*triggers virgins all over the world*

*triggers virgins all over the world*

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're going to have to explain this one OP

>manlet bullying
>this disgusting OGRO naked
this is the worst show ever

U wot m8?

>oi u got that wankin' loicence from da gov'nuh?


>make fun of manlets
>make fun of virgins
They really aren't being subtle anymore are they?

you mean triggering everyone with standards? i slept with 4 women in my life, and the ugliest girl i slept with looks better than her

>understandable revulsion at seeing this potato faced goblin half naked

ok Gendry

lmao, at least Sophie is smart enough not to allow nude scenes in her contract.

the scars just look like fat rolls

pretty sure maisie actually demands she has nude scenes just to make us mad

>acting like a worthless slut for free on instagram instead of getting 100's of thousands on the show
U on a mad one m8

you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

triggers my gag reflex

OP, she's an ugly Quasimodo looking pumpkinheaded cunt!!!FACT!!!

What's with the disgusting hair style they got her into? Truely looks awful

i have more respect for people who give up the goods for free than for those who make people pay

She's the kind of disgusting housewife I imagine having. And I hate her. And she'll think it's weird that we haven't had sex in years, but it's not because I'm busy or not in the mood, I'm genuinely repulsed by her visage. Like she'll ask me why I didn't fix the sink like I promise or something while I'm trying to shitpost on Yea Forums in the dark and I'll grunt at her that I'll get to it. Then when she walks away to get her nightly bottle of wine, I'll mutter, "you fucking bitch". Everyday having to see her disgusting bored mug, I'm just hoping she'll be the one who cheats on me first before I do, and hopefully I'll get proof of her cheating.

Or maybe I'd cheat first, because our kid kind of looks like her so I hate them too and I wouldn't have to get custody of it

As long as she doesn't show those gross calves.


have sex

sex is problematic

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>there's people that wanted to see this thing naked

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this is my dream life

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>maisie is way more attractive when hair is let down
>she keeps her hair up even out of combat and althroughout sex
Why do they hate her so much?

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I wish she got Drogo'd instead

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You remind me of Humbert Humbert

Pure based.

Which Arya is best Arya?

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Asking a guy if he is a virgin is probably the most pointless question in existence.

Guys will only admit they are virgins with anonymity on Yea Forums, but no guy will admit to it in real life.

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Fetch me the forehead stretcher

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I'm very triggered because I know I will never get to make sweet love to Maisie

Good lord, she really didn't age well.

>Virgins and Manlets on Yea Forums absolutely destroyed by strong female characters in their favorite fantasy show
>incels are triggered beyond recognition


How can one show be so based.

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This is like the Chad vs incel milimiters of bone pic.

Obviously loliarya


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I didn't get any implication of virgin shaming from this scene. I really don't get how people are reading it as "I will only fuck you if you confirm that you've had sex before". To me looked like she would fuck him either way and was just teasing him.

>tfw only slept with 3 women
>tfw I haven't had sex in 5 years and I feel like a virgin again
just kill me

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It's beautiful
Literally just have sex you pathetic incels

>"The horror..."

they implied that she didn't want her first time to be with an inexperienced virgin. or that's at least what virgins on Yea Forums believe. which will put more self doubt into those seething virgins thereby reducing their confidence even further and delay their eventual loss of virginity.

its the ultimate fuck you to Yea Forums incels

It's hilarious.

Best calves I've ever seen

somewhere, there's some poor soul jacking off to this.

yeah she triggered me alright

triggered my gag reflex

Me apparently

Yeah no shit. Not to mention going full YAS KWEEN SLAY with everyone being ruled by women.

Yeah, a handful of female rulers at the tail end of a continent-wide war I can understand. Is there even a house in Westeros not ruled by a woman?

First and only time I've had sex was earlier this year when I fucked a prostitute while drunk. I still feel very much like a virgin.


that's some oddly specific fantasy m8

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It's easy to forget than Arya and Bran were cute as buttons in the first season. Jesus CHRIST those bong genes are not kind.

Peaking in high school sucks

This. I was waiting for Sansa but we got this? Even Joe Dempsey said he was creeped out.

