Now this is epic

Now this is epic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because of you all I now dream about fucking her really hard and rough until my dick will fell off. Thank you, Yea Forums


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Scarjo has one on too.

Which of her 3 F's is the most epic - her forehead, or feet or her fake tits?

Her fake personality

Was she in the fappening? I kind of wanna go see her tits or pussy now that she's a bitch

First thing I saw was alt-right hand sign


She is so try-hardy. RDJ and Evans and Hemsworth had to go into a frachise not knowing how it'll turn out and turned it into something great.

She just jumps on the already established billion dollar wagon and acts like she's brought the most to the table. Her acting was not good in CM. Her attitude in every interview is cringey at best. Its all downhill from here. I honestly cant wait for Rogue to suck her dry once X-Men get introduced into the MCU

You think they regret selling their souls to Disney/Marvel execs in exchange for rivers of money and fame?
I mean, they can't do nothing else for how long because of a stupid franchise and even after that you'll be always remembered by fat old greasy people about that time you played in that children's movie.
Everything they do or say seem fabricated by a PR team.

What happened bros?

Attached: brie.jpg (716x1015, 193K)


Holy shit, she has, tits and pussy woohoo time to fap

Is she doing the WP sign?


She stopped trying to cover up that fivehead

>he doesn't know
user I..

Attached: ourgirl.jpg (1072x1200, 525K)

Scarjo had this too though

Attached: ab0c2d2ffdec14628a6f070c510d35bb.jpg (640x960, 142K)

Worst OC ever

There´s trying hard and then there´s .. Brie.

Attached: supremacist brie-larson.jpg (936x1428, 761K)

>global sign for "OK" is now being pushed as a white supremacy symbol

The left really is just searching for things to get outrage about, aren't they?

Attached: Millie 1548615802899.jpg (937x1171, 110K)

Well SHE fukken deserved it, getting oggled for 10 years by everybody.

>is now being pushed
You know all about pushing propaganda my girl, don't act like you've just fallen from heaven.

Attached: 236830659023212.png (1024x1045, 1015K)

It's quite sad she removed those big honkers

God how fucking out of touch are you? /pol/ started that shit ages ago and its been going on for at least a year.

After the "thumbs-up is literally Hitler", they´re foaming at the mouth at pets now.
NOT cats though, wonder why.

Attached: dogs&gerbils oh my.jpg (1192x659, 286K)

>non-whites are threatened by people walking their dogs

Attached: lewd.jpg (642x541, 60K)


Based migapede

Why is she making the alt right okay symbol?

She was always an ugly mutt desu

It’s racist because future doctors are afraid to attack whites with a dog


Attached: the quartering 1556017843408.jpg (1200x800, 226K)

titania sounds like a great stripper name

Whose the dude? Looks like a mannequin. Do you think he's specially trained to not 'pull focus'

Dios mio...

Better view of it

Attached: 57568483_10157643602075649_3497286285951762432_n.jpg (655x655, 59K)

Her smile and optimism, GONE

she looks like jen aniston here

It's not racist itself but it has definitely been used as a wink by white supremacists

>ages ago
>at least a year

Attached: 1539959550562.gif (652x562, 626K)

no wonder she tried out to be a singer

she looks like your average blonde popstar

boy did she hit that wall hard though.

Unironically this

Look at every actress who did the same, if their looks don't fail (Ellen Page), their career will (Emma Watson)

He effectively is, she doesn't believe in monogamy

I pity the jeweler who had to make these things.

>sex with Toe Fungus
It would be more a nightmare and you know it.

you pity a kike for being commissioned to make money?

Captain Marvel doing the good snap with the inifinity stones confirmed

The Cuckering

Enjoy your feet AIDS, faggot.

what do her pusy and as whole fumes taste like bros
asking for my friend's cousin

This board's obsession with Brie is just unhealthy

Attached: pls stop.jpg (500x375, 34K)

Oh man, I would wreck this

tuna and poop

This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat. Her parents also divorced when she was young which explains why she's a "feminist" (all of whom hate Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!") and fucks niggers.

