605 days until Avatar 2

>605 days until Avatar 2

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Based and robust


where the fuck is abatap?

Avatar now belongs to Disney.
We lost bros.

ABSOLUTELY hefty AND founded

James Cameron is wasting the rest of his life making these


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Big milestone day.

>Avatar 2
Avatar 2, Strong Wamyn Edition


blue Zoe best Zoe!

Attached: No fear.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

>December 18, 2020 (United States)
That's not 605 days away, pal.

Uh m8

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Well, I've been had

Unbelievably based. Also, looking forward to the next issue of Tsu’tey’s Path. It’s doing a lot to support my hypothesis on where the story’s going.

TOO LATE! Jimbo’s already finished them!

ghost waifus?
Tsu'tey finally stops being an incel and bangs Saelya who will give birth to his children, thus continuing his legacy despite him being dead?

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Someone still cares about this crap?cit has been 10 years

>Strong Wamyn
Jimbo is the undisputed kind no of strong female characters. Good ones.

That it’s more than memory that lives on for them. It’s actual consciousness. That makes it the “Tree of Life,” essentially.

avatar was already filled with strong women

Capeshit is dead. Bury it.

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Based user

Formerly 606 days
Formerly alive

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Killed in Ukraine in 2015 I'm afraid. Was recruited by local forces and refused to wear Ukranian fatigues and opted for his own pair of tiger stripe BDUs to look more like a Na'vi. Tragically mowed down by a 23mm when he was spotted 2,000m away by Russian-friendly forces.

He died doing what he loved. I read he was especially handy with a PKM during his short-lived career.

Attached: hes with Eywa now.jpg (480x640, 65K)

absolutely based and effort pilled

RIP you autistic bastard ;_;7

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Neytiri... with a FAL?

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based and robust

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in .50 cal ?

.50 BMG


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>avatar has no lasting cultural impact
heh...gg capefags

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Avatar is Milhouse of blockbusters

>jannies have given up

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considering generals with nothing but waifuposting are allowed banning a daily thread about the highest grossing movie ever and its sequels is absurd

watcha got for me?

what does Neytiri's hair smell like bros?

I can't fucking wait bros. Cameron is going to raise the bar for films and culture again. He will lift us from the darkness of gormless capeshit and craft and science fiction narrative for the ages.

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meni meni day til abatar 2....
jani is c-comin

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Honeysuckle, spring rain, and catnip.

I believe.

fuck,I hear someone coming! get out of here based muni poster!

b-bye frens

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A robust and wholesome thread

my guess is these upcoming avatars will be cringe infested with all those kids that they casted.

Have sex

unbased and blue pilled post

Fucking based :,)

And Disney will get all the profit

...with a na'vi

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They’re only distributing them. Jimbo financed them himself.

I'm not very happy with the artwork in the comic, that's supposed to be Neytiri's sister but she doesn't look very similar.
Same thing with Saelya who is actually in the film but looks completely different

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I’m reading it mainly for story hints.