>finish winds of winter and probably even ADOS but keep telling everyone that you're not even halfway done
>force D&D to go beyond the books and turn GOT into fanfic tier dogshit
>wait till the series end and then immediately release both books shortly after
>his books now get a gorillion times more praise because it wasn't written by someone who at least has some writing skills
>his books overshadow the show in the long run

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Other urls found in this thread:

literally the opposite will happen if the books are even released at all

This, I'm afraid. He will make a ton though, because he will come up with a different ending.

Is there any equivalent in history? I know James Bond, the movies, influenced the books (Connery impressed Fleming so much that he gave Bond Scottish ancestry, while originally being upset that Bond wasn't played by an English man).

If he just finishes the 7th book I'll be really glad...And surprised

>wait until end of show
>just finish it the way they did so you don't have to come up with an ending

i doubt it was his plan.

at the end of last book it seemed he had written himself into a corner. the whole horn meme that can control dragons. the horn that makes the wall drop.
dude horns lmao.the whole lady stoneheart arch.

it seemed he would have problems tie all this together.
the tv show tidied it all konmari style up and made it digestible for normies.

the books will come but i heavily suspect they will be quite controverse because so different.

also dont forget the usual normie doesnt read 500 page boogs nowadays

I wish this is true but like I think he's stuck. His standards for storytelling are much higher than Hack&Hack. While they can conveniently ignore anything they grow tired of, GRRM instead aims to tie it all together into one narrative. The books are so complex by the end of ADWD it's no wonder that the smallest rewrite will lead to massive changes down the line.

I also imagine he's rewriting the books because he doesn't want book readers spoilt. I think some major character deaths are being shifted around to throw people off.

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>write yourself into a corner
>wait for hack hollywood writers to find a way out
>just follow their ending in the books except with excruciating food descriptions
>claim this was the planned ending all along

The problem isn't one corner. It's a dozen corners since the story gets so intricate by ADWD's end.

Imagine if he releasese both books the same day of the last episode

This, it would take another three books to tie it all together, but he is trying to do it in two. ADWD is honestly a good book but complete shit in that it scatters the plot into 10 significant and different directions when it would already by hard to tie it together.

No, he wants to maximize sales on all sides of his market. He knew people would wait for the last season amd buy up his books until it came out. Now that the final season is upon us, he will release if while everyone is still thinking about it and probably make a larger announcement about offshoots of the show to keep the buzz going.
Unless he dies of fat.

>also dont forget the usual normie doesnt read 500 page boogs nowadays
They don't need to read it to buy it

End of Dance and Dany is still nowhere close to getting to Westeros.

if you think his books are not already done, you are an idiot. we will get a surprise announcement of their release date as soon as the last episode airs

Will my boy (r)Aegon, put Mace Tyrell's head on a stick?

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which aegon targeryn is superior? jon snoo or lil griff?

Darkstar > lil griff >>>>>>>>>>> gogshit>>>>>>>>>>>Joh snoo

I hope the book and tv show are widely different. The white walkers in the show are so underwhelming, and this all star cast of characters in winterfell is laughable.

If the show is any indication of whats to come, I hope the only thing that stays the same is that, Daenarys, Cersei and Stanis bite the dust and John is Aegon and becomes king at the end. That's it, a final apocalyptic battle against the white walkers is unnecessary and takes you out of the setting.

wasnt darkstar in the books for all of half a page, and then all he did was fail at an attempt to kill a little girl, then run away like a little girl?

As much as I can appreciate that the show and the books are two different takes of the same story which notable differences, the fact that this character, his plot and everybody to do with him were totally and completely cut from the show I think confirms that this storyline is going to amount to nothing.

He'll likely get rekt by Euron or King's Landing at some point in Winds with no consequences resulting from doing so

Completely lost interest in the books since all those subplots I'm interested in will amount to nothing, seeing the tv show.

>John is Aegon
Why the hell would Rhaegar name Jon** Aegon when his other son (the one the mountain kills) is also called Aegon?

Fucking showfags baka

He rekt a Kingsguard and rules half of fucking Dorne

Katsuhiro Otomo started making Akira as a manga, then made a movie, then kept making the manga and they ended up quite different.
Hayao Miyazaki started Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind as a manga, made a movie, then kept the manga going and it ended up different from the movie as well.
That's kinda similar, only it's the same person in creative control in both formats.

was that in dance of dragons? i barely recall that book except for tyrion and some dwarf girl

No, Areo hotah wrecked the Kingsguard knight, whilst Darkstar mutilates Myrcella in the confusion before fleeing to his shitty keep.

Now another Kingsguard is pursuing him

In case of Otomo, the movie was pretty much the prototype for what was to come.
The finale hits all the same notes, and shares multiple set pieces.
The only difference being that multiple plotlines and characters go nowhere in the movie, probably because he still wasn't sure how to deal with them when he was helping with the adaptation(Manga wise, he was doing Vol.3 content at the time IIRC)

Everything will go horribly wrong and book Bran will get psychic warnings from his TV counterpart and the books will create the true ending

Why is young Griff then named Aegon?

Because Aegon was a proud name passed down the Targaryen line for generations!

