Have you ever dropped a film or TV show because it disagreed with you politically?

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I was looking forward to the new Sabrina but the satanic shit really did not sit well with me so I just skipped it.

>a film or TV show
nigga, I drop formats

Wow youre a fag

Its shit cos its shit, couldve left it at that

I dropped everything because of it. My main media uptake is Yea Forums

Watch YouTube kino like NPC University.

i dont have political beliefs. i only believe i am superior to every other person on this planet, therefore you are not worth my time, except to work and pay taxes so i can get my neet checks every months

Pretty much every movie or TV show from the last 10 years. I know many other people that have done the same

How much are your checks? Sounds comfy

God I wish Lexi would step on my balls.

What is Alexa Bliss's political orientation?

Brooklyn Nine Nine has become unbearably preachy.

The blacklist. Got tired of Red's retarded libshit comments

I dropped Mark Maron's stand-up special because the first thing he mentioned was Trump.

i want to tongue her anus

She is a jew

Had to turn off a lot of nfl games when they were giving the niggers attention for kneeling.

Yeah, The Late Show.

That's why I stopped.
Same with Superstore, Modern Family, and some time travelling show and probably more I forgot.
I just hope The Magicians don't go too crazy next season with it. They already tried a few episodes back, but other then that I find it entertaining.

Mad Men. The first episode had a black waiter being racially profiled by his supervisor and it smacked of liberal undercurrents.
>dude 50s America was actually not great, everyone was drunk and depressed
>dude misogyny lmao everywhere
>racial inequality
The show felt like a cleverly disguised vehicle for progressivism
I didn't understand the hype around the show either, sure Don is cool but the rest of the cast was not interesting.

The walking dead.
It just got more and more retarded as it went on.

Schindler's List

The new Doctor Who series

Fresh Meat had some subplot with the waif that noped me out

They were always unbearably preachy. But they finally reached your breaking point.


Bojangles Horseman went full youtube.com/watch?v=IGl1CCprCeU last season instead of just letting their obvious bias stay in the background so I dropped it.

I dropped SNL after the cringy Obama sing along hour

>that SNL cold open after #Hilldawg lost where they did not attempt to be funny at all and instead it was just that dyke that plays her play a piano and sob that she lost and america was dead

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Jesus that was ridiculous

>watching movie
>woman is in it
>she has a job

Never, because sometimes they fail so hard it's a masterpiece.
I watched look who's back one week ago, even if the director tried to blame nationalism rising over all Europe with his ending he failed at it and the movie is pure kino and makes you root for hitler the whole time

the joke was hillary playing an altered version of the song and crying

No, Timeless was the most heavy-handed and obnoxious example of hyperlefty progressive propaganda I ever encountered and I still watched it to the end and was sad when it got cancelled because it was an enjoyable show.

>watching Condor
>stronk independent specops commando dyke niggress
>out for a drink with her asian and hijab-mudslime besties
>the 3 of them walking down the street
>2 white dudes go past them in the sidewalk
>"Go back to your country" one says to the mudslime
>wtf did you just fucking say about me you little bitch -greentext
>commando niggress pummels the dudes with slick CQC maneuvers

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2016 changed a lot. I never had a problem with even very strong liberal leanings, it always mattered more to me if it's funny or well made. But a lot of people and shows suddenly became VERY political and preachy.

>Modern Family, obviously
>The Walking Dead, but a little later
>Rooster Teeth, especially the podcast (twitter.com/gavinfree/status/795775968828936192?lang=en)
>SciShow (youtube.com/watch?v=LR8wkq-zd3E)
>Tom Scott (youtube.com/watch?v=abwc7AAXn3A)
>Joe Goes (youtube.com/watch?v=6wC7zK1WW_E)

Probably a lot more I don't remember.

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that was the strangest thing I've seen on SNL

>Daily Show
>Any late night talk/variety show
>SNL entirely
>my local NFL and NBA teams
>Any number of television series as soon as they become pure propaganda pushing crap

I'm about to drop iZombie because season 3 is about a bunch of white gun owning dudes who are the 'bad' guys somehow despite being completely 100% objectively correct. Also the main character gets herself blacked in an offensively bullshit manner.

No, most politically infused movies or tv shows are shit judged by their quality alone.

In reality Muslims and Asians dislike niggers, I was just at a convenience store where the clerk/owner Azad chased out a nigger panhandling crackhead with a broom.


disagreed with? no. because they couldn't stfu about drumpf or triggered libs? yes.

Oh yeah, many libtard propagandas have been dropped hard.

Star Trek Discovery was a hard drop.

its stupid to close yourself off to different sources of information, especially when its mainly just for entertainment

I dropped The Conners when they retooled Rosanne to keep airing episodes and just cut out the main character and show's namesake because of a fucking tweet.

No, yet I give it 1 or 1,5 less points in the review

I don't know if it was the dub, but I dropped it after the pilot because the dialogue felt like it was written by an alien species with a faint understanding of humanity while the actors had to perform it while being on a steady diet of zopiclon and cocaine.
That was a little much even for trek.
Don't know about the politics.

I've completely dropped TV shows as a whole, it's a lost cause, most movies too, my average viewing now is watching old black and white movies that were made before my parents were even born, just because they never have libcucks or nigresses.

