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welp, gg for them
>hollywood about to spew out some more malicious, soulless ahistorical propaganda while trying to make a buck in the process
why do people keep falling for it?
when will people move the fuck on from tolkien/lotr "fantasy" that's actually not a fantasy at all
can't believe the most known fantasy series are lotr and asoiaf...just fucking embarissing stuff.
Tolkien was racist and LoTR belongs to everyone. Times have changed, these old white people need to move on.
suggest more fantasy series then. serious.
LOTR was so good it ruined the genre. Get over it faggot
this. just look at japanese fantasy and how they enjoy it despite how shit it is. any fantasy series will be forever compared to tolkien. any work will have to have perfect world building and sense. and suck all thd other dumb fun there is.
Lotr literally invented modern fantasy tropes and was written by a philologist with autistic attention to detail. You will NEVER get a better crafted fantasy world.
more like the No Fun Allowed estate, amirite?
I take it this means they made up a bit about bum sex involving Tolkien then?
Tolkien estate also disavowed LoTR movies. They don't know shit.
>with cameos from Elijah Wood, Sir Ian McKellen, and Ian Holm
I think his point is that its closer to actualy mythology than "fantasy".
yeah it sent us into the quagmire of muck we have now, read China Mielvilles essay on the topic. Enlightening to say the least!
Why is it even legal for a studio to make a movie saying whatever they want about someone, when their entire family explicitly doesn't want you to?
I mean he's dead, sure, but his family isn't.
They could sue if they think it qualifies as libel
Tolkien and the Tolkien estate took/takes themselves too seriously.
I'm pretty sure they tolerate them. Their main complaint was you can't really turn something like LotR into an action movie.
Because of freedom of speech. Stay mad europoor.
japan this japan that
how the fuck are you not considering suicide
The movies were michaelbayish hamfisted shit that looked shiny. Absolute pleb tier.
It's totally legal to make biographies of real people. There's no law at all. Look at all the unauthorised biographies you get in book form.
A person can sue for libel damages after the fact though, (you can't libel the dead incidently) but rarely can anybody produce proven information whether someone did or didn't say or do something. Social Network was another example, Zuckerberg had nothing to do with it, it was based on a book a co-founder of facebook wrote.
I thought Ian Holm had alhzeimers
>China Mieville
The curlbro who copies characters from FF7 and gets praised for its originality? Yeah, I trust his opinion. Kraken was one of the worst books I've read btw
who told you I am not? I'll put in the note that you pushed me intp suicide fag. I hope you will be strong enough to live with that for the rest of your life.
Tolkien was the one who sold the LOTR movie rights.
Wtf are you even talking about?There is literally NOTHING else besides Tolkien. The absolute STATE of contrarians on this board ISTG.
Did you know tolkien had a secret Black lover that helped him right his books? AND he sometimes had sex with men?
no? well guess what bigots, this is the history your children will learn, because you tolerated bullshit 'documentaries' long enough that (((they))) know they can get away with it.
They probably would have had a say in the movie's making if they had cooperated instead of pouting and acting as if they're too good for it. Tolkien was an amazing man, but he took himself far too seriously and so does his estate. They should make a better biopic and a better LOTR trilogy instead of moaning about literally everything Tolkien-related that ever happens or is released.
>making more LOTR movies
Oh no.
The family has BILLIONS and some of the best lawyers in the world.
think about it, Peterjackson offered his soul to make the silmarillion, and the family told an entire studio to fuck right off, and while they were at it to never ever make another sequel/prequel to what they had already made (and owned the rights for) or the studio would be sued into oblivion.
and peterjackson fucked right off.
In the movie, at any point did they mention Tolkiens Catholic beliefs and influences on his literary view?
I'd rather read Jack Vance.
>"Where's my medicine? My back hurts. Every adaption of Middle Earth or my father's life is absolute horseshit. I think I've just crapped myself. Who are you people?" - Christopher Tolkien.
was this after/during the hobbit disaster? if so, no wonder and based tolkien estate. if before hobbit then I don't understand.
Not him, but it doesn't matter, they hated the LOTR trilogy too.
Normie-core. Don't even compare this shit to such timeless classic like Tolkien's work.
Rightfully so considered how much Hackson bastardized the core material.
they hate anything they can't squeeze money out of. they are just a bunch of greedy crybabies. i'm sure if they were given tens of millions of dollars for this movie they would be releasing all types of positive press.
>Tolkien was an amazing man, but he took himself far too seriously and so does his estate.
No. Really, just no. If Homers son were alive today and took issue with BBC's pozzed up version of Troy (complete with black Achilles) would he be taking himself or his fathers magnum opus too seriously?
No. That's such a fucking stupid way of looking at things.
>make a better LOTR trilogy
Are you actually fucking retarded?
