Was casting Jon Snow to be a manlet intentional? Was he a manlet in the novels?
Was casting Jon Snow to be a manlet intentional? Was he a manlet in the novels?
He is like 14 in the books and the books take place over the course of like two years at most unlike the show where it's been close to a decade now.
He's 5'7" though. Not even a manlet really
When will they learn
book descriptions are irrelevant to the show. lyanna, arya, sansa, cersei, etc. are all supposed to be pretty and look at what we got. robert was supposed to be tall (like 6'6") and look at what we got. jon snoo being short is just par for the course for this show.
Agreed on all of them but Cersei, Lena is an attractive woman. She mostly looks like book Cersei.
That's definitely manlet status
He also probably is closer to 5'6'' and lies about his height
why is nick rochefort with jon snow
>Not even a manlet
arya and sansa are just disgusting to look at this latest season, fucking bong genes
5'7" comes from the ultimate height autism site, which i trust
Literally Prince of Manlets breh
they all casted the kids not realizing their growth potential
all of them turned out ugly, jon is suppose to be tall
arya and sansa are suppose to be good looking and bran isn't suppose to be a giant in a wheelchair
There's only one reason it went to Kit and it's no mystery.
5'9 is king of the manlets. don't want to tell you
they casted him when he looked like this though
... Lol what?
>green eyes
>long flowing golden hair
>most beautiful woman in the 7 kingdoms bar maybe Lyanna.
I'm sorry but Lena Headey does not fit this shit at all.
D&D wanted to hire a manlet because they're all broody, miserable curmudgeons just like Jon Snow.
Jesus what the fuck happened to Theon in that time?
I don't think his height was mentioned much in the books, he was smaller than Robb but they were 14 at the start of book 1 and Joffrey mogged both of them. As far as height goes in general in the books, every notable man being tall is a fantasy trope favourite and GRRM is no exception. I think just about everyone from the major houses is described as tall.
A funny irony is people complaining about Sophie being too tall when 5'9" is probably pretty accurate, the show just cast a lot of manlets.
The only casting they got correct in the show was sam, the wildlings, and oberyn.
I don't know his height on the books, but I do know that when Lord Commander Mormont gives Jon the Longclaw, he has to put it on his back because he's too short to wear it on his belt.
>You still have a lot to grow!
Jeor said that to him.
Rewatching it is like night and day. Some shots she looks like shit and others she looks pretty banging.
I think she was as pretty as they were going to get for someone to play Cersei. They should have had her wear green contacts or something, I'll give you that.
>not even a manlet really
that's 5'9" and above though
Sean Bean was great but they should have died his hair black...
>most beautiful woman in the 7 kingdoms
Not anymore, in the books it's mentioned several times that Cersei is past her prime. That's one of the reasons she hated Margaery so much.
>every notable man being tall is a fantasy trope favourite
idk about that
She's a milf and a decent actress in the one (1) role she plays in everything she's cast (ruthless bitch) but she looks absolutely nothing like how Cersei is described. She's white and not fat, and probably biologically female, that's all they got right.
The books were supposed to take place over 7 years but grrm is a hack and gave up.
OK that one is also true
she just has to dye her hair
... Yeah. It's just the wall, bro.
King of manlets here, I don't mind being Gintoki's height
well sure it's a trend irl too, doesn't stop it from being a literature trope as well
Iām 5ā11 and some whore on /r9k/ called me the King of the Manlets. I think women consider 6ā0 the cut off point
>not fat
If I recall Cersei got quite plump during AFFC
from an acting perspective she was one of the best hires on the show though, i'd take that over looks
he got his dick cut off. fuck man give him a break.
women don't know shit about height, i'm 5'9.5" and i've been treated as 'tall' by plenty of women. they probably don't realize i'm a manlet because every guy loves to overstate their height, so women see a 5'8" dude and think he's 5'6"
I don't remember that happening at all...
Women so short. Everyone look like giant.
forgot to mention that this show absolutely shit the bed with the person they chose to portray rhaegar.
Yes, there were rumours she became friends with a new architect in King's Landing helping to rebuild some old structures. It only happened after that.
Looking at them there the producers biggest disappointment has to be how badly Sophie Turner aged. You just know they cast her expecting her to become some goddess looking woman.
targs were all inbred bluebloods.
