Ask away faggots
Just finished watching endgame
What was the after credits scene?
nothing just a big MARVEL STUDIOS logo with the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil in the background (representing tony)
Have you ever put stuff up your butt? And if so, did you like it?
Are the leaks true?
>Steve decides to stay in the past
>Tony and Natasha die
Did Brie kill any white males?
yep both true
Where did you sit? Did you go alone? What were you wearing, and how much do you weigh?
she is only in the movie for the very start and the very end
Who kills Thanos?
Does Hulk fight or is he impotent?
Does AntMan matter?
Is Hawkeye used well?
Will Loki and Nebula ever fuck off?
Rate it from 1 to 10 and how does it compare to last one
Tony he does his own snap and kills thanos and the his entire army
Hulk is more of a scientist than a brute in the film
Antman does matter
Hawkeye is used quite well
Loki isnt in it and Nebula annoyed the fuck out of me but I see why they used her
I'd say about a 6
if infinity war was a 7
endgame is a solid 8.5
how was the last living cameo for stan?
Also there is an unironic fortnite meme I am not fucking joking
Also your boys Korg and Meik are in it
If Natasha dies why is there an upcoming BW film
Greentext the movie plot.
best joke from the movie?
Do Cap and BP actually do anything cool
Is Vision killed still
fitting his Cameo is set in the 70s
Is it better than infinity war? Better than batman vs superman?
im pretty sure the film announcement was a bait and switch as Natasha dies in the same fashion as gamora died in IF
there is a thread on the marvelstudiosspoilers subplebbit that sums it up pretty good
thor bullying starlord in one of the last scenes
cap is a fucking baller
BP shows up in the last 20 mins
stfu and give me spoilers
>movie ends
>camera pans up towards the stars
>constellation forms into face of Stan Lee
>grainy recording of him saying "excelsior" is heard right before end credits
Cheesy but I cried
thats not true
I cant even tell if this is bait
its bait fren there is only 1 stan lee cameo :(
who is she?
so what is being set up for the future
What does Captain Marvel do
Please tell me she's not super integral
She is Tony's grown-up daughter.
my pusy queen
>Steve decides to stay in the past
Isn't that going to break the future?
She's unga bunga tier in terms of plot help. Apparently Brings Tony+Nebula's ship back to Earth, destroy's Thanos's fleet and that's about it
No, since Past!Steve is on ice and will continue the loop.
Why is Hawkeye in Japan fighting yakuza?
>No, since Past!Steve is on ice and will continue the loop.
Yeah, but how does Captain America remain in the past without anyone expecting anything of him or at the very least recognising him?
Does this mean he can finally marry his old girlfriend
welcome to comicbook continuity
Spy connections help keep things hush. Right now we're really not privvy to any of the finer details but I imagine it won't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Hell, Fury probably already knew before meeting the Cap that was defrosted.
So Tony and Black Widow are the only ones to die?
Thanos and Loki
>goes back in time
>does literally nothing to stop the Hydra takeover of Shield or the deaths of his best friends father
What a shitty guy Cap turned out to be.
This is the best part of when big releases coming out. When anons copy and paste trash they saw in another thread or some lesser shit site and try to attention whore.
What was the point of ripping off the credits of Star Trek VI?
>it's a "movie retcons its own history" episode
Fucking with the timeline could have unpredictable, dangerous repercussions
If it meant retconning Brie Larson why the fuck not.
I thought the stakes would be higher. But I suppose when you're reversing shit through time travel nothing is at stake anymore.
Is the end game the friends we made along the way?
Black widow seems like such a random death
Do not trust any of this shit
Can't alter the main timeline without making more branches and there's a lot of advancements that came from human suffering, like it or not. That's Cap's punishment for getting what he wants. He loses but he wins.
Dangerous repercussions didn't stop the meathead before.
She's the sacrifice to get the soul stone
my favorite moment
What's your favorite radio station?
Does Cap really get mjolnir and is it permanent
Thanos was right about everything.
do you sneed?
Is she the one that beheads Thanos?
No that's Thor
Does Cap really get a boner and is it permanent
Who can you behead someone with a hammer?
