Will he invite Joe Rogan on his tranny episode?
Will he invite Joe Rogan on his tranny episode?
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Well according to the trannys I know, no he will not invite an oppositional viewpoint on his show.
Adam Ruins his Credibility.
Again you would have to ask this tranny i know who ummm wrote this book. Xie would have all the answers there
fucking this
Joe left a quivering mess after a few soft ball questions
i dont think his ideas stand up very well to questions
Will he ruin LGBQT movement?
Will he ruin recreational marijuana use?
Will he ruin single parenthood?
Will he ruin Food Stamps?
Will he ruin Obamacare?
Will he ruin refugee intake?
Will he ruin China?
Will he ruin Political Correctness?
Will he ruin Feminism?
Will he ruin premarital sex?
Can't blame the dude, supporting the trans movement (no matter how insane some of it is) is part of his brand.
He's supposed to be a super woke radical liberal. If he says anything that goes against that grain then he has lost his image. He even hits on his image earlier that episode.
The dude knew he was in a bind because he didn't know how to defend a topic he knows he's supposed to defend. If he backed down then he is damaging his brand, if he actively defends it without facts he will look like an idiot. Hurting his brand has lasting effects on his core demographic, if word gets out that he accepted Joe's view then he has issues with his fanbase, he he looks like an idiot it will hurt his chances of turning new people onto his work but it won't do much in the line of established fans.
He made the right choice. That dude is dumb like a fox.
Will he ruin black people or muslims? They already did that themselves I guess though
I fucking hate this smug lefty cunt
The right choice would have been to not go on Joe Rogan's pod cast.
Joe wasnt there to debate him but joe was so shocked by Adam's stupidity that he pushed him
He invokes some sort of internal rage whenever I look at his smug face
Gotta love the amount of butthurt his face inspires
I felt bad for him. He blindly follows the pro-trans thing and outright ingores facts (Ex: he reason we have men's and women's athletics and the trans suicide rates). He was so self-assured when he said "that's the future I want". I can see why Joe went at him as hard as he did, but watching him squirm was rough.
This guy lies about everything. Every show in trutv is garbage
this guy is a giant faggot shitlord cuck who edits his shows to be deceiving
mind boggling comedy central employs such unfunny faggots
It was hilarious. He's a smug, basedboy poindexter, his show is the media equivalent of pic related, and he deserved every second of the dismantling he got.
What's the rough play by play?
can't believe this nigga went at joe with the alpha vs. beta male debate, he must be suicidal
>I felt bad for him
What the fuck. Why. He's a vapid, soulless propagandist.
Joe absolutely demolished him, but he didn't need to. Adam kept contradicting his own argument as he squirmed about.
>We mustn't use anecdotal evidence, I have a trans friend who...
Why did he go on Joe Rogan in the first place?
>bring a politicized loser on your podcast
>you aren’t allowed to debate him
dialate bitch
I meant that guests on his podcast are usually there to sell something or just talk about what they do. Joe did not have the podcast with the goal to debate Adam on trannies, the conversation just led that way.
I meant to say that even though they both did not come prepared for a debate, Joe still managed to make Adam look dumber than Joe.
God, you'd think he'd put in the effort to be prepared to defend his stances on these issues if they actually mattered to him and he wasn't just an ideologue with staged prattling in his show instead of the intellectual researcher and renowned sociologists his fan base holds him up as, right?
imaging bashing his head against concrete until he dies
>joe "REALLY??" rogan
Imagine him shooting you in the middle of that and not being found guilty because guns have more rights than people. That's what PoCs have to deal with every single day in Amerikukluxklana.
But how does anyone go on a talk show of any kind without doing any modicum of research on what to bring to the table for it. Like what level of airheadedness do you have to be to not watch even a clip of the Twitter interview before jumping onto Joe's show?
"I'm just going to speak my truth, I don't need to prepare at all for anything, I'm just that great, haha! My show is so popular I'll never be presented with an issue I can't handle off the cuff!"
There's no way to look at that Joe/Adam episode without seeing Adam as a complete buffoon.
>that cop out tweet where he just regurgitates some leftist study that's supported on shaky grounds at best
Remember that lefties still use John Money's digusting transgender study as a "positive" example.