I know Yea Forums doesn't care about this, but I find it really creepy that a show would sexualize a character that, not too long ago, was just a little kid. It feels incestuous in a way. Hollywood, if nothing else, never fails to push degeneracy for the sake of entertainment.

Does arya fuck?

Sex is overrated

>manlet can't handle the bantz

Like a greasy peasant schoolgirl style from the 1990’s

Why did you marry from the beginning then?

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Is it really that bad in the West? I live in a third world slav shithole and nobody here gives a fuck if you're a virgin or not.

read the fucking books. the show is tame compared to them.

1st one because her hair hid half of that head.

Same brah. I've only had sex in one long-term relationship which ended 6 years ago.

Came back on the scene and everyone's using tinder. Everyone has their guard up in public, and they're totally open online, it's opposite of what I remember.

>they implied that she didn't want her first time to be with an inexperienced virgin.
But that's what I'm talking about, that wasn't the implication. She had already made up her mind that she was going to fuck him and was just throwing some banter at him, as in "haha you're just some awkward nerd, what makes you think you're worthy of my royal puss? >:)". Whatever answer he gave her wouldn't matter, she was just delighting at making him drop some spaghetti.
People that think she actually cared about his number of partners are just insecure virgins.
>that's at least what virgins on Yea Forums believe

My turbo SJW friends were saying how weird it was as it was happening

>t. virgin

sex is amazing. especially with an experience women and after you've been with a few dozen partners yourself.

In the books, the son of Doran Martell, a very plain looking guy, also a virgin with no self esteem, is send by his father to visit dany and ask her to marry him. (there was a secret marriage arragement between targaryien and Dorne) But dany literal even prefers his buddy/protector because the prince of dorne looks like the usual Yea Forums poster. And she has daario, a good looking alpha male who takes her "any way a man could use a woman" (this means assfucking my fellow virgins. I like that, because it is like in reality. The weak die, the smart one lives, the uglys are always bullied and the prettys live their lifes in easy mode.

By that formula, its clear why Arya wants a someone with exp.

you are right

Virgin here. IDGAF.

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I've had a bunch of sex child. It's definitely not as good as stacks of money and health; it's comparable to really excellent food.

People are fat because it's easy to get excellent food, but not easy to get laid.

It's overrated though. After losing my virginity I legitimately thought I had done it wrong because it wasn't that much different to wanking but with another person. Turns out it really isn't that special.

>I've had a bunch of sex child.
You put a comma in there or else I'm calling the FBI.

I fuck on a regular basis and I still found it cringeworthy.
There were a thousand ways to make some sort of Arya romance arc bearable and this wasn't even a bad one, just an insult.

>There were a thousand ways to make some sort of Arya romance arc bearable and this wasn't even a bad one, just an insult.
She should have fucked Hot Pie.

Her acting was so shit and the dialogue so weird it was hard to see the point. Why must she be a monotone cunt in every single interaction.

I don't understand what's all the fuss about. It's just another sex scene, there are dozens of those in GoT. Why is everyone so triggered by it?


maybe she dies a horrible way at the end of the season and looses every friend and they just wanted to have her some pleasure before she dies. but on the other hand, i saw that they turned arya in a fucking murderous psycho with only revenge on her mind and it makes little sense for her to sleep with someone. or maybe they want her to survive and get pregnant

>I've had a bunch of sex
Incels, please, stop doing this, anyone who has had successful coitus at least once in their lives can instantly tell when you virgins are talking.
You know when you see a little kid telling some fantasy story pretending you to believe it? That's how you sound to people who have sex, stop trying, it's pathetic.
Just go out and fuck a few whores, or download Tinder if you're not hideous and fuck some fatties.

Cause Arya is like 14 in this scene. How long has the war been going on? Is it like Afghanistan?

>No way fag

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only short virgins are triggered. which is a large percentage of Yea Forums.

holy shit

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sry mate wrong webM

this is it.

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number 2 desu, feminine and well proportioned head

gimme context or real translation of that shit immediately.

Absolutely disgusting

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>the 2/10 woman gets the 8/10 man meme
its actually real, is a vagina that fucking good?

muzzies tring to snach up a kid the translation is real happned in france a few weeks ago.

yeah I'm 28 virgin, yet have seen multiple hideous women in their 20's all married, locked down with bfs and their counterparts are all average to above.

