Did fat man suck his cock
Did fat man suck his cock
It is easy though, fuck King.
What was so good about it? Seemed shit to me. All just assembled randomly in the war room with no introduction and Bran suddenly spurts out he's known about the ice king all along and oh yeah btw he's after me guys. Stephen King stfu
>it's very difficult to have fictional characters do things
what the fuck did he mean by this?
>All just assembled randomly
you don't remember the long subplot about coercing danny to come, for one?
Mediocrity in awe of mediocrity.
Yes it is you hack, especially when you take fucking huge leaps of logic to justify them being there.
is he serious?
Dungeons & Dragons put in more effort in picking their nose than in planing their storytelling.
This is just meaningless phrase from a guy who goes balls deep into spontaneous writing on a whim with 0 storytelling planing to begin with.
the pedos have each others back
Personally I skip all Dany scenes, as well as all scenes with characters that are shit or have turned to shit. Probably watched ten minutes total of last episode.
if you didn't plan out the structure of your plot from the beginning you are a hack and should kill yourself
Children can be very sexual, but you wouldn't know because you were homeschooled and probably taught sex is evil before marriage
He's senile now. It's not easy if you,re a seat-of-the-pants writer who doesn't plot in advance, that's true (that's a Kino way of writing btw, even if it's not the only way). But tv shows aren't like books. Plotting is sometging that you can't escape from in movies and tv. It's 100% needed.
So it's easy in a tv show. That's why I say King has become senile.
When you read Game of Thrones, you are in fact trained to read Stephen King.
he's taking the piss or more likely his twitter account is run by a pr firm that gets paid to promote certain things
In movies and tv, sure, but there is no one single way to write books. Planning is not something that is required for every writer.
>Haha look at me enjoying popular pulp haha please buy my books
don't you have somme cunny thread to post in ?
Just because ASOIAF is structrually and thematically an exact copy of "the stand", which came out in the 70s?
>old writer/musician/actor/director that hasn't been relevant for decades comes out with a retarded opinion on his fellow artist
This happens all the time. Famous people opinions are often just as uninformed and plebby as normal people's. Kubrick's favorite movie was White Men Can't Jump and he loved Steve Martin. Rowling retroactively made everyone in HP gay. Bowie thought Death Grips are the future of music.
That's why fans should stfu when their favorite artists haven't done anything in years, there's usually a good reason.
>Children can be very sexual
>White Men Can't Jump
>ebil guy about to come
>all good guys join forces
>ebil woman dosnt want to fight ebil guy so shes ebil too
>Long time storyteller
It doesn't count if it's the same story over and over again.
No. SK is very sarcastic on his Twitter. He's found a way to cheat the SJW system. Onlt his Constant Readers who follow his twitter regularly would know that he's actually taking the piss and making fun of the show's bad writing.
But King isn't irrelevant has been.
>Bowie thought Death Grips are the future of music.
He wasn't wrong
>Guy whose entire career is based around coming up with novel ideas and then ruining them with terrible storytelling and endings.
>Trust me guys I know about storytelling.
Yeah, nah.
why are all mid-20s guys Stephen King haters? Is it because your dad likes him?
>Planning is not something that is required for every writer.
Yes it is
>basement dweller virgin that still lives with his parents and posts on a Mongolian paper crafting forum
>Nah guys, trust ME. I haven't been published yet but it's only because I haven't written anything
t. Antifa
>He actually thinks that steven king is a good writer.
Lol. I bet you even like the Stand or Dark Tower.
I think it's because they read the books.
Ah the old "If you don't like it you should do something better" line. Classic brainlet.
>why are all mid-20s guys Stephen King haters? Is it because your dad likes him?
He's a hack, has written like 50 novels and only a couple of them are good
and yeah he is a stereotypical baby boomer with all the retarded opinions that generation comes with
Shut up fag. King has had a bigger affect on story telling over his lifetime then anyone else during that time. He was the father of so many horror tropes.
>Teenagers don't have sex
Have sex
>can't criticize the work of a pedophile hack because wHy DoN't YoU rIgHt OnE tHeN?
No it's not you dumdum. Not everyone writes the same. Some people write very well but can't plot for shit.
Sadly, SK's plotted books are better than his seat-of-the-pants ones. But he doesn't like the writing process of ploting his shit. It's not fun for him.
This literal boomer thinks The Dark Tower series are his magnum opus. He's demented.
