Now that we like The Last Jedi, what was your favorite scene?

Now that we like The Last Jedi, what was your favorite scene?

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The end credits

This. Broom kid was absolutely kino

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Only one decent meme.

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No. It's a 5/10. Most Kylo scenes are great and Rey getting in touch with the force was nice too. Movie is a sad case, really.

The one where the Ogana hag says that no one will come to their aid, because nobody gives a shit.
Also the one where affirmative actions find out that businesses are selling war gear to both sides, because both sides are nothing more than a couple of rival mercenary gangs.
Also the one where they fit the entire resistance into a single small ship, lol.

Dragon's Dogma. Severely underrated. It's on GoG in you care.

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Why are you afraid of black people? Genuine question

Why do you like having diversity and feminism shoved down your throat in everything?

This was unironically a great scene.

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I just don't think about it, like a normal person.

That woman isn't even a character with more than two shots of screen time, yet someone took the energy to make a webm just to say "LOOK! LOOK AT THIS BLACK PERSON!". It's genuinely obsessive.

>annoyance at constant sjw-bullshit being shoved in your face = fear
okay reddit. have sex incel.

Incels are the only ones with the time to worry about shit like this. Everyone else realize their time it better spent having sex and being happy

>Have diversity and feminist ideology and politics forced down your throat in everything
>Just turn your brain off bro
Literally an NPC.

I don't understand people who think Luke was somehow mistreated in this movie. Feels like the same genuine Luke Skywalker as ever

I never would have noticed that woman was in the movie if you, user, didn't shove it down my throat.
Do you have a panic attack every time you go out into public? Lots of feminist ideology (black people) out there.

Based retard

Debate me

>I never would have noticed that woman was in the movie if you, user, didn't shove it down my throat
Yes, because you're literally an NPC. You have diversity and feminist politics being forcefed to you everywhere and you don't notice or care because you're not supposed to and you don't want to go against the status quo. God forbid someone call you an incel on the internet, I better pretend there's nothing wrong with excessive 1 sides ideology being pushed in everything!

The moment of weakness that lead to Kylo burning down the temple wasn't merely a moment of weakness, it was a major character flaw, Luke overcame long ago.

The fact that a webm had to be made to point out that woman exists at all is proof that this effects nobody but those who are looking for it. Maybe it's because I live in a city where I see real life black people every single day, but one Star Wars extra isn't exactly jarring. At least not for people who go outside.

Yoda scene was pretty Kino

TFA and TLJ literally undid every accomplishment and character development the beloved characters from the OT made during the OT. These movies are terrible for that alone, you don't even have to get into the terrible new characters like Mary Sue or the creative bankruptcy and unoriginality.


>t. 99% white neighborhood resident

>The fact that a webm had to be made to point out that woman exists at all is proof that this effects nobody but those who are looking for it. Maybe it's because I live in a city where I see real life black people every single day, but one Star Wars extra isn't exactly jarring
Yup, it's just that one extra. That's the extent I'm sure. There is no excessive progressive and feminist ideology being pushed in film and television my friendly NPC, and anybody who is fed up with it and a lack of diversity of ideology is just an incel who doesn't to outside!

>I never would have noticed that woman was in the movie
I would because she looks like a fucking caricature. God forbid I expect a level of aesthetically pleasing screenplay.

Everyone from the producer to the director to the man who played the part said that it was the stated goal to shock the audience and subvert their expectations of what Luke would be like by making him starkly different from the originals. So you are saying they failed in that.

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Not looking to argue, but I actually have a genuine question.

What would you rather the sequel trilogy have been about? I see where you are coming from that it feels like episode 6 was undone, but every movie needs conflict. You can't just have a trilogy of Luke happily training a next generation of Jedi while nothing is happening.
Is there a story you would have told with a central antagonist, and involves the original cast in a satisfying way that would make you say "this works and doesn't feel like any accomplishments were undone"? Because the way it seems to me, any sort of conflict in the Galaxy at all would have undone those accomplishments.