Either these men are so fucking pathetic or pussy is indeed good.

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This is the real translation, user. Sadly
Those are sandniggers

Why are you guys so insecure?
I'm 5'8 too and I find manlet memes fucking hilarious, they're amazing.
Most 6'0+ guys here are virgins in reality since being tall makes you either super confident or the most awkward man alive, since everyone watches you more, most tall guys end up being more confident on average, but "most" is not the ones that browse Yea Forums.
tl;dr: If you get triggered by manlet memes you're an incel.

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Ugly people spawn somehow, user.

Tell me that they were arrested or at least lynched by a mob.



God I fucking hate american prudishness. It's the end of the world for fuck's sake, she just wants to fuck a dude before dying. She doesn't even looks 14 and Maisie is like 20 years old.

heres what you say if youre a incel about to finally have sex

>how many girls you been with?
>just like 4 im not much of a player

basically, lie

the kid was arrested for being outside without a male inshallah

I'd find that harder to believe than the actual story.
Also please gimme further sources I don't like to claim or use anything in an argument without being absolutely positive that it's real.
Trust but verify you know.

>degenerate that masturbates at trap hentai cries over tradition

Sounds like normie reality

They used an adult body double for the legs, right? R-right? Riiiiiiiiiight? Um... right?

it was all over pol go ask their it is legit .

So you're believing it without being sure on the actual sources? You shouldn't do that.
I definitely believe they could've done that, in fact I hope it's real so we can actually show further proof on how unregulated immigration is an issue, but I will never spout unchecked shit.
I'll investigate I guess.

I'm glad I don't, and never have, watched this show, because I can't imagine a naked potato is anything to get angry about.

For real what's getting people all hot and bothered here.

An obese coworker of mine put of his facebook:

ARYA NO! (crying emoji)

Nigga pls you are 33 years old, at least I'm trying to be pathetic in private

5ft9 manletshamer here
lanklets have it easier with roasties though

No, the French police immediately threatened the person who uploaded the video with criminal penalties if she didn't take it down.

Doesnt look like it

I thought it was more Arya playing the assertive masculine role in propositioning sex, because guys in GOT can't have any power anymore

Also makes you have it easier with roasties:
>Having blue/green eyes
>Being muscular
>Having proper facial hair
>Having wide shoulders
>Having big hands
>Having a big dick
>Having money
Being tall or not is just another roll of the dice you made when you were born, alongside the other thousands you did.
If you can't laugh off your defects you're reflecting your insecurities. Everyone has something the others don't, it's true that some people are beyond fucked, in that case money is the only option.

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>imagine being this triggered over someone having sex
>imagine being such a loser you don't get laid at least once a week
>imagine being a guy and having sex with less than 20 women a year
How do you losers even exist? How do you incel faggots even live with yourselves? Do the world a favor and pull a Tommen.

source for Joe saying that?

dont sweat it bro, these faggots make it easier for people like us lol be glad these genetic accidents roam this world

body is okay'ish but the face, geezus fucking christ the face.

Men can't be virgins so what the fuck are you talking about

just beta male things

This is what porn does to your mental and emotional sanity.


But I don't want to demon. I want loyalty and love.

I have huge performance anxiety that ruins sex completly for me, i kinda miss it and dont miss at the same time

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It didn't triggered me just made me uncomfortable, shit I had to search her age, guess many still thinks of her as a rebellious kid, but I'm happy, she seems comfortable and confident and I don't want to die her virgin, also as I remember our favorite incest writer had plans for her with Jon snow so gandry is wayyy better.

if you look close you can see she is jerking that sandnigs dick right at the beginning of the video.

>tfw 29 year old kissless hugless handholdless virgin

14 years ago my arm accidentally brushed against the arm of a girl that was sitting next to me so at least I'm not a touchless virgin.

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>People age

>Arya complains about being a virgin
>Her sister has spent the past few years literally whored out to the worst psychopaths in Westeros

every woman who has ever done a sex scene used to be a kid you blubbering retard nigger

Based schizo poster

>It feels incestuous in a way
what? why?
she isn't fucking her brother or father or uncle or cousin or anyone related to her so how is it incestuous?

