/GoT/- Game of Thrones

Jenny of Goodsongs edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Episode 3:
> Grey Worm, Gendry, Jorah, Beric, Podrick, Varys, Theon, and Jaime die.
>Gendry is going to be stabbed by a weight, and will chase Arya through Winterfell.
>Jorah will die defending the crypts after a short conversation with Lyanna Mormont.
>Jaime is going to be one of the final deaths, while protecting Jon, and Jon will have to re-kill him.
>Tyrion is going to see Jon re-kill Jaime from a distance, but will not see Jaime being turned, and only see Jon kill his brother, planting the seeds of Tyrion’s doubt in Jon.
>A turned Hodor will lead a group of wights into the godswood after Bran, where Theon and his ironborn will die trying to hold them off.
>Before they can reach Bran, Bran will warg into zombie-Hodor and destroy the remaining wights.
>The final shot in Ep 3 is going to be the Nights King (who is absent from the battle of Winterfell) flying towards King’s Landing.

Episode 4:
>Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Arya, and the Hound travel to Kings Landing.
>At Kings Landing the Night King raises his arms and reanimates the bodies of all the soldiers who died in the Battle of the Blackwater. We see them climbing from the harbor and into the streets of Kings Landing.
>Along the way Jon and Dany will have an argument, splitting their party in two. Tyrion goes with Dany while Rhaegal, the Hound, and Arya stay with Jon.
>The Hound asks Arya how she expects to break into the Red Keep, she hides her face before revealing Jaime’s.
>Dany and Tyrion beat the others to Kings Landing, only to find it overrun by millions of wights that have been turned by the Nights King after the reanimated navies kill the local peasants and convert them to wights.
>Cersei and her court take refuge in the Red Keep, safe from the wights but effectively trapped. The Golden Company take to the streets to battle the wights.

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Episode 5:

>Arya and the Hound will infiltrate the Red Keep, letting themselves be captured by the outer guards, Arya wears Jaime’s face. Taken before Cersei, and the Hound holds off Robert Strong (GET HYPE) while Arya reveals her true face and kills Cersei.
>The Hound is killed in the duel with his former brother, but distracts Robert Strong long enough for Arya to kill him from behind.
>Tyrion will devise a plan to save the city by blowing up the rest of the Wildfyre hidden beneath it in the catacombs, but when he does it kills not only wights but most of the human survivors and members of the Golden Company as well.
>Jon, Dany, and the Nights King are having a threeway dogfight on dragons above the city when the explosion happens.
>Dany’s main target is Jon, not the Night King. Her last quote is “You stole my birthright. You stole my dragon. But you will not steal this victory.” Jon, seeing no other option, kills Dany, causing Longclaw to become Lightbringer and revealing Jon as Azor Ahai.
>Jon then kills the Nights King and the remaining wights die with him.

Episode 6:
>Davos and a contingent of soldiers from Winterfell arrive in Kings Landing and meet with Jon as the final survivor and the only remaining claimant to the Iron Throne. Davos and Jon walk through the streets, observing the wounded and dead.
>Tyrion faces trial for high treason for betraying Jon and destroying the city, and he will be sentenced to death. While Jon doesn’t agree with his sentence, he does his duty and executes Tyrion himself. Before his execution, Tyrion and Jon speak and Tyrion tells Jon to never forget who he is, despite his newfound heritage.
>Arya discovers she is pregnant from her encounter with Gendry.
>Sansa is named Warden of the North.
>Samwell becomes Jon’s Grand Maester.
>Older Jon stepping onto a balcony above Kings Landing, and noticing a flower blooming in a planter beside him.

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Fixed it.

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sounds good to me, can't wait to watch it all unfold


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>no stannis

Who's the actual incel in the show?

>no Azor Jaime
Shit leaks. SHIT.

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Okay. How can we win?

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Why are the North so RACIST??

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Oh did the last episodes leak?

>turned Hodor
was believable til then

this was confirmed fake

Azor Jaime is happening, this scene was literally pointless without it - Jojen's RIGHT hand on fire

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now that is what i call based

>Valyrian steel, the Damphair knew. His armor is Valyrian steel
Fuck D&D

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it's /got/.

