You should pay more taxes so walruses don’t slip off cliffs

>you should pay more taxes so walruses don’t slip off cliffs

Does anybody fall for this shit anymore? (Pardon the pun)

Attached: 085E0D49-7983-42F3-9CDC-0A8AE70534EC.jpg (725x402, 34K)

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>Does anybody fall for this shit

Attached: EB440011-5B57-48B4-848C-87D17CF5099C.png (1334x750, 1.21M)

They shouldnt be up there. They should be in the frozen ice that is no more. Their resting area is overpopulated so they climb up there and then they fall.
Didnt hear anything about taxes tho.

>ywn get paid to push walruses off cliffs to support your agenda
feels bad man

With global warming there won't be a cliff, they just roll into the water.

based retard

I genuinely hate animals, lads.
No memes.

Climate change alarmism is going strong right now so you can bet there are going to be tax increases, more regulations and laws that say you can't do X and Y in the next decade or so. This won't actually do anything to fix the problem, but your standard of living will decrease.

Climate change aside, other than Walrus scene this documentary just show the same stuffs from Planet Earth 2 and Blue Planet. Are they running out of animals for nature-kino or they just half-assing it because it's Netflix.

>you guys are killing the planet!
>China and India are developing nations, give them a break

Attached: C3TZR1g81UNaPs7vzNXHueW5ZM76DSHWEY7onmfLxcK2iQSKnRVPdHjvxaPDRoGCipkn5FWwc5qxv78qfVHoDAtTxm7uTYLnu8tP (640x794, 1.11M)

Why? That's really odd.

Attached: 1555030687426.webm (852x480, 1.91M)


Attached: Walrus drop.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)


Attached: Walrus drop2.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

>Survival of the fittest
>No wait we must save every animal as God intended or they will go extinct

Attached: 1508870007596.jpg (640x1102, 532K)

How would Carl Sagan narrate this?

the Chinese are just killing rhino to cure boners bigot

No one has said this though.
Why are you self victimizing pretending all the blame is placed in the US and Europe?

That's literally what the Paris Accords were

I'd pay more taxes to see more walruses fall from cliffs.

>pic of the island showing the majority of it is open space

Do Chinks and Poos give a fuck about what they are doing to the planet?

he didn't slip
he was pushed!

>Their resting area is overpopulated so they climb up there and then they fall.

so objectively what is wrong with this? Its how natural selection works and has worked for literally billions of years.

>>Survival of the fittest
white nationalist
>>No wait we must save every animal as God intended or they will go extinct

Politicians will never mention carbon recapture because it's not what the masses have been trained to clap for since the days if Captain Planet and thus will not amass political capital. An easy way to spot just how much they truly care about the future.

Evolution is just a natural process not a moral good

>Does anybody fall for this shit anymore?
Sadly yes.

Not close to the feeding area.
So you guys watch this and think this to promote some agenda and to come be edgy with other retards?
Sounds legit

>taxes for the incels
If they tax anyone it will be the billion dollars industries that are destroying the environment, not your hot pockets and mountain dew.

Dave Attenborough's voice is kino

>Does anybody fall for this shit anymore?
Apparently walruses do.

The realism of this scene is ruined by the cable cutters the escaping villains use.
The type used is only meant for soft copper or aluminum cable, whereas a zipline would have been made from a higher tendile strength steel or stainless steel cable, requiring a different tupe of cable cutters, such as a Felco C16, C108 or C112, or a HK Porter 8690TN or 8690FH.