Glover, and they're now not featured on screen.
>mfw you're onto something

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I broke a three year dry spell with some morbidly obese whale I found on Tinder. She kept inviting me for threesomes after but I couldn't go through with it a second time.

Ha, you made the same mistake i did, after few rejections i also went for "easy targets" i felt discussed with myself even more.

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He probably fell in love with her personality. But being a man, he can't deny what he sees, a disgusting pig wife. So he love turns into resentment.

Truly a tragedy of our time.

It's simple, really. Men like pure women. Women like experienced men. She didn't need Gendry to be experienced. She was going to do it anyway. But it's hotter for her(and the audience), if Gendry knows what he's doing.

>when you finally have sex

fucking nice give me that gobbo pus

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If I wanted to watch small, disfigured quasi-modo looking creatures and a bunch of uncomfortable sex, I'd watch goblin slayer instead

>lost virginity in 2009
>had wild sex beyond counting with one woman throughout 2010
>only had sex again last year with three different women
>feel my confidence coming back again after almost a decade

It was quite a void, but I survived it.

Based alpha chad

tfw born in the wrong aspect ratio

Is there a longer version haha

I'd trigger my cum in her cunt, user.

I don't like these posters that seem to think the whole world revolves around Yea Forums. It creeps me out. Makes me think they're living in another reality.

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Could be worse. Imagine being in a loveless marriage with a couple ugly kids to provide for.

How do you lads keep yourself from getting too angry and just snapping?

One 4 year lasting relationship that ended a year and a half ago. I didn't even talk to any other girls so far...

Deep breathing, weed, Advil PM, fap, etc.

How does this make fun of manlets?

and they also think they're smarter than the average person

>tfw born in the wrong aspect ratio

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>First time in 2009
>Have had sex regularly since then
>Currently in a long term relationship and basically have sex anytime I feel horny
>Still fap as well because nothing can replace fapping

Attached: 23-238183_see-you-later-virgins-pepe.jpg (820x820, 184K)


Not gonna lie, her face looks like she's on of the fish people hybrids from Shadow over Innsmouth. Creepy as fuck.

You mean Yea Forums the board or tv the media platform? because the world absolutely revolves around tv, at least partly.

did they use a body double or something? the tits look kinda CGI?

> arya not removing her shirt
>gandry jumps up and guts her with his sword then decapitates her
>americans have no reaction (ya that makes sense it is the middle ages after all)

>arya removes her shirt

OMGWTF this is a disgrace a young girl having sex in the middle ages? I think not

Why do close-up cats always make me laugh?

I wish tv was still the main unrivaled media platform
the whole internet is pure cringefest

> goblin wants to jump your bones
> asks if you're a virgin even though she is because she wants an experienced man
> lie and say yeah
> fug
> she doesn't know anyway and nothing to compare
> even if she does figure it out its too late

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> mfw her first choice was The Hound but ol' one-eye cock blocked her

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what a fucking ugly bitch. I see you styling your hair to make your face look less FAS, cunt

Literally no one actually important is going to die.

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Nice legs tho

And her feet are GOTY

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Same here 5 years ago. That's because we are. It changed nothing.

her head just kept growing.

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Is this what romance is nowadays? Is this what the kids want?
Jesus Christ.

No. Romance should be clothed people kissing while a saxophone plays in the background. Fuck outta here with your boomer shit

enjoy your 20 min scene of characters signing consent forms and talking about protection before they fuck, kiddo.

does make a difference

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we finally got to see Arya's bare ass. Praise the gods!



Fear of dying alone.

my grrrrl

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She was just coping with the fire

I would. After losing my virginity I realized my standards aren't as high as I used to think they were.

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Nah she went there to kinda say her goodbye to him ... And get some booze for courage boost



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I have seen plenty of girls of that age naked in my line of work and Jesus Christ, I wouldn't be able to act that scene out if I were an actor.


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What movie?

What fire?

her house burned down last week

That church in Paris, it was all over the news

Her sideboobz are quite impressive

cgi and a different person

They've used a body double for every female since S5

like people have never seen thirst before, fucking incels i hope they never get laid

money aside women look at (in this order)


if you have 3/3 you're a chad. 2/3 and you're decent, 1/3 and you better have some charm and 0/3 you're fucked

no problem dude
I've been without sex less than a year now.