Sorry you learned about sex through pornography and never had a normal sexual education but stop projecting now okay sweetie?
>He was the father of so many horror tropes.
And yet, the fact remains that he can't tell a story or write an ending.
>He was the father of so many horror tropes
are you making a case for or against him?
The bigger problem is that you're a basement dwelling virgin that shitposts on Yea Forums
Because they saw few adaptations and think they're experts now.
You didn't refute your age and gender.
You just have daddy issues.
SK is an okay writer. I love his short stories and novelettes (his novelletes are his masterpieces). His longer works are not as good, but he's not bad.
He right, EP 02 was great episode, best character driven episode since very early seasons. Who think it was underwhelming episode, has really laughable and shit taste, or is contrarian for the sake of contrarianism.
They have no perspective. They have grown in a world that has been profoundly influenced by his works without actually reading any of his works.
Same problem with Michael Jackson, kids these days think he's an average pop star. They have no perspective of what it was like when he was up and coming.
Have sex.
>Not everyone writes the same.
actually you'll find that good writers have pretty similar methods
I didn't get my first erection until I was 16. Children aren't sexual at all you fuckin degenerate.
Unlike you, I have.
Jesus Christ you are a brainlet. I'm saying that he had original ideas that have now been copied so many times that they have become common tropes. That's like saying the guy who created the wheel was fucking stupid because everyone can make a wheel.
I wanted to rub my dick on big boobs since I was 10. You're just a degenerate weirdo.
Also it easy to spot plebs who comments about this episode are; but nothing happenen, filler, why second episode is build-up for the battle and similar retarded remarks. This episode wasnt build-up, it was mostly very good *conclusion* to character arcs, these characters deserved that episode and it was written nicely, same with direction.
>You didn't refute your age and gender.
Why would anyone even bother engaging with soft cock shit like that?
>His longer works are not as good, but he's not bad.
Reminder that I'm saying that his storytelling is bad, not his works are bad. King is was very good at coming up with engaging ideas, but his lack of storytelling talent meant that his books always petered out once they got beyond the initial idea. Hence why his short stories are his best works and his series are his worst work.
I used to hump toys and shit when I was 5. Sexuality is subjective, everyone developed at different ages.
>fucked by father at twelve
>normal sexual education
The tone of episode one and two are completely different. Episode one was meet-up. Episode two was farewell.
Stephen King is by far better and more creative writter than GRRM. And most importantly HE IS WRITTING. GRRM is a hack, who cant write anymore, who wrote himself into corner because of his incompetence.
Same. 5 and 6 are a common age for kids to start. Frottage on pillows or stuffed animals in bed is usually how it starts.
Nope, you are wrong.
There are objectively more effective methods for writing and most good writers follow them.
Without a doubt, King loves his craft and dedicates his life to it above all else. He isn't satisfied until he writes six pages every day. Martin feels its necessary to express himself but he doesn't have a discipline about it.
Most, not all.
Thanks for agreeing with me.
It was fucking shit, didn't feel ominous at all just seemed like an adult sleepover
Even with the shitty gurl power stuff going on, I agree with you
>King loves his craft and dedicates his life to it above all else.
He's a typical hack who comes up with an interesting premise then just writes whatever nonsense comes to mind because he has to pump out three books every year rather than planning out a structure and fitting ending
You can't write the same shit on command. That's why most of King's work is only loosely connected. GRRM is writing a series. It's hard to write the same thing for years and still be inspired. He could finish it if he treated it like homework, but it would just suck.
based sexually stunted retard
The King that wrote the Shining and was having his 3rd line by breakfast wouldn't have said this.
When you watch "GoT" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Stephen King is a hack
>stephen king is fucking retarded
wow this is a new one...
I don't think I've ever read a book written after 1980 so your "influence' argument is retarded. Additionally, MJ runs circles around SK in terms of influence
>Children can be very sexual
Jackson's music still bangs while King will always be a hack writer
It's fantasy fiction not brain surgery.
it was captain marvels turn.
He does plan sometimes. He just doesn't like to. His plotted books are great. Dead Zone for example. And the underated supernatural slasher Rose Madder.
>Biggest meme author of all time
>why are all mid-20s guys Stephen King haters? Is it because your dad likes him?
Guys in their 20s think that liking things makes them weak.
>I don't think I've ever read a book written after 1980
Opinion discarded.
His work has influenced all mediums of entertainment, Stranger Things is basically two of his books combined.