He does when Bucky returns
dude, it's fairly common practice in fiction to not want to change a whole fuckton of the past. the future simply wouldnt be the same. regardless, none of the changes made in the past matter, because they seem to have been able to return to their original timeline.
hammer is caps now
he got axe from giant midget on IF
His current weapon is an axe
Can you really tell what a guy has eaten recently by tasting his semen?
I'd assume since this is set after the snap it's Stormbreaker, which is an axe
you dont understand what retcons are if you think in-story changes via time travel are retcons.
By smashing it clean off.
Nobody said anything about the head still being intact.
they will reverse the snap after its happening
or after the 2 years?
This is how Thanos actually dies for real He tries to give Hulk the most powerful blowjob in the universe to kill him for good and when Hulk busts that nut Thanos swallows it and dies from gamma radiation
Does Brie have a butt double?
do they mention Antman on Thano's ass
Faggot niggers from outer space.
Do the universe feels the same after the ending, or it feels to alternate to care?
only slightly and if they ate a lot of it. and itd only be the difference between being sweeter or more bitter. one cannot literally tell what specific thing they ate
this doesn't have to be spoilered, we already know he has stormbreaker and the person you're responding to is just an idiot.
can I try?
Why do you spend your time watching children's movies?
Why do you give a fuck?
Is it true that Cap says "Heil Hydra" at one point?
You told me to ask and I was curious you defensive faggot! Unless you aren't OP. Then just shut up and let him answer my question.
whats next for him?
Inevitable return through some deus ex machina in a later movie, especially whenever Marvel movies start floundering
Hey cock suck, you hate capeshit? Then get the fuck out of this thread. NOW!
No way, fag.
not me
but yeah get fucked mate
anything about Loki?
Netflix show
he goes to the never realm and meet Luke Skywalker, wolverine and dr Marvin Monroe
marvel x star wars crossover sounds very possible in a few years.
Anything xmen related hinted?
mike hawk
What's the opening sequence?
It's a prequel.
but by what price
hawkeye's family getting dusted
are dumb
Hey OP can you confirm that this write up of the plot is legit?
A $316–400 million budget.
Whatever the cost
Wasnt she the girl from 13 reasons why?
That’s what OP is basis his thread on. As usual he also has the chronic disorder of suckingcock all day.
So people on Twitter keep saying that there's an explicit Gay Character in Endgame and it's not anyone that we're expecting.
First off I wanna know if it's true and if it is Do you know who it is OP?
DESU, I know time wankery scares a lot of people but this sounds like an entertaining movie at absolute worst. It's the kind of crazy bullshit I expected from Doctor Strange.
Replace Monroe with Sneed and we're set
So like star trek they can go on to make worse and worse movies
Watch the film idiot. I clapped when i saw it
did Sneed die?
Chuck may have
>Not Scott's
He'll be an hologram in the inevitable Iron Girl movie.
Is it true that ?
But he has a son not a daughter
It's a girl.
time line shift dude
so is Jazz Jennings
Only thing that could save Star Wars from itself
Describe the scene where the females fight Thanos. I heard that Captain Marvel takes a hit and doesn't even flinch. Then what's the fucking point of everything else? Why didn't she just kill him whenever she wanted?
Is it worth a ticket? A $7 ticket.
your score is based on pure excitement give it a month and then think about it.
He talks about Iron Man replacement, not his son
How hard fought is the first Thanos scene on New Titan? Does Thanos just let Thor cut off his head or does he actually do a good job fucking them up before croaking?
Also curious on
What about Vision?
can finally take a break for his year long height surgery healing
Bump for answers to these.
Does Tony at least get some kind of banter back and fourth with Thanos before snapping him? Does Tony get to have a moment of relief that he saved the universe?
Lmao, I’m the same height as him, but I just find it so funny how obviously insecure he is. I don’t even wear lifts and I’m a scrawny fuck.
Does Nebula disappear when she kills her past self?
If it's not Bucky then who gives a shit really?
He's going to get replaced by a wakandan "iron woman"
Bump, come on OP don't leave us hanging.
she is not. Tony's daughter is never shown grown up. she's about 4. KL is at the Tony's funeral at the same time with the little daughter. she doesn't say a thing.
Does Kat Dennings make an appearance and does she individually seduce every avenger? Does she have any anal scenes?
Eat shit, capenigger.