>those merit badges
How many of his arguments against those things are centered around "they're racist"? Because IQ is a super stable predictor of a lot of things.
His appearance only showed how non-confrontational his world is. His friends and tranny friends all share the same thoughts without any pushback. His social circle are never challenged on their beliefs and it was obvious by how ill-prepared he was from the simplest questions joe "REALLY??" rogan asked.
Other guests he had on were capable of making arguments but Adam was completely lost on that show and completely arrogant in his beliefs too.
Money has been discredited. The evidence people use is more recent.
He doesn't want his friend, ContraPoints, to tell him he's a bad goy. So no, he probably won't.
>There's no way to look at that Joe/Adam episode without seeing Adam as a complete buffoon.
I keep seeing people with anti-liberal agendas like you keep repeating this same thing over and over, spamming threads over and over, hoping it comes true if you spam it enough.
Pretty pathetic.
What are some good points Adam made during that podcast.
Yeah, how unreasonable is he when he asks someone to back up the statement they just made?
This is why everyone should watch CNN, where guests can say having a border is like the holocaust completely unchallenged.
>i dont know anything about trannies
>i would look at all the studies and talk to ACTUAL trans people about their experiences but not use too much anecdotal evidence to reach my conclusions
>what do you think about that, joe rogan?
wow what a genius. admittedly not knowing anything about a subject but still trying to sound like the smartest guy in the room. in the real world these people get ignored but this guy has a show.
>The evidence people use is more recent.
No, modern psychological peer-reviewed papers STILL cite the paedophile who mutilated children to advance his career.
just look how dumbfounded he is by such a simple question here
These were my favorite quotes that I agree heavily with:
>"actually... um.... uuuuhhh"
>"my trans friend that is a veteran-philosopher-psychologist-economist-helicopterpilot-renownedauthorofabookyou'veneverheardofandIdon'tknowthenameof has a 300 iq and told me that we should mutilate our children and make them trannies"
>"contrapoints makes great videos"
Adam is a true, modern intellectual.
Meanwhile in reality, most citations are much more recent.
I never said Joe was being unreasonable, brainlet. I just found it incredibly jarring to have Joe continue to shriek out this high-pitched "REALLY?" after every statement that Adam made. There are other, better ways of pushing back on someone, and Joe usually does a better job of at least formulating some kind of thoughtful question instead of a flat "REALLY?"
>where guests can say having a border is like the holocaust completely unchallenged
t. /r/le_Donald
Be grateful that sweaty bean said anything, he isn't exactly known for his debating skills.
That doesn't matter, his work has not been discredited. Modern psychological transgender theory is STILL based on, and agrees with, his work.
It doesn't matter how high the mutilated corpses pile, it doesn't matter how many people blow their brains out after years of pain and misery at the hands of the propagandists. They will push their agenda in opposition to human nature, whatever the cost.
>There are other, better ways of pushing back on someone
Maybe you should watch the fucking segment then.
kek imagine getting btfo by a sweaty bean
>uhhhhhh im not an expert on this
serious question, is he considered to be an expert on anything? isn't his show basically regurgitating what his chosen exerts tell him? if so that doesnt make him an expert on anything other than being a reporter.
Shill trump will win and make america great
DUDE the idea of Suburbia is racist why do you want a comfy life, ignore the crime and send your kids to an all black school
DUDE you can't just move into a historically black neighborhood since 1960 that's white gentrification you nazi
Imagine getting intellectually stomped by fucking Joe Rogan. Dude should've suicided right there on the spot.
>But how does anyone go on a talk show of any kind without doing any modicum of research on what to bring to the table for it.
By drinking your own kool-aid and living in a bubble where you're never forced to defend your views and can just dismiss angry viewers without considering that they might have a point.
In real life, progressives like Adam usually don't realize that they're being rude when they bring up their politics to push on other people, and incorrectly take people's polite unwillingness to ruin the conversation for everyone else as affirmation and agreement. I'm betting Adam's social circles are dominated by women and gays, and he doesn't have any real male friends that will argue with him on ideas in genuine and honest verbal sparring.