>Now that we like The Last Jedi

Mouse shills getting desperate, I see. lmao

Niggers aren't people

No. I live in NYC.

It's one extra, and Fin/Lando.

Not him but the smartest thing to do would have been to adapt Legacy.

You can concoct a new conflict without invalidating the resolution of the originals.

Pic related. It was my reason for completely disengaging from this franchise and dropping all continued support of Disney. If they have no more love for the IPs they’re devouring than this, I see absolutely no reason to support them.

For that alone, Rian Johnson has my thanks. I don’t think he did it on purpose. I think he’s legitimately too stupid to grasp the implications of this scene and that he was just an unimaginative hack that wrote himself into a corner, but it did the trick. I will never watch another Star Wars movie on Disney’s Watch. Hell, I’m still on the fence as to whether I’ll ever pay to see *any* Disney movie.

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I'm sure it's possible, I was more curious how you personally would have done it

I would have set it far before, or far after, the OT. If I had to involve to old characters, you could have made a new enemy or threat that didn't involve ruining the old characters. Why does Luke, Han, and Leia have to be ruined and have their accomplishments removed to make new movies? That's not the only option.

They retconned it in the extended canon. Apparently it only worked now because Holdos ship has special in-development shields that acted unpredictability. She was just trying to take out the bridge, not actually destroy the entire ship like that

Don't like the movie. Did like the part where Leia brapped in space and shot herself back into the ship.

>It's one extra, and Fin/Lando.
t. NPC

Much more than one extra lmao, but you don't notice because you're an NPC. Just like you don't notice how literally every bad guy is a white guy (including all the extras) except for one, and there aren't any good white guys except for background characters, and Luke and Han who were ruined by Disney and subsequently killed. No excessive ideology here though.

>Now that we like The Last Jedi

Is the Mandela effect altering reality again?

Explain why Hollywood must always attack whiteness and treated as a negative to be combatted with by the ugliest of black people.

This isn't a bad idea. Instead of having the trilogy about the next generation with Hans son, Rey, etc, have it like 100 years in the future about their future bloodline. Could be cool and tie everything together while also not messing with characters with a completed arc

W-Wow I’m flattered. user, i... it’s not like I like you or anything.

There are a retarded dickton of black imperials in Disneys canon though

What does a shield have to do with hyperspace being used as a one tap space nuke

There should have not been a follow-up to the characters in OT Star Wars. The galaxy is a big place, so there could have been other stories to tell. I understand that they wanted to cash in on nostalgia though.

Literally Legacy. Read IT.

Having the empire suddenly back and all-powerful, with all the planets of the republic back on the defensive is stupid. Doing it with such a stupid plot device as a super-death-star was even worst. Throwing in "force is female" with making all the leading roles women and all the supporting ones seditionous men who don't understand complex womyn thinking made it even shittier.

Add in sheer stupidity such as the white solar panels, the very notion that you can suck a star dry without ot going supernova and destroying the entire solar system including starkiller, and the poor taste of th elittle things like Rey choewing with her mouth open like a cow and then handing Luke his lightsaber with the business pointed at him.

And it's clearly a cluster-fuck mess created by people who have no idea what they're doing, and all they care about is using SW as a social platform.

Already some good suggestions in this thread, but if you absolutely must include the OT cast for nostalgiabux, then do a story where thirty years later, the struggle continues between the fledgling Republic and numerous splinter factions of the Empire. You could even focus it on one specific faction. Let it be the First Order, and let it be about how they’re being ignored and dismissed by the Republic while Leia, Han, and Luke all believe that it’s the most dangerous because it’s also the most concerned with matters involving the Force, so to combat them, they recruit a multi-system Resistance composed both of former allies and systems within the Uncharted Region, the area in which they believe the First Order is the most active.

