Character looks for work

>character looks for work
>immediately gets a call back and start date after a few tries
there has never been a show or movie that handles job searching realistically. hollywood is evil

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Other urls found in this thread:

someone gots to prep the bull before every camshow

>Pursuit of Happiness
>buy a suit
>harass owners of financial businesses until they hire you
>become millionaire
It's that easy! Just buckle up loser! Walk into the business and give the owner a firm handshake and don't forget to maintain eye contact.

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I never understood this, the last few times I applied for work after periods of voluntary joblessness the first or second place I committed to called me back and hired me. This shit really isnt that hard. Then again I am good looking and have a genius level IQ.

just use a rubik's cube bro

walmart is always hiring

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film based on entrepreneur Chris Gardner's nearly one-year struggle being homeless.

then why havent the two walmarts here called back even after calling them. applied for multiple positions. based boomer

you must be retarded then

Job searching IN Hollywood fucking sucks.

>got a job
>feel constant wagie pressure
>treated like some kind of lesser servant
>get more depressed every day

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Is it Amerishit hours already?

Depends on what you do. As a line cook I can basically walk into any place in their off hours and probably start cooking that night or the next night.

decade long hikli here
everytime ive looked for work the first place i try gives me call back
been employed now 6 months
after a 2007-2018 long NEET break

being attractive and fit helps/overcomes all autism (usually)

unironically this will work if you are highly charismatic, have a pitch and (((connections)))

Actually I think the more retarded you are the better chance you have at Wal-Mart. My brother tried getting a job in college there and they wouldn't hire him. Now he's an accountant making bank. They hire morons so they don't realize how bad they're getting screwed.

user how do I become a NEET

I've been hired on the spot for a lot of jobs. You're just an incompetent NEET with horrible social skills.

and youre a normalfaggot tourist here for GoT, capeshit, starshit, and memes

you need a solid base to leach from
loved with a based brofriend for couple of years
barely paying rent (making $ doing odd jobs)
the living with based actual bro brother since (hes rich, we're both bachelors)

need little to no $ to survive is key
and basically being a parasite

if you live with parents
thats a negative and youd probably go and get a job within a year or 3 because those insufferable cunts are typically why you are who you are
and you either move on or murder
living inbetween those two options is hell on earth (did it for a year)

Not him but you're clearly only here to blog about your pathetic life and use the board as a therapy session.

not OP, redditor. be sure to report this thread though.

That's funny because I am a college student and I do work at Walmart and I'm in my state's best business school. Autism must run through your family if you can't pass basic social assessments.

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also you have to be black

>main character needs a job
>walks onto a construction site and speaks to the foreman
>"i can start right now"
>"alright, grab a hard hat and get to work"

Damn, the '80s really were a simpler time.

out of touch boomer writers and directors think you can get a job just by going down the street and giving a firm handshake

mommy says I have until the end of the year to get a job if I don't win the lottery by then im ending it

>graduated in december with engineering degree
>still havent been able to find a job

To be fair i did get a couple of job offers early but they were shit. This has been a disaster.

>character goes home
>has a nice two story 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house

You can't even "walk onto a construction site and speak to the foreman" these days, you have to go to the office and they'll just tell you to send a resume.

You mean fill out an application online?

Bro, I'm on 2 years. It won't get better.

Maybe try the military? You can become an officer with any degree, as long as you don't have medical issues

>character goes home
>he lives in a large, open-plan, studio apartment
>exposed brick walls
>has to take a wooden elevator which opens up inside the apartment
>has a large, shaggy-haired dog
>uses chopsticks to eat chinese take out that comes in those white boxes

My ideal home, to be honest.

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Its fucking terrible. There is this big fucking meme about how if you get an engineering degree you are pretty much guranteed a good high paying job out of college. And that shit is not true at all.

And idk if I can do military since I went to college a bit later. Im 27 now.

I am cleaning toilets for 10 dollars an hour. Did I make it bros?

That's literally what happened with me
Started with a McJob and then from there I've never spent any longer than 2 weeks unemployed
It's weird, I think it's easier getting a job when you're between jobs because at McD, no matter where I applied, I didn't get hits and then as soon as I got fed up and quit, the very first place I applied hired me

The only thing you need to be in your 20's for is pilot, and I think the Air Force even removed that restriction. Seriously, give it a shot, you can get an engineering role in the military as an officer. Navy has something called CEC I think.