You really think GRRM is going to finish another GoT book? Delusional.

he cant keep pushing out that wild cards shit, can he? those are so bad

No, he already wrote Game of Thrones. His next book will be Winds of Winter.

Feast, he's being "hunted down" on Dance.

Because Young Griff is supposedly Aegon you retard?

Someone post the quote of GRRM's where he shits on cliché evil vs good endings which is exactly what the show is now

Books will not come out because he can't figure out a good realistic tax policy for King Theon

he didnt kill any kingsguard, nor does he rule any of dorn in feast of crows, aero wrecked arys oakheart, all darkstar did was cut off myrcellas ear, then fuck off to his crumbling castle.

Pretty based to be honest, the shows went to absolute shit after they caught up with the books and it fucking showed.

i think user meant is, why would rheagar name both his sons aegon

How the fuck is he supposed to tie it all together? There's about a dozen different schemers and memers with various different highly complex plans all hyped up but it's obvious they can't all deliver. Varys/aegon, LF, euron, the dornish plot, etc. all appear to clash with each other and it's inevitable that all but one of them will disappoint.


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its just impossible to write because he keeps expanding everything rather than bring it to a conclusion. more new characters, more new foreshadowing that he needs to work in, more new plotlines

Young Griff is not a separate Aegon you retard. The conspiracy is him being Rhaegar's son that was claimed to be killed by The Mountain but somehow survived it. Rhaegar never named two sons Aegon.

fake targ will go nowhere
dragon horn plotline will go nowhere

it's dornish prince all over again

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Varys/Aegon and Dornish plot can fuse together and LF can keep on scheming no matter who wins as long as he doesn't get directly involved and gets himself killed.

Can we get a First Law series after GoT ends?

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Supposedly he is the Targaryan baby of Rhaegar. If we r to believe that the Mountain lied anf never killed the baby what happened to the other kid? He might be Blackfyre, along with Varys who shaves his head like Egg did to hide his hair. Also , literally the last thing we hear of the books is Varys killing Kevan Lannister and him changing his voice and all that.

young griff is the son the mountain supposedly killed but didnt, named aegon

jon snow is his son by lyana stark, also named aegon, is this not true?

>has a heart attack

3 FACTS we know for sure
>Fatso will die of fat
>Saga will be never completed
>Bookfags will be eternally BTFO

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id kill to have inquisitor glokta on screen. literally the best fictional character after mat cauthon

that's the point, he wouldnt name Jon his other sons name when both were alive at that point, its retarded.

Jon being named Aegon is show bs

>Rhaegar had 2 sons named Aegon
Yeah, no. This is just proof the ending in the books is different and Young Griff is Aegon.

Problem with the LF plan is it doesn't seem to be headed to any conclusion. Varys/aegon and dornish memes all lead to the same point: dornish law throughout the 7 kingdoms and another martel/targ (fake or not) marriage.

But wtf is littlebenis doing? There doesn't seem to be an end goal other than fug sansa. It just looks like it'll end in the same disappointment as the show did.

Also where does euron fit in? He was introduced too late to be a major player but he's gonna be summoning krakens, has OP magic artefacts and has been heavily hyped up, but again it doesn't look like it can go anywhere.

This, it's the show shitty attempt at combining 2 characters. Like Gendry and Edrick.

I think it's far more likely that it was HBO's plan. Do you honestly think they'd get as many viewers for their show if the last two books were released? Sure normies would still watch but bookfags would drop the show and never look back. HBO would essentially be competing with the creator of the series if they didn't have a no-publishing clause until the series wraps up. HBO isn't that stupid.

On top of that we know that the ending Martin pens is going to be over the top ridiculous, the budget can only handle so much, it can't even handle three dragons and a dire wolf. They knew that if they kept the last two books in the dark then they could make whatever ending they wanted with the budget they have.

The series has been fine and the ending will be as well. It will most certainly deviate from the books but we won't know for sure until the end of this year into next.

Calling it now, WoW gets dropped this year or next, ADOS dropped the a couple years after.

He finished WoW and decided since he can't publish anything pertaining to the show until after its ended he decided to keep himself busy with prehistory. Filled enough to make the book and published it to give his fans something.

The dude isn't dumb, and you can tell he really does love his fans, there is no doubt this is the truth.

> bookfags literally on suicidewatch at this point

just let go and read something actually worth reading

Its a shame that the show relegated Varys to being a comic relief sidekick instead of the mysterious omnipotent spymaster he is in the books

As a Malazan fag I can't allow you to make such claims unchallenged.

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WoW drops on a sudden-release as the series ends
retards will knee-jerk buy it while the hype is real

If there was a clause that he can't release books whilst the show is being released, then why did he release ADWD after Season 1 came out? Surely that would be a nono.

Hence, there is no contract. Fatman just hasn't finished anything

This. LF btfos him multiple times early on in the books and the show but book varys makes a comeback. Show varys has had almost no development of his own and is just there to prop up other characters' arcs.

What even is Varys' endgame in the show? In the books he was playing everyone to make Westeros ripe for the picking when Lil' Griff comes to claim it but what's he doing in the show?


Cope harder, bookfag

In the show he was doing the exact same except for Dany rather than Griff. The whole 'trying to get Dany murdered' plot was brushed up as being his way of trying to seem convincing to Robert etc, and gets confronted about it by Dany in Season 7.