>robert was supposed to be tall (like 6'6")
Robert was a huge disappointment in the show for sure.
I hate her with short hair which is weird since a lot of women benefit from it. She has a sexy mouth thing going on though. Kind of like Elizabeth Banks or Parker Posey.
100% agreed.
Both him and Lyanna were supposed to be 11/10 hot.
Without the actor's portrayal, there'd be no shitposts.
arya was supposed to be pretty?
the lyanna actor was actually quite pretty.
Gods, what a stupid post
I really think the actor was a great choice, no problem imagining him being an absolute beast in his youth
>women don't know shit about height, i'm 5'9.5" and i've been treated as 'tall' by plenty of women.
It's like you're from another planet, I wish I was born in the U.S
.t 5'9 in Norway
>believing Hollywood heights
He's actually 5'2"
Yeah, no. Keep in mind we're talking about a woman so beautiful she basically destroyed the seven kingdoms with how fucking hot she was. Approximately 0 effort went into casting Rhaegar and Lyanna and neither of them even remotely do their characters justice.
I heard women weren't as heightist in Scandinavia
Mark Addy was great, the character lost all his physical prowess to gluttony anyway so being shorter wasn't a big deal at all.
No woman over 22 is attractive
Believe me they are. I wish I lived somewhere in South america
t. 5'8 in sweden
>.t fagg0t
Having him be some alpha male wouldn't work really. Good casting.
Well then you should fuck off there Ahmed
>tfw 6'1 in France
Feels good to be a giant
People here unironnicaly think i'm tall enough to play basketball
It looks like he aged twenty years between this and now. He's like a mix of Alfred E. Neuman and David Letterman.
Just stating facts Roastie. Women peak in their teens and its all downhill from there
arya is basically lyanna but younger and less pretty. not ugly, though, since lyanna is supposed to be a 10/10.
hah is it comedy hour
just fyi, being 6ft in Norway is not considered tall, you are just an average run of the mill guy down the street. Tall here starts at 6'2.
it's a rare occasion when I'm not the shortest guy at the grocery store for example, being 5'9
>eating too much turned a hulking man beast, who was once the greatest warrior in the world because he was just so fucking strong you couldn't fight him, into a fat manlet
Right. Turn ur brain off bro!
>It's like you're from another planet
i'm from croatia actually, we're tall as fuck here so i'm definitely a manlet, but i guess the women here aren't as picky as some people believe
How much though?
>6'2 and still insecure as fuck when taller people are in the same room
I don't know how you manlets deal with it but I feel your pain
Yes but I heard women don care as much about being taller than a guy in Scandinavia which is what matters.
That little fat fuck saw himself in Kit
I don't believe this for a second, unless its just Leftist forced acceptance to promote dating 5'5" shitskins
I have many of screenshots from tinder where swedish girls say they refuse to date someone below 180cm or 5'11. I regularly get MOGGED by girls younger than me.
You heard wrong, end of story.
i'm around 175cm so i don't have it THAT bad but i genuinely believe that men under 165cm should recieve some kind of compensation for being deal such a cruel hand in life
I literally don't care, let's use social moral shaming to force women to fuck shorter men, it wouldn't be hard at all and it wouldn't take that long.
holy based
It'd be pretty easy to do since white men are the tallest but even as a short guy myself I have to place White Pride over my own interests
176cm here, I used to feel like you but fucking zoomers are tall as fuck and I feel myself BECOMING a manlet as these new lanky fuck set the standard. The women especially are like a foot taller than our generation.
It's fucking awful, considering moving to Japan or some shit.
>tfw 166cm
Why live?
What the fuck is wrong (or right) with the new generation (teenagers and early 20s)? They're all some mutants around 190cm tall?
Ur moms pretty cute
Your kin aren't white people if white women are refusing to fuck you just because you aren't 6 feet you idiot. Stop being a cuck for white bitches and use social shaming to force them to stop being heightist. It's coming sooner than you think, no matter how many times people say "cope" or "shut up manlet" or whatever on this site, women aren't going to be entitled to reject short men for much longer.