>liberal late night comedian says the woman in question looks like a baboon
>everyone laughs
>rosanne says the same thing after the baboon attacked her first
>get called a card carrying death camp guard and fired/her name removed from everything ever

I mean you really can't blame Rosanne. Just look at this woman.

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all of them

Why would you watch a show about witches but then not understand it would be satanic or at least pagan?

That's the price you pay for playing for the wrong team.

It wasn't because of politics but I felt the more political Always Sunny got lined up pretty well with the humour going dry.

>my average viewing now is watching old black and white movies that were made before my parents were even born
based and classicpilled
cinema unironically peaked 1920 to 1960. Craftsmanship has been lost in favour of hacks and virtue signalling.

You know 50s America was super racist and women were treated like that
It’s not a new liberal meme or something

The show stopped being consistently good after Season 6. It's been shit for a long time.

Get in line

loool dumbass christcuck

>50s America was super racist

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No, because I’m not autistic enough to have to nitpick everything. That’s what SJWs do too. I can enjoy entertainment without having to politicize it. Everything doesn’t have to mean something.


who else here not eating ben and jerry's ice cream anymore? they tried to blame whitey for muh oppressed black people

Not everyone lives in america. Some of us don't give a shit about your faggy past and don't want american history lessons with out entertainment.
>inb4 don't watch american films and tv

Only 2016 election babbies have only just now found out Ben and Jerry are ultra lefty cucks. They've been shitting on America and hating white people/guns for decades.

Probably this one for me as well.

Well, that and Gina.

Mostly Gina.

It wasn't so much the racism but the intermittent focus on it, like the jew who created the show wanted to beat you on the head with it as a reminder.
My other complaint though is valid, the whites are all portrayed as selfish, drunk, and depressed as if Weiner is trying to paint the era as undesirable.

And? Who gives a fuck. Their ice cream is good. Why do I care about their politics?

Even when full of libtards, most movies have a difficult time portraying the state as the good guy. So they generally promote a conservative or libertarian message despite their best efforts.

Ice cream is terrible for you.

I don't give money to people who donate large sums to organizations trying to get my door kicked in and executed for owning firearms.

It's not about nitpicking, but about patterns that repeat themselves to extenuation, making things repetitive, predictable and boring.
>bad guy is always white male
>blacks are always good guys
>muh stronk woman
>muh ebil christians
>muh based jews
>constant soapboxing about racism/sexism/homophobia etc

All of them. Never saw what happened to Rick on Walking Dead. Can't deal with the lack of development over politics.

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Bliss is mine. Don't ever post her again without my permission.

All of them.

all the time
which is why i don't like movies anymore

all ice cream is good, why support the ones made by liberal faggots?

I don’t eat anything a damn dirty hippie might have touched.

The (((entertainment))) industry forgot that people view entertainment to get away from politics and bullshit, and instead throw it right in your face as a recruitment attempt or as a "fuck you".

Well, I can say "fuck you" too, and do to political products.

I haven't seen a new release in 3 years now.

Tastes good, though.

You /pol/ faggots crack me up. No one is coming for yer gunz. Even the most liberal politician in the US is ok with you owning some guns, and the NRA won’t let them take them away anyway. You’re such paranoid brainlets.

You say this about everything, and 90% of the time, it’s a stretch at best. SJWs look for shit to get offended about, you /pol/fags look for shit to get offended about. Same-same.

>No one is coming for yer gunz.
thats just a straight up lie m8

Based and NEETpilled

Mad Men tried and failed in that regard. They showed a few 'boo hoo niggers' moments, but really all it emphasized was how fucking awesome the 60s was back when women weren't total cunts and America was filled with white people.

Don't bite the b8.

Why not? What does it matter to me who made it? If I like it, I’ll buy it. The company’s political views are irrelevant to me.

Well Sabrina didn't really delve into all that shit as far as the comics and cartoons is concerned, it was just a show about a cute girl doing cute things, funny how anime is the only thing that preserves that comfy 60-70s mindset when it comes to the girly shit

I mean imagine if they did I dream of jeanie but made the djinn a horrifying monkey paw demon

You libs just....always completely miss the fucking point somehow... you can't grasp the simplest of ideas

I cancelled netflix, if that counts.

We’ve had how many mass shootings? Hundreds in the last couple years or so. Every time, there are always rumbles about new gun control laws, and it never happens. I’ll say it again: no one is coming for your guns.

>You say this about everything, and 90% of the time, it’s a stretch at best.
fucking kek
find me a recent film or tv show that somehow went against those clichés I listed. I'll wait.

>No one is coming for yer gunz
Biggest lie from a pack of known liars.
What's really amusing to me about Democrats is that no other political party that I'm aware of has to completely lie about their agenda.
1. We're not coming for your guns
>work every day to ban guns. Deny that's what you're doing despite clearly doing it and having concrete proof in evidence as states where Democrats gain a majority immediately move to ban guns as much as they can. Supreme court narrowly manages to avoid a Democrat attempt to actually even do so, yet they still continue denying that's what they do.
2. We're not trying to replace white people!
>LOL WE'RE REPLACING YOU! Demographics are destiny!

