/trek/ incel rage edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


She was a fine character. A shame she was so sexualized by the fans but I'm glad the writers didn't indulge it too much.

>A shame she was so sexualized by the fans
Kill yourself.

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>unironically using the word incel

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pls no buli

she has some big ol titties!

So like,
>Federation = White man
>Klingons = Black man
>Romulan = Yellow man
>Borge = Incel boys

Is that correct?

Fine, "virgin anger" then.

>unironically whining about “virgins” in any context

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Then remove the political conditioning from your brain. Attractive women are not "sexualized", they are inherently sexy. Humans are sexual creatures, not angelic beings free of reproductive urges.

i peed

Romulans = Jews
Vulcans = Asians


Stop this at once.

He's got a roit teh post, gov'nah


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So, why don't we like Discovery again?

My favorite episode of Star Wars is when Captain Kirk humped the Borge

get _____________out

~ L E__B O U R G E S ~

Mine too

i liked when comrade data put the bourgeoisie into guillotines

Just look at it.
A casual glance is all it takes.

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Discovery makes me feel insecure and threatened. How about you guys?

nah, just bored and incredulous

So was that the final EP and final season or do they have other plans?

What do I watch after tng?

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Another season, more shorts, animated series, picard series, section 31 series.
And it's all going to be capeshit.

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omg cringe. is the whole show like this

>Another season
But they just wrapped up the "discovery" story so wouldn't it have to be a fresh series?

DS9 of course.
A change of pace from the constant episodic content with a great stroy arc.
Albeit it takes a while to get good, power through till the Galaxy class ship blows up.

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>>Borge = Incel boys
>Is that correct?

Literally the SJW neo-marxist collective.

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Proper term is nonChad

Vulcans > Jews according to right wing zionists
Bajorans >Jews according to left wing zionists
Ferengi >Jews according to right wing antisemites
Cardasians > Jews according to left wing antisemites
Changeling > Jews according to /pol/tards

I know. Women, especially of color with gender nonspecific names, make me feel icky and weird.

Ferengi are too incompetent to be Jews. Vulcan are very subtle and capable manipulators, like real Jews.

That's feeling is probably osteoporosis and muscle atrophy forming from your onions diet.

There is no such thing as neo-Marxism. There is only liberals with multicolored hair and then Marxists. You also probably have no clue just what the fuck Marxism is.

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ds9 and maybe voyager

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>A shame she was so sexualized by the fans
what the fuck? pretty much all of the women on star trek and TNG were sexualized by roddenberry himself. dude wasn't a prude.

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I just prefer stong, white, cisgendered males in positions of authority in my media.

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We all know women hate feeling desirable, that's why they all wear burlap sacks and have mangy hair.

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The issue is that ugly women hate pretty women, and half of all women are ugly. Also, entertainment that is sexually gratifying to men diminishes the sexual bargaining power of IRL women.

Me too. They have proven vastly more capable than all other denominations of humanity.

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Would you let those butch dykes Tasha and Ishara fem dom you?

>sexualised by the fans
shes a sexualised character, made for that purpose.

Daily reminder that UPN was a mistake.

blocked in my country. thanks cbs.

>u probably havn't even read the complete works of Karl Marx, so you wouldn't understand ;-)
>ugh real communism hasn't been tried

that pic is disgusting never post it again
and just watch tng again

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>not normalized for population size

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Communism has been tried, it's just that it was artificially suppressed by existing capitalist superpowers every time.

They even had a secret-police who spied on, arrested, tortured & killed domestic citizens who were suspected of communist sentiment. Google "Mccarthyism".

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>I pledged my life to Section 31

Wow, a new invented narrative. This one is fresh off the presses as it has literally never been stated before today. Try harder.

where is Russia and China in your picture?

The soviet union was eaten from the inside by Jews seeking to destroy the capital-scattering ideology before it came for them, and China is the dominant superpower of today.


I think China could read "RAN OVER 11,000 TIMES BY OLIGARCHS' TANKS"

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Everyone thinks of Star Trek as Communist fantasy, but the OS was most definitely mainly a sexual fantasy.