I was always told the opposite, that companies don't touch people that are unemployed because it means they are unemployable

dude take the offers, ditch them after a few months, then work your way up (make sure to have set up a new place before leaving)
If anyone asks just say you like the experience

You've achieved more than a lot of people on this website.

Yeah I've been told that it's way easier to get a job when you have a job.
Maybe working at mcdonalds is even worse than being unemployed.

Kek this is the fucking shit that gets me anytime i watch tv shows set back in the 50s or even up to the 70s and 80s. The character will have what would be considered a shitty dead end job that barely pays a livable wage these days go home to a house that would also cost at least a quarter of a million dollars

my friends dad tells me shit like this all the time, when he was young he would just walk into a shop and ask for a job and get it that day. If he quit or got fired he would just walk next door and ask for another job and get it.
Meanwhile I have to apply online, have multiple interviews and compete with a hundred other applicants just to get an internship.

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online applications are so shitty. Especially the ones with personality questions that can take fucking hours. Job hunting is so depressing.

Really? I always heard the military didnt like taking guys in their late 20s. I might look into it.

I had 2 offers. One actually sounded like a pretty good deal. But when I emailed him asking some more details, primarily when he wanted me to start, he never emailed me back.

The other one sounded fucking miserable. Like you made good money.. Easily at least 70k a year. Hell could realistically make over 100k in a year. The issue is you had 100 hour work weeks. And even when you werent actually on the clock you would most likely have to live on location. Days off are sporadic at best. Like maybe 3 or 4 days before you had to go right back out there. Lastly the job didnt even require a degree.

>character is in a movie, thus, attractive
>everything snaps together for them
sounds about right to be honest

Ive only seen one application with personality questions and I kind of enjoyed it.
>what are some current trends you absolutely hate
nearly ran out of room on that one

I just spend over 4 hours filling shit in then doing like 6 online tests only to get automatically denied with zero feedback. fucking aids world

Lmao that's possible
It's still a decent first job

Maybe for enlisted, my cousin became an officer in the Navy at 32 and he has no problem fitting in. Officers are older anyways, the youngest ones will be 22, but most are in their mid-late 20's

companies hire whoever the fuck they want to hire for whatever the fuck arbitrary reasons they decide, there is no point in trying to understand why. One thing you can absolutely guarantee is that they will always 100% of the time no exceptions try to pay you as little as possible.

You can still get in with an age waiver I believe, as long as you don't have any horrible health issues, and are not 500 pounds. Assuming you are in the USA, that is.

The army is currently scrambling to find people to meet new recruitment quotas. Although becoming an officer is the ideal way to go. Get in, sign for a few years, get benefits, get out.

Air force is great for NEETs.

Every time I need a job I apply to like a dozen places in person and through apps and shit and it has literally never taken more than a week to get a job. Work on your resume and don’t be a picky bitch

>engineering is a meme
Wait is this true? Im currently studying mechanical engineering.

>applied for job a few weeks ago
>had phone interview like a week later
>lady mentions how manager was out of the office that day but would contact her
>hear nothing for 2 weeks
>email her yesterday asking for an update
>she just replied back
she fucking forgot about me

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Everything is a meme, except nepotism

and cronyism

>went to school for 4-5 years to get your engineering degree
>still end up having to join the military which will result in at least another 4 years of your life gone

Jesus fucking christ. I thought the military was supposed to be a dead end. What went wrong that put the world in its current state of affairs?

Massive fucking meme. Should have went CompSci

Enlisting is a dead end, but being an officer opens up so many fucking doors. Even if you are a complete fuck up, an officer can still get a bullshit corporate job, but the good ones become entrepreneurs or fucking astronauts and everything in between. Think about it, have you ever heard of a homeless officer?

No, don’t listen to these losers

>apply in the morning
>Literally get a call back in the afternoon setting up an interview
NEETs will NEVER know this feel

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Idk. Maybe. But fuck me. That user went to school and still has to think about blowing another 4 fucking years of his life to get at least some "bullshit corporate job". Thats fucked. You can't tell me if that abon graduated 20 years with the same degree he couldnt get AT LEAST the same sort of job right out of college.

your story is less cool when you mention the job was for starbucks

user, the world has changed, a bachelor's degree usually isn't enough. It is the new "high school diploma"

First quater of Nightcrawler does it well

Idk. You tell me user

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Sure if its a bachelors degree in fucking womens studies or some shit. But a bachelors in engineering should still mean something.