Any examples I give you, you’ll nitpick things to support your argument. It’s not worth my time to try. You’ve fried your brain with all the /pol/ memes and actually think that’s how the world is. I pity you poor, demented creatures.

Doesn’t matter if they move to ban guns. They can’t. They try, it never happens. It’s not worth worrying about.

How so? I've only watched the first three episodes. Struck me as Scrubs but with cops.

correction, no one is TAKING them, millions have tried (and failed).

They absolutely can you fucking dipshit. They very narrowly avoided DOING EXACTLY THAT.

The idea is keep influencing the younger generations as the older ones die off, eventually gun ownership will be illegal.

>It’s not worth worrying about.
>actually confiscation and banning of firearms going on in Oregon, Washington state, and California
>multiple people have been killed in the last few months from 4th amendment violating "red flag orders" sending police to kick in doors and take guns in California
>don't worry you fucking bigot
You're very transparent you know.

any ww2 documentry

tl;dr you can't think of any examples. Thanks for proving my point.

It didn’t happen, though, so no, they can’t. Miss by an inch, Miss by a mile, you still missed.

I only watch Telemundo and Univision now, i dont know what they're saying but its just wall to wall white people 24/7

No, but I've dropped/avoided several because they've severely overdone it with the politics to the point that it takes you out of the plot. I don't give a shit what the politics of a film or tv series is, just write the cunt well enough that it doesn't feel like its entire point is to convey its political message. This was done with a great deal more finesse up until recently and honestly the way every studio is jumping on it doesn't fill me with optimism for the future. I don't give a shit about left and right while I'm trying to watch something, just tell me a decent fucking story.

Kaufmann isn't a jewish name actually

t. kraut

Go to the general at Yea Forums

superstore is lowkey redpilled tho. While they make fun of the ONE white male christian character they are always making fun of liberal ideology

No, buddy, the trailers made it obvious what they were doing. That's why I didn't watch it. Stop acting like a tranny and blaming everyone else for your inability to pay attention.

All of them. Literally all of them. If their actors/writers/directors get political I refuse to pay to watch their content. It's the only way to teach them.

Yeah, Sam "tranny" Hyde

Watching SNL before the election demonstrated why Trump won the election. Liberals were so secure in a Hilary win they only saw Trump as a sideshow nobody was going to vote for, not an opponent that you actually needed to compete with. Meanwhile conservatives were taking the election dead seriously and were furious that the mainstream media were blowing off their views and values.

Not an argument

I don't drop them because they express a different political opinion than mine. I drop them because they aren't expressing opinions, they are just being straight up propaganda. There is a difference. I'm not even white and even I get fucking tired of LE EPIC EVIL WHITE MAN and the race mixing propaganda, it's not even "haha so bad it's funny" anymore, just pathetic. It's tiresome.


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Imagine the episode where (mostly) everyone is discussing the war going on, but, here's the twist, and there is a twist, it goes on all the time, and the discussion is entirely one-sided.

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That was probably the weirdest thing to ever happen on SNL. It's so bizarre that I still can't believe it actually happened...

>oh hey, they can never try again! Despite trying every change they get!
This is your stupid ass.

liberals became so unhinged because Trump won........it is like their brains melted or something.

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trying ot find the sex parts on porn webiste....find nothing. fucking hulu

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Fuck 'em all. I don't need to hear their whiny propaganda.

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it was a subconscious reaction that they likely weren't aware of, the media told them trump would lose, and the media was wrong. The media CAN'T be wrong to these people.

I dropped Game of Thrones because they decided to assassinate Stannis' character.
I don't think it has much to do with politics though.

Why are you watching American entertainment media when all it is is propaganda crap?

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This desu.

I'd like a show that told us that white people aren't actually bad, and that libs should just shut the fuck up for a minute. But I'd get pretty fucking tired of it if they decided to do so every episode.

>they are just being straight up propaganda

yeah it's the preaching I can't stand and gets me to turn off the show. Like if Supergirl has kept being about a hot chick beating people up I would still be watching. Yet they started some strange sub story line about crying sister coming out as a lez and blah blah boring.
Most of the time the issue just comes down to poor writing. Like Newsroom was all sorts of political but it was still interesting being it was well written.

Black magic is haram :^)

Yes. I immediately dropped that Viking show when the main character turned out to be a cuckold. It was so off-putting.

I also dropped all the late night shows, they used to be funny and not that serious. Now it's just Trump jokes.

It's not that I get triggered. I just get so tired of hearing them repeat garbage all the time. Other repilled people must also get frustrated when bluepilled people talk about a subject, it's so obvious when they are missing layers of understanding.

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This stupid fuck is the reason I will never rewatch Drive.

The propaganda has become so overt on many shows/movies you have to turn it off. It used to be a little more subtle now it's hamfisted.

>They absolutely can you fucking dipshit. They very narrowly avoided

no, even after the Sandy Hook shooting, with full dem control of everything nothing was able to be passed on gun control on a federal level. They could not even pass background check laws.
The muh guns!! They are after the guns freak out is a far right pander tool no different than what the left does but of course the right gooble it up.
We have made a choice in the USA to accept the gun issues that come with large scale ownership and odds are nothing will change until we reach a generation that just doesn't care about guns.
Then guns will fall victim to econ forces vs laws.