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There are two scenarios in Hollywood that involve black people.

a)harmlessly including them as characters in your movie
b)deliberately using them to shut down white people or to make sure there are less white people in the movie

I'll be the first to admit that the second scenario does infact exist, and I DO have a problem with it. I will never ever ever defend shit like Dear White People on Netflix or scenarios like that. However Star Wars is doing nothing like that. Especially not by including a couple black background characters.

Hell, star wars still has a disproportionately small number of black to white characters if we are comparing it to actual population statistics, so what's the problem? It's not like they are over represented at this point or anything.

I just call it like I see it, user. I'm not a Jew or a shill. I voted for trump just like everyone else on this board. I just see no reason to kick my legs at the site of a black extra that has nothing to do with the movie, and sure as hell isn't being used to displace white people

Uncle visits teenage nephew in the middle of the night

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>worked to replace the Lucas-era non-humans with new uglier ones
>worked to kill off or marginalize the OT characters, and even go as far as destroying the franchise's key character (Luke) and his legacy as a character

They didn't give a shit about going old-school at all. They just used it as a stepping stone for them to take over with. Now they gotta bring back Lando because they have a desperate need to re-associate SW with its roots in an effort to not completely sink what was once the most valuable movie franchise.

Basically the ships shield is what allowed her to slice through Snoke like that. If it wasn't for the shield, she would have just exploded on impact leaving minor damage at best.

I really went in to see TLJ with high expectations on opening night. But I walked out after this scene.

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>by making him starkly different from the originals.
citation needed

TLJ missed the main point and motivation of the original series' main character. Having Luke attack his nephew because of his possible link to the dark side ignores the epiphany he had which allowed him to overcome the emporer: that by believing in the goodness his father had within him he brought balance to the force. He now apparently looks past the goodness in his own student/nephew and attacks him outright? He believed in the goodness of Vader to the point at which he would lay down his life for the chance. There is no development which explains why he would act so differently in this case.

that shit was cool. shoulda been the frog jew tho

So what I'm reading is that they've realised the damage they did to their own canon after all the noise from the fans and are now desperately trying to patch up that hole.

Does that describe the situation well?

user that is EXACTLY what happens. I feel like this post might be an elaborate joke because that's literally verbatim what the sequel trilogy era is about.
Unfortunately most of what you described was cut from episode 7 and shoved into the new canon books, but it's all there. The original cast not trusting the first order while everyone else ignores them before it's too late and everything.

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Midichlorian kino.

Yeah, but I guess it's better than nothing.

Is that a flying iron? For real I never bothered seeing it at all. What is that?

>Now that we like The Last Jedi

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Too little, too late. I’m not reading their shitty DLC to patch the holes in their already-shitty story. Why should I?

A visual gag. The shot is supposed to look like a ship landing but then cuts out and you realize it's a Droid ironing clothes

It was an iron made look like some spaceship landing.

>They retconned it in the extended canon
I remember when movies used to be the hard canon and not something you would amend with patchnotes like some sort of a video game

Honestly, all the Luke Skywalker ones. Even though I actively hate the premise, Mark Hamill is just at that age and has that look and his acting skills pull what script demands of him off. And even then as a fan I can kind of get behind the idea that Luke became a recluse just like Yoda, and as a fan I even made up my own headcanon about what was bothering Luke and why it forced him to give up after studying Force he came to a realization that the good side will always co-exist with the bad side and they are basically doomed for eternal struggle just like how it was during Clone Wars, the times of peace are the real anomaly. And in my headcanon Rey was supposed to break the perception of what's good side and bad side because there is nothing that indicates that Force can be divided like that at all, it's just an established misconception Jedi and Sith cornered themselves into following centuries ago. So Rey was supposed to realize that good side and evil side will always fight one another because they don't actually exist.

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I dont know which is more cringey, them doing that or people thinking that makes it ok

They could've just not made shitty movies in a desperate cash grab.

