/got/ general

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Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Azor Petyr

Maario Naharis

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Settle this once and for all: WHO HAS THE BEST TITS?

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Can we appreciate the fact that fatfuck hasn't released 1 new book in the whole run of got? 8 fucking years, long enough for a cute kid to grow up into a goblin and get a sex scene, think of how much time that is.

If gurm wrote 1 page a day, JUST 1 page, it would take a little above 3 years for a 1000 page book. Just 1 page a day, extremely easy, could take 20 minutes of your time or a few hours depending.

Azor Theon

Bobby B has the best tits.

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pro tip: the "night king" that we think we know is not actually the night king. there's another walker we've yet to see. this is why he's not worried about throwing their full force towards the northerners/Dany. he's not actually risking that he gets killed and his whole army drops with him. worst case scenario is that his whole undead army gets rekt and he has to rebuild from square one in the shadows

Reminder this lad will appear in the next episode and use his snowboard to chop the Night King's head off.

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I'm reading AGOT right now. You bookfags lied to me, this writing is awful. The dialogue sucks and George doesn't know how to set up scenes.

>in the book the Others are described as Tall ... and gaunt and hard as old bones, with flesh pale as milk" with eyes "deeper and bluer than any human eyes, a blue that burned like ice", wearing armour that "seemed to change color as it moved"
>their ghostly and eerie voices are described as like "the cracking of ice on a winter lake"
>Dabid appears
>eyo this nigga finna be darth maul

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>No Myranda
shit poll
kys yourself

best girl

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he literally has a crown you autist

I've seen a fapfic about where Arya fails to assassinate Walder Frey and forced to be his sex slave

Not sure where it is now though

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Dungeons and Dragons should have hired better writers and conferred with GRRM.
Season 5 was a mess, and the writing never really recovered to pre season 5 levels.

This is a blue board, you can't post such lewdness here.


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Dorne is white

uh, source? he has spikes on his head that looks like a crown.

Azor Sandor

Confirmed Charles Dance returns this season as Gerion Lannister who joins the war against the White Walkers wielding Brightroar

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flat as pic related

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That would be tough to properly implement doe. Tolkien's works are the best exmample that some things can not be 100% copied from the books.


wtf is wrong with this dumb shit i voted for ros but there are only votes for melisandre

ros is best girl

you said best not biggest

And so is Argentina.

>No Sam


put me in screencap xD

this would only explain why he would show up and risk getting his whole army killed if he falls otherwise this makes no sense

gods he was so strong back then....

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not even d&d would be so stupid as to not show the most important character of the entire show for 7 seasons and two episodes

Just watched the episode.

Wtf, I want to fuck Arya now.

What actually happened to the Tyrell army? There’s no way that the largest force in the country was blown up in the Sept of Baelor or killed during the “Siege” of Highgarden.

Smart strategic decisions are rarely part of GoT.

it's glitchy but the results are still there

That just makes her hotter.
Flat chested girls always have good personality and other attributes because they know they need to make up for it.
Kinda like a manlet that works out.

i think the white walker at the end of season 2 looked pretty great, everything we got after seems like a pale imitation


Ugh... what could have been

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yes they would

Highgarden garrison (a few hundred men) got killed. No additional battles fought and over 20000 men just vanished.

they're insecure and bitchy as fuck from what I've seen

he doesn't think we can lose. probably can't think at all other than "kill people, make soldiers" and "kill three eyed raven"

The nigg king

I'm almost 100% positive that anyone saying "I fapped to Arya" is being ironic to the max. I don't see how anyone could perceive her as attractive.

Nah that only happens with daddy issues in the mix.

Same thing that happened to 20 THOUSAND DORNISH SPEARS

badpusi's tits are literal perfection
>not too big
>not too small
>but round and firm
>same with nipples

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Meanwhile Robb humiliates the Lannisters in every single battle for years and they have enough men left to go on raids.

>largest force in the country
They were never described as the largest force. Quite the opposite for such a major house. Tyrells power was its wealth but unlike the Lannisters this wasnt used to create a large, well trained army.

Edward did literally nothing wrong.

Also that scene where he rode out before dying was pure kino

who the fuck spammed danny

I don't know what it is about Emilia. IRL she seems like such a nice and bubbly gal with a fun personality but in the show her Dany comes across as the most unlikeable cunt in the world.

