Pizza Kino.
Pizza Kino
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kys pseud
Looks trash. Pizza like sushi is something that has been improved immeasurably by America
Oh dear.
I hate this pizza master meme, what a fucking oxymoron. The reason why pizza is so popular is exactly because it's so easy and simple to make. And the whole "italian ingredients" can maybe improve the taste by 5%. So basically, it you tasted one good pizza pie, that's it.
what is a pseud
i went to brooklyn once, the pizza was 30$. Nice way to improve a Margarita.
spoken like a true american
so you really think that this japs pizza is somehow drastically different from a good napolitana anywhere else in the world? kys yourself.
>neapolitan style pizza
Is there anything more pretentious and tacky than taking a bland peasant snack bread and pretending that it's some sort of masterwork dish that requires skill to create?
Oh yeah, that'd be refusing to adapt the boring three ingredient traditional recipe and pretending that it's some timeless masterpiece because you're butthurt that Americans turned the pizza into something vibrant and creative.
What's worse, this guy's snack breads don't even look particularly well made. Embarrassing.
I feel like Japan is slowly turning into America
Yes. Only an ignorant American would believe otherwise.
it's like american wine
absolutely disgusting
i had one of the best pizzas i've ever had in japan, it was made by 2 imported italians but still
on average japanese pizza is pretty bad yeah
>that'll be $400 dollar plus tip, gaijin
who said I was american pseud?
Why did he pull pizza dough out of a drawer?
>for me, pizza and music is one and the same
Why do japs always say stupid, cringe-inducing shit like this?
because weebs like op worship the ground they walk on.
It's another hack.
I am italian if that makes you happy, pizza is trash in america and it is trash in italy and it is extra trash in japan. It is the """foreign""" equivalent of a cheeseburger, and the best a japanese chef is going to do is try desperately to source basic western ingredients to make a basic western food. There are a million better things to eat, whether you want something from italy or are in japan.
what the fuck is this shit a tiny drop of ketchup , some leaves and a few crumpels of cheese thats not a pizza
maybe because they still have introspection unlike american NPC's who only live to consume and never create
If they had any introspection they wouldn't accept 16 hour wagecuckery as the norm, japs are the biggest fucking drones on this planet
watery ass 'sauce' and no cheese
it's a (puke) from me dawg
sucks nobody in Naples taught him how to do it right
shut up, Amerimutt, you ruin everything you touch
Welcome to authentic neoploitian pizza, the most boring, tasteless type of food you could possibly imagine.
Meant for
lol American wine regularly wins awards and stomps a mudhole in French wine, you islamic queer.
Based America working the third-world incels into a shoot.
>watery lumpy tomato sauce covered in oil
Their entire culture and self-worth is based around how good of a worker they are. To justify being a worker bee, they try to elevate any work they do to an art and apply a bunch of ancient japanese philosophy to it. sweeping a floor is like defending the city against the ancient bamboo dragon or some shit. they do this and circle jerk with each other about how important their jobs are.
Americans invented deep dish pizza.
A insult to italian pizza's.
That looks like meme shit.
>no meat
>barely any cheese
>Food is le art
It's just fucking food. It's not going to taste better because you put elk cum on it.
It's resting.
Look how oily that is. Looks like a fucking soup on the dough.
This, italian poorzza is shit
If you like NY deep dish pie, more power to you, but that's authentic Italian style in OP.
i'm so fucking sick of people suck off Japan and Japs
Everything they do is just western stuff done autistically and not well, how the fuck is that a good pizza? How the fuck is that the best pizza in the world? Just because some slant eyed nip does it and plasters japanese characters next to a picture of a pizza does not make it "kino" you spastic fucking weebcel
Even poorly paid chinks in Italy make better looking pizzas than this dumb nip.
For all the obsession for perfection nips have, when it comes down to it they're not even that great.
Western karatekas and judokas wipe the floor with japanese equivalents of same rank quite reliably for example.
serving up some true pizza kino. the comments are pretty funny too.
>Paying 50 bucks for poor people food.
Grain and legume based dishes are all trash.
that makes sense
I don't like deep dish I like thin crust. Of course I like "traditional" pizza but it's not as great as people make it out to be. It's bullshit tbqh.
jesus christ
>guy takes his craft of a certain food seriously in a very foreign county
>is clearly very respectful, humble and passionate about it.
Yea Forums shits on him.
that'll be 500 dorrar
plus tip
fucking based
The sauce is too thin and he puts too much oil on it. Also, the edge is too thick. Can't imagine that works well together.
what, dont you like pizza?
Brazilian here. The topping might look like shit but it's actually one of the most requested here. It's shredded chicken with a local type of cream cheese.
Having that said his cooking skills are shit and I have no idea why he put canned corn on it.
>American kitchens don't have a dough drawer
>It's shredded chicken with a local type of cream cheese.
that does sound pretty nice
Yeah, it's a local favorite. You can look it up as "Frango com catupiry". UMA DELÍCIA. Brands like Domino's and Pizza hut have a local version of that flavor here. Pic related is what it usually looks like.
Guy on the video prolly works in a bus stop cafeteria with literally the worst quality ingredients you can imagine. 90% sure the tomato sauce and cream cheese have been watered down to give a bigger volume.
it does kind of look like shit
but then again so does peanut sauce on fries and that's a local favorite here as well (holland)
looks good in the pic
whats the matter. are you too good for a garbage-fired pizza?
only place i can remember having peanut sauce was a thai (or maybe viet) restaurant. did they get it from the dutch?
we stole it from indonesians, their food is pretty popular here
Do Americans eat the raw dough without letting it rest?
>3rd world
>3rd world
With the exception of the Muzzie problem in Italy both countries are far superior to the United States of AIDS.
>we stole it from indonesians
but dont peanuts come form the americas? the dutch had colonies in the americas so i would have thought it would be the other way around that south east asians got peanuts form the dutch.