Furthermore, Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.

Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Brie Larson.jpg (512x738, 61K)

Fug! Enfinarty stobs ebin! :DDDD

Nice deflection mongo.

That's what happen when you're hooker for obsese producers

Yeah, I totally look at the stones...

And yet she is the one foretold in prophesy who will destroy capeshit.


Attached: c.png (1645x961, 1.25M)

ScarJo's looks better, the mind stone is actually on the back of her hand rather than her wrist like Brie

Fucking stupid kike bitch goddamn I HATE CHEeSE LARSON SO MUCH FUCK WOMEN!!!!1111111111


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>do you like me now, nerds?

Do incels actually think that if you get fungus once it never goes away? Why are incels so dumb?

She looks and did it better.

I'd make her wear socks. I'd leave my socks and shoes too

Pride in the craft. You wouldn't understand.

Her tits look really saggy. No perk. She is one of the ugliest women in hollywood. 2/10 flat face, flat everything.

she looked good in her nudes, not saggy at all

you wrong nigga

>doing a sign
>not just 'being white == kkk nazi'

Who's she supposed to be? Tom Brady?

You are beyond saving user, even if you had sex twice you would still never escape being an incel

troll account you absolute retard

She wore it better desu

>thanks for the drink, user

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engage in intercourse

>I'm bored

Attached: 1497039416599.jpg (1400x1400, 220K)

do NOT post her feet

b-b-but where are her tits gone?

Then schlick

Attached: B.gif (328x350, 2.45M)

Attached: Dr21SeoWwAEkkVw.jpg (816x1200, 154K)

She's gone full jewsica Parker hasn't she.

Attached: wee-jimmy.jpg (450x281, 25K)

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Don't use this reddit work. Here we say finger your dirty cunt

Confirmed Kino

Attached: 1556042457336.jpg (1242x1485, 122K)

haven't seen any capeshit but doing something thematic with your appearance at an event like that seems kind of neat to me imo

Sorry, I wanted to post the webm, not a gif

I will keep that in mind.

Attached: 055.webm (1400x786, 2.94M)


This. It should also be illegal to wink. These white supremacists have definitely winked at each other.

God I wish that were me

could I fuck you?

Woah wait that showed nipple? Whats the source?

I fucking hate everything that cunt stands for

Never forget.

I hope so.

What a legend

Awesome thats all the confirmation that ill need

Tanner Hall


brie larson more like PEE larson !!! FACT!!

She would be a terrible mommy, user.

Attached: 1555988375148.webm (480x600, 104K)


I want her to play frodo in all female lotr - no foot prosthetics needed.
thanks, infamous Yea Forums


Attached: Gib.jpg (800x786, 77K)

More like PEE on ME larson. WACKED!!

Attached: 13411553.jpg (720x720, 52K)

Stop that!

Attached: 5.png (909x955, 1018K)

Ppl talk a lot about the jaw but the only thing that sets that hairline apart from a klingon is the lack of ridges

no u

Attached: Brie-Larson-Causes-Twitter-To-Go-Crazy-As-She-Appears-On-The-One-Show-With-Her-Boobs-Out-At-7PM.jpg (634x613, 56K)

Not global. In my country it's akin to displaying a middle finger but instead of meaning penis it means butthole

Home schooled tranny.

Does the eurocucks get to see this even before the thespians in ameritard?

No that's Joseph Gordon-Levitt in a wig

No, it's Heath Ledger. It's all a Russin psyop.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-SkcLpb6fONTX.jpg (1502x768, 217K)

i fixed her ass

Attached: brie larson fix.jpg (509x501, 32K)

I like how even women hate her guts.

why is this thread still up while the one with the undeniably hotter Scarjo was deleted?

