Frasier BTFO

Frasier BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:"even if you are balding and bellied"

>Consuming anything from Vice other than their older documentaries

The grammar and syntax in this article is terrible.
>dude why did 80% white America have so many white male television show stars?


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wasn't Oprah, a fat black woman, famous in the 90s for her television show

Fuck off, Niles

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Such a comfy show

Why are they calling Frasier fat? He looked pretty buff when he appeared shirtless in the show.

the real question is why would she feel that SHE could call anybody else fat?

Seriously, for an older guy he had a pretty good physique. No idea where she's getting this notion that he was fat. She probably never watched the show

>communicating with a known traitor and publishing his subversive activities
enjoy your visit from the FBI, viceweenies

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>the 90's were a fraud and so are white people
lel, it's like reading a millenial holocaust

>the 90's were a fraud
What does that even mean?? what could it mean?

>why do the rich people who are American have accents?
Do the writers of this article really think Americans don't have accents?

I miss the days when this sort of shit was relegated to livejournal and forums

>the 90's were a fraud and so are white people
I guess it's ok to be racist if you're not white.
Reminder that white people built/invented everything good in the world, and that's why non-whites are trying to tear it all down.
Good luck getting welfare checks if whites become extinct. Also, enjoy your eventual slavery, since whites are the only race on Earth who ever put an end to it.

>frasier is bad because he's not hot and a little fat
I don't get their logic. Are only attractive people allowed to be on television?

If you are white, yeah.

>fag op doesn't post link
>article isn't google-able
fuck off retard

ask Yea Forums about unattractive female characters

>>article isn't google-able
Maybe you should try harder"even if you are balding and bellied"

hell, ask Yea Forums about female characters older than 20

>white people are a fraud

What the hell does that even mean?

Body positivity isn't required for privileged white people.

Imagine this thing calling any one ugly or fat. LMAO

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She literally has the single most favorable dating characteristic: be Asian, but she decides to be fat. It's like being given a Tesla and deciding to take the bus with the sewer-dwellers

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The Chinese even stole It's Pat from us.


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>american show/movie set anywhere in europe not in modern times
>everybody make really fake british accent even if we are in france/italy/germany

Actually this isn't wrong, the original rave scenes were anarchist driven.

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>the 90s were a fraud and so are white people

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>Gets gradually more incoherent until it just devolves into fuck wypipo at the end.

Is this article a metaphor for society?

>this was considered hot in the 40s

it's almost as if peoples physiques don't go out of fashion or something, and bun sporting hipsters won't be a cringe material in 5 years from now

the author sounds like a 12yo

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>but muh wakanda!
Yeah. Good luck with that, too.

ITT alt right wieners and their storm front frens also VICE redditors

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bro you're so cool...!

not your BRO


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Fraiser had an accent?

I've been watching Frasier for the first time for the past two years or so, only watching an episode every now and then, and am now on Season 9.
This Cam Winston guy was kinda dropped into the show without any warning, it seems like the only purpose was to have a recurring villain that takes advantage of Frasier's biggest weakness, his ego.
In one such Cam episode, the b-plot was about Niles getting a Segway, and that's it. It's like the "homer get ipad" meme. I suppose this is what happens when you resolve a character arc in a sitcom, though. They just start getting into needlessly wacky situations.

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It means Trump is as guilty as Jussie is innocent.

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I keep thinking i'm the dummie for not understanding this article, but this is really the state of today's journalism huh?

Ah, the complaints of the unwheeled.

Why not just buy an entire season? I never understood this.

I wonder if we can ever go back or if this is a pandora's box kind of a deal

>Looks don't matter
>why is a dude I find unattractive starring in something.

Also, Grammar aint my type, but at his prime he was tall, charming, with a chiseled chin and deep soothing voice. He ain't exactly repulsive.

Yea I just started season 10. I've been taping them off of Hallmark channel. They cut out words like bitch and ass though. Anyway yea those episodes weren't so great.

>consuming vice documentary

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Cam's got some good moments though. I always enjoy the one where they have to go to the opera together.