Even if he had done research or watched Rogan, he wouldn't have realized the risk. I sincerely doubt he considered the possibility that Joe would even express skepticism or that his standard volley of social manipulation tricks wouldn't work the same way they always do everywhere else in his life.
it's more like chosen interns who have done ten minutes of google searches
Joe Rogan interviews Roe Jogan
how will he ruin trannies
By telling tranny lovers that fucking them still makes them gay.
It's weird how obsessed with trans people, y'all are.
It's like you've got some issues of your own that you keep ignoring.
Nobody gave a shit until you decided to inject it into every facet of life and witchunt anybody who criticizes it.
don't you need to get back to dilating?
why do basedboys mimic black people and southerners so much, i always see them saying y'all and "folks" and it's such an obvious affectation
Meant for
have sex maga incel
Iq isnt a real metric of intelligence, its just merely massive coincidence that there is exists an incredibly consistent correlation between the ingenuity of a people and their average iq
Does adam really think the only reason the aboriginals never invented a combustion engine was because they didnt have the resources or something
Even if you believe this to be the case, we're back where we started. A People's environment, resources, whatever even genetic, contributed to overall to this group of people being less ingenious, which can be represented through iq
When liberals cry resources or environment, they are really just saying they're retarded for a different reason
>im confident enough in things i barey understand to the point where i have an envisioned future for our children based on these things i can barely defend
>still can't defend pumping kids full of hormones without saying that's not always the case and the trans people "he knows" wish they had started hormone treatment sooner
He's an ideologue that works backwards on his predetermined position, he's as much a charletan as the fools he tries to disprove. His twitter is him constantly telling experts why they shouldn't critique his work this or that way
>dialate bitch
DILATE my newfriend
it's the hair too. like a dumb looking bird
Joe is somewhat radical in a lot of his ideologies so I don't think it was a bad move to go on as far as their images complimenting one another. The interview went great until the tranny talk which was like an hour or so into the cast.
If they never brought it up the cast would have gone down as perfectly normal. Even after going he might not get more fans but he definitely strengthened his current fanbase by showing he wasn't willing to relent on trans rights. He'll make an episode of his show or something else filled to the brim with as much info he can get on the topic to damage control the situation.
He'll be fine, it was a smart decision to accept.
>don't you need to get back to dilating?
I can multitask.
He already did that on his website, he didn't even address the real and valid concerns, just doubled down and actually mischaracterised the conclusion of a study he quoted. Sad cunt
Type out "trannies," you nigger.
Adam: Trans good, giving children injected hormones if they want them is good, trans should be able to play professional sports of whichever gender they identify as.
Joe: Trans fine, giving a child injected hormones just because they want them is dangerous and wrong because they are incapable of making decisions like that at that age, trans people should not get to play in a professional sport of their gender choice because men clearly have advantages over women in sports.
Joe was spouting facts and percentages to back his claims, Adam used personal anecdotes while spilling spaghetti.
I like Joe but if you are going to have people on your podcast you should be respectable when they say "I don't have all the data in front of me, or the answers but I'd love to talk about it another time" as an answer and move on. He wanted to keep talking about it and debating him regardless.
Clearly Adam holds those beliefs due to his image because if he actually believed in those things he would have sound reason/facts. Joe couldn't take the hint or didn't care to take the hint.
>Tilted head
>Incrediably smug expression
>Overly done make up
>Thinks he can pull off body hugging clothes but he's just fat
He gets off on flouting his mediocrity
>shriek out this high-pitched "REALLY?"
I never heard a high pitched shriek from Joe.
are you a woman, mayhaps?
>Before I move on, I just gotta plug my friend's youtube channel, Contrapoints, Nicole is really funny
>just doubled down and actually mischaracterised the conclusion of a study he quoted. Sad cunt
He probably sees that as being the best action since I don't think there is anything solid grounding his "beliefs." I'd hate to be that dude, sure he's profiting off of ignorant radicalism but how dead must he have felt inside being exposed and then having to keep up the charade?
Sounds like an exhausting life to live.
read a post here that had a theory that made sense as to why they use those words
basically, thanks to the idea of southern hospitality, leftists have adopted those words to convey a sense of 'warmness' and 'friendliness' to supplement their ideas that are anything but warm and friendly.
wait a tick it's what a leftist would call 'cultural appropriation', how bout that.
because they are so terrified of putting one toe out of line and being blacklisted they emulate each other as much as possible
He was so cute beforehand. Hontrapoints is such a sad transition story
Sal has grown on me over the years. Used to not be able to stand him.