GMO's, hormones in many consumer products, who really knows? What I do know is that it's over for people like me. I used to laugh at the
>food full of growth hormones (which by the by also trigger earlier and earlier puberty in women)
>wHy ArE aLl thE YoUng pEOplE sO taLL?!
i agree, zoomers are really fucking tall, it's scary
I rather die a virgin for the white race than do credit for the forces of niggerdom for one moment
Increased sugar and calories in kids meals and more food in general. Eventually it catches up with them which is why there is an obesity epidemic.
user, before you are a white man, you are a short man
You realize growth hormones cause you to grow regardless of age
being obese during puberty unironically tends to help
i was a fat fuck for most of my teenage years, got bullied a lot for it and developed complexes, grew to 192cm and then got thinner, life is better now
t. born in 2000
Yeah, wtf was that? Rhaegar is a 10/10 melancholic Chad, not a 4/10 kike with Viserys' wig and an underdeveloped jaw.
Shut up you fucking brainlet, your long bones do not lengthen once your growth plates have fused.
You can take 10iu of growth hormone a day for the rest of your short malformed life, your skull will swell, your pelvis will widen and your organs will grow and eventually kill you, but you will not be one millimetre taller when you die than when you started.
It's literally /fit/ fags being obsessive about height
This is the fate I choose to endure
Explain this shit then
>not only will you not get pussy
>you can't be boss man either
at least we're better suited to work in coal mines.
>Jeff Bezos - 171cm
Ugh... I don't think I believe this.
I'm 5'7, but live in the southwest of America. I'm average down here.
Not surprising considering the effect a proper diet has on height. The Netherlands used to be a country of manlets.
>the lyanna actor was actually quite pretty.
I agree. I don't know why retards here have been freaking out about here since season 7, she's really beautiful in the show.
Is it autism?
>explain this shit faggot
His pituitary gland never functioned correctly, his growth was erratic and his growth plates never fused, he developed osteoarthritis as a result of this hence why he was bedridden; acromegaly notwithstanding, you couldn't replicate any of this with any dosage of growth hormone.
>quite pretty.
Well, therein lies the problem. Lyanna Stark was not "quite pretty".
Why not though. He grew to be eight foot so clearly his skeleton did grow
At this point I'm pretty sure DnD keep insulting him because he's getting all the poon.
Seriously, there's been at least 3 manlet jokes since season 7.
>she's really beautiful in the show.
Have some standards and then have sex. She's decent, certainly not "beautiful". I see dozens of women like her every single day.
who 6'4"+ here?
he comes on set to bully potential bitch niggas
dirty mexican
Makes sense, I bet tall people are more confident in general due to how they get treated by others. I'm a short person, and I do have to compensate at times with a very uncompromising attitude or people try to take advantage. Push to hard and they say you have Napoleon complex. It's delicate. A tall person would likely just get the respect by default.
the only thing /pol/cel nerds contribute to is the stereotype of angry alt right virgins
Yeah whatever Paki Mohammad. Have fun trying not to get shot
>a hack
>who delayed writing a novel
>because he had to change the structure to make it work
do you not know what a hack is?
Not sure what you're not understanding here but allow me to try again: if you take growth hormone as a youth - before your long bones fuse and can no longer grow longer - you can absolutely be tall as fuck, even if you were destined to be a turbo manlet.
If you take growth hormone as an adult it wont have that effect, trust me nigger I take the shit myself every day. The mechanism by which you grow taller in the first place no longer exists in your body, the best you could do to replicate it is to cut your fucking femur in half and mechanically space it out to generate new bone tissue.
Rainier's deformity was only partially due to growth hormone, unless you have a similar one-in-a-billion undocumented medical condition growth hormone wont make you taller.
Its just weird as shit stuff. Reading up it sounds like your bones do grow if they're fused they just grow outward instead of longer
Yeah that's pretty much what happens. Your flat bones will grow, hence if you take a completely over the top dose (10iu+) for a long period of time you'll develop acromegaly. It's also why body builders and athletes now either take small doses (~2iu) or avoid it altogether, it fucks up your v-taper and the biggest benefit is to your sleep cycle. It also does kill you but that's another story.
Even in tiny doses it absolutely will make zoomer kids retardedly tall though, if they have enough nutrients to back that growth up which... Clearly they do.
>Paki Mohammad
I think he'll be the one doing the shooting.
>when he goes all silent the moment a taller man comes into the picture
He looks like he posts here
so does Alfie Allen
Kit Harrington is an absolute qt, though.