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The captain of Nova squadron in TNG was such an amazingly good character. The fact that he stuck up for everyone even in the end made me quietly amazed at the quality of TNG's writing.

I've never heard anyone say the cardasians were based on jews before.


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The constant off-topic communist spam here is making me want Trump to nuke China.

Jean-Luc "The Crystal Entity has just as much of a right to exist as us! He's just a hungry boy, nevermind those millions of humans he's eaten" Cuckard

anyone else found it retarded that deanna fucked 10+ men and never answered to riker, yet whenever riker would so much as show interest in another woman, deanna would be up his ass?

also that time when riker was sexually harrassed by that scientist's wife, she made up a fake story that he tried to rape her, and deanna knew it was fake but never said so and instead said "t-that's her version of the truth"

Reminder that every socialist is an agent provocateur of Moscow


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It happens the other way around too. Whenever Deanna fucks some new guy of the week, Wil gets all jealous and harasses them.

Did Wil do that when she fucked the lawyer guy? Did Wil do that when she fucked biosphere guy?

Do they still celebrate Coachella in Star Trek?

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>Did Wil do that when she fucked the lawyer guy?
Yes. youtube.com/watch?v=wmAgeEhxGv4
>Did Wil do that when she fucked biosphere guy?
Not that I recall, I don't purposefully rewatch that episode.


That scene has the lawyer guy literally antagonizing and rubbing in Riker's face that he is fucking Deanna, and Riker STILL never says a word to her about it.

What am I looking at?

i always thought this was linda hamilton for the longest time and felt like a total tard when i realized it wasn't

>China is the dominant superpower of today.
you can't be the "dominant superpower" with just one 30 year old aircraft carrier

I knew it wasn't her but immediately saw the resemblance.

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terminator 2 is such a kickass movie
they should make a data series where he's like terminator

aircraft carriers are worthless for war today. all doctrines reflect that aircraft carriers will be immediately nuked

>tfw insurrection exists

You can see the entire nipple. I wonder if was like that on TV.

>Tfw Into Darkness exists

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Now that the dust has settled, can Jadziafags admit Berman did nothing wrong and all Farrell had to do was just sit in that damn make-up chair (for far less time than people like Dorn and Alaimo, desu)?

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Captain, I'll be back.

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/r/startrek are all fags, assholes and cunts
I love you guys

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>implying Gene would ever approve of a show were you don't have a single attractive female character in sexy clothing
STDfags still in denial

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Socialism in one country or permanent global revolution? Pick one.

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Why did they say they were using different intermix ratios several time through the franchise when both logic and an episode said that the only correct ratio was 1:1?

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>implying Gene wasn't a worthless hack

>[Wesley is trying to teach Data on socializing in a more human way while navigating the Enterprise]
Tasha: Keep it under Warp 6. We don't wanna get pulled over.
Data: Affirmative.
Wesley: No, no, no, no. You don't say "affirmative" or some shit like that. You say "no problemo." And if someone comes on to you with an attitude, you say "eat me". And if you want to shine them on, it's "hasta la vista, baby".
Data: Hasta la vista, baby.
Wesley: Or "later, dick wad." And if someone gets upset, you say "chill out"! Or you can do combinations.
Data: Chill out, dick wad.
Wesley: Great! See, you're getting it!
Data: No problemo.

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reddit makes me nauseous

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Are you asking us to raid them? Everyone here knows reddit is gay, that's why we're here.

The federation is not a charity, it's a meritocracy.

mfw been eating for two days and I don't recognize my own farts


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Good afternoon /trek/, it's time for your daily klingon lesson. Now in released beta!

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Yeah, big bad rest of the world suppressing violent authoritarian regimes who were killing millions of their people who had no political autonomy. Capitalist governments aren't saints, but they are compared to every communist leader which has ever existed.

>permanent global revolution
Empty meme statement.