Same. Only seen the first season and I actually enjoyed it. Did they get woke and ruin it, per always?

>America is not a white nation
>patriotism is dumb
>English is not the language of America
>wears patriotic American clothing during election cycle

Did Vince get political now or something? Why is your pic of Alexa Bliss?

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It's Always Sunny is just unfunny garbage now. That last episode with the Mac dance routine would have had some kind of hilarious twist if it happened at any point before two years ago. But now we get a 9 minute sequence of really gay shit with no point and just works against almost everything the show was about for the last decade.

Except it is though, either you're not a kraut or you're a very bad one.

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I went from watching games all day Sunday to three years later reading the scores on Monday. The racial stuff was just the tip of the iceberg, though ... refball, perpetually unbalanced divisions, zero loyalty from owners or players, basic niggerish attitude of like 90% of pro players - black or otherwise, etc. It just kind of blows now.

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He's not talking about trailers he's saying the concept itself misses the appeal of the character. Imagine if they made a rape/murder mystery about The Little Rascals, this is how silly that Sabrina remake series is.

I cancelled Netflix when they hired Susan Rice

Vince’s playpen of WWE is the last bastion of anti sjw programming on tv. Shame it’ll eventually fall

democrats and liberals are truly insane

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I went from watching the NFL a ton to basically just not giving a shit about it because I can't stand the attitude of the players and how much these people are absolutely glorified. That, plus the NFL and ESPN pandering is just ridiculous College is still pretty comfy though with a better atmosphere, even if it is just getting the players a free college experience without any of the real course load for the true elite level players.

The show lost it's main storytelling point anyway when the cast got too old. A quirky comedy about a group of assholish 20 somethings getting into misadventures is endearing and fun. But a cast of assholish 40 somethings still trying to live like they are all 25 is sad and depressing and just makes people feel bad watching.

Not politically, but all the religious bullshit in the later seasons of Stargate SG-1 get really tiring. Not quite enough to drop it, but rewatching gets a little HALLOWED ARE THE ORI

Who is on the left? I can't quite make out the pixel that is her face.

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>dude it's called the chilling adventures of sabrina based on the comic of the same name
>wow what do you MEAN they're both some new shitty edgy zoomer garbage?

Look at this fag thats actually watched more than one episode of modern family

I got you bro

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Hillary's assistant

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Think that purple hair was a novel coincidence or just playing to the crowd?

Have you not seen that, "This is the writer" picture that gets posted in just about every TLJ thread?

But the Ori were literally gods, who could interact with the unascended and even drew power from their worshippers. Daniel's speech can only apply to beings pretending to be gods like the Goa'uld (except Anubis).
Politics did get hamfistedly shoved into several Stargate episodes like Emancipation and the space Nazis with the remote controlled drones. There was no reference to contemporary politics as far as I recall, but it was a reverse prime directive kind of situation where they continually interfered with other societies.

highest rate of KKK membership, lynchings, Jim Crowe laws in full effect.

It is.
then why would you watch a show about the American 50s if you dont want to watch America during the 50s

i skip mel gibson movies because they are conservatarded

dragged across concrete. it wasn't right wing enough.

based radical centrist

Go watch Lethal Weapon 3 and tell me that again.


>no, even after the Sandy Hook shooting, with full dem control of everything nothing was able to be passed
First off, they didn't have 'full control'. THERE WERE ENOUGH REPUBLICANS TO STOP THEM.
Fuck you're so stupid that you post examples of Democrats continually trying to do something as evidence that they won't do something. Despite the obvious proof that this is that they definitely WILL do it if they can.
The greatest trick the Democrats have ever pulled is trying to pretend they won't take Americas guns, while simultaneously trying to take Americas guns.
Also - they NARROWLY avoided completely removing the 2nd amendment as an individual right by a 4-5 margin in DC vs Heller. If they EVER get a Supreme Court majority they absolutely will immediately revisit it, and then the 2nd amendment is not an individual right any longer.

Never fall for the bullshit that your right to self defense doesn't hang by a fucking thread. It does. NEVER vote for a Democrat. Even one who pretends to like guns or says 'I believe in the 2nd amendment'. They don't, they are fucking liars every single one and they'll turn on you as soon as they get a chance.

>Don't ask questions or challenge narrative. Just consume

I've stopped watching watching most TV and movies because I'm just tired of seeing it. I would be okay if they were at least halfway subtle about it but I'm watching Game of Thrones and I have to sit through yet another "I may be just a girl but I can still fight" scene with a "fuck tradition" cherry on top. It takes me completely out of the story because it's not realistic and I know exactly what the writers are doing.

I've dropped them for being obnoxious about it, but I've watched enough that don't pander to me personally.

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Hey, at least American Horror story had a funny episode about it.

why are there so many redditors in tv lately

I liked the 2nd season of American Horror Story
so tired to watch the 3rd

obese gibes me dat, literal retard, and other feminist witches dig up 'rayssis ol' white lady' from 100 years ago, and one of them tells her off by saying she voted for obama twice, WOW YEAH YOU GO GURL YAS QUEEN
you almost couldn't think up a cringier liberal fantasy than dreaming of telling a slave owner you voted for obama....