>You better get there soon. Cam likes to pre-order his intermission cocktail.
>You mean you don't have a standing order?? We have to go now!!

>the 90s were a fraud and so are white people.
This is my new mantra.


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Yeah, it's from the same episode as the segway.
I'm not saying Cam's bad either, just that he doesn't even get any sort of introduction that leads to their mutual enmity. He just shows up suddenly, already out to get his goat.

It's not journalism, it's a blog.

Segways were a thing for the rich and kinda eccentric, so nobreally comparable to an iPad. In early Arrested Development Gob having a segway was a joke but when they brought the show back they dropped that aspect since they had become so common.

The thing you're both missing is that cam was a black frasier and no one sucked their own dick over it.

Yea I think they had some writing issues that season

No, I get that and I did notice in the three Cam episodes I've watched so far that he never pulls the Race Card on Fras, I'm just saying that it feels like there should be an episode before the one where he gets trapped by Cam's huge car about them meeting for the first time.

Segways are still a joke, that said it's a shame Arrested Development turned out the way it did.


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>most favorable dating characteristic: be Asian

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It's a while since I've watched it but wasn't Cam Winston mentioned a few times in episdoes before he appeared, just throwaway lines about his neighbour getting something he coveted.

>when flyover plebs who write for vice can't tell the difference between a european and a northeast american accent

>comedies must star alpha Chad physical appearance

>no problem, 5'4" Hollywood A-lister coming through

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frasier was on the radio though

I think segways are a joke because that's how they always were portrayed as I was growing up but I see a lot of 12yos using them. And I live in a small town.

british person here. always wondered why frasier and niles sounded english when their dad was american

No one knows what it means, but it's provocative

>hes alright but this fella is for real peak physical form

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>And thanks to Frasier, even if you are not hot and even if you are blading and bellied but you are also a white man, you can be the star
Holy shit this is a clunky sentence

>using the word "consuming"
Get the fuck out, corporate cock sucking millennial.

Is it okay to negatively point out people's fat bellies now? This doesn't seem very body positive...

Being a traitor to burgerclaps is something that should be considered good.

Tbf there was a brief point from mid 00s to early 2010s where white people were likely overrepresented in American media. But that was because there weren't many explicitly Hispanic or Asian roles, except as curiosities or tokens. Asians barely got anything, Hispanics got even less, blacks cleaned out all the diversity spots and then kept all their own traditional media like BET to the point that I'd forgive Europeans for thinking the US is about 35-40% African when it's barely 1 in 8, the vast majority are clustered in areas and neighborhoods which are at least 50% black if not more, and in fact Hispanics outnumber them. The core issue for Hispanics is language, given that Spanish is what unites the entire demographic that would have little in common otherwise, which presents a barrier to breaking into the dominant American culture based on English.

Complaining about 90s Seattle, especially Frasier's social scene of snobs and professionals, being mostly white is pants on head retarded though.

Kek where do you think it came from though? We would have had to do back then what they're trying to do now with right wing stuff, kick all that shit off the major platforms so that it gets relegated to places like here.

>But that was because there weren't many explicitly Hispanic or Asian roles, except as curiosities or tokens. Asians barely got anything, Hispanics got even less, blacks cleaned out all the diversity spots and then kept all their own traditional media like BET to the point that I'd forgive Europeans for thinking the US is about 35-40% African when it's barely 1 in 8, the vast majority are clustered in areas and neighborhoods which are at least 50% black if not more, and in fact Hispanics outnumber them.
That still continues today, niggers are vastly over-represented in American media compared to Hispanics

As with all the vitriol created and popularised by der Jude: only if they're a white male

>frasier isn't hot

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We do the same with blacks in Britain. Even our new word for minorities, BAME (black, asian, minority ethnic), puts black first.

>I guess it's ok to be racist if you're not white.

I agree with you here but, come on, the reason white people could put an end to slavery is because they were, you know, the people doing the enslaving.

Disregard that the Spaniards and the Africans themselves were also in the slavery business. Yup, it's entirely white people's fault.