>You don't understand, I only tried to have you killed to help you!

Exactly why people are shitting on the show.

Jon's most likely name in the books will be Aemon. Both Jon and Rhaegar knew old Aemon and also Jon refers to himself as "Aemon the dragonknight" in one of his flashbacks sparring with Robb.

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>What even is Varys' endgame in the show?
To make dwarf and eunoch jokes with Tyrion. The greatest spymaster is Westeros history now can't even tell you that Cersei employed the gold company of that the Night King is less than a day away from him.

Totally plausible that ADWD was pretty much done when he signed. Publishing isn't a lightning fast process.

>Lets name our son after your other son from your first wife

I wonder what is going to come from the Dunk and Egg tail. There are a lot of hints that the story has a pretty important influence on the main series. The fire at Summerhall seems like it is pretty important.

The books, if ever released, will be released YEARS after the show ends when normies will have forgotten about it. No matter how different the ending is most people won't give a fuck or remember. The show ending will be the official ending for most people.

I dread it, I don't think its possible to really capture without all the repeating internal monologues in those books

>The fire at Summerhall seems like it is pretty important.
I'm pissed that we have to wait for the second part of Fire&Blood because martin doesn't want to spoil Dunk and Egg's ending.

Rhaegar was born during the fire at Summerhall and is Ahor Azai. Its a fundamental part of the prophecy that Ahor Azai will ressurect from the dead, which will happen when King's Landing is razed by the Night King.

I think that is correct, but I think that GRRM and the producers agreed over this. Basically: Okay, we get to finish our show without you releasing a new book and you can do whatever after the show is finished. GRRM has obviously absolutely no interest in releasing either the tv show plot in his books while the show is running or releasing a conflicting story while the show is running. Waiting for the show to finish is the only reasonable thing to do.

I don't think HBO or GRRM realized the weight of the show when they were filming season 1. Plus, it was very clear to the producers, that they can't possibly catch up with ADWD that quickly.

Wasn't the song in yesterday's episode about Jenny of Oldstones?

Is Fire and Blood any good, or is it another lorebook like History of Westeros

gonna be honest with you champ, i read i think 3 of those, and i could not get into them. whiskey jack seemed ok, but he was hardly in them, then tattersails spirit fucked some giant wizard and some dead chic and made a new thing, then 2 of the soldiers went to some desert country and got involved in shit over there, then some new general basically retreated an entire book while trying to protect some dumb civies.
too much in too many different places. also, what was up with that big super human wizard jhagg thing that was free'd, came to the city, but then there was some tree that just happened to be there and eat him up and imprison him?

on a side note, i read these while my kid was newborn, so i may have been sleep deprived and gotten things mixed up

Wish it was so, but likely he's just going to pull a Robert Jordan and someone else will end up finishing it.

>End of final book
>The Others have wiped out all life on Westeros
>All hope is gone
>Epilogue Chapter
>It's titled 'AZOR AHAI'
>tfw its a PoV chapter of Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident

>and i could not get into them
I hear that a lot. Malazan is my favorite series of all time but it's pretty demanding to try and get into. Don't force yourself. If the snorefest that is Wheel of Time suits you better, then it suits you better.
>but then there was some tree that just happened to be there and eat him up and imprison him?
The Azath work in mysterious ways and eating things up is one of them.

yes. and i remember people hyping him up and then i finished reading it and thinking thats it?

>finish winds of winter and probably even ADOS

If you want good fantasy with artistic merit, read the Shadow of the torturer. And the 3 books that follow.
Almost everything else is normie schlock or grim derp.

these books are absolute garbage, id recommend sword of truth over this, and sword of truth is a steaming pile of pig shit

Dude! Gene Wolf died, you can't be mean to him.

T. Brainlet

But it gave us Kahlan’s tits in Legend of the Seeker

Lyanna was the one who named Jon Aegon, not Rhaegar

next book is not coming

t.fanboy waiting over 8 years

the meereneese knot is the single plot line keeping any further book from being released.

>you now remember lady stark is alive and a zombie in the books

>He will make a ton of worms fatter as he's buried before finishing the last 2 books

And people think the books are better lol

The fat fuck hasn't written even a word of Winds of Winter yet. I don't understand how redditors deluded themselves into thinking that he's some le ebin mastermind just waiting for his time. Your idol doesn't give a fuck about the series anymore and he's going to spend his last few years banging negresses and inhaling ranch and then he's going to burn all his notes before croaking.

>a word
Not true, I read a Theon chapter some years ago.

He has nothing to win by releasing it now. If it turns out to be worse than the show people will call him a hack, if it's better people will shit on HBO and won't buy the blu-rays and the inevitable complete collection.
Better wait a few years after the series finale to let the fans hungry for more GoT

All cut content from ADWD. You'd have to be a total fucking retard not to see what the fatfuck is doing. He 100% plans to do a Jordan and die before finishing because he can't figure out how to untangle the mess he's wrote himself in and by destroying the notes he's going to make sure the myth of a competent author who tragically died before he could finish his life's work is how he'll be remembered. He has already started posting the "hehe you know there are plenty of authors who died before finishing their work just saying hehehe" -shit to prepare for it.