I have dropped almost every show, musician, and podcast since 2016. All it takes is one joke about Republicans or Nazis or Zion Don and I immediately stop it and never come back. I really only watch old Italian horror and pro wrestling (because it's ran by a racist old conservative) now

I have absolutely no proof of this but I firmly believe that the only reason this show still airs (besides muh feminism ideologues) is it tags women's sexual fantasies

Does TyT count?

I could stomach them for a couple of years, but at one point they basically handed the show over to some blond bimbo and that Hassan dude, and literally every video on the channel was; "A woman, trans-person or person of color did something fucking terrible, and here's why it's your fault you disgusting piece of cis white scum trash!"

That got old really fast.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me was one video where I think some BLM-activists had messed someone up pretty bad, and she was like; "Well, that guy was privileged and those poor black hooligans were provoked by their presence - besides, 'reverse racism' (whatever the fuck she meant by that) doesn't exist!"

oh no segregation was terrible imagine not being able to leech off of whites, lynchings were for criminals blacks and whites for raping kids mostly, there wouldn't have been a KKK if federal government wouldn't have went against the will of individual states and desegregate everything

It's not so much that they became political an preachy even - just that they all became so aggressively anti-Trump that it was all they would talk about. Seth, Colbert, Noah - all of them.

I hate the dumb cunt as much as the next guy, but it just got really grating. Like, seriously? You're just not even going to try?

You obviously haven't been watching recently with all of the pushing of women as well as look at WrestleMania 35. They're also pushing lesbian angles and wait until this Summer to see what they have planned after AEW launches.

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Murder on the Orient Express (2017). It could have been kino, but they had to use it as a vehicle to push the SJW agenda. Kodi stream dropped.

I fuck hate Trump, and even I can't sit through another shitty Trump routine from Colbert - and I used to like him.

Seriously. 2 god damn years and none of them have tried any original material - they just repeat headlines and do shitty impersonations.

Madam Secretary

I see I'm not the only one. So many great films back then that most people nowadays probably don't even know about.

I was ok with the first season even though it was kinda cringe with the sjw preaching, dropped season 2 because they try to force it and hard on episode 1 and make no mention of the plot

I find it funny they align satan with leftwing beliefs though

not really. used to watch certain shows some years back that I gradually lost interest in that I hear have since become very political but I'm not likely to pick them up again even if they weren't

not a show obviously, but didn't know snopes had become massively political at some point a few yrs after I stopped visiting it until I suddenly started hearing about it during the US presidential election. clicked on it to see what the deal was and it was a complete shitshow of a site, whereas I never thought of it as remotely political back when it was just about innocuous urban legends and internet hoaxes etc

I almost dropped The Walking Dead when the faggot character was introduced. I should had done it way earlier because the show turned into absolute crap anyway.

oh no, try again sweatie

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Becky is going to lose to Lacey, who is even more the Vince’s feminine ideal than Charlotte
And it will be glorious

not american and don't care about US politics but I used to enjoy watching Bill Maher as it always catered to wider global events and debates rather than just US and always had good guests and unpredictable discussions

predictably after Trump got elected it quickly just became non-stop Trump and it got boring fast. watched it a few times since whenever I hear there was an interesting guest on and its not as bad now, but I've kinda moved on from politics and most of the topics I was interested in as a whole before anyway so not bothered with it anymore


Whenever I see race mixing propaganda or anti nazi propaganda I skip the episode. If it persists then I drop the show altogether.

The only show that I've been able to watch all the way through is GOT even with all the queer and YAS QUEEN shit. It is horrid though.

Yes, i hardly watch movies or shows now.

The whole show was a thin veneer or guilt to make it woke for viewers to go "damn Don is a badass," and people get butthurt whenever that fact is pointed out

Yes. I refused to watch The Post (2017) because the premise is utter bullshit and the movie only exists to make people think that the press is free and not owned by powerful people who use it to further their own ends.

I dropped cable. What's the point of paying for indoctrination?

yes, Billions with the he she it pronoun bullshit in s2

Don't let that idiot ruin a good movie for you my dude

I watched it. It was fucking bad.

Dr Who. Dr Who has always been a lefty show and as a Dr Who fan I've always been a bit lefty myself. In recent years the show has got so hamfistedly political that it turned me right off.

How did Modern Family change? I had stopped watching by then.

Yeah, just D&D being hacks: I guess the 10 pages or so they actually read of the books made them really like Renly.

Dropped American Gods

I dropped a movie review podcast because suddenly every dystopia was "just like modern America" to them and all villains were "just so similar to Trump." They weren't like that BEFORE the election, but god damn they became insufferable afterwards.

I dropped Orville and American Gods when they both had basically gay porno for like 10 minutes of an episode for no reason.
That's just forcing your gross bullshit on the audience and I don't appreciate it.

Mayocide when

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>who are the 'bad' guys somehow despite being completely 100% objectively correct.
explain? I have never seen the show, only know that
>zombies exists
>protagonist is a zombie trying to remain human by working as a coroner, eating brains and using their memories to find the murderer

A lot of podcasts fell off a cliff when Trump won. Many have never recovered. I had to unsub from at least half the ones I used to listen to. They were so traumatized by that election that even the most unpolitical subject becomes a symbol of Trump for them. Can't go even one episode without discussing Trump.

