How many movies fail in the Bechdel test?
How many movies fail in the Bechdel test?
all the good ones
What would be the appeal of listening to women babbling about some trivial nonsense?
Not enough
and rambo meets godzilla sounds like kino
>not vs.
Who will they be fighting?
>The Mercenary
>The Barbarian
>The Vigilante
recommend me real versions of these fictional kinos
terminator and kong
personally I don't want to see women in movies at all
Total Recall
>seven samurai
>the punisher
TDKR all three of them
Autism was there all along. How could people not get the joke? How could that "test" become some serious thing for some people?
Autism, that's how.
Extreme autism if you consider how stories are told. Most movies are meant to be pure entertainment that follow a strict outline that prevents any extra fat such as two ladies talking that doesn't advance the plot forward.
There are heaps of feminist or female-centric movies out there, though. Just watch one of those.
Are those creatures and creturas supposed to be average american women
and why do i think one is black when the both have all white skin?
>The Mercenary (1968)
>The Barbarian (1933)
>The Vigilante (2010)
then they went home before eating a sheet cake and the fat one beat the shit out of the skinny one for looking at another fat dyke.
>and why do i think one is black when the both have all white skin?
I remember when I was a kid seeing some blue man group style performance; basically the guys had all their skin completely painted over. Yet I could tell one was black. Completely baffled my young mind, I had no idea how I knew he was black, I just did.
Anyway, it's the wide flat nose, big lips and pube hair.
lesbians are repulsive inside and out
wow i guess romcoms are the highest artform
Women think that they are interesting and that they have something to say of value at any given moment.
Basically none because the bechdel test is insanely simple to pass
>The movie has to have at least two women in it,
>who talk to each other,
>about something besides a man.
Because Feminsist are so intellectually and culturally bankrupt that they will take a literal joke from a fucking webcomic and integrate it into their dogma.
It's a clown-eat-clown world
Life fails the Bechdel test