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>Tyrion is going to see Jon re-kill Jaime from a distance, but will not see Jaime being turned, and only see Jon kill his brother, planting the seeds of Tyrion’s doubt in Jon.
Don't wights kind of collapse and crumble into pieces when they get stabbed by valerian steel? Wouldn't that make it obvious why he stabbed him?

spread wildfire all over the earth where the zombies are, before they got there. gg

that's all so fucking bad but at the same time entirely plausible. it must be true

would have been kino

Let Dothraki shoot DG-arrows from their horses and hide and hide in DG-covered castle.

I miss that guy.

*heroic rains of castamere starts playing*

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Nikolaj has repeatedly brought up Azor Ahai in interviews and every time he says the name he does it with this feigned confusion acting like he's only heard it once or twice, but has said it dozens upon dozens of times. I reckon it's him.

Make spiked box of DG and have guys walk around in the army of the undead until you hit nightking.

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What is happening with the sand snakes then?

what kinda gay ass fanfic is this

someone's gonna post this to reddit and get 1k free karma

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Equip the hound with DG armor and let him juggernaut into the army until he hits the NK.

Reminder that the season trailer did not show any clips from episode 4, 5 and 6 for a reason.


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That sounds good, it won't happen

they need to have sex

there's more than 200k zombos, they barely have arrows for 10k


Minus the vocals

or they just want to avoid spoilers

>jaime walking away from cersei mirroring ned stark walking away from bobby b

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It's from reddit

Azor Theon

How did Podrick get so fat?

Jesus, I didn't know I was an Originalfag.
>made up math
a) You can reuse-arrowheads
b) They apparently have enough to forge weapons out of DG instead of just making the blades that way.

not sure about that desu

Quit spamming your fanfic

Imagine having a double chin the size of half of your face.

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Forget about Pod, just look at that Gilly

>tfw here since late 2009
no idea why i haven't killed myself yet

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White people are always racist bigots, user.

>the look on Jaime's face and the subsequent delivery of the line "I don't believe you" when Cersei signals to The Mountain to kill him
good shit

>You can reuse-arrowheads

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>tfw book Euron is basically Ancestor from Darkest Dungeon

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Are you fucking dumb? Blue is oldfag which ends in 2006, Newfag ends in 2009. Fucking newfag cuck.

He will personally rip the Night King in half

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>Dany: You have come to tell me to forgive the man who stole your position of Hand of the Queen?
>Ser Jorah: Yes, your Grace. *proceeds to explain why Dany needs a BIG BVLL like Tyrion instead of him*
Did they take the cuck memes from here and incorporate them into the show?

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I'm from 2005 and I consider myself a newfag. You children have no respect.

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>Don't wights kind of collapse and crumble into pieces when they get stabbed by valerian steel? Wouldn't that make it obvious why he stabbed him?
Good catch!

>the loudest part

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Literally magic arrow heads that make the target explode. Why exactly shouldnt you be able to re-use them

I don't want him to die bros.

>book Euron goes full Necromancer and starts using an undead crew instead of living mutes

Is Feast the worst book? I'm 90% of the way through it and nothing's fucking happened, the only good PoVs are Jaime and the Ironborn parts

Grey Worm is definitely going to die after that whole conversation about going to that shithole island after the battle. No way that is happening.

>Valyrian steel armor
Thats fucking stupid and you know it
Literally DeviantArt OC tier

>*smacks lips* ayo what if we finna put mothafucka rope on dat finna arrow
>*smacking intensifies* AYO WE FINNA WIN THIS WAR MASSA *dabs*


i miss it all bros

What happens to a walker when you stab it through the ribcage but don't actually hit anything- If it has no organs and just a cavity - that confused me with the one they took to King's Landing.

ok dad

Sorry, I don't speak reddit.

He is doing it to mess with book fags. Like he did when he held a duck into the camera in some teaser.

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Good luck fetching those arrows back.

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why didnt westeros just invent gunpowder?

So what's Jons last name?

I don't know it, enlighten me faggot

Actually the oldfag cutoff is 2018, I should know I am an oldfag after all

gunpowder dosen't exist in the world of ASOIAF

>white boy unable to retort
>*scratches head*
>white boys original post is with reddit spacing and all

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Well the zombies pursue the Dothraki because they keep moving. Then the ground with the DG isn't covered anymore and you can just send some Umbers or some shit to recover them.

How come he was the only one to realistically change his physique based on training he's been through? You're telling me that fat fuck Sam couldn't lose some pounds?



Dance of Dragons is the worst. I can't think of anything interesting that happens in it.