I couldn't remember who 75% of the characters in the books are when I read dance with dragons. He's not talented enough for me to read his stuff twice as a refresher.

Guess I won't be reading the ending.

Oh I know Martin isn't even trying to write anything at this point, just saying that Winds of Winter content DOES exist.
Books' never gonna be released though.

>just saying that Winds of Winter content DOES exist.

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Crap. I enjoyed his work.

he is not going to finish the books, why would he?
He's probably swimming in money and the only valuable thing left for him is time.

What do you mean? Jon Snow is a zombie in the show.

Wouldn't work because normies wouldn't get that it's basically a send up of 99% of the fantasy genre. Not to mention the REAL baddies win.

The books are shit
The show is kino

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That chapter I just mentioned is Winds of Winter content.

The literal fucking sneak peeks he gave you mongoloid?

It gets kinda repetitive and boring after a while. Only interesting if you're a hardcore fan.

I understood it as Rhaegar saying "that first kid isn't the prince who was promised, but THIS one is!"

dotrice died though

I listened to the audiobooks over the course of my night runs.

Starks and Skyrim Draugr are shit. The show should have been about the Mad King's rule and Robert's rebellion.

There's no need to call him the same name

The Targs believe AA is a reincarnated Aegon The Conqueror.

No. Its stated in the books that Mace the Ace is hanging around kings landing with his main army waiting for the results of Margerys trial. The force heading towards Griff at storms end is just a vanguard.
I believe that Margery will be found guilty and Mace will switch sides and join Griff to rescue his daughter

If they ever get finished the books will automatically overshadow the show.
The show went off the rails when they had to cut plot lines, characters.

normies dont read books

All we know about what happened is what Arianne and the sand snakes say happened. It's entirely possible Dark Star is being framed to create tension between House Dayne who are the Martels biggest rival and the crown/lannisters

Not gonna happen. Too kino.

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Easy just kill a few off. The last we leave brienne she's gonna bring Jaime back to Stoneheart. Stoneheart will either kill him or I dont know force him to work for her

John Le Carre did the same thing by making Smiley more like Alec Guinness.

So I haven't read the books in years, what are all the plotlines that need resolving at the moment?

>Dany squatting in front of the khalasar
>Barristan waiting for her
>Jorah and Tyrion at the Meereen siege
>Quentyn dead
>Arya at the House
>Jon to be resurrected
>Stannis and the Karstark traitors
>Theon's trial
>The Boltons and the Manderly plot
>Jaime, Brienne and Lady Stoneheart
>Brynden Tully gone
>Trial of the Faith
>Kevan murdered by Varys
>Landing of Young Griff in Westeros
>Myrcella en route to King's Landing with the Sand Snakes involved in the Dorne plot
>Sam at the Maesters

What else does he have to end in 2 books?

Jon stays dead in the books. Most of what happens with Jon in the show is split between Lady Stoneheart and Young Griff.

euron craziness, victarion dragonhorn

the biggest joke is that now the show has to somehow explain this religious shit and the reason jon is alive.... without turning it into a corny "the heroes must win" fanfic

>Bran and Brynden Rivers
>Rickon and the cannibals
>The Others
>"i dont think Dan and Dave's ending will be that different from my ending" GRRM

doesnt stoneheart just drop dead when jon's ressurected, just as beric did before?

How and when is she gonna make the trip to the wall?

He has to say that while he is under contract with HBO. He will walk it back once he is allowed to promote the books again

You forgot
>Darkstar being wanted by the Kingsguard.
>Edric Storm being spirited away to Essos, (which may not be important.)
>Davos finding Rickon.
>Jaime being lured by Brienne

i bet she kills the freys like arya did in the show

That I could see, but it's still a long wat from the Neck to the Wall

Victarion, Sansa and Aeron for POVs.

There's also minor plot points like the hunt for Darkstar, Dagmer Cleftjaw, Illyrio's plan etc.

Looking forward to Davos in Skagos

Don't forget about Littlefinger's deal with the Royces he made during AFFC. I think he's going to try and engineer Aegon into fighting them hoping they all die during the assault.

Sweet summer child.

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never ever

Yeah thats at least 3 more books, unless TWOW and ADOS are both 1500 pages each.

All those plotlines, plus some that will eventually appear later.
TWOW is gonna be a huge mess, dont get me started on that, there will be at least 8 different POVs, you will barely start to understand shit after the third reread.

There are way too many factions moving in the books right now. Adding Young Griif to the story was so bizarre.

When should I start the Dance reread?

GRRM is like a kid at disneyland, he wants to get on all the rides while his editors are doing jack shit to make him make the books more practical.

>A Song of Ice and Fire featuring Dante from Devil May Cry

gib (You)s please.

>only romance options sansa has are old guys, relatives, and a eunuch

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> the story gets so intricate

> GMM just copy-pastas The War of the Roses with a frosting of movie script Medievalism.

Its been so many years that I think I should reread feast and dance to remember all this shit.
Anyway, just reread dance when the book is announced so never. Also dont forget to buy a kindle and pirate all the fatmans stuff so he gains nothing.

