What are some cool Cambrian Documentaries?

I want to watch some cool prehistory centered documentaries. Any recommendations?

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bump for ammonites

bump for deep creatures

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PBS Eons channel on youtube.


this one is pretty cool imo

Ammonites didn't exist in the Cambrian

I think there was an episode dedicated to them in this kino

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BBC should have try and made another one of these shows. Imagine what they can do with more advanced CGI and recent findings.

Instead they go and made that shitty talking dinosaur movie that flopped.


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Do you hear our prayers?

Bumping, I want comfy primal kino


When are we going to get a Dino-riders movie?

80s Bros put your hands in the air

parapuzos or some say parapuzosm

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Damn, I didn't think we had no footage from back then.

There were no cameras back then, sweetie


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is beach scifi a thing?
normally scifi stories I see take place in either jungles, volcano or desert planets
what about a scifi story where most of the world is just a huge collection of reefs and tropical beaches?

Anyone else only interested in invertebrates these days? So bored of prehistoric vertebrates, especially reptiles.

LITERALLY how do jews know which specie lived when? LITERALLY how the fuck they know how some random fucks from an ocean looked like 200 million years ago? bullshit. am i supposed to believe earth wasnt a barren wasteland 500 million yrs ago?? and which specie will rule in 1 million years?

yeah, but i can't find many good documentaries on them, especially modern invertebrates

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Jews have the answers, user, the wisdom of God is theirs alone. We gentiles have been merely scrounging for answers in their scraps.

If your era doesn't have placoderms it's shit tier.

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