Is it possible to transfer it to the big screen?
Is it possible to transfer it to the big screen?
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wouldn't it be like 7 movies long?
Yes, but it would suck.
It'd have to be a smaller story within the larger setting, and it'd work better as a mini series rather than a movie to actually be faithful.
Sure it's possible, but no one would ever do it with a decent budget and production values. If they did, it'd be twisted into being unrecognizable.
>Warhammer: 40,000 AD is a light-hearted space-fantasy romp in which Guilliman (Jamie Foxx), Yvraine (Rebel Wilson), Farsight (Ken Watanabe) and Trazyn (voiced by Jack Black) travel the galaxy thwarting the mad ambitions of the villainous Abaddon the Despoiler (played by Jim Carrey in a hilarious send-up of The Riddler). They must also dodge the bigoted enforcers of the backwards, religious, xenophobic Imperium of Man, led by the bumbling Inquisitor Eisenhorn (Domnhall Gleeson channels his Star Wars character's infamous anger for this role as well). Fans of Guardians of the Galaxy, or people who love topical humor full of pop-culture references with a surprisingly powerful and important message, should definitely check out this movie!
>Trazyn (voiced by Jack Black)
40k is just a setting so yeah it just depends on the story you want to tell in it.
Maybe just a little story with the absolute mininum background required. Trying to put into screen all the shit about factions, wars, history etc is retarded. Just the minimal information required for the story to work
then this could actually work , miniseries with unrelated episodes which only share the background and certain elements of it
The Imperium would be a straightforward caricature of conservatism. The multi-species Tau Empire would be renamed the Tau Commonwealth or something and turned into the unironic good guys for our Imperium characters to defect to (think Avatar but the blue aliens are more advanced). Chaos would be even bigger cartoon villains and Slaanesh would not be mentioned at all - can't imply that sexual depravity and drug-addled hedonism is bad. Orks would be a comment on toxic masculinity. Tyranids would be Mother Nature getting revenge on humans for eating meat and extracting resources from the environment, or some shit like that.
Just make it about the Imperial Guard and made you see some Marines at the end.
Like that episode on Love Death and Robots with the Russians. Could have been a perfect 40k episode about a Tyranid infestation.
Last scene is Space Marines dropping and blasting them all to bits.
What about the Necrons?
Marines in general should be used sparingly, they may be the poster boys but general audiences will eat up their whole thing if we get a sense of scale with them.
They would have to be used sparingly because they would have to be CG. Real actors can't move properly in a Space Marine costume because the proportions are way too bulky.
Its too complex for brainlets
I'd like to say yes, but I think it would be far better suited as a series, particularly an Anthology. There are so many stories you could tell and places and people to explore each season in line with the spirit of 40k with shit happening all at once and all over the place.
The greatest strength of 40k over all other sci-fi universes is it's disclaimer of the unreliable narrator, except extended to the whole universe so canonicity is a moot point and anything can happen. Also the fact that it's fucking huge.
Exactly. Audience needs characters they can identify with.
Cannot really do that with superhuman Mary Sues.
Not the main story, but small adaptation.
>Super human Mary Sue's
Yeah no. They may be demigods to our feeble minds but they would barely qualify as high-mid tier on the scale of things that will fuck you up in 40k.
They are only angry because of their opression through white males
a three part adaptation of the Horus Heresy would be possible but it'd have to gloss over most the detail, I'm talking order 66 levels of montage for month long battles, with a very close focus on Horus. But really what would be the point, as nothing in warhammer is written with a narrative or story in mind, it's a setting first and foremost and is meant to have detail in it.
I'd also like to see some Heresy stories. I think it would be the better setting to show off the (relatively more) advanced tech. Mars would be such a perfect setting, especially with all the residual Mars hype by Elon Musk and co.
Get thee the fuck outta here Satan. The Horus Heresy novels surely made GW a ton of money but were a disaster for the setting. Thanks to them, we now know just how autistic and utterly stupid the Emperor and all the Primarchs with their daddy-issues were.
Frankly the Primarchs' goofy names that make people laugh are reason enough on their own to avoid mentioning them.
>Bob Johnson (Primarch of the highly secretive Legion whose name is a reference to a poem about being in the closet)
>Rowboat A. Gillyman (Primarch of the ultramarine Ultramarines, the ultra marines from Ultramar)
>The Crow
>Alpha and Omega (they're twins, get it?)
>Iron Hands of the Iron Hands of the Iron Hands of the Iron Hands
>Mortality (he wields a scythe, get it?)