Then again, I never liked Dany in the books either.

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why? i'm genuinely curious, what is it about arya that makes some men want to fuck her? is it because her actress is a slag? is it morbid curiosity? is it her anime tier attitude? are you extremely deprived of female contact? there is nothing attractive about this hunchback


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Russian bots did.

They were described as the second largest force. The Tyrell army certainly wasn't well trained and well equipped but definetly not freefolk tier.

>patrician detected

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dummy lol

some got crushed, some bowed to cercei
Dornish spears are in the bottom of the sea. The ones that are not are probably just disorganized, dornish people are known for not wanting to know anything about the other six kingdoms. We haven't seen lanni troops in Dorne, I'd say the spears are garrisoned there protecting their land from an attack and waiting for everything to be over.

I just think it's the direction, since it's the same deal with Sansa

why has there been no update on that shame lady getting tortured by cersi or the mother/daughter fighters that poisoned her daughter

What is there to update? She was fucked right in the pussy to death

imagine next episode, gruesome fights and main characters dying, then we see a sudden cut to the mountain violently raping the shame lady as she screams and cries for about 10s, only for the battle to resume after that like nothing happened

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They are busy getting gangraped in their dungeons until death, not so much story to show

>some got crushed, some bowed to cercei
Those are estimations but roughly accurate. Where did those 20000+ men go? Not a single mention.

Dead. There's your update. None of them matter anymore.

>shame lady
>poison daughter
>poison mother
probably crazy, might reappear later in the show to take control of dorne. don't think so though.

The second largest in Westeros after the Stark army was defeated. Not counting Essos in.

Literally made me laugh. Well done friend.

unironically if this doesn't happen i'm unironically dropping (but ironically dropping only) this show (until the show ends and I'm going to watch it ironically until the end)

I haven't seen her ever as attractive, but when see took her clothes off, my cock went instantly hard.

where are those numbers coming from?

Deserted like most leaderless armies made up of peasant folk and mercenaries.

Why do millionaires care about public opinion, this is the stuff of legend, yet they never do it.
Fucking cowardly pussies.

I don't know, appearently he has to keep track of genetics, house alliances and two dozen different conspiracies.

Maybe there's a disconnect between books and show but I'm pretty sure the Tyrells did have the largest army. The Reach has the most pleasant climate in Westeros which made for the best farming, thus the highest population, thus the largest army.

user has the hots for the body double they clearly used but are indirectly denying exists.

It's women pretending to be men, trying to convince real men that ugly is beautiful so they may have a chance at no longer being femcels.

He is busy shitting on people writing fan fiction while sitting on his fat ass in talkshows.

84th for greyjoys are shit

You know you can like an actor irl without liking their character right

What is the most DABID ending the show could have?

>probably crazy, might reappear later in the show to take control of dorne. don't think so though.
Nah they will just pretend Dorne doesn't exist anymore.

>body double
maisie williams confirmed its her. It was quite funny what I read she said actually:
"Everyone was trying not to look where they shouldn't look but it was weird for me, looked like they were looking away in disgust at what they were seeing"

wight plz go
this is a AZOR JAMIE board

you take that back

>we're supposed to believe that everything in mereen is fine
>we're supposed to believe that there haven't been any protests after cersei has claimed the iron throne
>we're supposed to believe that 90% of westeros isn't in ruins because everyone who have been in power is dead
>we're supposed to believe that there haven't been any problems concerning food and cultural differences in winterfell after everyone in the north, unsullied and dothraki came there
Fuck you, Dabid.

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Azor Ahai is not in the show, that is a books thing.
AA has only been mentioned once in the show, by mel, and referring to Stannis who is fucking dead and can't even be resurrected by WWs.

>yfw tywin comes back from the dead, kills cersei and pretends to be here for the rest of the season

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They're supposed to basically be ice elves

no you're supposed to not think about it nerd

I miss having all those little details

there is no time. if they would make the show 15 seasons long to adress everything that has to be addressed they would lose half the fanbase and half the actors and actresses.

Honestly, though, would any character that's considered strong stand a chance in hell against prime Robert? I'm talking the likes of Jaime, Sandor, Gregor, Khal Drogo, Selmy, Daemon Blackfyre, Arthur Dayne etc.

