I need more slow burn kino fellas

I need more slow burn kino fellas

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best movie of the year


If you just want more schlock like this I guess go for killer clowns from pouter space or attack of the killer tomatoes. Really anything from the asylum should work for you.

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I liked it

Watch this

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you have to go back

Kill List
Blue Ruin
The Thing

How 'bout you head back to /r/movies

shove that phone up your ass

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Nice job getting angry because I criticized some B-teir shit at best.

what is this shit about.

>epic reimaginig

gonna pass

The Neon Demon
Good, Bad and Ugly
Das Boot

Slow burners can be so different

What is a slow burner? A slow paced movie?


that movie sucked. what a fag you are

>Vince Vaughn in a griity or serious role
why do they do this, it's a joke.

The Ninth Gate
The Shape of Things

>Treasure of the Sierra Madre
>The African Queen
>Mountains of the Moon

There's a lot of variety with 'slow burners' user.
That said, the films I listed are somewhat similar


the apostle

Anything by
>Lav Diaz
>Wang Bing
>Zach Snyder
>Bella Tarr
>Christopher Nolan

you sound like the sort of person who enjoys disney films.

did you know it took 40 years to make

>40 years to make
What? That doesn't sound right.


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Sorry, Bêlla.

unwatchable garbage

harry brown
the veteran

This looks good, will watch brah

God tier kino

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Anything by Sergio Leone, esp. OUATI America