>see the trailer for the new HBO show 'Chernobyl'
>holy shit this looks great
>later look it up
>mfw Chernobyl actually happned
>see the trailer for the new HBO show 'Chernobyl'
>holy shit this looks great
>later look it up
>mfw Chernobyl actually happned
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't be serious.
I just looked it up, OP is right.
The bait is overwhelming
this is good.
noooo way...so it is
I remember when I first came to Yea Forums 10 years ago or so, this was still going strong and I'd laugh my heart at you at the gif.
I know, hard to believe 50,000 people used to live near there. Now it’s a ghost town.
You guys think the OP is a joke. Yesterday, I was talking with a girl who'd met a South African. The SA girl had said that they had nothing like our public transport system. I said, "If they still were apartheid, they would."
She just started at me blankly.
"You don't know what apartheid means?"
She didn't.
>retards on Yea Forums think Chernobyl disaster actually happened
L fucking mao.
Literally everyone on /x/ agree it was related to the Bнyтpeннe пpocтpaнcтвo experiment that Russia started in mid 1950s. They even tested it on humans (Dyatlov Pass) by opening one of the пopтaл and allow them to access our realm.
The passageway was not stable and the behavior was erratic as hell, so slav scientists kept researching.
Several years later they opened a full scale one on Chernobyl, a city that was only built for that purpose. There were no humans during the test, just dummies. The whole city was a lie, similar to nuke tests.
They're continuing their research in Siberia and the pole.
Same played a game with a stage chernobyl and mutants forgot what game
Google chernobyl to see if there are any acheevos to be made
Chernobyl was real
pretty much this, a nuclear reactor failing this hard just doesnt happen inb4 japanese one that was literally hit by some earthquake
for what supposedly happened to take place you'd need many many levels of stupidity and nuclear scientists skipping routine checks
>be american
>dont understand why everyone hates muslims, they are ok aren't they?
>everyone i ask just tells me 9-11, assume they are talking about 911 emergency or something?
>look it up
>apparently some guy accidentally crashed a plane and now everyone hates all muslims?
man you boomers are something else
if you open your legs apartheid eat you out!
i aspire to some day become half as redpilled and based as this poster
I am serious and don't call me Shirley!
What the fuck are you talking about and why don't I see demons flying around over there?
>watch Titanic
>amazing film
>decide to google it
>turns out it was real
based and KGB pilled
because we are the demons
that's when we started
>Mark 9 :38 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. —
First time I see someone on Yea Forums being redpilled about Chernobyl
Do you always reveal your power level like that?
Then I need to be as cool as I can be with angels to get saved from this hellhole.
>see the trailer for 'Schnitzel's List'
>holy shit this looks great
>later look it up
>mfw actually happned
>watch Schindler's List
>love it
>Google it for behind the scenes goodies/stories
>turns out it was completely fictional
and then john was the demons
what are the chances there are going to be multiple people who do important things who are inexplicably not slavic
It's 2019, it's going to be about brave african women (and some men) who KNEW more than retarded slavic scientists and tried to stop the destruction, but capitalism failed to help them
it was inspired by cod4 you idiot
>posts elapsed until /pol/turd SWJs derail the discussion with identity politics: 30
that's gotta be a new record
>tfw walk out of x-men first class with friends and have to explain to one of the girls that the cuban missile crisis actually happened
>tfw also have to break it to her about the titanic as well.
>mfw titanic actually happened
>watch a movie about palestine
>mfw it doesn't exist
I cant believe you fucking retard, you wont even believe in climate change, but youre ready to claim that theres is demons from other dimensions. And for you that make more sense than a fucking nuclear explosion. Its like you would says 9/11 is an inside job, but the buildioing never existed and it was all a projection by the illuminati to steal the gold from the reptilians. Go hang yourself