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>Bran is nightking because he traveled back in time
>Dany and Goblian get some YAAAAAAAAS QUEEN moments
>Jon and Dany rule together
>Shot in the future where Sam writes "A song of ice and fire"

>we're supposed to believe that there haven't been any problems concerning food and cultural differences in winterfell after everyone in the north, unsullied and dothraki came there
did you miss those racist little shitlords not wanting to sit with melissandre?

What are your favourite episodes guys

> Hardhome
> Battle of the Bastards
> Winds of Winter

Jaime, Selmy and Dayne could have beaten Robert.

In the early seasons just mentioning something like that made the series good.
But now i get the feeling almost every scene is just made with the reactions of that Burlington Bar mongrels in mind. Especially the first episode of season 8.

The moment a place no longer has a leader, it, and everything in it, disappears off the map

>Shot in the future where Sam writes "A song of ice and fire"

Oh god this is so fucking bad it means it will happen

e i g h t y e a r s

>mfw Night King performs EDO TENSEI and resurrects all the legendary Starks from Winterfell crypt

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we'll still see based jamie fucking WW up by the hundreds with a flaming sword for no explained reason

>six and a half feet
I wish
t. 6'1"

How does Danny know Theon? Did they use the iron ships to get to dragonstone? I really can't remember.

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Are you talking about duels or meeting each other in a battle?
In a duel he would lose against Jaime, Sandor and Selmy but not by much. He would beat Drogo and Gregor. Not sure about Blackfyre. If he meets them in battle then his odds would be better.

What if nigh king is the rain of castamerr and he has cume back for revenge

Didn't you mean Missandei? Anyway, there should've been many conflicts regarding the attitude of people of the north, not just some two brats not wanting to sit with her

Didn't the Ironcucks bend the knee to her and offer their ships to get them across the Narrow Sea?


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Martin has for sure some cuck fetish about tall and retardly strong guys. Almost everyone in his stories who achieved anything worth mentioning is always described as some Nazi Übermensch, always over 2m tall etc.


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forgot Arthur Dayne who would beat him more than the rest.

He was there when Asha made lesbo sex to her

You want to know why he havn't released it? It's because when he dies and the books are unfinished, they are going to be stuff of legends that people will talk about.
>"How do you think Dorne actually would have played out?"
>"What was the deal with Euron?"
>"Would Claganebowl happened or not?Who would win?"
But too bad for him. No one really reads books and talks about with.

Now that would be a song of ice and fire.

according to GRRM, barristan and dayne were the best fighters in their primes, with jaime trailing slightly behind them, and everyone else below that

but it should also be noted that duels aren't a direct measurement of attributes like STR, DEX and INT. see: two-handed jaime getting beaten by brienne, who's basically a female hound, because of being imprisoned and treated like a rat for a long long time


They were definitely described as the largest army. Between the Stormlands and the Reach, Renly had over 100,000 men.

Her and Yara have a pact and Theon was present when they were making their plans at the beginning of S07

Dayne with Dawn would have the best chance

who the FUCK controls the Twins???

Yeah they did

shut up, benioff, go back to writing the last episode

fuck your self bobby b i’m glad you died

fat walda

Why in the ever living fuck did this season take 2 years to film?
They haven't even fucking done anything yet in the 2/6 episodes.

The retards should have just made this a normal season, did it a year ago, and slowly built it up like season 6.
Is HBO incompetent?

It WILL happen. Notcied how often the "safe" crypts got mentioned the past 2 episodes?
"You will be safe in the crypts."
"The crypts are the safest place you could be in."
Everyone who ever watched a horror movie knows what such lines mean.

He did tho, ADWD after season 1

it’s like every acclompished male has to be Hercules tier

based. manlets aren’t people

>Robert had been stronger than him, to be sure. The White Bull Gerold Hightower as well, in his heyday, and Ser Arthur Dayne. Amongst the living, Greatjon Umber was stronger, Strongboar of Crakehall most likely, both Cleganes for a certainty. The Mountain’s strength was like nothing human. It did not matter. With speed and skill, Jaime could beat them all.