He's known for fucking up the last third of his books and writing shitty endings so of course this will seem like an accomplishment for him.
Who cares?
Pretty sure it 's not that hard to bring all these characters together when it was the plan for the better part of a decade, when all the characters involved have hundreds of hours of TV time put together, and a massive back catalog of book revision to go off and a budget only dwarfed by cinema.
Is the praise coming from a place where King knows none of his coke fueled books are good movies?
>I don't think I've ever read a book written after 1980
What are you favorite authors?
Mine are Lady Cynthia Asquith, Arthur Machen, J. Sheridan Le Fanu and Elizabeth MacKintosh.
Who are some modern writers who don't outline?
Got eeem.
GRRM two last books already sucks ass
Stephen King wrote maybe 4 good books in his entire career.
Everything after Dark Tower book 3 is total garbage. At some point he realized it was WAY easier to just 'lol a wizard did it' end all of his books. Even books that are totally not supernatural at all and are played completely straight, he ends up wrapping up with some magic garbage he pulls out of his ass because it's just easier to solve everything that way then it is to plan a logical conclusion. King is the JJ Gaybrams of the book world, he's all setup and no conclusions.
No love for the colonies?
Modern writers suck so I wouldn't know.
It all YA shit or edgy Mother of Dragon shitting and Insane Burgers.
>everyone just teleports to winterfell
>whoaaa how did they DO that?
Name a single good book written after 1980
>raping children good
>having virtue bad
fucking kill yourself my dewd
Eveyone who knows a little about King knows he doesn't watch tv shows.
He only watches movies, and he does so sparingly. He read and writes most of the time.
King has pretty bad taste when it comes to tv/movies. He's always shilling something really stupid. Recently he was posting about Black Summer on Netflix and he was shilling Haunting on Hill House a few months ago.
At this point I think he's just a social media influencer that gets paid to make tweets about shows.
reminder kang destroyed the little brains he had way back in the 80s. how he still has fans is beyond me. he's the televangelist for lowbrow book readers.
>Children can be very sexual
The Road
This is true. I wanted to have a woman hold my penis since before I was 10, and I was never exposed to porn or anything that would have "ruined" my mind. Besides the point of a child having a baby at such a young age and it being a burden since you need to be quite old to gain resources these day, I dont see a problem with a kid having sex with someone.
Theres a big difference with experimenting with a close friend and having your parents take you to drag shows with a bunch of horny strangers who have mental illnesses. Seriously, if you think there is something wrong with a kid exploring with someone else their own age who they are close to, you should have a good argument for it.
Hill House was shit (so was the Liam Neeson movie remake). The book is good, but so fucking overated by everyone. The older B&W movie was actually better than the book itself.
>greatly reduced number of character perspectives means the implied passage of time is less prominent than in the past
>"Teleportation lol"
>everyone arrives to winterfell because they need to be there for the climax
>even the hound admits he has no reason to be there
>arya sex scene
>le 7-year-old brave gurl
>le 9-year-old strong gurl
>ser brienne of tarth
last episode was the most retarded and fan-catering thing l have ever seen on television.
Actual low test lmao
Well then, your uninformed opinion is perfectly credible.
Is he still SEETHING that Kubrick made a better story than him?
your arrogance about this series is leaking through the screen. I take comfort knowing that none of my colleagues or fellow graduate students have watched that unvarnished lord of the rings redux for millennials.
overrated show with a vapid fanbase. would rather read VIS databases 12 hours a day for a year than be obsessed with GoT like a fanboy
reminder this guy wrote the screenplay for this
>I watched ten minutes of the episode and skip certain character scenes altogether. Now let me tell you why it was shit while """bolstering""" my credibility by flaunting some irrelevant credentials.
lmaoing at you.
>"bear with me people! What if Satan wore nothing but denim and had a mullet? Or you know what would be cooler? A family dog that turns out to be an evil dog! But the shit that will blow all of that away is a magic comet that makes all machines come to life, and coke machines kill people by hurling out coke cans! Scary shit, right? I just pooped myself at the horror of death by coke machine! And clowns are evil, right? So let's make a horror book and movie about an evil clown! Also fuck Trump!"
The man's pure genius.
>Fuck Stephen King
t. A Random Asshole on a Singaporean Sand Painting Board
Sad part is, he's not praising GRRM's story, he's praising shitty HBO showrunner's fansequel.
No surprise. Stephen King makes everything look difficult.
This is so stupid, it's extremely contrived.