More so that he will probably amount to nothing in the end, just like Lady Stoneheart. Then again GRRM spent how many pages introducing Quentyn, his many literally-who friends and the Dorne plot all for a release of the dragons

>going to amount to nothing
Or it could amount to everything?

*Places hand on your knee in a slightly discomforting manner*
Anytime you feel like it, sweetling

Because he's Rhaegar's son, and he wanted to recreate the founding 3 targs.

Where’s this from? I remember there being a bunch of them but I forgot how to find them

He needed to add YG because he was in the plans since book 1.

I saved it from here.

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Then you change your plan once you realize your 70 years old and the end isn't in sight.

we're never going to see her nude before the series is over are we?

he's not good with changing his plans, it's why he's stuck.

>baelish dead
>jon taken
>theon a dongless volcel
>sandor has forgotten she exists
no sex scene in the cards my friend. sorry

>jon taken

Not for long.

Three years ago he thought he was int he editing step for TWoW. Then after the show caught up to the books he said he was going back and rewriting. It's far more likely he's changing the books to not be like the show because of the show's reception and/or him wanting to surprise his audience and as such he's behind in his writing, not ahead.

It was a common Medieval custom to give a child a dead sibling's name.

Also there's a ton of hints in the books too that Jon's name is Aegon.

Literally why would you make up your own story just to continue the show based off of a book instead of going on a hiatus and waiting for the book to catch up?
What retard came up with this idea?

Cersei's show storyline is Aegon's book storyline. The epilogue of ADwD suggests she's lost all her power now that she's been shown to be incompetent and no longer beautiful. Highborn won't accept her as a leader, and small folk think of her as a common whore. Meanwhile Aegon is going to march on King's Landing and take the throne. The books have more of a rotating cast of characters that the show wouldn't really allow because normies get attached to certain characters and actors and don't want to see them replaced by new characters.

>dragon horn
it doesn't control dragons it control's people you fucking retard

>horn of winter
doesn't destroy the wall. it brings giants to life you fucking retard.

>some new general basically retreated an entire book while trying to protect some dumb civies

Jon is such a boytoy tier manlet

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Why not just tell everyone that?
>sorry guys, there's a clause in the HBO contract that I can't spoil the end by releasing more books, but they're done
That's not the kind of thing that would anger book readers. It's the opposite; it would given them a sigh of relief knowing he's not going to die before finishing the series. Book readers are more than willing to wait; they've already waited for 20 years. Meanwhile show only watchers aren't going to complain; they'll still get their show and it won't be spoiled.


The Blackfyres shall rise again

He will have to converge quite a few of them together. Those first three are pretty much the same plotline so they will converge naturally. Not every pov is its own separate plot.

It would make hbo look bad. They likely don’t want him saying they are keeping the book from being released

How the hell did Rhaegar know that his boy was smashed against the wall?


Pick one.

Since when are literal bastards, that are living all their lives fighting for fucking Essosi barbarians just to earn some pocket change, entitled to anything more than a noose?
Get the fuck outta here with your non-house subhuman peasants.

It's hard to believe there are people that still think the books will ever be finished. I know you love the series but get real ffs

If anything, the last season will light a fire under his ass to write a version of his story that isn't YASS QUEEN quippy shit

ChrysWatchesGot on reddit

(((Maester))) conspiracy

>Cersei's show storyline is Aegon's book storyline
I can see that and it'll be miles better. What the fuck is Cersei doing on the throne anyway? She has no claim, she's a common noble.

lmao is this from the book?

This. D&D confirmed retards

>his books now get a gorillion times more praise because it wasn't written by someone who at least has some writing skills
>implying his books won't get shit on because they aren't like the show

This. His name is aemon

There's no way it was his plan. He actually seemed quite upset that he didn't finish before the TV show. His problem is just lack of time and pressure.

This, it's the FMA 2003 vs. Brotherhood thing all over again. Retards watch the TV show first and once they go back to actual, relatively more well-written canon material, they throw a fit and said they liked the knock-off version better because they saw it first.

he's acting, GRRM is a mastermind. This is the man who wrote LITTLEFINGER, the smartest character in television in decades.

Probably named Aenys Targaryen but people will laugh because it's pronounced too close to "anus".

he's never finishing the books retards

this sounds like a nice idea, but Cersei isn't actually doing anything in the show at all.

Aegon, Dorne, etc, are very clearly in the books to complicate other plotlines: Quentyn, for example, existed to release the dragons so that they were already free when Vic arrived with the Dragonhorn.

it's more likely that Cersei will explode the Great Sept in tWoW and then die relatively early in ADoS. there isn't really time for much else.

by the way, Dany will arrive in Westeros at the end of tWoW, just in time to do her one job of saving the world then dying. in spite of how overcomplicated the books seem, most characters are already entering their own versions of "act 3" by the end of ADWD.

one thing GRRM isn't doing is acting like the books are still weighing on his mind. he totally comes across like they're already in the bag.

lady stoneheart. one of the few things that the show did better than the book was removing that.

stoneheart in the books is probably just going to die in Jaime's scene with her. it's just for his character development.

He’s going to fuck off to some resort in Miami and bone porn stars and die at 80 with a whore’s mouth on his cock

He will 100% space out their releases to capitalize on the hype twice and sell more books.