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the same one who controlled dragonstone after stannis left


Yeah, now watch the other 7 seasons pedo

>two-handed jaime getting beaten by brienne
It's been a long time but wasn't he chained at the hands and feet and still won?

It's oldest cliche in book, so of course Dabid is going to do that.

And this is just the first one that ops up


nah he lost but he was malnourished and chained up, and hadn't fought or done any exercise in over a year

Said the guy who is for sure a fat manlet while not realizing that all this started years ago as shitposting while now too many morons like you take it serious.

Lol manlet.

>shitty little frenchman with a micro penis
cope harder dwarf boy

he was imprisoned, malnourished and his hands were chained together, but they reached a stalemate because he got fatigued extremely quickly

in some later chapter, brienne reflects that he nearly beat her, despite all that

It will be in the books, don't worry.

This. I've been wanting to see Shane lady again since they cut away from her. Like what in the world happened, it wasn't even implied rape. I hate when they have loose ends like that. Also I forgot but do we know what happened to red lady?

To you faggots shitting on honor in the last thread, you have thoroughly misunderstood the themes and purpose of the Starks and the North as the series progressed.

The Lannisters and the Freys, despite being more cunning and manipulative, are actually massive cowards, psychopaths, and narcissists. They initially win but get fucked over in the long run (Cersei going batshit over Kings Landing, the Freys losing the Riverlands).

Eddard's honor and the goodwill he built up before and during the series it what gives the North it's redemption arc in ADWD and TWOW, as well as Season 6 of the show. You're initially led to believe Ned and Robb are stupid for being honorable, but in reality it turns out being a good person who inspires loyalty instead of fear ultimately achieves victory.

"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives."

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Rhaegar vs Jon.
Flat plains, Valyrian steel swords.


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Napoleon was average tall, that myth about being short comes from Bong Propaganda at that time.

absolutely plausible, my dude

this, all men under 177cm aren't people
t. 176cm

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in height school.

I can't stop listening to this.


You'll never guess where I found it from.

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And Brienne's internal monologue says that she still only barely won.


B-but we never saw her m-my lord

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Books aren't coming, mate.

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Mix of britbong stories, French units being different from British ones, and Napoleon always being surrounded by his Imperial Guard who were required to be Big Guys.

ned and robb were different. ned died because of rigid honor and lack of flexibility, robb died because he thought with his cock instead of his brain. if they didn't make those mistakes, the north would have no need for any redemption arc and would probably win from the get go.

I was under the impression that this season would feature 90 minute long episodes with some stretching to 120 minutes. That was the supposed reason it was taking so long to release. I wish I had the fucking source for this. It was like years ago

Why did they even include Dorne in the show? It added nothing and was the stupidest plotline in the show, and it has now absolute no relevance to anything

I know the crypts have been referenced as being safe and stuff, but I really don't think the dead starks will rise. In the books there was some stuff to prevent it, i think it had to do with the swords they had on the tombs, i can't remember. But even then, Ned doesn't have a head and the ones before him are nothing but skeletons by now, and I doubt they would be able to get out of the sarcophagus. I think someting will happen in the crypts but not that. Then again its such a shit and predictable idea that it might be what its going to happen.

Same here


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You're wrong and right.

He was actually short, for a nobleman.
George Washington was between 6 foot and 6'3, for example.
He was taller than the average Frenchmen, but the nobility and the leaders of the world looked down on his height.

i’d add that theon’s whole arc is an exploration of the idea that survival isn’t worth it if you compromise your values and lose your sense of self. in that sense, dying with your honor intact like ned did is the better option

Gurm got you covered senpai. You just have to wait ten more years

I was under the impression they didn't like niggers desu

No, I remember that too. They said movie length episodes around 90 - 120 minutes and I had to laugh because it seemed to me they found a way to get ten episodes out of their stars whilst only paying them for 6. I was surprised to see both the new episodes were only 50 minutes.

>"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
this is such a dumb quote, i know its used because WOLVES = STARKS LOL but its misrepresented in the show, and cat and robb died together while arya, sansa and jon survive apart

Are you prepared for Radmure spinoff movie?

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She got a nasty gash in her thigh.