No he looks like the guy who forwards Kit memes from 9gag and Kit has to pretend he didn't see them 3 years ago
Agreed. I'd fuck him and I'm not even gay.
why is everyone on about kit's height though? nearly everyone on that show is a manlet below 5'11, there are even 5 foot goblinas like maisie and a literal dwarf that never get height bullied.
they keep mentioning it in the show, it's come up in both episodes this season
Weird, they never mentioned height before but I guess the script is fully in Dumb and Dumbers control now
Arya wasn't pretty
What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?
Lena doesnāt fit the role at all looks wise without proper makeup. She makes up for it with acting though. Same canāt be said with the rest of the misfits on the cast unfortunately...
it's like that one scene from star wars: the phantom menace with jar jar, obi wan and qui gon on naboo..
I'm not even from a Nordic country and yet at 5'11 I'm considered short and quite a lot of women are my height.
6'1 is not that tall in France. It's just slightly above average for men under 30. I'm 5'11 and a lot of women are just as tall.
Mark Addy is a great actor though..
I have to agree here. I gave her the benefit of the doubt because the first time we see her shes all fucked up from child birth, but in these scene they are both just objectively ugly people.
oddly accurate
What the fuck?
Ned and Roberts castings were absolute kino, i literally can't think of anyone who would've been better. Sure Addy wasn't as tall as Robert in the books, but, honestly who cares? Personality counts more than general looks, especially in a TV show.
Hound,jorah,jeor, Litlle finger,theon,master aemon,syrio(better than the book counterpart imo),joffrey,vyseris
Eh, on the one hand i agree, but on the other i think its more the faults of the costume designers, since wilf scolding looks like an absolute chad, not to mention that he was only there for a 10 second scene. Also i think its the same with Robb, who doesn't have red hair in the show, their first priority was that the characters look related to their family members, and there Rhaegar and Lyanna fit perfectly.
If i remember correctly, cersei,Dany and ashara dayne are called the most beautiful women in the realm,lyana was good looking but it was her spirit who made man fall for her
I'm white, just a manlet.
Damn, GRRM was a gangster
>women aren't going to be entitled to reject short men for much longer
nice manlet cope
Jason Momoa is a large guy
she looks good, you must be a virgin.
I believe she began hitting the wine too hard and was getting paranoid about people giving her smaller dresses.
dwarves > manlets
I can't recall his height ever being mentioned in the books. He's described as "plain looking" like his father Ned.
>who takes 58% of CEO positions while being just 15% of population
It's come up before. youtube.com
Maybe you haven't been paying attention.
Tyrion's dwarfism gets mentioned a lot in the books as well. It's not a D&D thing.
Doesn't count if its a fucking dwarf, I'm talking about the humans
Stannis is 6'4 and in Dance of Dragons Jon says Stannis towers over him.
5'11 is manlet and Jon snoo is 5'5 max
>Someone thinner LOL
Otto Weininger was right, these days the definition of masculanity is defined by whatever women think is "hot", withouth considering the actual content.
Wait, Kit actually fucked her IRL?
I actually think at this point Yea Forums posters care more about height than women. I used to not think so but its ridiculous at this stage how hard dicks here get at height
Jesus what the fuck. I missed that arch entirely
I used to do small role acting and they all have their heights exaggerated in their portfolios. For example I'm 5 10. I did a small role in a film with John hawkes and his portfolio claimed 5 10 and I was quite a bit taller than him. But all the actors do it
>.t 5'9 in Norway
>Tfw 5'9 in Denmark
I constantly see children who tower over me. Scandinavia truly is the land of giants.
Arya is described as not being pretty in the books, but it's heavily implied she's going to grow up to look like Lyanna.
Girls only really care if you're shorter than them when they're in heels. Average height of girls is like 5 5" so your fine. /r9k/ is literal autists looking for reasons to blame on why they're alone and always blame it on something out of their control because that's easier than trying to make themselves better.
i'm 6'1 and have been told by girls around me that im not tall, also swedish. fuck this
I have cousins in Sweden and two were dating English guys that were shorter 5han them. I know its anecdotal but if they can do it I'm sure you can.