Not that user but I’m looking at being an officer. I have my degree but I lived overseas in various countries for years and am worried I won’t get my security clearance. Also old as fuck for military(28)


Keyword, the world isn't the way it should be

Overseas where? Officers get different security clearances based upon their role. As I said, most officers are in their mid-late 20's, so you won't be out of place. Don't self-select out of this, give it a shot. The worst they can say is no

Enlisting is not the way to go if you are looking for something to do out of university,

But becoming an officer is honestly pretty good. It helps with debt, helps if you can't find a job in your field or are not ready to start you career, you get benefits even if you are in for a short time.

As boomer as it sounds the military un-ironically can help you mature, and deal with all the shit in life. Not in the "It will make you a macho man" way, but in the sense that you will get used to dealing with large amounts of bullshit on a daily basis that everything else seems like a non issue in comparison.

Plus, the phrase "I was an officer in X branch of the military for X years" looks and sounds great to people that don't know any better or don't do their research.

I am not a recruiter by the way, the military will fuck you if you let them. Use them and their benefits don't let them use you.

>character doesnt live in a dead end shithole rundown city in the south with a shit job market and no real public transportation
>character has a car
fuck hollywood

It depends heavily on the field, keep in mind "engineering" is a pretty broad term. I picked my field and specialization specifically because there's currently a glut of grads with my skill set in my region. Meanwhile most people in my year class went for the "hip and cool" specialization and a lot of them will probably end up doing something completely different than what they studied for.

England, Bombay and Qatar. I’m decent in Hindi/Urdu I’d like to be able to get a gig that I could exploit once I got out into something useful. Intelligence or logistics seemed interesting. If it was 2006-09 again I’d look to do something more door kicking but from what I was told shit has slowed down.

You're fine, we are not enemies with any of those countries. They will ask about your vacation but you'll get through just fine. Infantry is a bad choice anyways, logistics is a global career and intelligence is going to get you a good job for the government.

A job is a job, better than feeling sorry for yourself

Not vacations I lived there, have family in 2/3 places mentioned ect. None in government there or politics but I do have family there. I just want to get my TSCI but also don’t want to get fucked making power points all day long. If I could avoid that I’ll be happy.

DO NOT become an infantry officer, for Christ sake. Choose something related to logistics or intelligence, (if you can) engineering is kino.

Same thing goes for enlisting, being a POG isn't a bad thing. You'll still have you knees at the end of it.

Graduating with a CS degree in June and starting a job as a software engineer in a big company making 6 figures starting. Honestly thought it'd be impossible to ever get to this point. The real struggle is being lucky enough to ever be selected for the interview. If your resume doesn't already have internships from top companies then you end up looking no different from the thousands of other resumes in the application pile. I've been through tons of phone interviews and have sent out hundreds of applications before reaching this point. It's difficult because there's no sense of progress when it comes to getting a job besides getting interviews. No matter how many applications you send out, it doesn't feel like you're actually getting anywhere until you actually have the job.

Yeah, they'll ask about it, and they'll ask about people who you knew very well in those places. Powerpoint making is for the enlisted, officers delegate responsibilities but you will still have loads of paperwork and computer related bullshit regardless. A lot of it relates to your job, some of it is a secondary role that you will take on, but all of it is valuable experience in the professional world.

nice job user, Im jelly, Im struggling just to get an internship.

Sure but whats the best? Like mechanical and chemical maybe?

There is no one correct answer to that. You'll have to look at the job market in your region.


Good shit. Thanks for hand holding and answering questions, user.

I feel for you. I tried really hard to get an internship over the summer over my sophomore and junior years but it just didn't happen. Somehow lucked out and got an internship over the spring of my senior year in some mediocre startup. Honestly a terrible experience, but it's great to be able to put down work experience in your resume. Don't ever give up hope user. We're all going to make it.

No problem, go live the dream that my health prevents me from. Good luck, and for the love of god, do NOT join the Marines

>engineering faggots btfo

Fucking this. I cant believe people are so fucking stupid that they are still getting engineering degrees when computer science degrees exist

>Look for work for 3 months.
>Get job in costa coffee
>Almost literal hell

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Why is this thread still up and why is it still being bumped?

In the same boat. How long should i search before i give up and just accept any form of employment? After too long being unemployed out of college it starts to look bad right?