Malazan and black company would like a word with you.
was there ever an elaborate statement from them? personally I thought the BIG CGI BATTLES got stale and lasted too long and the drama was paced badly, often stretching very mundane lines out as if they were epic, profound statements. I like the whole trilogy and have rewatched it several times, but it's undeniably flawed and I don't know the books at all. I could see how from some point of view they're bad adaptations and at that point why wouldn't a tolkien heir shut them down? even if they're good movies, if they fail as representations / interpretations of the source material it's fair to deny the license. hackson could probably make some "not-tolkien movies" by changing all names and switching around some stuff like he does in his adaptations any way. what's stopping him? just the lawyer threat?
Honestly, if LOTR had completely faithful adaptations half of the runtime of them would be spent on characters starting to sing out of nowhere.
and of course a lotr thread cannot be a lotr without someone saying this bullshit. he took a bunch of fairy tales and tweaked them. he did not invent any significant tropes, i dont know where you people get this from. he invented a fictional fantasy world, fictional creatures, and a really stupid fictional version of christianity.... do you think he invented adventure stories or something? guarantee some idiot is going to say "b-but his influence" in response to this, and that is just more meaningless bullshit.
you're an obsessed faggy fanboy. his estate are just money hungry cunts and you're just completely blinded by your fanboyism to see them for what they are.
The extended cuts were about as good as one could reasonably expect a screen adaption to be, I'd argue they even wildly exceeded expectations.
Were they perfect?
Well, yeah to be honest they were. How could you do anything more when taking an immersive medium and making it into a visual medium? Each individuals imagining of Tolkien's world would look different, the characters would sound different, the plants would smell different, the colors would be more or less vivid. This is as good as a one size fits all adaption gets.
Tolkien son Christopher has stated he hates the films the rest of the estate is much more favorable to them.
Are those Tolkien cunts happy about anything?
he still sold it off though. and demolished his father's legacy in part by himself with some of his additions
That's not a word. Just stop.
It looks good from the trailers. I think TE just wants more money.
there hasn't been a peep about the amazon series. take a giant guess why, oh, i know, because they got like $100m out of it lmao. they only care about money.
They're going to portray him as an autistic gay racist.
Are you implying Vance is bad?
>they should just let other people run wild with their fathers IP which potentially would otherwise stand the test of time and be considered one of the classics, even surpassing the Prose Edda, what a bunch of faggots lol
You sound highly intelligent and make a fantastic argument. It's definitely worth pozzing the fuck out something that special for...
Wait, what for? You're saying they're trying to wring more money out by... Not approving of adaptions of the stories or their father's fanfic biopic?
Yeah, how the fuck does that work exactly? My fucking god you are flat out retarded mate, seriously consider ending your life.
Directed and edited by Finnish guys
"I've done more to protect my father's legacy than anyone; even than my father himself. He sold the property rights to Saul Zaentz for a bag of magic beans. Do you call that respectful? I don't. In fact I'm the only one who can truly appreciate the scope of his vision you utter, utter plebs." - Interview With Christopher Tolkien, BBC Radio 4, 2002
I bet if he would have been born in the 90's he would post here.
its amusing watching an obsessed fanboy have a meltdown. it's a stupid fantasy story you fucking loser, grow up, seriously
Tolkien didn't take himself 'too seriously', yes he kicked up a fuss about translations and publications but he wrote the books as a setting for his languages, so getting the language correct was essential and he never saw it as fantasy and didn't intend to create any tropes or genres. It's like saying a mathematician is up themselves because they wrote a book about maths and then complained that christians bought it for theology.
It's amusing someone with no argument try so desperately to disapprove of something they have no reason to disapprove of.
>you're a faggot
>Christopher Tolkien is a faggot
>Christopher Tolkien wants to make money by not approving or monetising adaptions (?)
Seriously how fucking stupid can you be?
Jackson never asked them for the rights for Silmarillion, you are just making shit up.
they disapprove of it because they aren't making money off of it. they are greedy money whores. its amazing watching someone stick up for vultures
did he actually say plebs, based
Why are estates always such faggots? What do they even do for money? What right do they have to say anything they were the fags that still make money off it.
its just a way for their family members to try and squeeze as much money out of it as possible. that's why jimi hendrix still has new albums coming out every year, they just throw a bunch of garbage outtakes together and the obsessed fanboys buy it.
Then why wouldn't he just make one of his own, or take any one of the hundreds (100+) of cash offers already made, just to him personally for his minor participation?
>t-they just wanna make money by not participating in the shit that makes money, at all, ever and disavowing it consistently for decades.
It just isn't as cogent argument. You sound incredibly retarded, surely on some level you must realise that.
What a fucking non-post. There's literally no argument, just shit flinging. Then you have the audacity to claim what other people are saying is meaningless bullshit? You literally cut off avenues of rebuttal by stating you're such a prissy little faggot that you won't actually consider them.