I want to fuck the sand snakes and their mommy too. I WANT TO FUCK THE SAND SNAKES AND THEIR MOMMY TOO

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>ten more years
Try twenty, if he even lives that long. Fuck that old bastard

I remember when people were wondering if he might not finish the whole series before the show caught up to him, not just the next book kek

what house would you anons be if you were born to a house in GoT? id probably be house Codd

Honestly, I'll be surprised if this or something similar doesn't happen.

It was in the show because it was in the books, and who the fuck knows why it was in the books because it's not going anywhere there either.

I don't want to fuck them, I want to rape them to death.
Does that count?

Theon didn't really do any of the horrible things he did to survive though, but because he was insecure and an asshole. But I guess I see what you mean.

>wanting to fuck pakis

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HBO publicly confirmed the runtimes for each Season 8 episode in March. Sunday night’s “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” was the last “normal” Game of Thrones episode at 58 minutes long. Episode 3, however, will run for 1 hour and 22 minutes — that’s four minutes longer than Season 8, Episode 4 and two minutes longer than Episodes 5 and 6.


They repeated "crypt" so often, it is certain to happen. Seeded it just right to make every imbecile go "fuck yeah! i knew it". We're at the lowest common denominator now.

>neddard, catelyn and robb gets ressurected
>kills jamie and tyrion because fuck lannisters
>AND WHO.......are you.....

Oh no that's true, but they backtracked from like a year ago when they said all eps were going to be around the 80-90 minute mark.

>He doesn't want to COLONIZE and establish dominance

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>Though All Men Do Despise Us
based house codd

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Looks wise definitely Baratheon. I am six foot one, clear dark blue eyes, darker brown hair. Not muscular but mostly cuz lack of exercise.

people who are abnormally big usually have more potential to be abnormally strong or abnormally difficult to beat in combat

From each season:
>Ned dies episode
>Davos son dies episode
>Robb dies episode
>Oberyn dies episode
Uhm... Hardhome?
>Hodor dies episode
>Ramsay dies episode
I wonder which episode I will like in this season

i was talking more about the stuff with ramsay and his eventual rescue of sansa/jeyne (depending on how his narrative in the books plays out). that’s a decision where he places honor and courage above survival, and it’s presented as the correct choice

>robb died because he thought with his cock instead of his brain
Should clarify, I'm primarily talking about the books. Yeah, show Robb just wanted bad pussy, book Robb married Jeyne Westerling because he took her virginity while hopped up on bath salts or whatever.

>six and a half feet
6.5 feet


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Based on personality? Probably House Bolton.
Based on geographical location, some Wildling tribe/clan.

Tyrion accepted that he was going to stay in the crypt right? No way in hell they'd put him down there without some sort of zombie shit for him to deal with as well, normies love that little bastard.

hehe me stupid

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no one cares user
>b-but he asked!!
no one cares


That's even more retarded

Myrcella had to die to fulfill the prophecy the old witch told Cersei.

>Based on personality? Probably House Bolton.

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Azor Shagga

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not tall enough, baratheon hair are all carbon black, not dark brown

you're more of a greyjoy

I can see him chop a wight to death with an axe for the lel epik throwback.

Robin Arryn

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Jon is the prince that was promised, azor ahai. Stop deluding yourself into believing anything otherwise. All the foreshadowing exists for Jon, and none (in the show) for any of the other characters. Also, the simple fact that Jon is basically the lead / MC of the entire show tells us exactly what's going to happen already. Add into this the fact that Melisandre still hasn't shown up yet gives us even more information.

Another indication from the last episode was the usage of Jenny's Song, which might just apply to Jon and / or Dany, but more likely Jon. Yes, I think we are going for a "disney" ending where they both survive, and Jon is the one to kill the Night King. Lightbringer will be formed from Melisandre, who knows she is going to die and came back to Westeros to fulfill her destiny to the lord of light. She "carries a fire" inside her, which is more foreshadowing for that fire being unleashed when she sacrifices herself to Jon to create lightbringer.

In addition to this, Jon did say he would "execute" Melisandre next time he saw her, he only let her go as a mercy.

It's all blatantly obvious, they will not emerge victorious at Winterfell, Jon and Dany both survive, as do many other characters and they flee to Dragonstone. It's likely here at Dragonstone that Melisandre shows up again, and understands what they must do and will advise Jon and inform him the only way to defeat him is for him to fulfill his destiny as the prince that was promised.