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so gtfo then faggot
Did Joe take him to task? I had to turn it off when I first saw a clip because the guy is such a miserable smarmy little piece of shit.
and yet your flaming faggot ass is here
I'm Irish and even our SJW's appropriate it, even though we have our own colloquial 'you' plural. It is literally lesser minds being colonised by dominant cultural ideas and personalities they feel they must defer to
I've said it before, but the problem I have with dudes like Adam is that his ideology (or at least the one he ties himself with, it might not honestly be his own), requires him to essentially not have a position on any topic specifically because he's an ostensibly straight white dude.
Like, his (and all Liberals') whole schtick is that they have to push themselves to the side of the stage they're standing on and carve out space in the center literally for people and opinions who aren't even present. This dude goes on Joe's show, and the only thing he can say is "Well I'm not a trans person so I can't tell you what I think, you should use this time to put trans people I know and like up here on stage instead of me to share their ideas."
Like, nigga that's not the point. The point is YOU. People are here to hear YOUR thoughts, and all you can do is defer to fucking randos, mostly anecdotal and anonymous, that you trust to be more informed or objective on the topic because they're...trans I guess? Like how does that make sense? Why even speak if your whole point is that you would rather give the mic up to other people you deem more credible than you? Why do you have a TV show of your own at all?
This idea baffles me because time and time again these woke liberals just go up on any stage they can get their hands on, and then spend the time demonizing the people giving them a mic for not giving that mic to some black gay tranny invalid or something.
yea just watch for a minute on this one
No, but tranny points will be on it.
>another giant faggot being deliberately advertised on Yea Forums
the cancer
>Assault someone specifically because you believe they are unarmed and helpless
>Oh shit they have gun
>Get shot and die
>We DiNdU NoTHin!!!!
>Its da guns fault!
Nice bait
Devil's advocate here, hate me all you want:
As bad of a guest and as much I hated hearing him talk/how much I disagreed with him, Adam made good points relating to the ambiguity of what we define as fair regarding PEDs
There's actually a well-documented concept of "code switching" (that's the woke word for it, real people just call it pandering or talking down) that liberals do.
If they're white, they'll dumb down their speech because they inherently believe brown people are dumber than them. If they're white or another shade of brown, they'll sometimes change their dialogue, dialect, or accept to mimic what they think the people around them sound like (white people rolling their Rs when speaking to latinos, adding shit like "y'all" and other ebonics when talking to black people, etc.) because they've essentially given themselves permission to adopt these fake customs to show their imagined solidarity or support. They have no idea that it's racist as hell and patronizing as shit, but they do it anyway which is fucking hilarious.
Hell, AOC did it recently at the NAACP event and everyone got on her shit for talking like a black person even though she's a sorta-latino who grew up in white suburbs.
>Contrapoints has friends
This really has me baffled, guys. Does Adam like hang out with this autistic bird-looking person and do speedruns?
Performance enhancing drugs also I live birbs
didn't know there was a word for it thanks
and yeah I saw that AOC speech. didn't last 10 seconds before I felt disgusted.
>Well okay, I'm not an expert so... let's just carry on the conversation as if I am an expert and take everything I say as true without question
ah ok.
what ambiguity was there then? it's pretty clear that steroids and such are unfair.
The question is, why can't people just accept that trans rights are human rights?
Hot damn, if he'd just told someone he wanted to sub there'd be a line of guys stretching round the block.
Absolute Romeo.
Childish fear.
The ambiguity came from why steroids are unfair but something like tax funded national swimming teams are not unfair (one example)
Yeah, it's not exactly news but no one is surprised to find out that liberals are horrifically racist and talk down to people they see themselves as "protecting" or championing, and they are incapable of seeing it which is baffling to all of us on the outside.
>The question is, why can't people just accept that trans rights are human rights?
What exactly are "trans rights" and what rights do trans people not have that normal people do?
because no matter how much money a team has, their bodily functions should perform at the same base level.