Yes, I dropped Russian Doll half way through the first episode. It was clearly not meant for people like me.

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>that rant about finding the word misandry
it felt like watching a script made up by /pol/ to make people on Yea Forums mad, except it was true.
>the premise is utter bullshit

What else is there to watch? Telenovelas? Certainly not any European crap, BBC productions make PBS look like Breitbart.

I watch Tom Scott, or started watching him well after the election and he has never been political since.

trouble is it doesn't feel that way. these days it mainly feels like its for conditioning

>>the premise is utter bullshit
Because the idea that the media challenges the government/people in power is a myth.

Imagine you had a show with a big muscular guy and a woman he works with is always making sexual comments about him, going so far as to trying to get one of her male co-workers take photos of him coming out of the showers. Now imagine that the actor who plays the guy gets sexually harassed in real life and becomes part of the #metoo thing.
So when the show decides it's time to do an episode about sexual harassment in the work place, you'd think "Wow, this shit writes itself! They can address the fact that harassment directed at men is rarely brought up and that even well meaning people can be blind to it too."

Like fuck they do. It's bog standard "all men are horrible" shit without a single mention that a woman they worked with used to do the exact same stuff to a man and they laughed it off every time.

huma abedin. hillary's henchgal

I stopped watching Mel Gibson movies and listening to Eric Clapton after finding out they were racists against blacks.

I'm black so I can't support those faggots.

black bastard detected

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Oh yeah forgot about Liam. Very hard to watch his movies now with out imagining him calling me a black bastard and wanting to whack me in the head with a pole. Loved the guy. What compelled him to share that shit unprovoked?

"free and noble" journalists doing something risky because it s the morally correct thing to do rather than because it suits their political masters ends. Bullshit.

i get where you're coming from but can you get where whites are coming from when they don't want to watch shows starring black people who openly dislike and resent them too?

Is wrestling real?

What about the Watergate, or the Panama papers, or Snowden whistleblowing, what about journalists during the french revolution?

I think is important to know certain things even when there is no proper response to them, like the daily human right abuses done by China which seems to be completely disregarded by the UN (unless I am wrong and I do hope I am) and that seems to have never triggered any embargo or ban on them.

People are free to watch whoever they want. I don't expect someone who says they hate whites to be liked by white audiences. You express those attitudes, then you run the risk of alienating potential or current fans. So sure.

Now, maybe I'm assuming here, but if this an unsaid reference to the outbursts and freakouts on this forum by people because a black person simply exists, they're still free to feel and do what they want but it's no way the same thing.


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NONE of those would have made it into the public consciousness without someone in the background benefiting in some way that is not ultimately primarily beneficial to you

>daily human right abuses done by China
Its true but do you really care about these people?

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pretty much every kind of public figure seems to get away with absolutely slagging of whites on the regular with little effect on their career. its aggravating. On top of that when did you ever see a show where a white protags happiness was impeded by non whites - it was a race issue - and the white protag overcoming it at the end was treated positively? How often do you see the opposite?

Some may do it because it pleases them, other because they want to do good, I think you are overly simplifying things, like there has to always be some big conspiracy behind it. Not everyone is William Randolph Hearst, or Gawker.

That affirmation is too nebulous and vague user.

I am awfully racist and lazy, my disdain is hypocritical and as useful as an existential crisis

>watch Love, Death, & Robots because it looked like some decent popcorn Cyberpunk
>the literal first minute has a side-shaved dyke telling off some dude that she's the best there is and that "all you fucking men are the same"

thanks Netflix.

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so I am only worried about China because I am afraid that my lifestyle might be hurt by them in the long term thus making it an egotistical concern, I wish I was Mr Rogers.

I hope you are not being serious user, is a dumb post either way, wether you are being serious of wasting time fishing for responses.

you can keep on telling me dishonest and disingenuous journo's working for media conglomerations with intimate ties to the rest of the ruling elite are my friends but i'm going to keep on disbelieving you.

Holy shit you think Watergate wasn't just about removing Nixon? Look into the papers that pushed the story to its conclusion and their relationship with him. He wasn't being paranoid when he said the press was the enemy they had been trying to bury him for decades.

Watergate was literally a case of blue booking a president out of office for the same crimes every president has committed.

Any movie with non-white characters shoved in my face

That episode was especially bad, the series was pretty good as a whole though. They owe the wazkowski brothers a check for ripping off the animatrix though.

Mark Maron was never good.

n-n-n-no the Wshington Post is impartial and unbiased!

My friend recommended I watch predator but I had to shut it off once the nigger came onscreen.

>Watching altered carbon
>Find out nig invented the doohickies
Too unrealistic, even for sci-fi

Not back then
But with how invasively personal it’s gotten, yes

I found it pretty funny that a movie about the credibility of Washington Post came out at the same time they were one of the media channels being scrutinized for constant lying

Oh god what the fuck. I went through a few SNL videos trying to find the video you're talking about and they were all fucking terrible and had this weird propaganda undertone. Is this what Americans call comedy these days?