>after studying Force he came to a realization that the good side will always co-exist with the bad side and they are basically doomed for eternal struggle just like how it was during Clone Wars
This is how I always looked at it too

It honestly feels like that's what Rian Johnson was going for in the first half of the movie, then for some reason he gets to the climax of that idea with Ben's proposal to Rey and suddenly Rian was like "Shit shit what have I done" and then from then on the movie was back paddling all the way.

>Needing supplementary books to save the film
What an absolute shit show of a franchise.

>tUrN yOuR bRaIn OfF
Fuck off.

Blame JJ

I think they actually went too far the other way with Finn, by making him little more than shitty comic relief with a retarded yoyo of a character arc. Boyega may be a full SJW tosspot, but the character he's playing is like something out of the fucking 1930s, and he seems blissfully unaware of it.

Have sex, spastic

>picture of a black woman
why are polcels so gay?

>Ruined both Trek and Wars
I am

That's the problem with the force diversity shit. No-one gave a shit about the race or gender of characters before. It wasn't even something that was noteworthy, but now every non-white male stands out. Now try and tell me how "progressives" aren't putting society back decades and keeping racism alive.

Yes, and that’s obvious from how they had literally no one on either side react to this unprecedented level of destructive firepower from so small a source. Nobody is shocked by the reversal of fortune. No one in the aftermath even questions it, not even when they have the chance to. Johnson clearly didn’t realize the monumental fuckup he was committing and neither did any of his bosses.

Think about that. Multiple people pulling annual salaries of 6 to 7 figures(conservatively) read this script, screened this film, and not one of them had the sort of brain it takes to do more than just inertly accept what’s being shown. Not one of them questioned it. Not one of them grasped the impact it had on the setting. These are the people now in charge of Star Wars, morons more concerned with identity politics and pretty lights than solid, consistent storytelling.

“Imagineers” my ass.

Saw the movie for the first time yesterday on Netflix
>Finn and Rose singlehandedly kills off almost the entire remaining rebel forces
Wow, and you're talking about Luke or whatever.

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>in lieu of a rebuttal I'll call you a virgin, on the internet

>we like The Last Jedi
Speak for yourself, faggot

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Spotted the incel

Nice, but the part that’s missing is the part about there being separate factions. Give the Republic a legitimate reason to be distracted instead of just voluntarily disarming themselves like morons.

There was only one good thing about that movie.

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Union dispute

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>That's the problem with the force diversity shit. No-one gave a shit about the race or gender of characters before.
yeah they did. They've literally always cared. You're just a le wrong generation nigger that has nigger feelings about kid's movies.
> It wasn't even something that was noteworthy,
yep it was. Empire started dumping in black people, added Lando, then got criticized for making Lando a traitor. So then Jedi had Lando save the day to course correct that.

Leia in the first movie was a HUGE feminist subversion of the damsel in destress meme. The movies NEVER weren't super progressive.

Remember that Lucas' last produced movie was fucking Red Tails.

>Now try and tell me how "progressives" aren't putting society back decades and keeping racism alive.
they aren't. The nigger shills that you're getting cucked by are. You're a useful idiot for people that hate you.

Guess you turned your webcam on.

What's Star Wars pre-Disney extended universe kino?

The only book I read was this Han Solo book which is apparently part of a trilogy. It was ok, better than the movie we got, it actually, you know, SHOWED Han Solo's past and legitimate first steps.

I keep hearing Thrawne trilogy is good.

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You're wierd

Is that a cat-man companion for Han?

>what was your favorite scene?
The start of the attack on the salt planet with all the red dust, it's the only part of the movie where i liked the color and design. I hate how bland and unimaginitive the movies look, also the ice pokemon things were nice, that's pretty much all, the movie was really bad.

thats not what he meant mickey

I'm sorry but in what way does the movie not do that?

