With all of this "Endgame" talk what are us DC Comics Fanboys supposed to do

With all of this "Endgame" talk what are us DC Comics Fanboys supposed to do

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lol is this real? it looks like some stupid fan art/story.

it's real it's the "Dark knights Metal" event different versions of bruce wayne from a nightmare universe

Doom-Bat would literally be unstoppable.

The same as usual, jerk off to Snyder blog posts

Enjoy what we’ve already got - a better story being more artfully told.

>You walking, talking monkeys with your symbols and your cave paintings. There are many ways to magic, more than a mind can imagine.

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It's great, but when you explain it like that, it sounds awful

>Stop my invincible son
>Wonder "Stick" Woman's final fight
>I'm Slipknot, I can climb anythong *dies*
>Nickelodeon presents low budget Shazam
>Artfully told

Why didn’t Thanos bring infinite resources from the past?

Shazam is a better movie than somewhere around 80% of the MCU.

I put it right below Iron Man 1 and the rest of Marvel falls below that

That’s pretty fair.

>new marvel movie comes out
>best superhero movie yet ! If you're sick of cape movies then you'll love this one!
>still not as good as Iron Man 1
How can every MCU movie be the best one yet !! Though still worse than the first one???

I can think of one suggestion

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Sure thing kid
It sold itself as comedy and it was barely worth a chuckle, even the first Thor had better written jokes.
The action was also worthless and mostly consisted of running away from bad man, wow, so exciting.

Wait for Doomsday Clock #9.

The Batman Who Laughs is unironically the best DC villain ever created. Prove me wrong.

You don’t even know what well-written comedy is because Disney has rotted your brain. The strip club bit alone was funnier than anything that’s ever been in the MCU. And best of all, it will still be funny when no one even knows who Squidward is.

Based Snyder

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And Heroes in Crisis #8

Dark Nights: Metal is awful

Fuck them for shoving in daniel

god dark knights metal was so bad

I enjoyed it

Admit defeat and go watch Avengers:Endgame™ on opening night on April 26, 2019.

>You don’t even know what well-written comedy is because Disney has rotted your brain.
I didn't say Marvel movies had well written award worthy comedy, but nice try.

>The strip club bit alone was funnier than anything that’s ever been in the MCU.
What's funny about a shot of an entrance to a vaguely identifiable strip club? Isn't this movie aimed at little kids? They won't even get what it is or what's inside.
If they actually showed them inside the strip club, that might actually be funny.

>And best of all, it will still be funny when no one even knows who Squidward is.
At least Tony Stark does something clever with a reference by using it as an insult. They lazily name drop Game of Thrones and Harry Potter in Shazam and call it jokes.

Shazam is already best CapeShit this year

>responding to each line separately
Do you know how I can tell you lost an argument ?

not an argument

>tfw Shazam was S tier capeshit and Aquaman was legitimately good
>Joker looks like it's going to be kino
I'm thinking DC's back

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>what if we took Superman, but he's like...evil
>what if we took Batman, but he's like...evil

How can people read this trash?

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>"what if we create a character that has all the strengths of both Batman and Joker and thus no weaknesses"
>implying that this is not cool as fuck

My thoughts exactly.

Let me guess. You think Disney cartoons are funnier than Warner Bros. cartoons, too, right? Choose your answer carefully.

What strength do they have, except plot armor that would make your average anime character hide his face in shame?


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>even the first Thor had better written jokes
>Disneycuck actually believes this

I could have believed you if you said Aquaman instead of Shazam, but the latter is beter written and more clever than 90% of Marvel humor. Marvel comedy is shit and feels forced.

after that wonder woman
the media will not dare the talk bad about women superheroine so in case of her movie SJW will be on DC site
and I personally would like that The batman would be good like lotr level of adaptation good

Take the L and walk way kid

>your symbols and cave paintings
Remember that scene where Billy stabs Sivana in the shoulder with the batarang? He seemed to charge it before using it, but what if he didn’t even need to, what if it *hadn’t* been a replica?

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>all these plebbitors calling Shazam god-tier
It was Ok to mediocre
I coulda waited till it was on dvd
Bland action
Kid was so fucking retarded with his power usage, and I dont give a fuck if plot called that he was clueless to capeshit in universe, he had super strength (even worse when he lifted that kid's truck 500 feet in the air), bulletproof, he fucking speedforces half a mile in one second, had jumped tall buildings a day before, but nah lemme stand and look at a teetering bus for 30 seconds
The sins spent way too much time posturing instead of attacking
Jarring tone shifts
Bland to decent action scenes
so many deus ex machinas
It's a 6/10, maybe a 5 after it digests for another month

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>the BDSM batman with three pet vampire shota robins

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It was fun to read. The comic was selfaware of it's edgyness and they didn't cared about being dumb.
The evil batflash builds a docen of evil batmobiles just to fuck up with flash and the green lanternbat sings some linkin park bullshit while fighting

>what are us DC Comics Fanboys supposed to do

Corporate loyalty does not = a personality.

Is that Bat-Specter there in the back? Game. Fucking. Over. Everybody else can just go home.

>20 movies where only 5 (being generous here) actually matter and even then also count as part of the mediocre majority
oh no what will they do?!?

typical big two crossover/event
blow their load at the beginning, drag everything until the end, delays don't help either and then end it on a whimper, also didn't help that it was Snyder's who can't satisfactory end a story aven at gunpoint

>they don't have dc universe

Sad that it's not doing so well
Swamp Thing getting cut to 10 eps
Batman v TMNT comes out next month


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Based Apu.

Stick to the comics and doom patrol. I've learned DC fanboys also actually read comics compared to marvel shills. Doomsday Clock has been pretty fucking based

Nothing, marvel has sellout to normies and their stories is pure trash. At least DC still got their shit together. Bad movies are a diamond meant to keep normies away

>Doomsday Clock has been pretty fucking based
>hype it up as Superman vs Manhattan
>3/4 of the way through and we've only gotten a preliminary tease of said fight
>Benis and pretty much every other big and minor DC writer ignoring the whole thing
Heroes In Edgy Crisis is getting more attention and ramifications than the stealth Watchmen sequel how in the fuck