What was this expression intended to convey?
What was this expression intended to convey?
>she spent the whole movie wearing a nightshirt with nothing on underneath
do you think he helped her practice her role in a private session haha?
Major sexual awakening with this movie
>ywn be tied up by Jason Isaacs
Maybe I need to rewatch this movie lads
Why was the whole thing between her and Captain Hook so sexual and rapey in this version.
Weird for a kids movie.
Looks like I definitely have to rewatch it.
gonna need illustratory screenshots
Is this the version with the smug Peter Pan you just want to punch in the face?
Yeah I think this movie is a little weird
The original twink boy.
Nothing weird about it, VERY deliberate in ALL "kids" movies (((they))) make.
It´s called programming.
>“Take a look at this.”
What did Peter mean by this?
Choke me daddy.
The edge of orgasmic bliss.
That she was the best Wendy Darling.
I'm gonna see this movie.