Was she a bad actress?
Was she a bad actress?
no, she was great in the shining. one of few female performances i like and that are really believable
do you think she is a bad actress because of her fugly apperance?
Yes. It's a bad movie. The entire film can be memed, every single scene. That's the sign of a terrible fucking movie.
No but she just wasn't that applicable to much other than a mental breakdown wife or Olive Oil
>one of few female performances i like
Why do you only like a few performances?
You can meme anything you dipshitter
If she was alive today I bet she'd be in every Wes Anderson movies.
Don't open.
women for the most part arent great actors
Unironically scarier than anything in The Shining
You need to watch more cinema.
Kubrick needed to completely abuse her to get a good performance. It's more a testament to him than it was to her.
>you need to watch more films with women in them
I watched the movie for the first time recently and while I was prepared for a "long, slow" movie, one thing that was kinda shit was how quickly Jack became crazy. I thought I was in for a weird descent into madness plot, but nah, one scene he's normal, next scene he's aggrevated, next scene he's full on mental.
>The entire film can be memed
You fucking zoomers need to be hanged
Would you waifu her, Yea Forums? Eventhough she looks like a human-fish hybrid.
he was possessed
What? It's fucking true. Shit movie. Take a scene, play it by itself, it turns into a fucking comedy.
Oooh kids. So scary. Not to mention that it doesn't make any fucking sense. Stephen King has made much much better shit, Kubrick too.
Also this movie is so fucking boring. 1408, now that's a much better, actually interesting movie.
Or the constant shrieking soundscape, that actually really pissed me off.
Also those dumb reactions of Danny with his open mouth, or him acting like a retard and shaking his head. Yeah, no thanks.
Cosmo's looking good these days.
Hooooooly fucking shit..
HOOOOOOOOLY fucking shit.
>tfw I've always had a weird thing for Shelley Duvall
>tfw the woman I married looks kinda like her
>tall, lanky, long face
I'm content with my lot in life
>>>tall, lanky, long face
I love me a long face too. Make sure you meet with all the good divorce laywers every year, just in case. It's good insurance.
the way jack verbally abuses her in the film is the way my dad used to talk to my mom and it makes me uncomfortable. specifcally the bat on the stairs scene
>Did you ever think about MY problems? Did you ever think about ME?!
Eh, no. I think she was perfect for the role considering Kubrick literally drove her insane, as evidenced in the final cut of the movie.
you're an idiot
No such thing as a ditsy calm girl, because it's so attractive it's always a front for her planned escapades.
An ugly one.
She's an ugly Judy Greer.
She's eccentric and she looks weird, but she's a caring wife and mother.
Smooth-brains like you are the reason modern horror sucks.
I think she’s attractive.
>Modern horror sucks
The Witch is one of the finest kinos of the past few years.