How can any human rest if we aren't giving hormone treatments to kids, truly a hellscape of functioning genitalia
I get where he is coming from, many things in sport that are not really fair are allowed into gameplay. I just feel that PEDS take it to such another higher level than memes like mountain training could ever do.
The right to be adressed by the pronoun they prefer
The right to use the bathrooms designated for the gender they identify with
I prefer to be addressed as 'his majesty'
I'll say the stupid pronouns, but the bathroom thing is not about one individual's right to piss and shit wherever they want, it's about the general population's right to piss and shit in peace
>The right to be adressed by the pronoun they prefer
and what about everyone else's right not have to address them with a specific pronoun?
My prefered pronoun is 'cuntsak', it is my right enshrined in law that you use this form of address. Don't wanna use it, okay I'll just report you to your employer and see what legal charges I can press
>it's my right to turn my 6yo son into a girl with drugs
>The right to be adressed by the pronoun they prefer
>The right to use the bathrooms designated for the gender they identify with
These are literally not rights.
He has the most punchable face in the world
It's social signalling. The usual signal chain of origin is
>black women->black gay men->all other gay men->white women->non-conservative white men->old white people
>The right to be adressed by the pronoun they prefer
That isn't a right, who somehow convinced you that you have a right to control what other people say? A human right cannot be something that is reliant on compelling another person to do or say something.
>The right to use the bathrooms designated for the gender they identify with
That's also not a right. What the fuck makes you think that a bathroom is a human right at all? Who is obligated to fulfill this right? The government? How does this manifest in places where there are no bathrooms at all?
So, nothing.
Those aren’t rights.
Tranny spisode?
It sounds like this dipshit got BTFO. Can someone get me up to speed? All i know is he's the cherrypickingest cherrypicker of all cherrypickers.
Everything is pro wrestling.
>he's the cherrypickingest cherrypicker of all cherrypickers
What more is there to know?
There are videos that debunk almost all of his shit, even from other leftists. He's just intolerable to anyone that wants to see an issue depicted fairly.
That isn't a right, it's a legally enforced courtesy encroaching on my right to address you any way I want.
It’s a way of avoiding gendered terms
he’s like a defective man. i almost felt bad for him. he was also very motivating to listen to because it made me want to make moves in life to be less like him, and to appreciate all the ways I am not.
Basically that.
He's some asshole with a show, and he claims to do a ton of research for it, but it's basically just selective research and ignoring lots of details, statistics, and studies that don't support his pre-baked liberal bias.
Basically he just makes shows that are specially crafted to pander to liberals and SJWs by parroting their opinions back to them without ever actually challenging those ideas.
I thought there was like a specific instance or something of him getting BTFO on someone else's show
I didn’t feel bad for him. In fact, I laughed at his expense.
just watch the JRE clip user
On Joe Rogan’s show
>muh semantics
You don't have a right for me not to call you a faggot, would you like me to do that from now on, faggot?
Doesn't really have anything to do with the thread but ya ok.
Thanks guys.
By encouraging them to transition and increasing their suicide rates.
It's certainly your right to, tranny dipshit.
You're the one playing with semantics
dumb fuck
If you aren't able to use the term "rights" to disguise these ridiculous demands as legitimate everyone will see immediately how entitled and infantile you assholes are.
>would you like me to do that from now on, faggot?
Stop, you're giving me a boner.
The whole podcast I was hoping Joe would beat faggot Adam to a bloody pulp
>The right to be adressed by the pronoun they prefer
They have the right to be addressed by the pronoun that applies to them. If you're a man, you're "he."
>The right to use the bathrooms designated for the gender they identify with
Rather, the gender you are. Rights are granted on a biological basis. You don't get kaola bear rights if you identify as one, you get human rights. You don't get "trans rights," you get human rights, which is divided into male and female. A man doesn't have the right to put on a dress and say "I'm a lady now" and invade spaces meant for actual women.
Black people didn’t do nothing!
>ACTUALLY, despite being just 13% of population, black people commit 60% of the violent crime
That isn't a right, it's forcing your will upon people, which directly takes away rights from others. So what you're basically saying is trans rights means "taking away freedom", which goes against everything I believe in. In other words, kill yourself tranny.
of couse not
t. low iq microbrains