>Kublai Khan (he leads bike mongols, get it?)
>Bloody (an angelic-looking figure who leads the Blood Angels well known for their "sanguine", wink, attitude!)
>Joseph Conrad aka Mistah Kurtz (it's a Heart of Darkness reference, get it? The Horror! The Horror!)
The whole thing is trying to justify a bunch of cartoon villains' motivation, with a side of trying to explain their dumb names and actions that were dreamed up when 40k was an overt joke setting rather than one that was trying to take itself seriously.
The names are fine you're just autistic and incapable of having fun
I feel like you're in an extreme minority like with most fandoms.
It wouldnt make any money, wh40k is the definition of cult fandom, and it achieves this through using intensity and extreme violence to pleb filter 90% of the population out.
>(bald) white men everywhere
>glorification of extreme violence, especially against non humans and people with different opinions, of martyrdom and religiously motivated genocide, of space fascism, cults of personality, religious dogma
>these are the protagonists because the other guys are even worse
Sounds like Netflix material
Not in this political climate and not with these movie watching conventions.
The political part is quite self explanatory...a fascist, teocratic regime dominated by hyper masculine ubermenschen soldiers is the closest thing we have to the good guys...pretty please.
On top of that we have the fact that a movie in the 40k universe had to be in stark contrast to most archetypical action movies trope wise. No love story, a lot of mysticism arround the lore, limited heroism, no happy end...especially the dense nature of 40k fluff would be over the heads of brainlets, who are too lazy to fill in the gaps or accept the mysticism in a universe that is bigger than the particular story.
>Uh, who is this character who is that character. Why don't they just build ROBOTS???
Daily reminder that the imperium is 100% completely right and canonically the good guys (despite what tau nuthuggers would have you believe) and only soibois think otherwise
>Why don't they just build ROBOTS???
Because half of them are corrupted by chaos taint and AI is eternally feared by the Imperium. Also they have to be blessed by the Omnissiah or they get angry.
Did you not read my post or are you pretending to be retarded?
I cited that as an example for something which would be pointed out as a logical inconsistency by a normie who doesn't want to engage with 80 pages of background fluff. The intricacies of the lore are lost on them and they don't want to fill in the gaps via reading up or imagination
I was speaking in the meta context as a response to the hypothetical normie in your post. Sit down.
It could work as a movie-length, heavily stylised music video. Just a loose collection of scenes of epic grim darkness as the forces of the Imperium and Chaos clash. Lots of heavy guitar and dramatic orchestra. A bit like that war scene from Wizards but with more skulls and looming darkess. Imagine all the totally based art from the 3rd Edition era but as a movie. Also lots of searing reds and oranges. Just a full hour and a half of grinding throbbing war and death and laughing gods. A visual Electric Wizard album. You would need people with artistic vision and integrity to do it though. Now THAT would be 40k. Pic-related.
the most interesting thing about the setting is the dualistic Chaos Gods (Tzeentch is Hope/Change/Mutation, Nurgle is Life/Death/Disease, etc).
if you did some obvious story like and found a way to twist it so that down is up and up is down then maybe it would be possible to make the setting viable.
Inmortan Joe?
they already are
that's what you get if you use writers for hire who can't sell their own novels.
I read the first Inquisitor book and thought it was fascinating. Then I read the outline of the secon online and immediately realized the novelist had never cared where he was going and was just contractually bound to get the characters to certain places to sell miniatures.
Should be possible so long it stays the fuck away from Horus shit and focuses on a smaller scale conflict.
>limited heroism
Holy shit that was perfect
That was great. Just needs more gothic and metal
isn't that like 50 books ?
I would really, really love a 40K movie, it just reeks of epic stories, like GoT in space but better. Trouble is its completely unfilmable, even the fan films choose tiny pieces of the whole and they're generally dense as fuck already.
maybe in the 90s. now it's too campy and cheesy
Already have bruva doing that
its a game first and a story second. the books being a cash grab for miniatures keeps everything cool
Possible or not, it is CERTAIN it will become a movie.
Hollywood is scraping the bottom of the barrel, Netflix is too. Nostalgia? Nerdy established fanbase? tons of source material?
Within the next 20 years it WILL happen.
Games workshop would charge a ridiculous amount of money for the licenses
Not in it's entirety, heck the Horus Heresy series alone has 50+ books.
Smaller stories could work for a film, something like the DoW or DoW2 campaigns translated to film.
A tv show following a guard regiment would be comfy desu