I'm , and that's exactly what I meant

yes, the memes about how awful it was

You could have made the galaxy more interesting by making the immediate timeline after Palpatine's death absolute anarchy. In the first film you get briefed that the Senate was dissolved and regional governors would be in control. This means that the entire governmental apparatus binding them together was cut apart. The natural result is a Diadochi style throw down just like when Alexander died. Just make the First Order the largest and most successful of these splinters because a rogue pupil of Luke's who was trained as an adult and fell to the dark side be the leader. This solves the fucking stupid plot holes of Snoke's origins and why the Republic has such a weak military compared to the First Order. As for the Ultra Deathstar they built, fucking scrap the idea entirely and just make them have a lot of fleets.

Yes, it's a Togorian.

idk I never watched it after the shitfest that was rogue one

The Yoda scene or the R2 scene.

The new trilogy should've been focused on the new characters instead of forcing back OT characters, designs, and plot. You could've had the OT characters have a very small cameo like in a hologram from the past. I get that the films need conflict but you don't HAVE to have another death star or stormtrooper army. Have the trilogy be focused on something new like the force, like what George intended. TLJ had some interesting ideas with Luke looking for ancient texts on the force and the Jedi and sith. Hell, the Yoda force arc from TCW was kino and just shows that George's ideas for the ST could've worked.

>I just don't think about it, like a normal person.
I wish it was just a meme...

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Instead of Starkiller Base, just have First Order be the imperial splinter who discovered the old Star Forge, which they then put to use to build all their giant ships.

There, I've just fixed your First Order.

The start of the novel actually depicts Han's life as an orphan who steals for survival, or rather is forced to steal and his escape from the gang. He wasn't just magically a great pilot or shooter, he was taught that and had ships before Millenium Falcon and had to learn things, not just fuck up to be a punchline to a joke like "lmao, he's inexperienced Han!'

Many scenes were fantastic but this sequence is one of the best.

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Dude. You're mad that you see a black person in a multi million dollar franchise movie. Just take a step back and think about it instead of spouting NPC memes.

I tend to not like super structures and shit. The Empire building the Deathstar made sense because it was an effort put in motion by a government that comprised the entire galaxy. I don't care much for Deathstar v2 either but I go with it solely because it would be possible to salvage raw material from the first Deathstar's remains and the fact its the second go around so the process should be easier. Plus the fact it wasn't truly complete.

>Sir, I've spotted the coconuts!

>turn ur brain off bro!
>just take a step back and think bro!

I listened to the audiobook for this. It’s pretty good. It’s basically between 3 and 4’s stories.

The Darth Vader and Ben situations aren't really the same, though.

With Vader, Luke was pretty much pursuing an idea. "This evil dude has been hunting me and my friends, killing tons of people, and now I find out that the man behind the mask is actually my Father. I never knew my father, I believed he was dead, so maybe there's a chance that Vader can be defeated and Anakin Skywalker can come back." The viewers, having seen the 6 movies, know that Vader is definitely conflicted. He has like a speck of humanity trapped inside his metal body.

Ben: Luke spends years getting his shit together to rebuild the Jedi Order. He's armed with what the viewers know about the Prequels this time. The Jedi's fuck-ups, more details about Palps and Anakin, etc. He finally starts teaching in order to help his troubled nephew understand his powers. They presumably have years of adventures together as Luke tries to mentor him. But Ben is noticeably kind of a dick. Maybe he's violent, or quick to anger. So Luke looks into his head and sees what is basically a school shooter. "Oh shit," thinks Luke, "Yet again, a Skywalker is being failed by their teacher and he's about to fuck everything up again. I've been trying to reach him for years and yet things have only gotten worse." Then he instinctively ignites his lightsaber and everything unfolds just as piss-poorly as every other time someone tries to predict the future.

