ACKTHUALLY, my trans friend said it was okay to inject Israeli made hormones into kids

>ACKTHUALLY, my trans friend said it was okay to inject Israeli made hormones into kids

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His "trans friend" was ContraPoints lol. He's such a gullible retard that believes anything his friends tell him.
Like that one Adam Ruins Everything episode where that slut kept saying that virginity is a myth (the hymen episode). She was probably just trying to make excuses for her being such a slut.

>no see women ran the old west
>because brothels were thriving businesses
>see and here's a singular example of a woman being the actual owner of a brothel

>diamonds are worthless because they are abundant watch this video

has nothing to do with cut skills or purity

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>columbus was an actually an idiot guys
>yes he may have been a skilled sailor and navigator who made multiple successful voyages to unknown parts of the world
>yes there was still a debate over the size of the Earth at the time and it wouldn't be unreasonable for someone to choose a side we now know is wrong
>but he was still dumb for having a WRONG hypothesis and testing it
>he should have just believed the QUEEN of Spain (yassss), the misogynistic shitlord

If there was ever a go-to example of the term "Punchable Face" this guy is it.

>my friend who's trans, you should look him up, he's really funny, his channel name is ''contrapoints''

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Are they really made in Israel?

The only people stupider than this fuck are the people who enjoy his terrible show.

It’s universally accepted that it’s a giant scam, but women love diamonds and it’s only poorfags who complain and settle for synthetic shit so who cares.

Apparently contrapoints is an author and ex-helicopter pilot. If Adam was telling the truth, that is.

>nobody has thought of overflowing the market with cheap ass uncut diamonds.

Thats literally retarded.

Yeah, just go get your diamonds on your own bro. You'll be safe ;)

The incel cope ITT is delicious. Joe got exposed as the dudebro he is, dumbfucks.

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>giving women gifts
>taking a women as your paramore

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>So if a boy believes he is a girl, why give him hormones to make him even more of a girl
>sorry can you rephrase that question

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I think he was talking about two different trannies. Contrapoints and one named "Bryn".

Trannies always pick the dumbest, fakest names. Bryn, Narcissa, shit like that. Just be Stacey or Michelle or something.

>Brainlet doesn't know that diamond production is literally controlled by a worldwide cartel

But then its not SPECHULLLL

ever heard the term 'blood diamond'?

Contrapoints is such a fucking disingenuous pseud. I don’t know who’s pulling the strings but him and this other youtube faggot are all pushing this “reformed alt-right” talking point. Go read up on the 60 page thread on kiwifarms about contra. He’s obviously just a gay dude who was depressed, narsissistic and doing drugs/drinking and decided he was trans one day but he’s totally an apg fetishist. I’m convinced that trannies are all just deeply depressed, narsissistic people on the autism spectrum that want the easy life of being a female (and have an apg fetish).

Wasn't this guy kinda based at one point, like talking about kike diamond cartels and how circumcision is a savage practice?

this is a bait post, even NPCs are smarter than this

The Chinese are on it don't you worry about it

He also argues against circumcision without regarding cut skills or purity. I couldn't watch that hate speech.

I think it’s just a slow day on the discord so “she” comes here to shitpost.

>and how circumcision is a savage practice?
you can't really argue with that

Yeah but I mean was it just a bait and switch? Mutilating your kid's dick is bad but injecting their balls with super onions is good?

Everyone knows diamonds are a scam you absolute fucking retard, holy shit

Outside industrial applications diamonds are a huge scum.

Uncut diamonds? Sure. There’s no consumer demand for them though, as even industrial-use diamonds still need to be cut, and there’s only a few places in the world that possess the tools and talent to cut diamonds. The price will always be determined by the craftsmen, not the raw producers, and jewelers keep a tight bottleneck on the amount of finished product they release.

Go onto /lgbt/ and you can read threads of trannies asking why "Thalia" isn't a good name

>Muh monopoly!
This was literally Adam's argument about diamonds. You are the real brainlet.


Stacey is dog name tier too.

does a single female on the entire planet think that hairstyle is attractive?

you would get disappeared, fast