Are you not hyped?!

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do people really cry during movies let alone capeshit?

I'm hyped to finally be done. I doubt I'll cry. I do expect to like it.

I’m hyped to the fucking core

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Why do americans clap at the flickplex?

Based and superior movie pilled

>22 films

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>manager of fandango thinks everybody should buy cinema tickets
thanks for the newsflash faggot

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how'd they get brando to play godzilla?

>22 films later
>iron Man 1 is still the only good one
Maybe Endgame will turn things around but I doubt it

>Be ready, kids. Be ready.
The absolute state of capeshits.

>Clapping at a film

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>Be ready, kids.
What did he mean by this?

They couldn't book him so your mom offered to stand in.

>I’ve seen 19 of those films and I couldn’t care less about this movie

Anyone else just suddenly lose all interest in the MCU, super hero movies and CGI blockbusters overnight?

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>I’ve seen 19 of those films

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>>I’ve seen 19 of those films

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thicc bih.

>22 (twenty-two) films
>mcu is just 10 (ten) years old
capeshit is literally a disease.

>will turn things
No, because all that MCU movies did was not as much establishing the 'universe', they were normalizing the worst of comic books shit, and it culminates in the Endgame where they establish biggest cancer of the western comic industry - the time travel and existence of multiverse. It will be restarts and resets from now on to the end of times baby, and people will clap them for it instead of laughing them out of theaters.

look there is something wrong here. no adult, especially not a man, should cry at a comic book movie. i don't understand this at all. How would their fathers feel? the only time I saw my father cry was when his father and brother died and when he saw I got a tongue ring in 12th grade. He thought I was a faggot, and I was one, just not the kind who sucked dick and I took it out the next day. are western millennials the worst generation in history of mankind? Jesus Christ.

Imagine ever getting a tongue piercing and thinking you can judge anyone else's manhood. This is probably bait though so whatever.

No. It's generally a bad idea to get hyped about anything, especially movies.

that poster looks fucking retarded and the movie will suck major penis. the first one sucked major penis too and kong was a joke. all of this is trash for retards, by retards. kys if you enjoy it. zipperhead godzilla best godzilla and even like more than half of those suck too. literally wish i was dead because i live in a world where these retards from warner bros are in charge of something as potentially cool as godzilla. fucking half tempted to put my massive full nutsack into an electronic juicer. eat my ass you stupid faggot. marvel sucks too as does dc, all movies are retarded and everyone who watches them should be gassed. all movies are terrible

You know what would've been great? If everything that happened in the last movie was final and irreversible, essentially turning entire universe into a weird post-apocalyptic setting. This would've actually been interesting and unexpected direction.

But no one's ever really gone, I guess...

Godzilla has the same body type as me.

No but every movie that's not a documentary is trash so it's to be expected.

yeah but i bet you got some good head game get over here and inhale my penis you little rascla

t. your dad


Here comes the bride.

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> Capeshit is a masterful epic

How can anyone say this even as a joke... have this guy never seen any non cape shit movie in his fucking life?! "People" need to start differentiating personal taste from actual quality. It´s ok to like shit like capeshit. It´s a matter of personal taste. Now that doesn´t make a movie good, let alone a masterpiece. It´s a poorly scripted, poorly acted flick with tons of nice visual FX aimed to kids, teens and maybe manchildren up to what? 22? 23? But that´s it. This guy looks too old to praise grlorified entertainment.

literally you are holding back the evolution of art and denying the quality of genuine modern masterworks. you are a troglodite who jerks off to cave paintings if you cant accept that art, and the world, and humanity, are changing. we are all becoming better. but because of dumbass faggots like you, nigger, its taking longer. you are holding back the entire world. and also missing out on serious kino. like fuck you. im gonna gas you

Capeshit is not kino. It is not even videogame tier, because it has pre 2008 tier CGI. Characters are paper thin, narcissistic assholes, action is uninspired and bland, and actors are vat grown drones.
You are masturbating over committee made corporate schlock.
Capeshit is socialist realism of arts.

Humanity is changing alright but it´s not becoming better. You are a shining example of your society´s decadence and you make me sad. I pity you and the world you´ll create once you grow up and leave your parents besement.





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I know you're shitposting ironically but this isnt funny or outrageous or anything. It's just... stupid but not even the entertaining kind if stupid. Be more creative.

These people would love it no matter what. Give them some explosions, a few quips & a costumed hero & they’re dribbling.



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its gonna suck and I cant wait for you faggot to cry just like alitafags

>Crying at capeshit.

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I cried laughing at this, legit. These people are basically cheering for the release of a new Coca Cola flavour at this point. God the Marvel brand worship is insane, why do people care about helping this movie make billions of dollars for Disney?

you could tell Disney payed him by the letter plus bonuses for every hype buzzworld he could sneak in

The concept of a multiverse isn’t in of itself a terrible thing. Alternate realities is the only way that two-way time travel ever makes a lick of sense in sci-fi, but they’ve already fucked this up on the very first use.

Brainlet Hollywood types should never be allowed near sci-fi concepts.

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>film critics circa 2019

I've seen like 2 or 3 MCU films and they were so forgettable I forget which ones

>22 films
Actually the Infinity Stones Saga is made by these movies:
- The First Avenger
- Thor
- Iron Man
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Avengers
- The Dark World
- Doctor Strange
- The Winter Soldier
- Age of Ultron
- Guardians Vol 2
- Civil War
- Ant-Man and the Wasp
- Ragnarock
- Infinity War
- Endgame

The rest is filler garbage and you dont need to watch it nor buy it to understand this saga's story.

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>crying watching movies

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