So you could come into this thread and cry about it.

but thats literally how i got my job

Im finishing my degree online so real compsci wasnt an option, had to settle for B.S in IT with concentration in programming. So far all the classes have been tedious useless shit.

>fell for the cs meme

Most college classes are tedious useless shit. But there is a huge demand for computer science degrees, and there are tons of different industries you can get into. And as long as you are good you can go between these different industries. Quite unlike faggy engineers who get pretty well shoehorned into a particular industry. If they can even get a job apparently.

Film no longer representing the times is a real issue.

When did this all change? When did the shift from being able to easily go out and get a job and afford a nice life change? The 90s? Early 2000s? And what caused it?

literally just learn a trade

The jobs were outsourced to poos and chinks

>Tedious useless shit
Welcome to the contemporary world of professional computer science you got fucking duped.

The opening up of international labour markets means that jobs for retards get sent overseas. The result is that retard Americans cannot find jobs.
To get a job in North America you need some kind of specialized training.

In the late 60s the vice president of Planned Parenthood wrote a memo detailing ways to reduce fertility. Pic related is the summary, link is the full memo. You'll probably notice that some of these measures have indeed been de facto put in practice in the United States, whether intentionally or incidentally.

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Wrong. You need racial connections like the boomers had. Day of the pillow, when?

well atleast Im not in debt from it like others, my degree is through a regional campus which makes it half the cost so its covered almost entirely by financial aid.

>out of the office
that's their way of saying you weren't liked well enough and to stop trying but in a nice way.

friends showed it somewhat realistically.
rachel sending out a ton of resumes and reading off a bunch of rejection letters she got at once towards the start
chandler trying to find a job for multiple episodes later on in the show

I think you are just paranoid friend. It was a phone interview with some HR lady that just asked basic questions and she only said the manager was out of the office when I asked more job specific questions that she couldn't answer.

Except he fucking didnt. Im an engineer and a good chunk of my classes were fucking useless shit as well. At least he will have a super easy time getting a job with a compsci degree

Except half the posts itt are from people with decent degrees.

Check out SORRY TO BOTHER YOU. Cool flick with a bizarre 3rd act.

No, it's from lazy retards who would rather spend all day "shitposting" than working on their resume and applying for work.
Sage and reported for the 5th time for being off topic.

>go online and look for entry level positions with my degree
>all of them require 3 years experience

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Me too. As a chemistry graduate. And State Department experience. With a side business. Tough out there homeboy, keep at it. Truthfully I like cleaning toilets- it’s honest work and desu I feel good when I get home from work knowing what I did mattered. Seriously. You don’t get that same sense of satisfaction from an office job.

>sage and reported for the 5th time for being off topic
Lmao fucking reddit tourists. Dont you have another game of thrones thread to be in?

>just work on your resume bro
>just apply for more jobs bro
Yeah im fucking sure none of the anons ITT have followed this advice already. Fucking brainlet.

>dude just werk hard and study hard and everything will be fine
>grow up
>realize everyone gets their jobs and positions through nepotism
thanks dad

>site makes you fill in a form asking for all the details that are on your resume

Should I also update my LinkedIn again, dad? Even though I have been unemployed for years and the physical toll of it is making me look worse and worse in every new picture I am forced to take of myself?

Did you mention that, despite being only 13% of the population, blacks commit 50% of all violent crimes?

>You don’t get that same sense of satisfaction from an office job.
This is so true. I was very happy doing physical work even if the pay wasn't good but then I fell for the college meme and went back to school. Pic sorta related.

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>bunch of logs and concrete costs $250,000
actual brain damage

What are you going on about nigger? Are you implying that houses dont cost that much to buy?

>go online
>fill out survey
>phone rings within an hour
>job interview for next day
>get job at conclusion of interview

Its not hard, user.

describe that useless shti

im assuming hes not talking about working at walmart or some fast food place.

Either you are still in school or havent actually worked as an engineer. The vast majority of engineering jobs boil down to fucking project management. So even classes like thermo and mechanics of materials, despite being interesting, are actually useless to most engineers. Thats not even mentioning the fact that about half the classes an engineer takes arent even engineering classes. Shit like calculus is basically useless outside of college

>wanting to be a wagie

But it was a true story though

well call me racist but when your job pool is 7 billion people instead of just the population of your own country, its going to create some more competition.

Why wasnt this always the case then?

because unchecked capitalism and mass migration has only existed for the last 100 years?

Is this the containment board for stupid zoomers who do not understand that films are works of fiction?