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source or gtfo
why don't you have a named filename then newfag?
yeah right

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that's just the white walkers isn't it? aren't wights just regulat zombies?


As if the Dothraki haven't straight up deserted yet - going to some cold shithole a million miles from home and not getting rape and pillage a single city must really grind their gears.

it's like her eyebrows are alive

There isn't a single spacing in me post tho.
It's either magic or crude oil (like Greek fire).
I am serious tho. If he uses the name Targaryen he is not a bastard and then Dany is and should be called Waters.

>literally just a little underageb& browsing Yea Forums in my mothers basement
>forever a newfag
>literally partyv&
anyone else been party v&? for what?

Actually the real ending is Sansa telling Jon that Dany called him a manlet, so he kills her in cold blood, then dips his sword in her blood, then kills the Night King through pure guile.

gotta create a choke point like the spartans did so you can counter the sheer numbers of enemies

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>wights just regulat zombies?
the army of the dead also has wight Giants/Bears

Wights are just reanimated zombies. The White Walkers are the ones in charge and disintegrate if touched with dragonglass.

>implying you can leave

If this happens [/spoiler]I see the mountain turning since he's pretty much half dead. Cersei will think she has a trump card but snap goes night Kings fingers and the mountain turns around and rips her in half[/spoiler]

He's not a bastard.

you really dropped the ball with the hodor thing, obvious fake.

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>Dany is and should be called Waters
why? she's not a bastard either

Then Dany is.

Who team Stark here?

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It's the best book you massive pleb holy shit

No, she's a Targaryen too. He dad was the Mad King.

>obvious fake.
yeah right, him coming back is easily possible, especially when skeleton wights are a thing

Of all the retarded things making this an obvious fake, having Jon suddenly be the master of one of the dragons in a fight against Daenerys might just be the most obviously pants on head retarded thing.

Never mind my brain stopped working there for a second.

Point still stands, he has to use a name and the show just ignored that part.

stab walker with normal sword = sword bursts
stab walker with valyrian/obsidian= walker bursts

snow, he's still a bastard, daddy couldn't have married his mom since he was already married
of course dumb n dumber will ignore this

>those legs

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You underestimate how badly out of control the show has become and how little the writers give a fuck

Dany is Jon's aunt, not his sister, neither of them are bastards, this was explained in the show you brainlet.

>those hairy man legs

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this scene was just a foreshadowing that the kid was going to die in sacrifiece of Bran, nothing more

I wish it was more than that, as in foreshadowing Azor Jaime, but it's not

Who owns Harrenhall?

who is this cutie

He's already ridden two dragons at this point, what's one more?

I wouldn't put it past D&D. Had you told me the same thing about HOLD THE DOOR nonsense I would've laughed in your face and we know how that turned out.


how did you ever came by this?


Then he'd be a sand you retard. But since you're being pedantic, his previous marriage was annulled.

So what happens in episodes 7 and 8 then?

is thanks to Jaime if Jon survived against NK, it is Jaime the hero ...
Azora Jaimes lives in Jon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he became a steward at castle black
then went maestar "fat pink masting" bull

Not LF.

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>episodes 7 and 8

No obstruction
No colluding with the rations
Let Gilly go

Witcher 3 already did that one.

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>The Valyrian words for gold and hand are aeksion and ondos.
>The Valyrian words for lord and light are aeksio and onos.
>"Lord of Light" is a mistranslation of "Gold Hand"
>'His hand burned. Still, still, long after they had snuffed out the torch they'd used to sear his bloody stump, days after, he could still feel the fire lancing up his arm, and his fingers twisting in the flames, the fingers he no longer had.' - ASOS, Jaime IV
>"The day will come when you feel safe and happy, but your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth." - Jaime will strangle Cersei, with his hand aflame, literally burning her throat.

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It doesn’t matter, it’s off the table.

It's one thing to ride a dragon as an ally to Dany and another to use it to kill her. Much like how you may take your friend's dog for a walk, but getting it to attack its master is a different story.

Total witchhunt. Sad!

whatever, still a bastard
daddy was a weak lunatic fag without a shred of responsability and mommy was a ho

>he doesn't know it's a 6 episode season
oh boy or he's baiting

What if they're wights now.

Idk but theyre based as shit and don't blame them. In all honesty it's probably a paranoia of literally anyone not from winterfell given the events of the last 7 seasons

i almost hope the show doesn't do it because the books will do it far better

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Where do you rank on the Emilia Clarke scale?