Obviously this is just what we know based on the show, but there's a lot more foreshadowing in the novels relating to Jenny of Oldstones and the ghost of high heart, who was Jenny's friend and also prophesized the prince that was promised herself as a product of the line of aerys and rhaella.

Just fucking admit it already, Occam's Razor applies here. It's the cleanest and simplest ending for Jon's story and I absolutely guarantee we will see some derivation this.

Just admit it. Azor Jon.

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6 and a half feet is 6'6.

he did ask tho

I'm glad someone remembered. But it's nice that at least future episodes will be 78-82 minutes long. Even though that's fuck all for waiting so fucking long

Irish and red haired.
Probably a wildling

jeyne raped him and got pregnant from him while he was unconscious and on painkillers. always wondered why no one mentions that angle

House Darkstar

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yeah, you know, except for the part when jaime is a tall, muscular dude who's been training or fighting all his life and managed to match up to the smiling knight in a 1v1

>post yfw bran wargs jamie and pushes himself out of the window

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not an island dwelling savage

Jon. Raggar was a pussy

The next ones are supposed to be exponentially longer.

>dany even being top 5
I though you people had taste

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there is no azor ahai

This whole post falls apart once you realise Ned and Robb's honour got them and countless others killed and direcrectly led to a years-long war that could have easily been avoided.

When Robb called his banners to go South, he noted that one night a Dreadfort men knifed some guy from another lord over a sausage.

Details like this really improved the story.
Now it's just cheesy bs.

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>they call him Darkstar...because he's of the night

i'd 100% be a tully

>Dany above Mellysanders
Absolute shit honestly. Bad Poosi I can understand, she's the supreme brown qt, but Melisandres's tits are way better than the fuckin stroke victim

gross, im trying to eat breakfast here. but seriously, whats the deal with car bombings and murdering news reporters

American Tolkien, ladies and gentlemen




what the fuck are these results? dany's boobs aren't worth mentioning. i'm convinced this is just one hopeless danyfag voting dozens of times

New thread theme

I'm a med so probably a slavemaster in Ghis

The war is not over lad.
By vote or gun, our day will come.

One hit with a sword and you're practically dead, you idiot. Speed and skill are extremely relevant in a sword fight.

Danyfags are a blight

That news reporter was a left wing demagogue.
She deserved everything she got.
It was an accident though, stupid bitch got too close to gunfire.

How the actual fuck is Dany above Melisandre? Or anyone for that matter.

i’m a swamp boy. house reed, louisiana proud

post yfw you realize we were deprived a kino Skagos Rickon storyline

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>that one autist who votes 30+ times because he can't cope with his shit-tier waifu having mediocre tits

The tension at Bolton-controlled Winterfell is so good. I still wonder who's the killer.

>I thought Yea Forums posters had taste
Since when?

>the mockingbird is Littlefinger's personal emblem, but the official sigil of House Baelish is a Big Guy
His motto should be "A Lot of Loyalty"

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by "pro tip" you mean dumbass theory?

So what? In terms of physicality he is grossly outmatched by the likes of Robert and the Cleganes, who are all faster than their appearance lets on and they also fought and trained their entire lives. Swordsmanship can only take you so far before you get caught out and killed.

>louisiana lad
we should get together and have a boil, no homo

So the Heartsbane scene hints at Jorah dying, I guess that’s why the leaks said Davos is overseeing Tyrion’s trial and acting as hand to Jon and Dany both, right? They already established in this episode he would be her hand if anything happened to Tyrion. Davos is going to survive, be the Hand of the royal couple and raise the not-Shireen girl.

>managed to match up to the smiling knight in a 1v1
man i wish we got a movie about the kingswood outlaws with young jaime

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The only way we are getting Cleganebowl is when the Night King returns from Kings Landing and brings the Mountain to Winterfell

Yes in Martin universe these people are also extrodinary when it comes ruling and performing tasks. Just being tall and strong doesnt make you automatically brave and smart.

Have you read Tolkien? Darkstar's line would be mild by his standards.

There is this little-known thing called armour and shields, brainlet.

guys I have the third episode it leaked about an hour ago (it's okay quality) if I share it here you promise not to repost it elsewhere?