Forgot the picture sorry

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I'm not that dude. It's well known that you get more money if you tailor your movie to your audience. You need blacks to entice the african americans and the foreign african market, asians for china och whites for the regular moviegoer.
Don't mistake this for propaganda, they do it because they think it makes them money.

>Don't mistake this for propaganda, they do it because they think it makes them money.
I don't think it's quite as clear cut as that since there are obvious examples where a narrative has come at a clear financial cost (All female Lord of the Flies, Ghostbusters) but you are correct that they're generally trying to maximise profits.

>Legends EU


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That's not particularly different from a third Death Star. In both cases (Death Star and Star Forge), it's set up so that there's a single point of failure, so that the narrative doesn't have to directly address the fall of a government. In other words, they exist so that a ragtag force can triumph over a superior, organized one, and so it can all occur at the level of "interactions of characters" rather than "interactions of systems," which most people aren't skilled enough to write.


That's now every Star Wars thing after acquisition by Disney

>I just don't think about it, like a normal person.
You're a mindless consumerist, what a surprise.

Not canon. Bad.

Fuck off Disney.

That automatically makes it bad? Fuck that. It exists for a reason.

Probably because she looks like a monstrous insect wearing human skin


Kino scene, John Williams' score elevated it even higher

You have alot of assumptions and presumed information about how things offscreen played out, and what is in his mind. The extent of your speculation shows the gaps in character development that exist in the story line as presented in the film. This is why the disconnect is so jarring.


That is a woman?

I literally had someone ask me how that broom kid will fit into Episode 9.
I said "he's not in episode 9, he was there to sell toys"
He literally thinks I'm wrong and that kid is the Skywalker.
>Bravo Rian

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Not Ryan's fault people are retards.

He also doesn't have any toys, so you are a retarded too.

Ignoring all the things that were wrong with this, i thought it was pretty awesome for a strictly visual standpoint. The whole movie was very stylistic, which doesnt really feel like Star Wars, but was interesting at least.

It gets more epic every time! How do they do it!

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I hate the film as much as anyone but to be fair that clip is shown to be Bens interpretation of what happened and we see the truth later,

Luke turns the saber on, realises he was being a bellend and does not go to strike, but you know... Ben wakes up and shits the bed.

So he existed to serve no purpose, consider my expectations subverted.

This is what drive me nuts about it. They got so close to doing something cool, and then he just went lolnope and all the characters basically end up where they started, perhaps even more resolute in their position than they were originally. All the development that the characters went through was tossed aside.

Maybe if you take everything for face value like someone on the autism spectrum.

He was obviously made to convey that Jedi and hope will live on even if Luke is dead. It was so painfully obvious that I seriously can't believe there are people without the ability to realize it

It was cool, and then it was ruined with Luke doing that stupid brush of his shoulder. Way to kill all the tension of the movie's climax by injecting a cringy non-verbal quip right at the critical moment. I hated that. It made me physically groan seeing that.

Good to see prequel tier outlandish aliens making a return at least

Turning on the lightsaber is the same as pointing a gun or drawing a sword, it's enough

what is this revisionist bullshit? it's a 2/10 at most

>Eat shit and have fun while the world goes mad
Thanks for the advice m80

Visually the movie is fantastic. Especially the salt planet at the end. Episode 7/9 looks pretty bland in comparison.

You will be dead by the time anything of importance happens. Get a married, have a good life, and die. You aren't saving the white race by getting mad at Star wars

I honestly forgot how bad this movie was



>Then he instinctively ignites his lightsaber

I think this is the part that bothers me, there wasn't anything instinctual about what Luke did, it was all planned and premeditated. It would have been one thing if Luke had found Ben murdering someone and attempted to stop him on the spur of the moment with it escalating to violence. But Luke went to Ben's room and stood over him while he was sleeping before purposefully igniting his lightsaber, the opposite of acting instinctually. They could have handled it in a way that made Luke look less like a cold-blooded psychopath and more in line with the character traits that he would have had at the resolution of his arc in the OT.