faggot tried playing a retard like what, five times? Yet he never even came close to be convincing.
Your second best was Jim Carrol.

>Nicolas Cage Angrily Sings Purple Rain
has there ever been a more Kino headline?

He's been in two good movies, Adaptation and Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call: New Orleans.

>Matchstick Men
>Raising Arizona
>Leaving Las Vegas
>Lord of War
Not to mention comfy action schlock like
>Con Air
>The Rock


you're missing out

Attached: wild at heart on the road.webm (1280x544, 2.92M)

feel bad for his hapa son

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uh yes there are lots actually

>in Mortal Kombat they named Jonny Cage after Nicolas
Why would they do that? he wasn't an action star when MK came out.

imagine being THIS fucking gay.

go watch
Leaving Las Vegas
Wild At Heart
Arizona Junior
Kiss Of Death
Red Rock West
Face Off
Con Air

and you might have the chance to become straight.

You forgot Birdy, and other movies mentioned elsewhere in the thread but we're still cool.

Faceoff is such a beautifully dumb movie

Show vagina or fuck off tranny.

The bitch is demanding spousal support. You really can't make this shit up. Don't ever get married bros. They got you for life once you do

He just likes acting user.

Kys faggot

>Arizona Junior
lol is this the straight-to-video ripoff of the Nicolas Cage classic Raising Arizona?


2? You need to add a zero son.

Do it.

Forgot his best movie.

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Absolutely. It takes supreme talent to ride the line between stupidly entertaining and just stupid, but that movie does it with style.

Now imagine being married to her for only a few days. Nonstop fighting and ber demanding half of your earnings as a consolation prize for marrying you. No pussy is worth it.

>no Bringing Out the Dead


It's one of the few Cage or scorsese movies I haven't seen yet. pls no bully

this guy has a severe case of yellow fever.
why does he always go for the ugliest ones?

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He likes them smol

It baffles the mind why he keeps thinking the next one will be different from the last one. They just see him as a broken meal ticket. He does need an intervention before some chick turns him into the next Anthony Bourdain.

They want it for just being in long ass relationships now too, we are living in literal hell.

We are heading to a future were you could date a ho for 6 months and one day be on the hook for support.

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rape my face, I'm retarded.
it's the title here in my third world shithole that likes to pretend it's still first world.
Tricks is Matchstick Men btw.

8 mm

No one is picky blind drunk.

Let me add this. If you date s single mom for s couple of months. She could take you to court for child support. Im sick and tired of this shit. They handicapped the system for immigrants and women. All straight males are practically a second class citizen now

>If you date s single mom for s couple of months. She could take you to court for child support.

>leonardo dicaprio

There is nothing about dating a woman for a few months in this article. Are you making shit up or not?

Did you read the article? I highly doubt it

Here ill simplified it for you. If you have been taking care of the child financially even though you aren't married to her and they are not yours over a period of time. They will nail you for that alone. Clothes, food, shelter etc. Why stop paying even though you broke up. I was almost nailed on that.

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>Did you read the article?
I did, nothing about being on the hook after only dating a woman for a few months. Did you even read my post? I doubt it.
>If you have been taking care of the child financially even though you aren't married to her and they are not yours over a period of time. They will nail you for that alone.
That is not the same as dating a single mother. I think we found the problem, you're illiterate.

This is actually funny what the fuck.

Yeah, we did. I should've further elaborated on that thinking you were a grown man put through the wringer as well. My mistake. But now you get it you fucking child

>why does he always go for the ugliest ones?
you what now

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>still doesn't address the original claim or provide any supporting evidence
>still passive aggressive despite lack of said evidence
Whoa, you totally convinced me user.

You know that fish eyed bitch looks terrible without makeup. She doesn't even look that good there.

>he doesn't know that the forskin cream is real

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No Leo the user said ACTORS. As in people who can ACT.


On the contrary: he knows it full well but pretending it's just a "conspiracy" is the only way to keep his bubble intact.


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Asa Akira?

I see where you are confused. Let me walk you through this. Do you see where I said "Take you to court for child support". Well, that means she can sue you. In America, you can sue anybody for anything. Doesn't mean you will win. But they can try. In some cases if you formed an attachment with the child and suportted them knowing you arent the biological father. She can try to nail you on that. Similar on how Nic Cage ex wife wants to take him to court for spousal support even though they were married for only 3 days. Doesn't mean she will win but she can try. So lets recap junior

> Cant read for shit
>jump to conclusion and needs hands puppets for further elaboration

I hope that clears things up for you.

Cage is one of us and always has been.

koike sounds like kike and looks korean

if youre an alpha male, you dont have to worry about women fucking your life up in any way. only betas get cheated out of their shit


Did Brandon pass the just mantle to him?

>Do you see where I said "Take you to court for child support".
Do you see where I said dating a woman for a few months is not the same as anything that was in that article? Reading can change your life user.

>A National Treasure

classic Cage

More so if you apply it to real-world experience instead of Manga or Fanfics. Again I highly doubt you read the original article in the span it took for you to respond. No need to lie. It's ok. You skimmed it. I know

Shit tier cringefest of a movie that people only watch cause they're too retarded to realize the "intro to arthouse" chart that gets posted every other lbg thread is just a giant troll

Sounds like a scene from a movie he'd star in

raising arizona you shitbag

>attacking a strawman now
Damn user, you can just admit you made a spurious claim, there's nothing wrong with that. People say things without thinking sometimes, it happens. Doubling down and acting like you were never wrong and inventing a phantom opponent to attack is just embarrassing.
>Again I highly doubt you read the original article in the span it took for you to respond.
It's a really short article. Seems you're projecting your illiteracy again. Sad.


Cage and Fraser buddy cop trilogy kino when?

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>mentioned that I experienced it
>claims im using strawman tactic

You really want to die on that hill twerp?

>short article

Yeah, you skimmed it. I already told you its ok. No need to to lie

>mentioned that I experienced it
If you really did I think you would have said so from the beginning. So you're saying you got sued for child support after just dating a single mom for a few months? Damn.
>Yeah, you skimmed it.
Are you saying the article is long now? Jesus, is that the hill you want to die on?

Titanic 2 when?