In the books it's established they have just about 100,000 men, though accounting for all the ironborn raids and how much they sent to respons, probably down to like 97,500

A good ending? Off the table

No Davos is dying next episode. Get ready to eat your onions for him.

lads, in the book brienne goes to some abbey or monestary in the middle of a river, and the hounds horse is there, along with some really big dude, but she sees the due and clearly would have recognized the hound, on top of that, the monk or septon says he burried sandor. what are the chances rheagar didnt die on the trident, he was just mortally wounded and his body floated down with all the other junk that winds up on that monestarys shoreline?

oh yeah i promise i'd never betray your trust bro

Sure my friend.

>what are the chances rheagar didnt die on the trident, he was just mortally wounded and his body floated down with all the other junk that winds up on that monestarys shoreline?

You can trust us user

100 percent

Rhaegar'd dead bro. Killed by the Chad stag

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Wasn't that Tyrion telling Tywin about the tribes of the vale? A mooncrow stabbed someone over a sausage.



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>rhaegar has been sitting in a shitty church allowing people, including his own son, to fight and die in a conflict where he was the root cause
this would make rhaegar the biggest pansy bitch in the whole story

I can sleep in tomorrow and would watch it.
Post that link, if you're so great.

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we don't know any elsewheres here

physicality and sheer size are extremely important and autowin you a fight, but only to a certain degree, and i think jaime, in his prime, is physically capable enough to be a match. if we take your logic into account, how was arthur dayne the best swordsman ever? he was never described as tall or a big guy, and he certainly isn't one in the show

What I wouldn't give to see the DOTHRAKI WHOOOOOOOORE dead

Pod singing Jenny of oldstones was pure kino.

>only 7 people in this general with actual taste

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Id let Pod sing on my old stones if you catch my drift

I want her to sit on my face

The Friki leaks said he is at Tyrion trial. Davos is one of the few that are safe. Also they all escape to Dragonstone they will need him for callbacks and quips.

Tyrell as fuck. Sry bro

in the book rheager was a little pansy who played violin and did poetry and shit, until one day he talked to some fortune teller or some bs, then said he had to become a super bad ass warrior. but he never did anything as a super bad ass warrior, so what the fuck was the point of putting that in the book at all, if there wasnt a pay off for it?

Smirkfu is the best blowjob queen, not the best tits, bro


did she have pretty lame titties

Because plebs in here haven't read the books.

we've seen her actual tits and they're not very impressive user

Don't do it nigger. Some here are /r/freefolk lurkers and will make sure all of reddit has it in a day.

possibly tyrell

>so what the fuck was the point of putting that in the book at all, if there wasnt a pay off for it?

welcome to a game of thrones

Why do all these casuals think the night king is going to raise the dead in the winterfell crypts?
The bodies in the crypts will be nothing but fucking dust by now

Shut up mongoloid.

I've read them all but it's been literally years since I finished DwD, let alone the rest.

>daily reminder that:
Stanisse could have won Winterfell and hold it while holding the western kindgoms. While Jaime reach King Landing strangle his sister with his golden hand, become Azor Ahai and abolish walkers far beyond the wall.
But why have all that when we can have a literal love soap opera.

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you take that back

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>Davos lives according to the leaks
Please be true

Can't believe people like the Greyjoys. You fags probably lile Darkstar too.

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Have sex.

at this point, i'd rather just wait for the episode. if you watch it now, there's nearly two weeks until you see a new episode

what do the leaks say about sandor. i missed em

What's wrong with Euron?


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Anyone have screenshot of Azor Jaime vs Night King?

Remember season 5 leaks.

post the leaks

>pancake tits
no thanks

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>death has many faces, im looking forward to seeing this one
>arya running in panic through the catacombs in the season trailer
surely, her ancestors won't arise

why did davos instantly attach himself to jon snow instead of going home to see his wife and surviving sons? hes admittedly a terrible fighter, and hes just eating food that could be going to a actual soldier

i do think old starks wont rise but fyi bones can last for centuries without turning into dust


remember how IQ 9001 dornish master plan ended in the books?

Season finale is not out yet silly user

Go masturbate with a dildo.

I remember that from the show.

In the books there was a part where they discussed how crowded Wintertown was with all the men-at-arms.