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When she takes back the Iron Isles, who will her wife be? Or just have a harem of women.

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I looked at this picture and I knew he was brazilian

I still really want to see Azor Nikolaj desu

Which dragon does Ice King have? I don't even remember. Is it the big one or one of the smaller two?

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yeah true, reckon he's the only actor left who could really pull it off

Oberyn's whore is probably still alive.

One of the smaller two


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yeah it sucks

Any real world examples of an army the size of the Night King's losing to such a relatively small defence?

To add to this:
>stab Wight with regular weapon
>Wight gets cut but still lives
>stab Wight with obsidian or valyrian steel weapon
>Wight gets wounded and possibly dies

Then the living are fucked

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>Oberyn's whore is probably still alive.

Queen of Dorne and Queen of the Iron Isles

it's by far the best one, if you don't like it you are unironically stupid

nth for Ashara Dayne, Jon’s true mother

Lol Jaime makes it to Ep 5. Sorry wrong

Obsidian and valyrian steel servers the magic connection between Night King, White Walkers and Wights.

It's theorized that dragonglass is a key ingredient in making valyrian steel, alongside dragonfire.

why not Melisazor Ahai? Her magic actually works.

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Watched a Season 2 episode the other day. The difference in writing is astounding. The dialogue, the prose, the story, characters and overall feel is just completely different. What the hell happened? And don't just say D&D. It has to go deeper than that, the dropoff in quality is so great is has to be intentional. This is teenage drama right now, with embarrassingly bad comedy and quips. Just switch "ruler of the seven kingdoms" with "class president" and this would be some garbage not a single adult would watch. Or admit to watching.

Would honestly be awesome to see a white walker ramsay scare the everlasting shit out of theon.

Time for Mannis to come in and save the day?!

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yeah, S2 very often went off script and it was never this badly written or paced,

Seasons 1 and 2 are some of the best television ever made. It all went to shit after that

>The difference in writing is astounding.

It's like their brains just shut off after season 4.

t. contrarians

>dude you should read this 600 page book it has this really deep theme of how war is like bad and stuff

someone has a stream for me?

They should have all gathered in the Veil instead of somewhere super exposed like Winterfell. Ice Dragon would be an issue but they still have air superiority

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Jaime is present in episode 5, it's just that he is Arya

>Ramsay coming back with his dogs
>"What are you going to do, little Reek?"
>cue Theon going berserk and pummeling him to death with dragonglass

Victarion turns up for a chapter.

What they took to King's Landing was a Wight, not a White Walker. Wights are reanimated corpses seemingly lacking intelligence (basically zombies), while White Walkers seem to be smarter beings. Attacking a White Walker with a non-dragonglass or Valyrian steel weapon will shatter it, but doing the same to a Wight will not damage the weapon. Originally, Wights were killable only with fire, but they retconned this because the special effects budget didn't accommodate to burning every single Wight in the army of the dead, so now they also can be killed with dragonglass.

Worst Characters:
1. Stannis Baratheon (King of stupid. So vile, burned his own kid. Should have bent the knee to Renly. Worshipped by incels.)
2. Robert Baratheon (Stupid and cucked by Cersei. Indirect cause of everything wrong. Has no character but memes.)
3. Jaime Lannister (Slave to her sister's cunt. Mostly a smug idiot. Forced redemption arc that doesn't make sense.)
4. Baelish (Always thinks he is smarter than he actually is even when truly smart characters like Sansa are involved.)
5. Cersei Lannister (Ruined lots of lives. Stupid and arrogant. Foolishly opposes my Dany. Doesn't know when to give up.)

Best Characters:
1. My lovely Dany (Most deserving of the Throne. Best girl, best khaleesi, best queen. Most pure and beautiful. Cute dragons.)
2. Tyrion Lannister (Smart and funny dwarf. Removed Tywin, another nonsensical patriarchal archetype that was shitting up the plot.)
3. Sansa Stark (Smartest Character, defeated Cersei, Baelish, Ramsay. Greatest characted development. Keeps up with my Dany.)
4. Arya Stark (Based assassin, suffered the most out of everyone but always pulls through. My savage little wolf cub.)
5. Brienne of Tarth (Loyal and just to a fault. Completely destroyed the hound who exemplifies toxic masculinity. Justly executed the worst character.)

