Hey Gendry, you are the last Baratheon alive and I don't want to die a virgin...

>Hey Gendry, you are the last Baratheon alive and I don't want to die a virgin. Why don't you "hammer" my "anvil" over and over and continue your line inside me? I'm ovulating RIGHT NOW.

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Other urls found in this thread:


That would have made he scene at least bearable


>no way fag

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IMAGINE being Gendry in that scene

He should've kept rowing tbqh

>Tells her to put on another face

poor Gendry right before the show HBO screwd up the time line and said Area was 18, they stole his Loli

Should I draw this?

Attached: fag.jpg (600x600, 51K)

do it fag0t

>stealing baratheon seed
northern ambitions is real


>All according to plan

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no way that little manlet is the blood of Robert FUCKING Baratheon

Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face.I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me" when all it really wants to do fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only lay in that bed while Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her Quasimodo looking face, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she works it. Not only having to tolerate her disgusting fucking gluteus maximus visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS GOT A BOOTY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the Skins set in Britain. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

>no way goblin

Attached: AAAAGGGHHHRYA.png (1024x550, 533K)

How much shit would Joe Dempsie get from the fanbase if he'd become fat over the years?


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the seed is strong, it's in his very nature

you need to get laid my man

I was looking for this pasta, gg man


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I dont care what any of you have to say. I would ravage her tight little quasimodo body with the force of a thousand pakistani rape gangs

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keked and checked

is there still no webm of this scene? you're slipping Yea Forums

>That would have made he scene at least bearable
It is all gonna be redeemed when she finally dies an agonizing death.
As she croaks the red woman will look down at her and say "I know you also wanted someone taller..."

There is, the rest just want to spare the uninitiated. I'm not as merciful though

Attached: arya_sideboob.webm (1280x720, 901K)

She is so tight and tiny mmmmmmmmm

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To enter the forbidden pool bears the penalty of death.

bless you user

With the face of Stewie Griffen though, that's a tough hurdle to climb.

Death f a thousand cums in her tight little bum??

I just realized that she isn't wearing any panties. Its that historically accurate for a preindustrial society?



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>Rock in the pool,
>So nice and cool,
>So juicy sweet!
>Now we wish,
>To catch a fish,
>So juicy sweet!

kill yourself newnigger

How about wearing pants as a female?

The tits looks fake...maybe not body double but some fake hollywwod implants? I heard there are others for vagene too.

Attached: rick lol.jpg (125x124, 2K)

No, medieval people wore underwear. In cold climates in winter they wore way more underwear than we do these days because it was cold as shit literally everywhere unless you were sat directly in front of a fire.

looks like a cgi body double

just put clown makeup on her
and shes /pol/ le honkhonk maymay


>We're supposed to believe this chunky monkey is a lithe and snake-fast swordswoman who spent years living as a homeless urchin and training in an assassin temple

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you know hes wishing it was season 1 arya. she still has flaws but shes got that ugly cute vibe going

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How do you think this scene went?
>"Alright, we don't have enough material to end the episode. All of our stock footage of dwarfman and no-balls-man talking about cocks has run dry and they'll be here next week. We could write some shitty dialogue and some of the people who are still here waiting for the bus could act it out but I can't be arsed and my shift ends in 10 minutes anyway."
>"Let's just turn the lights on the set all the way down and let Gendry have sex with Maisie"
>"Don't worry, we can fix it in post. Also turn down the lights a little more if you could"

Or not because he's not a pedo.

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yes, make maisie be gollum-like

Tomboy Arya from season 2 was superior in any way. Also the last cute Arya if i remember correctly.

Attached: Tomboy Arya wp.jpg (1920x1080, 646K)

It's weird, sometimes she's cute, sometimes she isn't.

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>making a weapon is a metaphor for having a child
>their son will be their unrivaled masterwork that will conquer and rule the Seven Kingdoms, a Baratheon and Stark.

i hope thats one of those isnt pictures

Attached: sopranos laugh.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

Based gendry

For those who think she's hideous

Would you fuck her if it's doggystyle?