Hey Ensign user, when are going to let see that Holodeck program you spend so much time in? I'm starting to worry about you *teehee*, that program must be really fun with all the time you spend in there! What's it about? Tell me!

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You're an absolute riot if you think people under capitalism have "political autonomy".

Go vote, you bum.

I'm a cold heartbreaker
Fit ta burn and I'll rip your heart in two
And I'll leeeeeeave you lyin' on the bed
I'll be out the door before you wake
It's nuthin' new to you
'Cause I think we've seen that movie too

'Cause yooooou could be miiiine
But you're waaaaaay out of liiiiine
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
I said yooooou could be miiiiine

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I'm the captain, you silly bitch.


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They make those? Post hanging curtains

>Changeling > Jews according to /pol/tards
audible kek

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how nu are you

When did you realise the Eternal Ferengi were behind all the conflict in the Galaxy?

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Imagine saving every living organism in the universe just because you can. That's such a stress.

Are bacteria's lives sacred? They do not want to die. They don't feel pain, but so what? That's only the human form of death avoidance.

Either are Ferengi but you can't deny similaries

I love /trek/!

like clockwork :)

I think /trek/ sucks!

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remember when /trek/ was this comfy?

Its horrible as a Star Trek how and as a scifi. Every episode is emotional posing and then explosions and death. No trek anywhere. And these new ones seems horrible.

I hope they remain in the future and never come back. I hope they cancel it. I dont wanna see anymore. Make it stop.

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What's the point of pic related?

I'm not at all new to Star Trek. What should I watch first?



TNG or TOS. If you want to ease yourself into the show, TNG is better. TOS can be unfamiliar for people who aren't used to older television, but it's a very interesting watch once you get into it.

It reflects my inner self when watching STD.

>If you want to ease yourself into

it kinda counts

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>by the fans

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The fans will fap to any cow. This was before internet porn.


1.2/10 Needs work.


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Coming from the same modern Onion that brought you this hilarious gem.


What's to rage about Seven of Nine? She's great. One of the better Voyager characters.

I think the OP is referring to the rage virgins feel at the actress having a personal life full of joy and excitement, which does not involve them and that she would be grossed out should they try to approach her.

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What killed /trek/?

BF left.

What? Seven of Nine, the Doctor and Tuvoc are the best characters on that show.

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I miss VF more.

I always imagine they're hanging out together when neither of them are posting

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You need to find other hobbies user.

/trek/ is my only hobby

Have cells, insex

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check out my hobbies

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if the holodeck counts, I have.

>shipping tripfags
based and cringepilled

Admit it, you want Bash back.

I piss and shit on tripfags

It's not the same without trippers to start a spirited debate.

as a reminder

They're both arrogant cows sucking each other's tits all day and distracting these threads from serious discussion about Star Trek. Fuck tripfag worshippers, they're the cancer killing what used to be a great general.

pls come back bf and vf pls

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>serious discussion about Star Trek.
the what now?

how about u get to work o deze nuts, bro-mo

>all three main ferengi in ds9 played by jewish actors
how did they get away with this?

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If I were jewish, WHICH I AM NOT, I'd be very offended.

>Let's see it, Reg.

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Was he supposed to be an insert of the TNG fanbase?

it shows you that people like us aren't forgotten out there in Yea Forums land

You know exactly what I'm talking about. Instead of weighing contradictions in canon or the practicalities of Trek's concepts in the real world, things deteriorate into worshipping tripfags like they're the prom king and queen. I come here for Star Trek not to read about anons eroticizing tripfags and running a friend simulator program.

thats a strong yes, sweety

Barclay is weak. Stories about weak people only enable people to be weak.


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My dick gets really big when /trek/ is bashing one of the tripfags and the other defends them.

See, we need tripusers. /trek/ thrives on them.

Go to another /trek/ on another board then. There are multiple to choose from.

I thought his conversation with Geordi, the "You can't know" conversation, was pretty good. Someone on that writing team was speaking from the heart.

federation: 56%
klingons: muslims
romulans: russia
borg: reddit
vulcans: japanese autists
ferengi: jews
terrans: Yea Forums

Imagine if someone said that to you.