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Yara is pretty cool and I want to hug Theon. Euron is a cringelord

>tfw Ros doesn't have more votes

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victarion is Yea Forums's greyjoy. is a literal cuck, punched a woman to death because eww girls, is a manlet who does whatever his taller brother says

show euron a pussy
book euron a chad tho


That's show!Euron also known as Euctaeron
Chad Kraken is metal as fuck in the books

anyone who thinks that the stark ancestors are going to rise is fucking retarded, they've literally gone out of their way to say its been so long some swords have rusted away into nothing. there'd be like, three or four corpses that are viable to rise at most and they're under huge slabs of stone

Same, tried every book but had to give up since the writing was so mediocre.

GRRM is great at setting up an interesting story and complex
character motivations, but his prose is quite mediocre.

JK rowling and yea, even stephenie meyer at times, have better prose and language.

Would be genuinely good an unexpected so zero chance it happens.

please god give it to me.

i don't watch trailers tBh, why would you want to spoil what you're going to watch anyway

theon is the best character left in the show

too kino for d&d to come up with it

I don't recall anyone saying the books are anything better than blueprints for the show.

or 6.5 feet

Is he really the drowned god in the books?

Will never happen because the Tumblr and Burlington Bar faggots would sperg out.

why does the show act like succession still matters, bros? the capital city is illegally ruled by a mad queen and numerous ancient houses have had their leadership wiped clean. the writers have ignored the issue of succession for so many seasons it doesn't seem like jon or dany should even care about the revelation about jon being a targ

Tfw have seen the third episode already. You guys are in for a treat. Though I do fear for the casual audience.

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I never want to leave lads.

GRRM is not a good writer, only a good storyteller.

So a shit poster is spamming Emilia Clark's boring pancakes while Carice Van Houten sits in third.

really? might makes right is literally the rule of the land, otherwise robert would have been illegally the ruler, and the targeryns before him would have been

I fucking feel you my guy

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Nah but he has a badass line about being godly

>He laughed. “Godless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray.”

I don't think so, but I do think he'll become a kraken
Euron's definitely the BBEG after the walkers are done for

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Yeah Dany's tits aren't that great. I mean they're good but I didn't even expect her to make top five.

It's been less than ten years. Thousand year old traditions don't just die in such a short space of time, right?

Because it's Gurms writing notes they steal from. Notice the scene where Davos is serving food and he forgot about Blackwater? Then by the fireplace Tyrion mention that he is a survivor of Blackwater. It's like different people are writing different scenes for the same episode.


exactly. so why does jon being the true heir matter at this point?

It all went downwards when they showed that Cerseis actions have no consequence.
Blowing up the Taliban leaders and the Vatikan ?
In former episodes this would have lead to Kings Landings flaming up in riots. While we havent any scene showing us that Cersei ordered thousands of Lannister soldiers into the City to keep the people down.

She looks like she smells and has clammy hands.

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at least she's losing to absolute kino teats (except danny)

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>how was arthur dayne the best swordsman ever?
Because his swordsmanship was that good, obviously. But again, swordsmanship is only one aspect, it isn't necessarily the be all end all of how a fight goes down. Being the best swordsman doesn't automatically equate to being the best fighter overall, so Jaime/Selmy/Dayne being better swrodsmen than Robert is both obvious and meaningless, since Robert wasn't a swordsman.

But for the record, I don't think the Mountain is on par with the rest of these guys, since Oberyn (another non-swordsman) completely clowned on him before he got too cocky. I also think it's worth pointing out that Ned, who fought Dayne, basically said that Robert was without equal as a warrior.

>You will never be crowned king
>You will never be married to Margaery
>Margaery will never fuck you and blow your virgin 16 year old mind with her mature body

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well, yeah. so why has no one commented on the fact that places like Dorne and Kings Landing no longer seem to be following the laws of succession?

shes the most popular whore in a northern brothel, its all part of the charm

OP is the yaas queen spammer

Northern men are easy to please.

Seems the ironborn are as well since Theon becomes her walking business card. Tyrion also seems to be enjoying himself in the first episode.

Eps 1+2 could easily have been cut into a single 90min

>times you acted like a Bolton
Mom tells me to take out trash
Do it but say “this is fucking stupid, I hate this house”.