Honestly it feels like I'm free.

I don't understand what's all they hype about literally a piece of roast beef.

Gonna play Classic WoW late summer, life's going to be great.

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>fine with doing sex scenes on-screen since turning 18
>uses a body double for full nude shots
What did she mean by this?

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Joe Cole is a pretty cool actor though

I think cunny posting also started with Arya many years ago.
Have we finally come full circle? Is Yea Forums finished now?

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What if he said 0? She'd laugh and walk away right?

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she would have done it anyway


Is pretty easy, donwload an automatic translator

>virgins are so unfamiliar with female body that they claim cgi
Not surprised.

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who are those inbreds?

>started with arya

Agreed, I'm enjoying all the SEETHING

had an ex with a body just like this (she was 19), got dirty looks from old ppl at the mall and shit. I'm 6'2"

fun to throw around during fuc

Dany doesn't marry Quentyn because war was going to break out in the city if she broke her deal with the green grace and didn't marry Hiz'dahr. The only person who thinks that Dany didn't want to marry because he's plain looking is Barristan.

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imagine being this alpha, the girl is totally cool with it.

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Agreed. She’s far from ugly.

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ye because she got paid for it

Immense virgin alert or you have a scrawmy dick. Sex is 10x better than jerking off. I would rather fuck an ugly bitch than jerk off to the best porn.

All the males on this show are either Manlets, Midgets,Eunuchs,Slaves, Plebs, Fallen Glorys that now submit to womyn (Jamie lost his hand no longer on his best days)
Euron is literally the only male that is not entirely dominated by women, and he is portrayed as dumb and brute.

All the other strong / interesting male characters have died:

Ned Stark
Arthur Dayne

>if only you knew how bad things really are.jpg

alien girls never age well. they look cute and interesting when they're young. that's it.

Best post on Yea Forums right now

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This is actually true for you non 18 year olds. I was with a girl for like 5 years, and you eventually notice the disgusting shit about about them that they don't show you when you start dating for the first few years.

1st by far


its called social retardation

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no wonder the divorce rate is so high

I remember seeing these pictures before I ever knew what GoT was and thinking she was such a cutie. How far we have come.

She was 14 years old her! like wtf? She's a midget.

I wonder what supplements they fed her to get her to finally grow?

lol someones mad

>have sex with two different girls in high school
>graduate in 09
>don't get a sniff again until earlier this year
>currently getting regular sex with some chick off bumble
I feel you, user. It was a decade of darkness, but I'm outta the dive and coming alive.

>He fell for the cummies jew
Sex is alright, but after muh casual sex romps I'm only interested in fucking my wife now.

You can't bully a man.

Male virgins are a joke tho

I agree. After a decade of casual sex I want to settle down and fuck his wife.

>be me
>watch got on and off litterally watch her grow up while watching her acting get gradually better along with character development
>actually dissapointed when the inevalable sextape got released

Fuck you, you porn addicted scumbag

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They had to show it so it isn't a massive asspull when she turns out pregnant with the Baratheon-Stark heir after Gendry dies.

if you have a sister you should already know how disgusting women are

Webm his pusy

>its the ultimate fuck you to Yea Forums incels
>It's hilarious.

>Incels are a menace, cries the mainstream media
>So instead of giving them a hand to get laid or even just try and help them become more sociable, better bully them everywhere. All over the social websites, media and irl until one of them unstable enough spergs out and starts killing.
>After that we will all mourn the losses while saying that he was a weirdo that deserved ostracism and finding a scapegoat in weapons, videogames or toxic masculinity instead of thinking what the fuck went wrong
>Incels are terrorists and here is why, will claim journalism again
Hilarious, isn't it?


I have two. One used to poop in the back of the shower when I was a kid.

>hates toxic masculinity
>ridicules men for being virgins
You Femcels need to find a direction and stick to it.

Based and red pilled

God she gets my dick so fucking hard

Holy shit lmao

Is this pasta? This is amazing.


>hey user, let's fuck
>grab fg by the foot
>start throwing her around like a rabid silverback gorilla
>smash her against the walls
>let out a nearly inhuman YAWP
>beat chest

Based, she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome and gets gangbanged by niggers.