Attached: 1555794364601.webm (427x240, 2.82M)

oops wrong webm haha what an embarassing mistake haha

Attached: 1555983313860.webm (660x942, 1.04M)

Post more Scarjo from the premiere you fags

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Well dogs especially bigger ones might interrupt their plans of sticking them up

What is it user?

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the reason she hates white men is that deep inside she hates herself for having azn eyes and then she got surgery to have white round eyes.

Attached: brie larson eye big.jpg (425x306, 56K)

Dang, why are Jew girls so much sexier than white girls these days?

Attached: 1499673350092.jpg (3142x4724, 1.8M)


It's almost as if they handpick who can join the club

>Box office $5,073

Attached: 1548539989235.png (376x470, 260K)

ScarJew dabs on Brie hard.

Guess I got the Kosher fever now

Attached: Scarlett-Johansson-Feet-4153086.jpg (2809x3933, 2.18M)

Is no one going to acknowledge how much she looks like heath ledger in this shot?

Nice hands actually

There are some thirsty ass simps in thread

You are a scholar and a gentleman.

is she a gypsy

Jewish, got several surgeries to look white.

She isn't though. French-Canadian IIRC.


Attached: brie larson cake sit.gif (445x250, 2.3M)

That explains so much.

redditor triggered


Attached: original.gif (268x205, 1.9M)

Yes she is you retard. You realize there are tons of jews in quebec? Of course not, uoure a corporate cocksucker

Is she making the alt right sign?

She is more white than jewish

Her tits got bigger.

u tell me bozo

Attached: brie larson WHITE SUPREMACISISTS?!?!?!.png (1196x1204, 1.81M)

Provide me with some proof that isn't a fanmade list of "actor jews".
At the very least you'd assume it would be on her Wikipedia page.
Face it, there will always be non-jewish actors working in the industry.

wow she looks great now. what happened? i seriously thought this was a pic of her from 10 years ago not today.

>its not on wikipedia
Because wikipedia never intentionally removes inconvenient (((information))).

Do you know what makeup and cosmetic treatments are? These whores literally rub baby foreskin powder on their face.

joseph gordon levitt in a wig

Then why is Scarlett Johansson and pretty much every other jew listed as being jewish?
Fucking Eric Andre is jewish too.

she wised up to their tricks and overcame

Many jews are not listed as being jewish

fake milkies

yeah but pics of her from just a year ago made her look absolutely awful. i think ditching the short hair was a good move.

ugly women trying hard to be sexy always obliterate my sides

Not with white women who are trash!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Valtrex-For-Herpes.jpg (604x310, 47K)

ScarJo was turning into a feminist dyke, now she's back to her sexy self, is this because she's insecure about Larson?

Ahhh my favorite. Heroin hands.

Attached: cobain.jpg (458x458, 32K)

Her fungus.

Those are normal human hands you idiot.
What do your hands look like?

>mutt only wants to fuck jews and non whites

Is she a Goa'uld?

>implying vascular definition will ever be unattractive
Cope fatty.

Attached: 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg (236x224, 11K)

thicc as fuck

Someone photoshop her doing the white power sign

>Bubbly ScarJo comes in from the left field and completely steals he spotlight
BASED Kazahr Milkers!

If anything you'd think a guy whose job includes playing an instrument would have naturally good circulation in his extremities. Now, if his veins looked "bruised", that would be another story.

That IS natural. It would be unnatural to have low body fat and no visible veins in your extremities.
Not to mention effeminate, if you're a guy over 15.

I would like her if she fixed her feet

>implying it's a permanent condition

I didn't imply that at all

That's exactly what I'm saying. Junkies have shit circulation in the places they shoot up and they're often discolored too. I'm a fat fuck and even I have veins in my hands that look much like Cobain's.

have sex

Imagine getting a handjob from those hands.

> Choker
We all know what it means.

She couldn't even get the stones right? Wow!

Attached: hjghjfghjfghj.jpg (816x1200, 153K)

what does it mean?

