Grace has spoken!
Grace has spoken!
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literally nothing will ever beat The Dark Knight trilogy
Ok let's say I believe her. Is it a good movie though?
Grace is a feminist with a thicc ass.
doubt it can even hold a candle to Hellboy2 desu
If only I was NPC enough that my judgement entirely depended on the judgement of other randoms.
Why are so many adults obsessed with children's movies? This is even weirder than Harry Potter to me, since Harry Potter can be explained by those adults reading the books when they were children.
Oh wow a person on twitter said what? No way!
I can’t be only one that feels like all this praise is forced right? Like the MCU movies can be fun and all but
>oh my god I member the old MCU movies!
>Steve holds the hammer and gets with Peggy. YAAAAASSS
The greatest of all time really? A pandering clip show. I’m getting TFA vibes.
Toby McGuire did
It’s overhyped therefore overrated already. It’ll probably be good but it’s way too overhyped from what I’ve seen.
You dumb mother fucker, you just answered your own fucking question.
>Why are so many adults obsessed with children's movies?
They have children who they take to those movies and therefore care about movies not being shitted up by mental retards such as SJWs or MRAs.
>This is even weirder than Harry Potter to me, since Harry Potter can be explained by those adults reading the books when they were children.
It can't be because Harry Potter's intended audience are teenage girls who are more mentally retarded than children, and as such Harry Potter is mentally retarded even for many children.
Fuck I want to fuck Grace so goddamn bad.
Logan already did
>it's better than Superman 78
Literally zero people actually think this
Robocop is essentially a comic book movie
THE only good superhero movie
A person that got FIRED from Marvel and is a DCfag
The greatest superhero movie of all time is Spiderman 2, then the Dark Knight.
Sorry you look that way. Such is life of childless incels who forget many children are accompanied by parents to movies.
Wouldn't give a fuck until armond white gives his word
Superman 2
based and redpilled
absolute cringe
Kek, a 3 hour clip show with beyond incoherent time traveling is better than Superman, Batman, Dark Knight, Toby Spider Man, and Logan.
Rewatched both this year and they sucked ass, Dark Knight was only good in the Joker moments only
It's called mid-life crisis you ignorant retarded faggot. It's also called parents who are used to watching what their children watch and may even develop or continue developing some form of entertainment from it even if connecting to their childhood, because nobody's childhood goes away in their memories unless they were raped by their uncle like you have.
The overwhelming majority of people casually watch these movies for fun then move with their lives. Then a small percentage obsess over this shit in both directions, praising it and hating them.
Also you seem to be the type with a pepe folder so you're not one to judge either.
can someone translate the emojis for me
It isnt really a children's movie. Just watch it and compare it to a real children's movie like a Pixar movie. Children can enjoy comic book movies but they're really just blockbuster action movies designed to show off the latest most expensive film tech.
It's the 8 stages of taking a cock up the ass
Logan is literal open all the borders left wing propaganda
i hate that thin lipped waspy bitch, she has a very punchable face.
Stupid roastie
>be me, 36-year old Yea Forums shitposter
>read Thanos foiling himself in comics back in the 90's several times and enjoy Capcom fighting games for it as a teenager
>enjoy the movie 20 years later
I don't see what's so hard to understand.
the one that sucks is your mom and what she sucks is my penis
Cry harder DCuck
Did he ever do any porn in that getup?
Oh no no nonono
It's a she you shitlord and yes she fucks a dude with her big feminine penis.
>I don't see what's so hard to understand
Your aimless life.
I know there's porn of him[/spoiler] but I want to know if there's any where he's wearing that outfit
Well I fucked that up completely
Alright I’ll see it now.
It's ok
There is very little to be hopeful for in the worth so they just distract themselves with this shit
Don't kid yourself Batman Begins was just okay and Rises was garbage
Did she just quit because she wanted a victim complex?
>Dark Knight was only good in the Joker moments only
brainlet, learn to write then learn to think
jesus incel, calm down
The absolute state of the modern male.