>Cersei: Man I really don't like Margaery >:(
>Brienne: I'll just walk all over the Riverlands looking for Sansa, insert some backdrop for a commentary about the horror of war
>Alayne: Robert Arryn is an annoying kid lol
All fucking wastes of time

best OST coming through

>implying the fatass will ever finish the next book

i had no idea people disliked it until after i finished the series. literally everyone who hates it is a retard like this faggot

Jaime dying in ep 3 and Arya killing Cersei instead has to be the absolutely worst timeline. Christ.




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Got shown Yea Forums around xmas 2009 by two friends unfortunately. Both of which are now redditors and haven't used Yea Forums in years

>”le goblin sex scene xD”
>”she literally raped him!”
>”liberals would be up in arms if it was an ugly dude seducing a beautiful woman, HIPOCRISY!”

Do you incels realize how stupid and pathetic you sound? You have become as bad as tumblr fatties who scream RAPE at anything just because you didn’t like a scene.
Pro tip: it wasn’t rape, there’s this thing called “implicit consent” and you would know about it if you functioned normally in society. No, they don’t have to declare “I consent” before having sex for it not to be rape, that’s some ridiculous idea that far right propaganda got in your head to undermine people that call out sexual assaulters. You probably just don’t like that Arya was on top of Gendry but he’s too much of an alpha to care about that.

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Holdor = hold the door ;)

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Protip: People aren't serious.

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>Cersei: Descent into madness
>Brienne: Tragic story, futility only known to the reader
>Alayne: she cute
>Samwell: lol who cares
It also has the best Jaime chapters and the Ironborn

Catering to feminists, what else?

Lots of utter brainlets took interest in the show and they decided to pander to them instead as they are far more numerous and it's easier than write something good

Hold my beer

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of course he will

theres a very high chance he won't finish ADOS though

What are the chances the goblinna lives?

Seriously, how they wrap up all the loose story ends in 4 episodes good luck. It'll be a rushed mess and waste of the last 10 years

everyone gets killed by NK except jon. jon about to be killed but then howland reed comes out of nowhere and stabs NK in the back

Jaime's chapters are fantastic, Cersei's are alright but they drag on a bit much as by now it's already established she's obsessed with the prophecy and has gone a bit crazy

just listened, was pretty subpar
the version with Robert riding into windterfell "the king arrives" is better

>loyal to her sister’s cunt

>tfw it turns out the hero at the end of this whole story pushed a child from a window with the intent of killing him in the very first episode

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I'll throw in for this

Gendry was scared, she's a killer, how could he refuse? desu ..... this is rape !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Don't forget Darkstar appears

I honestly can't remember anything good in AFFC aside from the Jaime chapters but the Jaime chapters themselves are my favourite in the series
Feast is so lacking because it's pretty much the fuckin side characters book, all the main cast come back for the next one


What's Dany's tax policy anyway?

This. Casuals simply can't follow a better storyline. There's still people who can't figure out the Mormonts are related. It's all a big meme now

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Does the Hound have a purpose anymore or is he just a retarded quip-spewing machine now

>guy does this to a girl
>feminists scream RAPE TOXIC MALE BEHAVIOR NO CONSENT at the top of their lungs
>girl does this to a guy
>oh wow thats real progressive, yeah, nice, you go gurl YAAASS QUEEN SLAY

High. They've hinted several times she's the only one who isn't afraid of the dead because she's dealt with the god of death. 100% she'll be the one killing knight king with her special made weapon.

The music in that episode was great. I love this one too:



I think he's suppose to kill his brother.

Because up until that point, they had genuinely good source material and Martin was still involved in the making of the show. They have no independent writing ability so when they ran out of books it devolved into the garbage we have today

the actual brainletism of the fanbase is insane
>people to this fucking day still think Dany's name is Khaleesi
>there are people who named their daughters Khaleesi

1. Barristan Selmy
2. Littlefinger
3. Stannis
4. Doran Martell
5. Roose Bolton

100%, gendry's fucking dead though.

>or is he just a retarded quip-spewing machine now
isn't that every character?

did he actually say this line in the books? lel

6. Pyp
7. Gren

Was it kino?

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my personal nomination

>never finds a satisfying conclusion to his ongoing character development
>kills Gregor
Fuck this shit show

Stannis telling Brienne to get on with it was kind of kino desu.


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Partially what's bothering me about this season isn't just the bland fanservice but they're forgetting their own plot details.