I've been saying this for a long time. He is obviously doing this. He's letting them try some shit out and then he can sit back, hear out what people hate about it and adjust his ideas accordingly. It's like he's playing a video game and gets a second life. It would have been idiotic for him to release the books before the films. Now he can gauge peoples reactions to different changes in the story and take it in another direction if the fans are pissed off or simply follow a similar trajectory if everyone loves the show. He probably has written several different books going in different directions.

ian flemming fucking hated sean connery retard

Patrick Rothfuss says hi

I just hope both Jaime and Brienne survive this shit encounter

Scott Pilgrim wasn't finished before the movie came out, so the ending is different.
Can't remember if people thought the book ending was better of worse than the movie.

Jamie has 0% of surviving after he enters bwb territory

>>his books now get a gorillion times more praise because it wasn't written by someone who at least has some writing skills

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Believe in Azor Jaime


the books are shit, too
"subversive" anti-fantasy for retards
completely soul less


Brienne has much less chance of surviving than Jaime does, because her dying in a depressing way will win GRRM more subversion credits.

in the books Jaime is going through a fake-redemption arc, not a real-redemption arc. the point of UnCatelyn coming back is remind him that the things you did when you were a naughty boy don't go away just because you say sorry. Brienne dying will reprise his de-handing and put him in the mood for strangling Cersei.

>force D&D to go beyond the books and turn GOT into fanfic tier dogshit
I don't watch game of thrones, but how is dungeons and dragons related to game of thrones?

I wish this was true so hard... and then show get remade with book history line.

Well some plans will win out over others. Eliminating the losers.

wouldn't work in a show because it would still require 15 concurrent plotlines with 100 main cast members. we're probably better off having distinct versions.

My dad's name is John and he has two living brothers named John. He had three more brothers named John who died when they were younger, but at one point there were six Johns living together in the same house. None of them had middle names. Some people are just retarded when it comes to naming their kids.
>they gave each other nicknames to avoid confusion. my dad's was "Jake"
>yes, they've been confused for each other by the government

d&d is code for David Benioff and Dan Weiss, the writers of the show

No, they can't be seperated again. They dreamed of each other(naked)!

You should know that for some reason this is the only ship I have across all of media. Really weird.

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>who at least has some writing skills
He's a horrible writer though

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Oh. Well saying D&D makes it confusing.

It's a nice one m8. Jaime is the beautiful and helpless princess and brienne is the brutish warrior with a heart 9f golf it's just like shrek kek

>also dont forget the usual normie doesnt read 500 page boogs nowadays
A lot of normies listen to audiobooks

GRRM will never finish the series, you can tell by how easily distracted he gets. Remember the summer when he said TWOW may be done by fall, then found out a few writers he disagreed with politically had a chance at winning a fucking Hugo Award so he spent the rest of the summer blogging about it? He has no work ethic, he'sa baby boomer that grew up in Section 8 housing, he types with one finger, and has done nearly nothing but short stories his whole life. This project got too big for him and he's bored with it.

How about all those other projects he's been putting out? Most are basically his appendix and notes for ASOIAF but he lost all motivation.
He changed the direction of the story to Mereen because he wanted to write about the Iraq War and got stuck. He's still stuck which is why he's doing anything BUT finish the books series. I'm sure after the show lapped him he lost even more motivation to finish it.

GRRM will die of fat, and then his wife will take his notes (if any ) and have someone else finish it, or worse she will and go all YASSS QUEEN SLAYYYYYY all over it. But George, he's clocked out years ago.

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>at the end of last book it seemed he had written himself into a corner
Pic related.

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Nah, he just got lazy since HBO money was coming in. He did not have to do anything any more. He sold the work and can live off tv money for the rest of his life.

Oh shit, that would be great.

I think it'll either be Golden Company or Mountain Tribe.

Based Preston

this is all dumb as fuck speculation without a release date. it might just be as shit as feast and dance. srsly not even thinking about next book and give less of a shit about got

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That fat wizard fuck will never finish the books. He unwraps more storylines, then he is able to conclude. For instance Lady Stoneheart.

I can't argue with anything this person has written, but I still like books. Guess I just have shit taste. (I do have to admit I skipped pretty much every Brianne pov on my rereads though because she's so boring.)

I get this but do we really want to read more of GRRM's sex scenes? he's probably going to make us all vomit with Jon/Dany while unironically trying to make it hot as fuck.

i honestly believe the original books didnt have that much sex as people claim or i really own a redacted version.
first time sex with drogon and dany is shorter than the whole heart eating process afterwards for example. i really think people are mixing up the bad sex scenes of the show and the books.

This. Why else would it take eight years?

> It kills the man that blows it, and Euron claims it can tame dragons, like old dragonlords of Valyria used.

horn of winter
>The legend says that when Joramun blew the horn the first time he raised the giants, but that blowing it again will bring down The Wall.

you are a thundering retard.

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>literally the best fictional character after mat cauthon
we are one and the same, user

Now that I think about it I might not want Briennes cunt to become the world, but as we know less is more. If they just survive this I am already happy. and should they get together it might happen at the very end with out cringy shit. Podrick and that other hedgekight are there after all aswell, even if they manage to take out the stonheart bandit cult. So atleast they won't ravish each other that very instant.