Hav' a butchers at dis lahvley bird lads. COR! Imagine 'er licking yer big winkie like that.

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>person is ugly
>show insists she's not
>people points this out

>many years ago
it has always been here

I lost my virginity when I was 27 years old
You are not obliged to tell the truth, never say that you are virgin, just drink before so you can always say
>i was so drunk
if something goes wrong
She may know that it was your first time or not, who the fuck cares

>there's something wrong with disregarding tradition

fuck off samenigger. kill yourself retard.

Literally how. How are you such a fucking loser? Please just stay a virgin, or just make sure to use protection. I can't imagine a kid having a faggot that pathetic to call "dad"

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>Proceeds to FAP to a man with tits wearing rainbow colored socks

>constantly be on a website where you call for the deaths of Jews, blacks, liberals and gays
>get absolutely bootyblasted at being bullied
>bullying is all of a sudden, bad.
The sensitivity of you faggots is hilarious.

Real question here, does Maysie Williams have a legit problem? or Is she just British?

ywn fill area with white walker sauce


>jerks off to men wearing dresses
You're one to talk, faggot.

>cunny posting also started with Arya
holy fuck you're such a newfag fucking kill yourself


>Samefagging your projected weakness

>this was literally me 5 years ago
She got hit by a car and life insurance paid big fucking bucks. Will forever hate the cunt, but at least she did something useful with her death

Spread this message far and wide user

why are there so many good posts itt?
did /pol/ finally fuck off?

Cry more, pissbaby.

Sex is overrated for the most part. Just beat off and get on with your life. Sure if you get the itch, go dick down some whore and you'll realize how lame it is and beat off for another 8-12 months
just lol @ the fags that got married tho

>whining about degeneracy on Yea Forums

at least i cry with my eyes :)

I had to fast forward this. It was disgusting. She is not attractive, and it's not even a scene that has any need to happen.
Arya even in the show is meant to be about what, fourteen? Gendry and her had minor YA-level flirting several seasons ago, and apparently this is enough to justify going so gratuitously now, when important things ought to be happening?
This "character" of murder-goblin sociopath is not Arya. It's not even what murder-cult Arya was building towards either.
It's just a fucking clusterfuck.
Honestly I expected episode 2 to have already had the main battle of Winterfell occur, so we could have some plotlines further south. But no, goblina needs to fuck a bottom tier minor character so tumblr "shippers" can masturbate. Fuck this

>sex is overrated.
I honestly only hear this from people whocarw underage, virgins and the autistic. Not even memeing. The feeling you get when you have sex with a person you love is one of the most indescribable human experiences. Ever. To call it "overrated" likely means you never have experienced that or are jaded by unrealistic ideas of how it's supposed to be.

Your comebacks are pathetic. Are you this upset about bullying? On Yea Forums of all places? I'll just call you an incel just because it makes you seethe.

You clearly don't belong here if you can't take that.

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The wildling guy too, but he's a comic relief brute and has oneitis for yet another unfuggable that tumblr wants DABID to ship


lol at the cgi tits

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>Cry more, pissbaby.
Your comebacks are pathetic. Are you this upset about bullying? On Yea Forums of all places? I'll just call you an dilator just because it makes you bleed

You clearly don't belong here if you can't take that :)

Stop dude, I don't talk with Phaggots.

Any lookism members here care to comment on what went wrong?