Brienne: "We've never had a conversation this long without you insulting me"

Did literally every scene they have together since saving her from the bear never happened? Their trek to King's Landing? Oathkeeper? Riverrun meeting?

I don't think Littlefinger's was as bad as Doran. Doran got absolutely cycled and assassinated the hardest out of every character in the show by Dabid second only to Barristan

Grenn's death was kino


guess kindom hospital isn't kino anymore

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someone tell me whats happening in the fucking garbage adapation then

like his father he gets his girlfriend stolen at the end by a Targ..


I liked it better when doing a combined read with Dance.

it sucks donkey dick. that's about all there is to report


>It's a people still take Cersei at her word episode.
Elmo doesn't have a fucking clue.

Still screams wasted character to me. He had more potential than just "he held off a giant :("

It's just friendly banter between two good friends. Obviously that line was meant to be a joke. You'd know this if you functioned normally in society but alas you're an incel dicklet who probably voted Trump and thinks feminism is cancer.

user get better musical taste unless you're working out to that and even then that's a stretch

Can't they just shot dragonglass arrows at Nazi Walkers so all zombies go domino fall? It should be an easy fight.

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What did he mean by this?

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I was wondering while watching the new episode... did the teenage girls who won the Teenage Vogue subscribers competition to write Season 8 even watch the first few seasons? Because the characters now have little or no resemblance to who they were. Or what they did.

is this a fucking joke
they've done a fucking awful job

Grenn reciting his oath during the charge of the giant was utter kino tho


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Stephen King is the king of plebs.

fuck off m8 and to the fagots intentionally replying

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This really bothers me. The line was something out of a rom com.

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I cringe every time they recite their stupid gay oath

night king theme

No, it’s not just paranoia. The writers are under pressure to be “woke”, so they need to insert some kind of racial politics angle. It’s 100% intended to be “whyte pypo be racciss “

Doran was killed off by Dabid before he was actually established as a major player, although he is the biggest example of wasted potential in the show. Littlefinger was a key character to the show before they decided to kill him off because girl power.

It's called natural character progression. Also, the show is far better now that the women are empowered and in charge of everything. They'll show the men how it's done.

>what are some scenes that women can never understand

Thats not "King in the North"

I disagree only because their Doran was absolute shit tier from the start. LF started out well.

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whether or not this comment is ironic, it's still retarded and you should stop posting

She's just being tsundere retard

Thank christ I only accidentally replied.

Better writing and quality than anything so far from this season

The only irony here is your life, mate.

Normies love the littlefinger death scene because of the tweeeeest that they thought she was about to kill Arya, and don't think about how the scene and all their fights before makes no sense

>There's still people who can't figure out the Mormonts are related


he was not being ironic...GoT watchers are in fact being trained to read stephen king.


Yare yare daze

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that whole episode was probably the last good episode

Holy shit the projection.

Also my peepee is pretty big

I don't know why, but Cersei looked super sexy in this clip. She looks ok to me in the show but here her face looks 10/10.

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Funny that King of all people would like GoT. Man who writes compelling stories up until the half-way point, where it completely shits itself on its own scale, just like the show

Agreed. Feminism is cancer though, to be frank stallone.

Littlefingers death was highly apt and very just if you're honest with yourself. What better way for this arrogant prick to be ended than by two girls? Just goes to show that women aren't dumb enough to fall for men's manipulation whereas men always do stupid things for women.


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>someone who's been on this site for a decade is a newfag
this chart is retarded


>No Euron

Fuck off

When was the last time you got laid? Oh, right, you rather hate on a fucking TV show that doesn't affect your life in any way because it's more liberal and women empowering than you can take. Well, tough luck there, kiddo! Because we live in 2019 and it's the age of Girl Power.

>t. newfag

it's so fucking stupid though
like, just imagine arya and sansa sitting in the room before he comes in going "ok so you stand there and i'll make it look like i'm talking to you but then actually i'll say littlefinger and he's gonna be soooo shocked, ok ok here he comes get ready"

I am actually pretty exited for some Army of darkness shit, skeletons and zombies fighting medieval battles are way underused, other than that fuck this show.

I've seen posts asking about it here and I was watching the latest episode with a friend who coundn't figure out why Jorah was telling bear loli what to do.

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I see what you mean but Littlefinger never did dumb things for women. He was always after Cat but was never bein a jorah about it and was constantly being manipulative and underhanded.

he should have killed himself after kubrick btfo him

fuck off newfag

Something that no one talks about is how the little mormont girl had that one scene that everybody loved, which was great as a one off cute moment, is now the main mouthpiece of every single northern lord for no reason. I hate GoT.