What is that, a wildling for ants?

fat mas has actually confirmed last 2 books are both at least 1500 pages long

its "arc" not "arch"
I don't want to be rude but you should read more books to avoid these kinds of mistakes, its embarrassing

>mat cauthon

You. I like you.

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I'm not sure if this is wise by grrm. His "books" assuming the last 2 ever even exist, will be up in PDF form on the internet almost immediately after he releases them for public consumption. I know this for sure because I've only ever bought the first one and the fifth one. You can find his whole catalogue online. Even if you don't want to download, you can still read his material without dishing out a single dime to this fat fuck.

wow this guy has never lied before... and it's not like the lords voted for him AFTER he blew the horn and as soon as the horn blower dies they start disliking him.

It's the biggest GRRM trick he has
>say one thing will happen
>different thing happens
He pulls this constantly, but retards like you still believe "stories" and "claims" and "prophecies" because you think this is a regular fantasy series.

two books is enough for grrrm to finish the sstory, what are you retards on about in this thread? have you read the books? do you know just how much happens in a storm of swords? he's got thousands of pages left for the story. the problem isn't whether there is enough room in the books for a satisfying ending, the problem is whether the obese man dies before he gets to publish them or not.

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This. If anything we have even more storylines since the last book then before. Finishing everything in just two books would give every character like two or three chapters to resolve whatever happens to them

Do you mean !This? You seem to disagree with him.

This unbelievable beautiful kino.

yeah but where the fuck are the books?

My fault, I misread it.

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He should just hurry up and die, so a more capable man finishes the story then.

who else started to re-read the books because the series is unsatisfying, has shit imagination, shit visuals (I don't mean CGI), shit casting, basically shit everything? Currently re-reading the first Arya chapter where she and Jon watch Tommen and Bran practice swordfighting. You can hate the fat man all you want but he is an excellent and absolutely based as a writer

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>His standards for storytelling are much higher than Hack&Hack

I really think he's near finishing it or he's just blatantly lied to everyone. There was an article in which he said that people online have already correctly guessed the ending. What could people have guessed that was so close to the ending?

I remember someone posting about a spoiler that the ending would be "bittersweet"? In that the others will destroy all of Westeros but a few leave and that the "dream of spring" is that there will come a time where the night and winter will end and that the future can be happy so long as people hope. What ending could he be talking about?

best part of the show are the opening credits

there are more than 20.000 theories big and small in just /r/asoiaf, imagine the shit people have wrote.

>What could people have guessed that was so close to the ending?
Probably that Bran is literally resposible for half the major historical events cause of time loop bullshit

> or he's just blatantly lied to everyone.
Top kek
He is playing with plebs just like he plays with his characters. If the jewish overlords didn't force him, he would just leave you waiting for "book finished ""very soon"" and then die (making himself the main character of this shitshow)

I'm not sure about the interfering with time part but I'm sure Bran is or will be the Great Other, Mel's vision was right. Bloodraven tells Bran he can't change the past no matter what but he can learn from it, not sure if it's the same in the show.

>reading genre fiction trash
>literal capeshit of literature

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Kit was probably on fat fuck's side trying to blackmail jews into shooting more episodes (eventually 10+)
Eventually the kikes have eventually prevailed in the power struggle, despite initially compromising on 8 instead of 6 seasons.
As the result, in his agony GRRM dropped his writing and jews are now left to plow through with their DUDE BALLS LMAO scripts.
Jon on the other hand got manlet shaming and small benis shaming as a revenge for his rebellion.

Yeah, but he also gave the burn them all command to the mad king when trying to change history yada yada. Time loop bullshit.

Can you imagine the insufferable fandom for Glokta, the Bloody-Nine and Ferro?

Glokta - Edgy torturer that totally dabs on his mansplaining victims and protects that smile.
Bloody-Nine - Idris Elba, the noble savage.
Ferro - Strong black feminist woman with powers and plenty of attitude.
Jezal - will absolutely be cast white and act like a /pol/tard

that's a lot of words just to say
>the books are yucky, where are my happy endings!
if you want to hate GoT, which you should, you should hate it because it's just terribly written in general not because it's "dark"

Malazan is too good for this world. Could only be done as an anime. Can you imagine Hollywood trying to put Memories of Ice on screen?

Nah, he'll warg into Ghost

I always wondered, why we diddn't get a scene where people call bullshit on the resurrection. It's not really common place and frpm that perspective he would be an oath breaker from the nights watch.

Thanks for reminding how affected his writing is.

The ending will be about the same as he's worked on the show and needed to give up his plans to them.

The problem with the series is he's a staunch feminist and couldn't see his way to making female characters that made female type mistakes. Instead he had many of the female characters be little geniuses who mostly fail due to men not recognizing these women are little geniuses.

Catlyn was well written. Her letting Jaimie go to get Sansa and Arya back was a typical woman mistake

That's the show. Dany in the books fail pretty hard. Entirety of Astapor, losing control of dragons, staying in Essos etc. Arya gets her ass beat fighting an actual armored knight without any tricks and has to actually plan her murders out in the House of Black and White. Brienne is naive and softhearted, gets pushed into an impossible quest that she's failing pretty badly. Cersei is stupid and insane. They're extremely different from the show.