It was okay. Killing with the corn was too over-the-top but not a deal breaker.
You're talking about the movies, not the books. It's obvious to nayone who read The Stand, Cujo and Trucks.
Not really. I mean, kids can start masturbating at a very young age, but that usually only happens due to the stress from unattentive parents. It's some psychological thing. But I don't think they think of it in a sexual way. I know it's not sexual because I was one of these types of kids as I started masturbating in the 3rd grade, but only learned it was a sexual thing in middle school. Before that I just did it for stress release when I was alone.
I like them both? Got a problem with reading nigger?
Back in 2010, I attended some of the meetings of the Roundtable Writers here on Guam. I asked some of the other writers if they outline their short stories before they start writing. They told me no. I on the other hand, at least when I tried writing back then, have outlined the plots of my short stories. I think there is an hour long lecture of Stephen King on YouTube, he was saying that outlining your stories isn't good writing, something like that.
King doesn't really mean the shit he says. He means that, for him and some others, it's not a good way of writing. Don't listen to what he says but read what he wrote about it in On Writing, for example.
I remember one of my professors when I was attending the University of Guam say that you should eavesdrop and spy on people if you want to be a good writer. If your characters are premade, based on actual, still living people, do you have to plot or outline your stories?
I would rather try other ways of writing fiction, actual fiction, instead of eavesdropping and spying on people. But then again, I don't really write well, my stories are pretty much crap.
king is a moron. only americans think he is some kind of high literature. he is a fuckiing clown.
Stephen King is a trash writer, reading a book doesn't inherently make you smart you stupid fucking faggot. I bet you brag about reading Harry Potter too
>adapt some of my work HBO
>A hack writer wanks over shit writing.
He's fucking garbage and the literary equivalent of Pitbull's music
In the 70s/80s horror was dominated by Brit writers. King was the low-brow American answer to them. He never pretended to be anything more.
I haven't watched new seasons but earlier on it was like
>Brienne just shows up at the battlefield to decapitate Stannis, at exactly the right place and time so that no one else is around, she was previously seen halfway across the continent
>that Iron Islands girl just sails across half the world to have a fight with Ramsay, she does this in like a day's time
>pic related, how much Jon snow traveled compared to how much the Night King traveled in the same time period
Is this King's idea of awesome and hard or did they start giving a fuck now?
I think that was one of the required reading for a poetry class I was taking while in college, I skimmed through the book and read some parts of it, maybe after I buy a battery powered lantern, I'll be able to start reading regularly instead of trying to read during the day and failing to do so.
Wrong, reading good books does make you smarter. You expand your vocabulary, as long as there isn't too many big words, reading also helps you be a better writer and it also helps you accumulate knowledge. Reading also let's you see other people's point of view, etc.
Yeah yeah, the big bad baby boomer is shit. I get it. Calm the fuck down you temper tantrum throwing Kletus foetus.
Weird choice for a poetry class. It's not about poetry and half the book is just a biography anyway.
if this isn’t a shitpost, you should kys.
It's really not.
t. Novel writer
this is the correct answer. they just need to grow up more and realize they’re allowed to like things that they enjoy. there is no need to be cool after a certain point.
it’s actually incredibly liberating.
it's easier if you're willing to do it shittily.
I liked books 4&5 too, a lot actually, but then the Dark Tower falls off severely.
also the movie ruined the series to the point where I don’t think about it at all anymore. I kind of miss it.
drug addled manslaughterer
add Blood Meridian and No Country For Old Men.
>maybe after I buy a battery powered lantern, I'll be able to start reading regularly
based subterreanean bro
It's easy when you make that place the focal point for an end of the world scenario and half of the characters are there "for honor"
>Singaporean Sand Painting Board
Ok that's a new one I haven't heard of
King is a master-tier industry schmoozer. That's all there is to it.
>fellow graduate students
my sides
enjoy my tax money, you brilliant genius, you’re so smart and once you get that degree your father will finally be proud of you. you can do it, I believe in you.
now go flip my Big Mac before it gets to well done.
>Literally copy every bioware game where all the characters hang out before the Big Battle
>Praised as genius
Still so much better than hack GRRM, who is creatively bankrupt right now, and was looking how shit are his last two ASOIAF books.
>At some point he realized it was WAY easier to just 'lol a wizard did it' end all of his books.
he does that in a bunch of his short stories too.
it's because he doesn't normally plot in advance. when he knows where he's going he's actually very good.
t. someone who read 200 pages of It a day expecting it to have a proper ending.