Just a reminder, Harry was such a wimp he actually turned her down.

Jews started the Soviet Union

It can be hard, dealing with women.

If I was fed up with Yea Forums /trek/, then I would go to another board's /trek/.

I'm rebranding /trek/ as a more inclusive, more tolerant general in order to recruit new posters.

>tfw you'll never live in a world where money has been abolished and you get the chance to traverse the milky way

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I'm writing a tripfag fapfic where BF and VF cuddle while watching Our Man Bashir and shitposting on /trek/

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This is what we have come to?

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>can't tell if boys or girls or mix

What's wrong with the old posters?

I love how calmly Sisko always used his phaser. Cold. Calculating. Merciless. He was like an executioner.

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this webm is confusing my cock

Wasn't there an episode where there was an alternate voyager timeline?

to abolish money is the same as abolishing scientific research and development.
the future will absolutely be a lot like start trek, except instead of the uss enterprise, there will be the spacex css big falcon starship captained by chad thundercock. also the aliens will work for us for low wages.
and also you won't get any neetbucks in case you were thinking about that

>to abolish money is the same as abolishing scientific research and development.
No it isn't, lol. And capitalism will be gone within a century. It already almost happened.

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what exactly happened in the 80s?

thats one of the reasons he's best captain

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yes it is lol. the only reason you're posting here is because of capitalism, brainlet. the free flow of data enables fast development on an unprecedented scale that would be impossible in a system where a committee of old men decides what everyone else must do. that's why the soviet union died and the united states still fucks the rest of the world in the ass and will continue to do so for all of eternity. (not american btw)

Deregulation of the finance sector

thanks obama

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damn, he in

Neocon fucking shits finally succeeded in completely dismantling the government and economy

China stopped being commies producing a huge labor influx in the world trade system.
>Under the responsibility system for agriculture instituted in 1981, the household replaced the production team as the basic production unit. Families contracted with the economic collective to farm a plot of land, delivered a set amount of grain or other produce and the agricultural tax to the state, and paid a fee to the collective. After meeting these obligations, the household was free to retain its surplus produce or sell it on free markets. Restrictions on private plots and household sideline production were lifted, and much of the produce from these was also sold on free markets.

Imagine fucking a Hawaiian dude right before your wedding
Dumb slut

Don't be so clingon, you betazed

Ronnie Reagan deregulated the economy and torpedoed the unions. He rebuilt the Republican Party into a bunch of yuppies and rich fucks after Nixon destroyed its public image.

Pic related - the last great president of the United States.

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Ah yes, I too love that guy who contributed to the great depression of 1929

Would it have counted if she banged a Hawaiian dude on the holodeck?

Kennedy was the last president who defied the elites, and one was or another, he was shot in the head in front of the whole world.

>ywn put a gag in VF's mouth, handcuff him to the bedpost while you tie his body in elaborate shibaru knots, then make him call you master when he begs you to give him another lash with a bullwhip
why even live

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bondage is the lamest shit

>being vanilla

VF is the worst of the two tripfags. He's fucking retarded and the quality of /trek/ nosedived after he started posting here. Write a fapfic about the discord tranny killing himself if you want to make real art.

>Hoover wrecks economy
>Coolidge gets blamed

Don't hate on my boy Cal

sisko is the same basic character as blade the vampire hunter

wanting to fuck the worst tripfag is the lamest shit

Fuck that's creepy

The crash happened in October 1929. It's literally impossible that Hoover did that much damage in two months after he took office. Additionally, Coolidge himself admitted that he could have done a lot more to prevent the crash but tried to kick the issues to the next guy.

What killed /trek/?

>What killed /trek/?
What killed /trek/?

Probably star trek being a garbage franchise these days.

All the good stuff was made from 1982 through 200X

Not enough pictures of BF lately.

The Kirk movies were shite mate

If you zap your dick or tits off with a phaser can they give you bigger better ones when they heal you?

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I'm pretty content as is.

Remember when phasers actually killed people?