>wiki reading fag pretends he's read the books

A dream of spring will be a 600 pages book of pure joy, harmony, friendship and parties. It's literally got to be a slice of life anime

>he doesn’t want to read about Sandor gently but firmly taking Sansa’s innocence

Jeff Goldblum is alive in the lost world novel despite dying in Jurassic Park

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The only female who gets away with things is Dany, and even then she’s such an awful statesman that she’s reduced an entire area to rubble. The only reason she hasn’t faced consequences like the other women usually do is her dragons. Hopefully she goes full Mad Queen and dies in a book or two

ASOIAF isnt trending these days due to the wait. It's now the Sanderson age.

just kill them off lamo

fuck off fag

have sex

>he needed to give up his plans to them
lmao do you even know how buying the license to something works

I'm not sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I see... a nipple.

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Didn't he just start a project with Fromsoftware? He's dropped the books and moved on already.

Yeah. A man like iron on the iron throne is what the realm needs right now.
Try some backstabbing shit? He'll through you out of the next window himself.

People thinking the books, if he finishes them, will be all that different from the show are deluded. In the books it will just be the Dany and Jon show all the same at the end. The extra book plotlines will mostly all end with a quick wet fart before the battle of winterfell

I wish, but the truth is that he just doesn't know how to finisht the story. He has written himself into a corner and the fat fuck is planning to die before the books are ever released.

This can be settled as the ultimate 21 century fantasy kinobook if Stannis ends as the king, the Targeryen madness finally dies with Dany and Jon, besides being a Targtard, holds up to his Stark side and do the dragon stuff only for the duty and blaze the Others to hell.

>inquisitor glokta
Unironically the best portrayal of a "villain" ever made in any form of fiction. Never has there been a more reasonably bitter and jaded character, who still somehow shines through as human at heart.

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Dubs of the sword of truth

That's the point. Everything about Cersei in Season 7 suddenly makes more sense if you pretend she's Aegon and took the throne by force. It also completes the Jon, Dany, Aegon triangle of leaders who might be Targaryen, but might not be as each have suspect origin stories.

How does no one know that as part of GRM contract with HBO he has to wait until the show is over to publish the books.

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I don't think so. It looks like she's wearing a bra under it.

Because ADwD came out after Season 1, which basically disproves that theory, unless you're suggesting they renegotiated after Season 1 when they realized they had a big IP on their hands and actually planned on finishing it.

Because it takes a long time to publish a book. That was already in process so was ignored. It was confirmed like 3 years ago...

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Will Aegon "Young Griff" Targaryen appear in the show in a last moment to save the day, deep down we all know that he is the truly prince that was promised, and Dany is his sister, the third dragon head.

the guys is a literal big fat nerd, he's probably spent the last 20 years living the NEET life off his book money and playing world of warcraft (which Is what I would do If I was a millionaire)

Doable for the six but hardly for the seventh, unless he didn't wanted to do a seventh book at all and will just split the sixth into two. Same way he did for affc and adwd. By the way, the original plan was to have just 3 books lmao

grrm doesn't need a contractual obligation to delay.

the longer ANYTHING related to AsoIaF is being made or released the more books he will sell, purely from publicity. the optimum is either a book or a spin-off season every year.

releasing the books and the show at the same time would have been a massive waste.

To be fair, how do you infiltrate the white walkers with spies?

>tfw D&D can't do half the writing skill as this, and it's not even that good

“I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them.

“We were not there,” Ser Gerold answered.

“Woe to the Usurper if we had been,” said Ser Oswell.

“When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.”

“Far away,” Ser Gerold said, “or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.”

“I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”

“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne.

“Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.”

“Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell.

“But not of the Kingsguard,” Ser Gerold pointed out. “The Kingsguard does not flee.”

“Then or now,” said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm.

“We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Gerold.

Ned’s wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three.

“And now it begins,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.

“No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.”

Dude, Flemming was very vocal how much he disliked the movies since Bond wasnt a mean, ugly thug.

He will literally copy what happens in the show because he didn't know what a good ending would be so he had the fanbase decide.

Three Dragon Heads refer to the three surviving branches of House Targaryen in hiding.

After the last episode I get the feeling she might be, she didn't give two shits she was fucking her nephew. But she was mad as hell he might be the next in line for the seat, in front of her.

Look at that odd looking slut.

Honestly, it would be a great idea to drop it after the final. If the public hate it, change the ending then say they changed from what he had. If the public likes it, improve on it or don't the readers will say its better.

In the end its a better PR move, hell I would have at least four alt ending in the bag.

>three surviving branches of house targaryen

What? Deanerys, Aegon and ?????

Jaime and Cersei. The offspring to the branches is the Prince who will restore one of their houses to glory.

I'm pretty sure GRRM has simply burnt out and doesn't like the series anymore

I only want Euron to be real deal

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Didn't know he was 70 fucking hell, he's definitely gonna die before the last book

JK Rowling was pretty obviously influenced by the film's when she wrote the last 2 Harry potter novels, especially with Ron and Hermione's personalities