Tim Burton's Batman is already far superior to Nolan's movies. He achieved in one movie what Nolan couldn't do with an entire, bloated trilogy.
Talk about a low bar.
nerd culture became consumer culture because of money and jews
>Dolan vs Snoidur
This going to be good
>there are people who spend money and time making costumes to dress up as these characters
>there are people who go to the cinema more than once watching these movies
>there are people who have lifechanging experiences due to these movies
>there are people who let these movies influence their life
end me
she literally appears at the end, Mary Sue'ing it. I kid you not, shes in about 1/10th of of the movie
Grace "Black Panther is the best film of 2018 and Wonder Woman is Top 3 best films ever made" Randolph?
Everyone who watched the movie both laughed and cried multiple times. Even Yea Forums with its heart of stone will have to admit it's the greatest movie of all time bar none.
They said this about Infinity War and that was a boring piece of shit.
thanks Disney intern
>generic time travel deus ex machina plot, 40 years after Superman did it
The irony
Wow an Avengers movie came out! It's the best movie ever made!
actual arrested development
This is the American Illiad. Show a little respect you worthless tasteless plebeian.
>beyond the tranny
look up wive's club, you should see that famous castle at the start of the video
X-Men has always been an allegory to push liberal/progressive bullshit
This grace is my like left leaning reviewer. She's decent at being aware of her bias. I like that she considers the business side instead of this movie will be good. she goes in about why a bad movie will make good money because of their advertising. She's got some pleb as fuck opinions on a fair amount of things but she's consistant.
>people genuinely believe this
I know the plane scene is kino, but come on
shes wrong
if dubs twitter posting becomes bannable offence
Who the fuck is Grace and why should I care about another person's OPINIONS?
It was a great movie. The leaks did not reveal much at all, looking back.
the majority of the MCU audience has never touched a comic book in their life you moron
Spider-Man 2?
Superman (1978)?
Batman Returns?
In the real world, feminist isn't an insult
OH no another white persons opinion INTO THE TRASH IT GOES!!
>implying any capeshiter watcher does
its even worse witht eh dcu audience
She has garbage taste though...
Otoh she is a dcuck so I'm not sure what to think
not implying that, topic was MCU, DCEU is probably just as bad
DK2 felt like a contemporary Chicago crime thriller which always suck. The movie outside joker doesnt hold up
superior cast members, too
>durr hurr the movie, without the villain, an essential element from a movie, would be bad
Stupid fucks. Die, reincarnate in my shit and die again
They watched the cartoons based on those comic books though. Also much of gen Y were young or outright children when Raimi made Spider-Man.
> why are people paid to shill a corporate product and why do band wagoners join in on the mass hysteria?
Why aren't you tracking down manchildren right now and hand-delivering spoilers to them?
Because I'm lazy and I don't care and I know you autists will do it anyway because this is your bread and butter.
I didnt say the movie was good,fuckwit
Cool, way to spoil the tamest shit from the leaks. So freaking based.
>Implying I've ever watched Avengers
How the fuck am I supposed to know which parts are tame?
dark knight rises burned that to the ground
Cia threw all the quality out of the plane
You just had to go all out reddit and start your sentence with literally
It's a super hero movie, it's not complicated.
That's a scary amount.
>time travel that makes no sense
>greatest movie
>time travel that makes no sense
>hasnt seen the movie yet
DC fans being retarded as well as eternally asshurt
I lost all respect for Grace after her Best 10 and Worst 10 Films of 2018 video.
Fpbp, the contrarians are seething
Spider-Man 3
Her review is up
This. And certainly not something that fucks up time travel as badly as these retards just did.
Grace goes full söy
>Won't explain why
>It's just "bad writing"
Oh what a surprise there. A strong independent woman who intends to abolish all the beauty and physical standards worships Chad when ovulation hits the fan
based, but Znyder did.
I dont trust her opinion at all.
animated, clearly into the spiderverseis better