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Do people actually believe this shit?

You type like a B cup.

What if they do faggot? How would you prove them wrong? Feel free to actually contribute.

It's difficult for me to even read that stuff. I see the words socialism, communism, and Marx and it puts me to sleep. I can't understand how people can work themselves into getting angry everyday over something they have no real desire to change.

>Russian/Chinese backed coup towards communism plunges a country into a totalitarian regime
>American/European backed coup towards capitalist reverses the communist influences and establishes a democratic government
Communists aren't people.

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There were several

Yes. It's the only way to justify believing in collectivist ideals and also disregard the fact that Communism ALWAYS leads to incredible suffering and death on a massive scale.

/trek/ is full of feminists, communists, and autists, all of which are socially toxic. It's a wonder /trek/ lasted this long.

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Going from ds9 to voyager the juxtaposition between sisko and janeway is weird. Both characters are more or less insane, but Sisko was written that way intentionally, but Janeway is written that way by accident. And the effect is very noticable.

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Which ds9 episode is up top and bottom?

>power through till the Galaxy class ship blows up.
The first episode?

The fuck is Discovery doing on there?

Bottom: Finale

>chartfag spamming his gay shit
unironically what killed /trek/

It won't die.


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I warned everybody that spam is bad, but nobody was willing to listen. And now it's too late to save /trek/.

>socially toxic
I always thought it was those kind of people that used faggy phrases like this

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As long as the seal's not broken it should be fine.

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Hi BF. You're better than VF.

Have sex /trek/, get a job, go outside, just do something with your life.

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I have sex with my hand

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>I kept spamming the same shit over and over

Okay, enjoy your charts, chartfag.

Right meow I'm standing in the sand smoking a cigarette and waiting for the sun to get low, letting the chilly spring wind from the ocean push me around. I just finished some Reese's ice cream which was delicious, and I can hear a band playing outside a bar further up the beach so I might go get a drink and see what that's about.
Later tonight I'm going to get back into rewatching TNG!

Samefagging this hard
MS paint
Inspect Element

I will but that wasn't me you were responding to

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Chartfag is ok

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Don't be a faggot, we all know it was you.

>smoking a cigarette

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Make a bridge crew from five of these girls.

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Can you genuinely discern any of them from each other?

I can, but unlike you I am samurai.

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Bash will you please seize my means of production? My proletariat is getting so big thinking about you.

Have Zechs already incel.

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I'm on season 6 of DS9 right now, why does it feel like the Worf/Dax romance went from 0-Wedding so fast?

This, fuck VF

They're the same person. That, or VF is Kevin.

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Wtf happened between S1 and S2 of TNG that the ship suddenly has a bar, and everyone is always in that bar talking to some randomly added whoopi goldberg doing fuck all

My working class rises so high for you!

it's a tv romance also terry pulled a Diane from cheers she went and tried to do another show that bombed similar to Diane trying to have a movie career and bombing

How do you feel about mccoy? I feel like he doesn't have a character outside of being a doctor and a counterpart to kirk and spock, but he's still my favorite tos character. Maybe I just like deforest kelley

He's racist

All wypipo are racist so whatever

I thought it had a ton of bars. It's basically a city. That was all set up pre-S1 too just not shown.

I want to wobble her boobies

They will be back...

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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after every poster here has had sex.

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nice try domcel

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You'd be racist too if Klingons were always trying to steal your shit and rape your women.

>STD s3 rolls around
>time travel "back" in time to TNG era
>claim the miniskirt ginger is tilly

star trek

My dad's favorite captain is Kirk and my mom's is Lorca. Are they retarded?

Yes, I'm an adult. Yes, they've seen every series and movie.

Sounds like a healthy relationship.

What if STD did a Trials and Tribble-ations styled episode where they are inserted into a TNG episode? Imagine the rage

Only if they make Picard call Burnham captain

I agree, The Ferengis were true professionals too.

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>I steel myself, and ask the Dalai Lama about "Star Trek." Has His Holiness ever watched the show?