Wasn´t the meme when you read Harry Potter, you are trained to read king?
imagine spouting off these uninformed hot takes with such unearned self-confidence.
he literally calls himself America’s Schlockmeister, no one thinks he makes high art.
Thank you based Stephen for appreciating the kino.
Perfectly? The show is a fucking fanfic.
Literally imagine having your first erection at 16. Just fucking imagine.
>make an entire season of filler episodes where the characters just spout shit dialogue and travel to a location where most of them will conveniently die
>"woah, isn't it amazing that they're all in the same room, brabo dabee!"
>Jorah: known as the most hated man in the north, was exiled
>Also to Jorah: HELLO UNCLE (nobody mentions the slavery)
Show me your written books.
>as long as there isn't too many big words
I know this isn't Yea Forums but holy fuck Michel Faber has this problem with Crimson Petal and the White and The Book of Strange New Things. This guy writes the most insanely vocabulary-dense sentences I've ever seen. I got insecure while reading it. Had to look something up every other page or so. Took me out of the story so many times, which was sad because the story was decent desu
Whelp, hacks gotta hack together, eh Stephen.
Does Stephen lurk on Yea Forums?
I do hope you're not resorting to a fallacy even an imbecile wouldn't dare use these days for fear of being ridiculed?
If characters actions seem random or illogical it the story isn't entertaining. Characters need to act according to their motivations, and have logical consequences to their actions. It can be hard to have characters end at point X, if their motivations are driving them to point Y. This is the problem the ASoIaF books are having where the fat man is writing "correctly" in that the characters are behaving as they should, but as a consequence they're not actually resolving the story. Meanwhile the show has the opposite problem in that since season 5 characters' actions have seemed illogical and arbitrary all just so they could wrap up the plot quickly.
>brought all the major characters together at
Isn't this what happens in EVERY story EVER? It's blatantly used in motion picture sequels at the beginning and frequently the sole purpose of a poor finale in everything else.
post the hero journey but add in a bunch of useless npcs
Yea Forums a place with no ability to write even posts more than a full paragraph, is acting like it knows better than Stephen King about writing and of course all in an effort to deny GOT any form of praise or credit in it's writing/storytelling
You're a mass of contrarians with no eyes. Blind leading the blind who hate those that aren't also blind.
>story builds up to big epic battle happening at location X
>all relevant characters who have some steak in the battle show up
yeah real 4d chess writing is
Wow, King actually posts other stuff besides lunatic rants about Trump? Good to see.
12 isn't teenage, Pedro.
>stephen "hack fraud" king giving his opinion on writing
An author is someone who writes professionally; they writer according to a schedule and produce enough good writing to competently fill a book. A writer is someone who puts words to a paper to tell a story.
Stephen King is a great author and a shitty writer.
GRRM is a great writer and a shitty author.
hey newfriend... do you not know what samefag means?
it’s when someone uses the anonymous nature of Yea Forums to respond to themselves pretending to be someone else, either to generate faux interest or spark faux outrage.
youre just pointing out posts that you think were made by the same person. that’s not anything, it doesn’t have a name because no one cares.
>fear of being ridiculed
oh no! not my anonymous internet frens!! they’re the only ones I have so if they ridicule me then I might as well be dead!!! Noooooooo
I get it, some faggot touch you when you're a kid. Now shut the fuck up tranny.
Just repeating what the hypocrite Mark Bauerelein wrote in his jeremiad, "The Dumbest Generation" where he said that reading books makes people smarter.
I took an advanced writing class in college, taught by an old white guy named Chris, that was when I started using a lot of big, multisyllabic words in my short stories, which made me look pretentious. We were also reading Edgar Allan Poe in that advanced writing course, the dead guy with the purple prose with complex sentence structures and big words. Anyway, I'm not the only guy who writes dense, opaque "literature." The hacker asshole Albert does that as well. At least I learned my lesson, and I won't be writing so pretentiously anymore.
I can't read in the evenings or late at night for fear that the hacker asshole will mess with the electricity, making the lights flicker or shutting off the power.
Where ya at user
>Singaporean Sand Painting Board
this stopped being funny a long time ago
>they all sit by a fire and drink beer and has reaction face shots and its written and looks like an SNL skit
I can’t remember the last time I heard a variation of it that made me even crack a smile
It's easy to unite a group of characters into one location when they all have the ability to teleport across long distances