Attached: 57244833.jpg (1080x1080, 163K)

Kek, that would've been too good even for this clown world.

literally works with all her pictures, I don't get how this isn't pushed more

Attached: Dr21SeoWwAEkkVw.jpg (816x1200, 204K)

means black belt in sucking dick

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Fuck, you've struck gold with this.

Attached: captain-america-star-chris-evans-laughs-himself-to-death-in-new-viral-meme.jpg (640x320, 40K)

'member when they were both in Scott Pilgrim?

Attached: avengers-endgame-premiere-brie-larson-chris-evans.jpg (2000x2459, 1.03M)

She's looking pretty good lately bros...

Brianne is a solid 7

Attached: 1555984832048.jpg (540x810, 221K)

Think you might be onto something.

Attached: huh.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Cheese girl was always a cute. Covert a cute but a cute nonetheless.

Attached: 6598057.jpg (440x662, 63K)

>She just jumps on the already established billion dollar wagon and acts like she's brought the most to the table.

What did those meatheads bring to the table again? Where are their awards for excellence in acting??

Attached: 07f7a7882d8f099456bcaeca1a4143c3.jpg (1000x1500, 229K)

Her bf looks like Houston Jones, strongest bodybuilder in the world.

Nice trips user, but don't bully the other talent.
You're giving Brianne a bad image.

Attached: 1353266.png (680x440, 325K)

Wait.. is Davey still around?

MCU will kill her acting career like it did with RDJ

Attached: brie-larson-attends-the-world-premiere-of-avengers-endgame-at-the-la-convention-center-in-los-angele (1200x1800, 220K)

They'll be fine. Downey in particular is rich enough to retire at this point, which is still better than nothing.
Brie has an Oscar which more or less cements that she'll be a working actor for at least a couple more years.
If you wanna bet someone's career will go to shit, you're looking at Hemsworth. He's hardly been in anything memorable or worthwhile aside from the Avengers and he is at his best when playing Thor.

Actors are never satisfied with just a big paycheck and are always trying to get cast in a serious movie that will get noticed by critics and lead to some awards.

Attached: kwWAo2zO_o.jpg (2536x3500, 2.59M)

>the virgin "please look at me"


>the stacey "you like this boys?"

You haven't spoken to enough actors then.

Attached: AXdR6fz.jpg (761x872, 44K)

That's why I prefer her though. Chads and Stacies are unrelatable.
>normie scarlett know's the kardashians' brother name
>introvert brie looks like she's had a brain fart

why her face look like shape of potato?

spray tan

Attached: ieyr4DOp_o.jpg (2381x3500, 2.76M)

>why her face look like shape of potato?

Attached: Tf2+hat+you+say+_eab0a9a4e046b231ac9fd90e82307bad.jpg (716x724, 28K)

I'd like to spray her with something if you catch my not-so-subtle drift.

pls respect womyn

Attached: 58409503.jpg (937x1171, 149K)


Only if they are Brianne or similar.

Attached: i4eshn4f5kz11.jpg (750x937, 87K)

we do, just not those ones.

her self importance is unbelievably annoying

>instead of honoring him in a serious post you just use him as an excuse to show your face
It would have been better if she just didn’t post at all.

it has been confirmed that she's on the spectrum
Poor thing didn't know any better.
Still not the worst celeb cringe I've seen though.
Dan B at the Las Vegas shooting will forever hold that spot.

prove the tits are fake by posting them

You think the TSA guy will watch Endgame?

There are plenty of porn boards for that you faggot

It's an ongoing debate. They may or may not be fake.
Who gives a fuck honestly?

Attached: Brie Larson leaked.jpg (637x348, 31K)

why the FUCKING FUCK did she cut her tits off, it actually makes me so angry

look natty to me

Attached: 1556051252387.jpg (1080x1350, 176K)

Attached: Brie-Larson-Leaked-3-thefappeningblog.com_.jpg (480x640, 35K)

shes doing the white power sign?