>Indeed he has, he admits, but years ago, and not often. He recalls with great amusement the "man with the big ears": Spock.

>But when I suggest that the show portrays a view of Shambala -- a utopian realm that Buddhist texts predict will emerge about three centuries in the future -- the Dalai Lama slyly mimes a phaser. "Even then, many weapons ... So not much difference than now, I think!"


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Even Star Trek is more realistic than Buddhism

The thing I like the most about Sisko, is how fully human he is

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they are both illusions offering us signs which guiding us on our paths to liberation

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Man, Duet is such a good episode

pretty good logic tho the race you save will never always come back wanting help instead of fixing their shit themselves also fuck vulcans they drilled that shit

Too early, troll.

you forgot jem hadar = nigers

Why couldn't Burnham had died instead?

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No, they're for me to wobble alone

that scene in TNG where Lwaxana is having a light hearted fun scene with Alexander and suddenly lapses into a grim monolog about how horrible it is to grow old and lost your looks really caught me off guard

Lwaxana was the best.

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>its a keiko is controlled by a pah wraith and miles doesnt notice episode

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he looks like he's about to say it

Asians are known to have a higher susceptibility to "Crew member becomes compromised by alien life form" episodes.

Describe to me the plot.

It's easier to take over the body of someone that inherently has no soul.

I'd take over an asian girl's body too. Unf.

It's called possession.

How did miles the goblinoid manage to land her?

Same way everyone got asian wives, war trophy.

China is a living dead economy

>China is the dominant superpower of today.

pls do your best to be nice on /trek/

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kys retard

hop on dis D, brah

hey, caN I Talk about discovery here?


you can talk about STD

ur mean

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Shut up nerd

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Come on, be nice. We're trying to get new posters.

7 of 9 is the worst thing to happen to Star Trek
Worse than even Abrams
The character was introduced into a failing show to inject some T&A and attract viewers
She wore ridiculous revealing clothes
Everything revolved around her like the worst Mary Sue
They followed this up with Jolene Blaylock performing the same task in Enterprise
This opened the door to the crass commercialisation of the 2010s, the demeaning of Star Treks message, the boardroam wokeness of the newest series

You sound like you have masturbated to her. Have you? I'll know if you're lying.

>the fans sexualised a character dressed in skin tight catsuits
And I don't punch people they just run into my fists

Right, I feel like I just have to say this.
Saying stuff like "kys faggot" is hurtful and scares new posters away. We want to keep this general alive and we can't do that if we abuse posters like this.

I'm a new poster and I'm in no way discouraged by this. kys faggot

kys faggot

Many find it hurtful.

Many can suck my gigantic cock

mak kke new thred

much too soon, newfriend. Yea Forums grinds to a halt after USA hours. at least until the cunts wake up.

Why can't Europe help?

Berman is a fag who tried to squeeze the entire Dominion plotline into a 4 episode season 2 closer. A man of literally no taste or good sense.

they probably will, when its anywhere near time for a new thread.

And how's your hit TV show coming along, there user?

He doesn't understand trek for shit but he's a master of the fanservice. He's probly got a black belt in casting couch.

Clever, if a little petty.

Doctor Strange?

The Batman animated series.

Better than Enterprise

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It wasn't that clever.

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I heard you were named after a genocidal tyrant. Is that true, Dr. Soong?

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long line of genocidal tyrants


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start a new thread chomos


>Discovery season 3 will be met with mediocre responses since what "saved" season 2 for the people who didn't like season 1 was Pike.
>Picard will be met with mixed responses - the people who have a cum sock that they named Stewart will love it while a lot of die hard fans will consider it a 'worse insult than Discovery.'
>Lower Decks and the children's show will go under the radar so much that the most you'll see on Reddit or Yea Forums is "Why isn't anyone talking about them?"
>Section 31 will become the most hated Star Trek of all time just because Robbinburry's veeshun. Discovery will join the ranks of 'true Star Trek' once season 1 of Section 31 is over.

New bread

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>A shame she was so sexualized by the fans 2/10 bait m8