This reminds me of a story.I was sitting with my wife, god rest her soul, sipping on sweet lemon tea. I believe it was homemade by my sweet wife. Or wait... Maybe she bought it from the store in a bottle. You know, like a plastic bottle? Well hold on now, that would be ridiculous to buy a bottle of sweet lemon tea, then transfer the contents into a glass. Why not just drink it from the bottle? I guess maybe so she could put ice in the glass? But then again, making tea at home would be just as time consuming, if not more! That sneaky bitch. Anyway, I'll save that story for later! So, I'm sitting on my porch drinking sweet lemon tea. From a glass of course, ho ho! When suddenly, a great strangeness fills my body. Something was wrong. I've lived many years, and I've never felt something like this before. Do you know what it was? It was my chair! That wooden son of a gun stopped rocking! So I looked and realized some rock had gotten caught beneath my chair! A rock under my chair! I decided it was time for bed, I had had a little bit too much excitement for one day! Hoho! I cleaned up, slid into my PJs, and said my prayers. As I was climbing into bed I noticed my wife brushing her hair in the bathroom. As I peered across the hall my body swelled up with emotion...
"Why can't I be married to an attractive woman?" "Is it me?" "My bank account?" I'm a tall guy, I workout forty minutes a week... Is that not enough? Now my neighbor at the time, was very short. His wife, one of THOSE women. Well, she was more attractive than my wife. I'd say she was a soft 6, whereas my wife was a hard 4. What's the deal? I thought women liked tall men? Why was she with him? Anyway my equine wife, God rest her soul, crawled into bed next to me. She decided to leave the bedside light on so she could read her book. It was one of her romance novels again! Give me a break! As if I don't already feel inadequate enough... Now I have to deal with these fictional hunks! Ayayaye!

If you want to hear another story I'll tell you. Once upon a hot summer night. Sometime in July... Was it July? My local grocery store sells really good eggs in July. I don't know why. Do chickens operate better in heat? Fireworks maybe? I don't know. I don't want to get off topic. Point is, the eggs that Summer were marvelous! Anyway, my wife and I, God rest her soul, went to a BBQ that night. It was held at Dale Spooner's house. Well, his backyard... Conny Spooner doesn't want people in her home, I think she's just an uptight bitch. So at this BBQ I see none other than... That's right, my neighbor... Now earlier in the day wife, God rest her soul, had made potato salad for the BBQ. Personally I hate potato salad, I'm a mashed kind of fellow, hoho! So I sat in the TV room avoiding her till the BBQ. Once we were at the party, I made sure to distance myself from my dumb potato bitch wife. God rest her soul, I just didn't want anyone to think I would associate with someone that would bring a potato salad! Anyway, my neighbor and his above mediocre wife were already there. And get this, they brought a fruit salad! With whipped cream! The nerve of those assholes! Needless to say I gave my wife, God rest her soul, a couple choice words about whipped cream versus potato salad! God dammit! Son of a bitch! A real tongue lashing!

God rest her soul.

>the interview where she said she spent most of her time at home nude


Fuck I was gonna bemoan you for only going through a few years of dry spell, but then I realized 2009 was a decade ago

She's got the exact body shape of a freshman I nailed in college. No ass, big tits. I bet she has a hairy asshole.

only virgins speak like this

>lost virginity and obtained gf but still a friendless unfulfilled loser

Attached: bee.png (914x1091, 39K)

>has received and given oral
>frotted with men
>fingered girls
>received a footjob
>never put penis INSIDE an anus or vagina

am I an incel?

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>have plenty of friends, feel very fulfilled, but still a virgin
That's just how the priest life be

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We're not so different, you and I

Was that really your takeaway from the scene? I read it completely the opposite. I thought Arya was wondering if he was like a giant slut that's slept with 1000 girls and she was just another in the line. He basically responded like 'many' but still didn't respond in a way that put her off

>frotted with men
learning new words can be bad sometimes

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Bookedged and Paperpilled

I think both are pretty what is wrong with me? I just can't get the aria copypasta out of my head when I see her though.

>Strong female character in fantasy show
A literal child of 13 that is 3 foot 7 inches tall
going around killing full grown men with ease.
Yeah. Ok. At least make it believable and you might have a point.

the one on the right

Sort yourself out, m8

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The biggest issue is the "In" part of incel. I'm voluntarily celibate because I don't want to have to deal with the possible ramification it would have on my future just to get a rush of chemicals.

Never heard that term either. Must be something in the degenerate gay community.... Looks is up... yep. Of course it is.

Only if you are under 18. Nobody cares after high school in the west.

Game of Femalepowerfantasies seems like an overly complicated title, I would of just went with "Game of Thrones"

Why do I get the feeling you're not talking about maisie?


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No one cares if you are a virgin. The only people who care if another person is a virgin or not are losers

incels don't exist.

>People miss quints

Some of them are from Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter.

>unironic homophobia

back to /pol/ with you incel

Fucking on mdma+viagra is overrated.