>The mechanism by which you grow taller in the first place no longer exists in your body,
You mentioned ribs and skull to be the exception to the growth plates issue, but does this apply to ribs as well? Or even the vertebrae?
feels like girls consider 6'1 to be average these days, especially since zoomers are so tall. Only immigrants, old people and children are my height
you aren't 5'11 then
I have some manlet friends that i met on the internet that told me they were 5'8 and 5'9 respectively. When I met them for the first time they were both much shorter than I am even with much thicker shoes. I think I'm the only manlet that's honest with my (lack of) height
they look like good larpers from ren fest but that's about it
Hes small in the books but theres like 2 or 3 mentions of it in all the novels and nobody gives a shit.
His wolf was the runt too.
Define much shorter, because 2 fucking inches is not "much shorter". The difference is noticeable but not exaggerated, it's above 3 inches of difference when it becomes too obvious.
Nvm I thought that those were not their actual heights but what they made up
>be 5'10" woman
>always call giga manlets out on their lies
Lmao get mogged
mog incoming
>5 pounds of makeup and fake tits
>call manlets out for their dishonesty
I never wear makeup and I'm as flat as a board, yet /fit/ Napoleons still look like they sucked on a lemon when I walk by.
I'm just below 5'9. I'd say they were weak 5'6s. I was really surprised because I'd though we would be the same height
Why is John Cena such a dick?
nowhere in the world is 5'11 considered short, even in the netherlands it's average
insecure manlets inflate their height and then the whole world turns on its axis to compensate. I thought I was 5'9 for at least 4 years because my dad said he was 5'11, turns out he was 5'9 and I was 5'7 when actually measured.
self-reported heights are always 2 inches higher
>and I'm as flat as a board
Then you really have nothing to brag you fucking chestlet. You might as well be a femenine guy
>yfw a woman is better at being a man than you
I'm not the 5'11 guy
>lanklet ectomorph girl who everyone thinks is a guy trying to project her insecurity on manlets
tranny please
I said femenine guy, literally a tall twink.That is no man.
But there are some guys who are really better at being women than most modern "women" so that makes it even.
brother im 5'10 1/2 and a girl called me short when I visited Las Vegas. Being king of the manlets has no upside. I just measured myself. I'm not even 5'10 1/2, im 5'10 so im shrinking.
Is he supposed to look like Chris Hemsworth there?
Being affected by a thot calling you short is a far bigger problem than your height.
>mother is 5'7
>father is 6'4
>I'm 6'1
it's not fair.
>6'0", 6'1", 5'11"
so a tranny
Explain to me why heightism is allowed, accepted and even amusing but racism isn't. Both are built-in physiological traits with an origin in geographical-sensitive genetics that cannot be changed through hard work and effort.
She looks great what the fuck are you on about lad?
sort your posture out, sitting on your ass all day and slouching when you stand up will make you look shorter than you are
Late reply but yes to ribs, and if I recall correctly no to vertebrae.
Im 6.0 and I feel small sometimes
>this insane level of projection
Jesus, dude...
She has amazing bone structure. She's just aged a bit. I don't expect straight men to have any real eye for beauty tho.
I watched every Star Wars movie so yes
Post the one where she is holding him like a doll.
Harry Lloyd MOGs that doughy looking Rhaegar
he's projecting himself as an attractive lyanna?
(and he's right, she does look good)
how old is your girlfriend?
Yeah but like i said the actor looks like an absolute chad, but he looks so weird in the show. Its the fault of the makeup and costume design crew.
hey c'mon
she's a looker but the way cersei was described she just doesn't measure up. her brother is more attractive. is that something a straight man would claim?
She matches book Cersei's cuntyness though.
Hard to find a perfect 10 who can tap into that sort of anger.
>faggots on this board autistically obsessing over mens height, jawlknes, hairlines etc etc
You're all gay and insecure. Stop acting like women, its pathetic.
He's a manlet compared to Stannis, and I think that's the only indication we ever get of his height. His mother was average and his father was said to be tall, so book Jon is probably about average, at least.
So around 5'6 or 5'7
Maybe Kit was just lucky enough to make it on the short list
Omg thot that doesnt want to fuck me anyway pointed out a flaw!
Lifelong insecurity engaged!
It's a hard cope really. People on here pretend that they're losers because of various deterministic factors and postulates these as harsh truths, but it's really an escape from the more horrifying reality: they're losers because they're bad people who chose to not better themselves.
what scene you on about?
Wait, when the fuck was Adebisi in Game of Thrones?