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That would actually be a nice ending.
Both Jon and Danny get btfo from the throne and Gendry is made King and Arya Queen

No whenever I see her naked I just imagine this horrible bong stench

Holy fuck

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Someone should make an edit of Melisandre overlapping over Arya, like in Blade Runner 2049

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No. She looks like a ghoul.

annnd this is why I always come back




look at her fucking face

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That pic was from when that pasta happened. The only slight error is that she didn't die at the end, but the rest is 100% true.

/tv on the right

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I would make love to her in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation while kissing her passionately.

>hangs around naked in caves
Wtf, is meme magic really turning her into gollum?

Hopefully the one she used when she smiled at Jamie at the Frey’s

I would tongue-punch her in the fartbox until she could no longer stand.


> oi mate tis dinna bette be bloody quick gotta ring me a bell at cafidrul

E-eh heh Damn Arya you still got it.

100% yes

>rock and pool is nice and cool
>so juicy sweet!
>i only wish to catch a fish
>so juicy sweet!

Kek I want this to be canon

yes way hun

But where are the nipples

look closer

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Oi wankah, get ya bloody pants off and put ya todger in me bumhole

Pretty hot honesty.

The cgi is so bad it literally looks like a cartoon.

morning after

Attached: test.webm (648x1054, 2.69M)

Obvious CG. You pathetic virgins are so desperate you can’t even tell the difference anymore


the way she was undressing was the awkward part

She's legal

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what the fuck happened to her........it is those fucking eyenbrows!!!

I like thick eyebrows



Shes wearing a spandex suit

According to an article I saw on Polygon, this scene is problematic because it misunderstands female sexuality. Also, Maisie was a minor when this show began so it's offensive to portray her sexually.


Made a rough sketch

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I see it now too...god damnit.

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Put me not in screencap

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guys the leak discord was shut down those fucking monkeys has anyone the new discord?

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This is seriously THE most autistic shit
I'm repulsed

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but tumblr swoons over this happening

he probably acknowledged her immediately and asked for it for reddit points

Come on fags she’s fuckable

Lol vergin still on cope denial

Which Innocent High episode is this

p low effort user, see me after class

Needs a bigger forehead


Attached: kek cap.png (291x287, 107K)

Seriously. Something is off.

Funny you should mention it aside from Game of Bums i wrote a movie for her called Anal High



I used to think I had low T/low sex drive, or was possibly gay because I thought women were attractive but never to the point of losing my shit. I even thought I may have been autistic. But holy fuck, her broad shoulders, that face, her weird body. I know all of those things are ugly but all together she's so fucking sexy to me. I don't know what it is bros, the dick wants what the dick wants.

Attached: maisie.jpg (563x1346, 225K)

She should have done full frontal nudity, because at this point her career can only go up, it can't get any worse right now because nobody's hiring her.

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I don't get it

My guess is boobs real, but green tape over nips for CGI.

What if she actually had huge salami nipples could you imagine haha

>M-Maisie, I don't know how to tell you this, b-but while you were at the launch party for the new season...
>I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

Attached: Maisie Williams is homeless.jpg (768x432, 51K)

If you wouldnt hit this you are homosexual

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The way the titties dont seem to react at all to her jerky movements makes me think they are edited in, or she has a shitty boob job.

Yea Forums coming through with the bants as usual

joe dempsie deserves an emmy for this

Attached: dam nigga.gif (220x337, 1.54M)

Did anyone else find this scene to be the worst in the show by far

why do you continue with this nigger tier behavior, your not funny and this post was gay the first time you posted it. You continued efforts to be annoying saddens me. So much potential yet, so much faggotry.

Attached: stop-being-a-faggot.jpg (300x300, 80K)

Although funny in concept, this is nowhere near as funny as people are giving you credit for. Perhaps if you used a picture of Gendry in that scene and then captioned it as if it was a line from said scene. But alas, you did not.
Feeble attempt at humor. 9/10 joke ruined by 1/10 delivery

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this but without the potential

would fuck any style. I love may may

Does anyone else think it would be hard to have a conversation with her? Her eyes are so far apart it's difficult to make eye contact, you have to focus on one eye or the other. There's no comfortable middle ground. When I try both eyes lay in my peripherals

I wish this would link correctly on Yea Forums, but 0:47

Good news, you already look at one eye at a time subconsciously when you look at people. In this case though, you'll need a full tank of gas for a single conversation.

Now this...this is fucking bants