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>watch S4 of Bojack Horseman
>first episode is entirely dedicated to how "gratuitous and male gaze-y" elements are wrong in TV
The past season was already dancing around nupolitics hard, fuck off

>"I think there will be books on this time, in the future, that note that McKinnon's performance was one of the first times popular media acknowledged what a monumentally dangerous time the country was entering."
Jesus Christ, these peoples vote holds the same weight yours does

So that break in the hotel tied to the White house should have not been reported and investigated? Should investigations on entities whose downfall benefits some other entities be ignored on the basis of this profit?
So no asian movies for you?

REMINDER that comedians are just the TELEVANGELISTS for liberals. how can you call yourself a comedian after you admit to millions of people that you cried, took pills and went to a shrink just because drumpf won the election?

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Why is it a dumb post?

Can you please reread what I wrote?

On a similar topic it is hilarious reading old Colbert quotes about Nixon and comparing it to what he has to say now that Trump is in office.

Sorry I suppose I was in too much haste, my connection has been terrible today, making posting a pain.
Well, not being very familiar with with US history of the 900s sometimes makes it harder to keep certain things in mind, however in Nixon case, without giving a pass to the war crimes done in the past, the various CIA power games, I suppose it was a case of the American people and politics being more involved, something being more personal, Wilson military interventions in Cuba would probably net a who gives a fuck when asking the average american who was fine with isolationism until World War 2.
In Nixon case, you had the Vietnam war (though I don't blame him for it, mostly Lyndon) which meant american people dying for nothing, and the Watergate which was spying on the other major american party.
>for the same crimes every president has committed.
Can you say with certainty that at least Kennedy,Eisenhower,Johnson and Truman spied on their political adversaries?

Sounds like it might be some thoughtless provoking statement about something that has been amply discussed before just to stir up some new needless conversation for questions that have been answered before, like asking what's the deal with Whinerstein.

Unless its insulting no, its a great idea to see the other side of a argument, or at least how they see it so you can present your side of an argument in a way that either frames your side in an altruistic or favorable way while showing theirs in a frivolous way either swaying them or causing them to full on melt down. Also, you can enjoy things that don't agree with your "sensibilities" like some fucking princess that needs the world filtered for them.

>Joe Goes

I didn't even know he made videos anymore. I used to love him.

no, that would be autistic.

I tend to compulsively watch everything I start to the end. Doesn't matter how shit it gets, I want to see the story to its conclusion.

>want more of Alexa Bliss' great ass
>instead /pol/ has seeped into another board again
hooray i love nu4chan

>pushing of women
>pushing lesbian angles
Nothing is more redpilled then half naked women fighting and fucking

i NEVER drop a movie, no matter how shit it is: i just stoically finish the whole thing as a punishment for my poor judgment
that said, heavy handed politics really ruin a movie, cause no matter if you agree or don't, you know the responsible of that was a retard


No because I'm not a zealot.

>Vince’s playpen of WWE is the last bastion of anti sjw programming on tv.
An Italian-American, many blacks, a multitude of Mexicans and even an Iranian Olympic gold medallist have all held the wrestling championships, and this was way before the 2000s.
If letting women scrape their knees and break their noses is "SJW bullshit" then I think you're way late to the party, pal.

>Is this what Americans call comedy these days?

No, it's what liberals call news. Here's the video although I'm sure you've found it by now.


The satanic stuff is the only good part of the show.

No, trump is the best comedian these days, and the libs think he’s dead serious about everything that comes out of his mouth.

It's rude to laugh at people with mental disorders, user.

This. His show was just a poor man's Louie

I stopped watching WWE when I found out Paige was a coalburner...disgusting behavior.

I mean who wouldn't want to get DP'd by Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods, user?

This is literally I AM SILLY, except there's two I AM SILLIES

I'll be passing on whatever project Ron Perlman puts out next, which really saddens me, as I used to love the guy. I disagree with him politically, but I could still appreciate him as an actor and pay for his products had he not gone as batshit off the deep end insane.

Fact: 50s America was racist
Opinion: Racism is a good thing
Opinion: Racism is a bad thing

What I find funnier is that when the leftists do this comic they go like "we only want what's best for everybody" and don't think about every single failed communist nation.
When /pol/ does them they can literally be summed up as "Hitler was right and we need another genocide."
But hey centrists are the worst am I right fellas.

Oh I already know that you people are fucking cultists. Singing hymns while dressed up as your candidate of choice? Do your christian channels also have programs where people dressed up as trump sing praises to the destruction of Gomorrah or something like that? This is just insane.


Fact: 50s America judged blacks by the content of their character.
Opinion: Judging blacks is racist.
Opinion: Judging blacks is not racist.

Which episode was that? I enjoyed the first two seasons, but stopped watching after that, but I could watch that episode.

Probably because places with censorship always leak people yearning to be free.

Anybody else switch a half dozen products they usually use after that fun little Gillette ad here recently? Managed to replace almost all the P&G products in my life with absolutely no effort whatsoever literally just by reaching one rack to the left or right at the store. Yeah, I know it doesn't hurt them at all, but it's genuinely fun to vote with your wallet.

Although I hadn't started watching yet I deleted my rips of American Gods after those blacked webms were posted a few weeks ago if that counts.