>She literally has the single most favorable dating characteristic: be Asian
nice head canon you've got there

allow me to enlighten you.

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It's like you haven't seen the mongoloids white guys have dated just because they're asian. Also, the most sought after demographic overall. It's not my fault people have yellow fever

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Also, the coastal African tribes were the ones going out and capturing their fellow Africans and selling them in the triangle trade. Literally wouldn't have been a slave trade if they didn't make it so cost effective. The Americas would have just used local labor and paid them shit.

>The core issue for Hispanics is language, given that Spanish is what unites the entire demographic that would have little in common otherwise
Not always the case.
Evidence: El Chavo del Ocho

Nature is also racist and so is Physics.

whites had to force african countries to stop enslaving other blacks.

What if you wanna have a comfy Frasier christmas kino marathon? Gonna swap discs every episode?

Reminder that Frasier is just The Big Bang Theory but for high society.
>Something happens
>"Niles: This reminds me of Tolstoy!"
>Laugh track
>Martin: "FRIDGE PANTS!"
>Laugh track continues at increasing volume

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It's a holdover from the VHS era where you'd buy a few episodes on one tape because they couldn't hold anymore than that. Some old Boomer who has the Christmas episodes of Cheers, or the Cosby show will then go buy the Christmas Fraiser.

accurate but its not cringey because none of us know anything about opera or sherry whereas BBT's science is mostly highschool level

Yeah, slavery was a great profit margin...

Ya know who loves a bitchin profit margin?

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I dont know what the fuck a boƮte is but I still laugh at Frasier

I know journalism was bought out and murdered by corporate overlord awhile ago but this......
this is like using it's rotting corpse to tapdance to showtunes. It's all so depressing

That's almost impossible to read. It's just rambling nonsense with inserted lines to say "hate whitey"

I get really confused watching British TV, bc it seems like every fourth or fifth person is black. I know it's not a 96 percent white country anymore, but was always under the impression that it's still 1 in 50 at most in most parts and South Asians vastly outnumber them.

Whites only put an end to slavery in their own countries.
Only non white countries are still doing it in 2019

>Whites only put an end to slavery in their own countries.
false we also put an end to it in non-white countries

Not all of them though.
Non whites were doing slavery long before the rise of European civilizations and they are still doing it a over a century after white countries stopped.

white man's burden no more

Right. Whites were totally without guilt. No one is saying they were the only ones but there was plenty of complicity to go around.

What the fuck does that even mean you pseud? the rave scene was driven by alcohol and drugs.


Into the trash

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He had a bit of a gut but that was about it, for middle age he was in solid shape

Non whites have the ability to end slavery in every corner of the earth right now. Yet they stil havent done it.

Why was a thread made for a vise click bait article?

>fox murder

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Prove the article exist?

>Why was a thread made for a vise click bait article?

Why was a race-baiting article made on Yea Forums? Clearly, you have never been to the cesspool that the /pol/ board can barely contain.

it's because our media is based in London where niggers are everywhere

build a wall

It's a northeastern accent, one that's usually taught to the type of kids who go to prep school and what not.

Dude close your eyes man like wtf if it offends you turn off your brain

>It's a northeastern accent, one that's usually taught to the type of kids who go to prep school and what not.

That's because the natural Northeastern accent is an abomination. Easily one of the ugliest sounding accents in the country. It literally makes the people who hail from there sound stupid.

>t. New England-er

I heard a podcast that claimed the current day New England accent is closer to the 1700s British accent than anywhere in UK.
No idea how they arrived at that conclusion but it seemed interesting.

It means that the darkies are nigging out again

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Hot take. Thanks Vice, very cool!

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The world is full of god damned retards.

Why can't online media die yet?

Did you know that in the entirety of human history only white people had slaves?

>likes Teslas and Asian women

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I am white and descended from feudal serfs, should I demand reparations from Russia?

Kim Jong Ugg

He has a conservative neighbor and he knows him by name. Does every character need a wacky introduction? It's like Frasier's car or his suits or haircut, they change without the show bringing attention to it. They're just mundane things you have to assume happen in his day to day life.