Reminds me of that one time Brie was approached by THE Chad at Coachella.

Attached: chad-meme-800x458.png (800x458, 307K)

schlick has been used here since at least 2009 capeshit tourist

>resisted Chad's power level
wtf I like brie now

whose mom is this bro come get your mom lmao

Looks like a guy in drag

Nice mom arm

this is brie's mom

Attached: 090499484.jpg (1000x600, 133K)

based meme curator

Brie Larson, Abbie Cornish, Julie Benz (rita from dexter). There's just something distressing about this type of woman. That's why they're good in horror roles or wife of a serial killer, doomed missionary woman. As fun action heros not so much

is that dude wearing foundation...lmao wtf

Word on the street is Brie was pretty kino in Endgame.
I thought she was serviceable in Captain Marvel because it's not a really interesting character in the first place.
That being said, I can't think of any contemporary actresses who can sell an action hero as well as Linda Hamilton did in Terminator 2. It's just not in their DNA anymore.
I also don't think any male actor can top what Schwarzenegger did back in his day. There's a certain softness to all of them, even when they get jacked.

lmao no they dont

Well a bunch of white supremacist virgins use it now so yeah


>Brie Larson

Someone post the feet pic.

Attached: 1403303052525.gif (184x141, 1024K)

you know, there are things call UV lights....

Her tots look sad

Replace her with Evan Rachel Wood, nobody would know the diff and Hollywood can kick her to the curb where she belongs.

Attached: WestworldERW.jpg (868x489, 307K)

they edited out her toe shrooms.

Say what you want but I really find her attractive. Would date her if she was not so feminist

Attached: 134113043511.jpg (500x327, 19K)

You got to go back.

Real Chads supported Brie from day 1 despite muh feminism and odd behavior.

Attached: 31063B3600000578-3439032-image-a-63_1455034356322.jpg (634x766, 106K)

odd behaviour? you are not a true brie bro

looks like a cheap trap
crappy skinny/flabby legs,
no ass
jewish nose (she fixed that)
fat face

sorry bros even a brad like me has standards

Attached: blair witch.jpg (1125x1468, 312K)

Poor Brie, got to play the worst superhero of all.


Attached: 1520466185360.jpg (399x388, 24K)

They are literally the same person in and out of movies.

She's definitely not very attractive (big forehead, seemingly really greasy skin, horrid toes, awful personality, etc.) but I doubt she's got fake tits

cursed image

almost everyone has mouth herpes ya dunce

dont forget the lack of ass, her veiny legs and
mans hands

Attached: 1552232123687 (1).png (245x169, 113K)

At least you hates/fans kept it contained to one thread this time.
Maybe there is hope for Yea Forums after all.

this, even kids, now genital herpes thats another story

Brie is so fucking BASED,. I am NOT being ironic. I've never seen anyone trigger so many people. Holy shit.

Trump ;)

Her tits aren't fake. I'd know.

t. Bimbo fetishist

You got me there. DJT is based as well, but this is different because the rage is on so many dimensions and so easily brought out.

Is she making the white supremacist hand sign?

I've transcended wanting to hate fuck her. I'm now 100% indifferent towards her social and political views. I just want to bang her, kick her to the curb and let her continue to pursue her agenda.

OK.... I just don't get it. Is she supposed to be hot or something? is this just a big troll?

Im really confused as to why she is even famous.

i just finish Abyss , what did Cameron mean by this ?

Attached: abyssaltrigth.jpg (1495x578, 126K)

>why she is even famous.
she sucked VIP´s dick

>Is she supposed to be hot or something?
no, just mildly attractive (tons of make up and certain light)
hollywood isnt casting 10/10s women anymore.
they dont sell tickets, women cant relate to a true 10/10
they need mildly attractive women like dakota johnson, jennifer lawrence, tessa thompson etc.

why is she wearing a dress? i thought she wanted to get rid of gender roles