>Research upcoming movie
>Check cast list
>See female name

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>you are not worth my time, except to work and pay taxes so i can get my neet checks every months
that is a political belief, you just rekt yourself.

My nigga.

CFB is and has always been the best football. I'll take heated rivalries, traditions, and emotion every day over generic overpaid dude #67093 beating his wife or acting like he's too good for his team.

Shut up Ben and or Jerry. Go donate to fucking Sanders.

the heroic, selfless journo risking his live to speak truth to power, is the most retarded meme ever

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Zombies are taking over Seattle essentially (one is the mayor, they run the police dept, they have a military contractor group of them) - and the 'bad guys' are a group of white rednecks with guns who have discovered zombies exist and want to get the secret out and basically fuckin kill zombies.
Which they are OBJECTIVELY CORRECT TO DO. Zombies are killing people and eating their brains. They're dangerous as fuck, super strong, violent, etc.
Yet because a few zombies, if fed regular brains are able to get by in society this is somehow supposed to translate to
>hurr all zombies good
Fuck that, zombies are dangerous and infectious as shit. They're a disease where if they scratch you, you become one. So trying to get the word out to people ABOUT zombies is totally reasonable, and trying to arm people to protect themselves FROM zombies is also totally reasonable.
Yet these guys are presented as redneck gun-toting assholes who have survival bunkers and shit (like that's a bad thing).

american gods has some kino episodes though. i just fast forward through gay shit

No, because I'm not a degenerate who voted for an orange criminal.

The new sabrina show. It was kind of funny at first but got annoying quick.

The best case scenario is you beg for money on your youtube channel and the worst case scenario is you end up in an Ecuadorian embassy or the London Review of Books.

This is textbook gaslighting. As a term that is constantly misused and misapplied, the idea that the people trying to fight literal misters are actually the villains is absolute gaslighting. Use this as an example if you ever need to call someone out on their bullshit.

Big brain in the comments there:

This is a poignant verse that doesn't appear in any of the popular versions of the song:
I did my best, it wasn't much (suggesting that her message didn't resonate)
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch (referring to her perceived coldness and her desperate attempt to connect with the electorate)
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you (her emails was much ado about nothing)
And even though It all went wrong (she didn't get elected when she had it in her hand)
I'll stand before the Lord of Song (she is not ashamed of her loss)
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah (at least she tried)

Fuck I hate phoneposting


He probably thinks the song comes from Shrek.

>highest rate of KKK membership, lynchings
More blacks are killed by other blacks per year than in the entire history of the klan.


How many people were lynched and how many were black?

I'm not a sensitive nu-male, so no.

>The thread where Yea Forums finally openly admits they don't watch television or film

Thanks for answering me user.

Lots of movies were made before 2016, you know.


> You know 50s America was super racist and women were treated like that
It’s not a new liberal meme or something

And that's a bad thing?

there's no way to watch entertainment if you're on the right
that's why I read books instead

White privilege is literally the "works for me" Yea Forums meme irl

90% of recent shit
fuck your forced pc
watch it yourself

Of all the reasons to drop sabrina, you dropped it cause of satanic shit

What he means is that it can belong to jews and nonjews, kinda like how a black dude could have a name like Smith

Thats more to do with the fact that all small-business owners hate nigs, rather than the ethnicity of said small business owner.

>watching something means agreeing with it

yes, i don't like tv very much in general because of its nonstop ideological undertone tbqh im only browse this board for the eye candy

I can't watch tv shows at all because I get disinterested in waiting for episodes each week. Even if I could sit down and binge a series I took the time and effort to torrent I get bored and pissed off around 3 episodes in.

Yeah, that really caused me problems too, and I say this as someone who basically agreed with them. I think Trump is a dangerous lunatic who is going to get a lot of people killed, but I don't need every single piece of media to remind me about it for 8 years. I'm not even from the US, but you either make, produce, or write such a huge percentage of English language content its unavoidable.

Funny enough black educational standards and quality of life consistently rose right up until the 70’s, which is when glow-in-dark spooks decided to import crack cocaine from south american rebel movements into the US african groups to break them apart.
>inb4 conspiracy theory
Nixon introduced the war on drugs in the early 1970’s while CIA involvement in South America and the cocaine trade reached it’s peak

kino sg1 i miss you


edgecels will spite you, but it's a perfectly valid reason to skip a show

I actually can’t recall the last movie I saw that had
>muh based jews
Except schindlers list

the daily show used to actually be entertaining sadly

But not all zombies are bad! They can overcome their nature and learn to live among humans!

Can't believe this is the actual message of the show.

Yes, normally because the shit is shoehorned in some way much it fucks up the writing. Newest example is the sabrina Netflix and 'he wouldn't let me start the black women club'
I miss when flims were about politics and good like Hunt for Red October, Public Enemy, hell even District 9.

Based Charls


It's there, just like how every out if the fucking blue savior is Chinese all of the sudden.
No negative context at all not even implied towards jews, Isreal, Chinese, etc. They are untouchable in any form of mass media.

At the drop of a hat.

I did the opposite. I picked WWE because Vince McMahon called John Cena a nigger.

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>all these seething responses