Dubs and Arya takes Jaime’s face

goose vpn is a very convincing add if fake



Well look at it this way. From a realistic perspective, yes they would be paranoid of anyone not from winterfell. With the "woke" niggery you are right.


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Wrong. He started the war for a woman, know what? I'm not gonna list everything he's done because of a woman, because of love, I'm just gonna say it how it is. Littlefinger did everything he did for a woman. His entire life revolved around a woman he loved.

So is he gonna get executed at the end of this war or what?
The guy fucked off not just once, but twice

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>is now the main mouthpiece of every single northern lord
lucky bastards.

Literally who

Wait, what? She even called him cousin while they were talking. There's no way this can be true.

He's trolling. Littlefinger's death in the show is stupid, and considering Sansa spends a large amount of time being manipulated and controlled by men, the central message was never men < women. LF will probably get a more karmic and satisfying death in the books

Yeah this guy is a literal moron. Either the walkers win and he gets killed, or Jon and co. win and he gets killed

That is a nice one. Good taste user!

Anyone who wasn't here since the beginning is a newfag.

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neither of them care about based glover

It's like something straight out of Hannah Montana. Which is what GoT is now. Teenage drama.

Increase in audience and I feel like the show got enough popularity that DnD either stopped taking notes/criticism or just stopped giving a fuck.

>Littlefinger loved Cat
This is actually what brainlet normies think lol

His death was arguably justified, but only because the writers made him make some stupid decisions that a smart man like him wouldn't make.

Ih tejoh akah

This is precisely why I think in an ongoing story, the worst thing the creators can do is listen to fan feedback. GRRM seems to be a pretty adamant believer of this too, and actively avoids reading fan theories and critiques because he fears it might make him inclined to adjust his plans or rewrite things, which just makes it all the funnier.

He's gonna do a last minute cavalry charge. It's what everybody does these days.

he did at first, when he was a boy, probably

Jeez, what the fuck happened to the makeup artists?


Yeah at that point the guy was like "Hmmmm wait a minute..."
People don't give a shit.

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The thing is, his first betrayal was somewhat believable. There he was just a disillusioned, conflicted and depressed man who didn't know what to do, and then he begged forgiveness and vowed to never falter again. Thats fine, everyone makes mistakes, but then he just betrays them AGAIN just because he can.

Wrong again. He was so sure of himself that he never imagined two girls, two Stark girls no less, could outsmart or even comprehend any of what he's doing even if it's so blatantly obvious. He was simply too arrogant and he died like the conniving rat he was. I'm not saying he was a bad character but I'm glad we got rid of him as he was yet another toxic male figure in a show about female empowerment.

i think this second one is more believeable, with him expected to bend the knee to Dany with her dragons. Dabid shouldn't have had him turn on Jon the first time if he was going to do it again now, but i guess he doesnt write that far ahead

Good post, smash the patriarchy

almost thought you were serious till the last bit lol

pretty sure the actress is preggo

If only Jon had listened to Sansa, hmm?

Based. Fuck incels and fuck manlets

The end went too far. 4/10


Probably the friends effect, actors getting too cocky and full of themselves.

No they should've just used another random house instead of the Glovers

What first betrayal? He says that the Boltons got him his land back so has every right to turn down the call to fight for the Starks. Not capturing them then and there and handing them over to Ramsay as was his right was him showing far more respect than he ought have.

Now that Arya has to raise a child by herself, will Jon help her with sexual frustration?

He never imagined anybody could outsmart him, male or female.

I know this is a troll but some people think littlefinger started the war over Cat. He didn't, he did try to make a pass at her when the opportunity came up but it was never his main motivation. He probably regretted her death but he was more in love with the idea and memory of her from his youth than he was with her at the time of her death

The real Littlefinger would never fall for their retarded Scooby Doo plot.

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This. She was old, unattractive and had a shitty personality.

Looks stank


Its fucking great. So much shit thats not in the books.

That's why I doubt its real. They can't write the final season this bad,right?

Yes, I also liked that it told me that war is bad! I was like, holy shit, I didn't know that, like, literally, who knew that before AFFC came out? I think no one, really

Remember when there were colors in the show?

>does nothing during the siege
>never seen or mentioned again

Reminder it came directly from Gurm