The idea that they were just fanciful settings for his languages is such a clueless meme. He wrote essays about the hero myth and answered hundreds of letters about the mythological underpinnings of the books. He wrote shorter novellas that reexpressed the themes of lotr and the Silmarilion in more clearly archetypal terms. He was interested in the capacity for language as reflective of the power of creation. He flat out stated that he sought a myth for England.
do we have any photographs of the estate in question?
because copyright term is fucked and they get to hold onto to properties for 70 YEARS after the death of the author
isn't it?
a movie is a risk, why would they risk investing money and not getting a return? they just want to sit back and make deals for the use of the material. you dont know what/how many offers they are getting, so nice asspull.
not my fault you cant read or make an argument against it.
Or, you know, they could get someone else to finance it. I guess you don't know that because you're a dribbling idiot who's trying too hard to win an internet argument on a subject he knows nothing about.
The argument that they don't like it because they aren't making money from it is the only one that makes any sense. I mean these fags sold LOTR to Amazon for $250m for the rights (including complete creative control) so don't go telling me that they care about the story.
I wonder why.
knowing hollywood he is going to be turned into a closet gay for the movie and his fellowship will just be homolust because hollywood can't understand friendship
The things Christopher said was wrong with them are the very same things that came to the forefront in the Hobbit and indeed made them bad.
Maybe the movie features his first son, John Francis Reuel as the pedo he was oh oh oh.
I think it will be about his early life the romance with his wife the war and up to the publication of the hobbit, mostly dealing with his PTSD and survival guilt from WW1
It might be interesting, not gonna watch it in a cinema though.
I don't movie that often unless it is something big and visual or that will be spoiled before it hits red box or torrent. I do want to see it as I red a lot of books about him and his writing but no one will have a spoilers wiki on this i can wait 6 months
I agree. Also, Walt was an anti-semite and the mouse belongs to everyone. It's time for these jews to move on.
hahaha, jesus
get an education
They should be thankful they got in a 6ft2, blue-eyed Englishman to play him. It could have been a lot worse. Now casting Lily Collins could be a mistake given she's box office poison, but with nice eyebrows and legs.
THIS! why are all you contrarian shilllords making up wordisms just to pretend you won an internet arguement? Are you like literally retarded cuck soiboys? I mean, I love BBC as much as the next guy but holy shit if you're going to make up a word at least put some effort into it.
plebs is a term that's been around for thousands of years. Did you think your Yea Forums friends invented it?
holy cringe
That isn't surprising. They still aren't happy about the movie adaptations, a couple of younger members of the family aside, so them not being happy about an adaptation of a life story of J.R.R.T himself isn't a shock.
I don't think they have been happy with the biography books written of him either.
>China Mielville
Fucking cringe holy shit
so his Tolkien going to stop in the middle of a ww1 battle to decry racism, sexism and the 6 gorillian?
> if I don't know a word then it doesn't exist
Met Roid Tolkien once at a party, he was a complete fucking douchebag tool.
How can I trust your word user, after all you were under the influence of Roid at the time.
They're going to make him some kind of refugee loving, diversity embracing, atheist antifa to excuse all the shitskins in the upcoming amazon LOTR series. Then once Cristopher croaks, his shitty kids will sell everything to Jewywood and they will rape the franchise in the worst ways possible.
>once Cristopher croaks
He already gave up control of the Estate. Hence the Amazon thing, expect a bright future for his works!
>Implying LOTR with niggers wont flop just like Black Panther
why did she save herself from falling over in the sofa? what a cunt
It won't.
Of course not, they'll spend double the budget of production on marketing and claiming free tickets for charity and not make a profit until a year after it drops while claiming "Hurr durr we made a billion dollars" just like black panther
Literally nothing. It's the 'character who's obsessed with somehing has a wall full of stuff about the topic - cliché'. So the writers figured 'Oh, what is Tolkien all about?' and the intern said 'Spiders and language and fantasy and shit'. So they got another trainee to draw 20 random pages full of these things and placed them randomly on the wall, becuase noone who worked on the movie was ever really dedicated about anything, so they have no clue how the workplace of such a mind must look like.
I don't understand the anglo obsession with biopics. They're fucking horrible; at best you get some awards-sniffing actor doing a mediocre impression of a man whose corpse is barely cold in an utterly non-descript film, and at worst a literal fucking parody of a real individual whilst simultaneously revising his entire life's story for the worse.
As a genre, it's trash.
I don't watch capeshit so you're losing me with the BP comparisons, but you're deluding yourself if you think a massive Amazon production with LORD OF THE RINGS written all over it has any chance of flopping.
>LoTR belongs to everyone
LoTR enters public domain in 2044 (in the UK, but similar laws are everywhere)
yes, it's stupid
>Anglos are the only ones who make biopics
I'm still pissed at you French fuckers for casting a manlet Jew as Celine
> but you're deluding yourself if you think a massive Amazon production with LORD OF THE RINGS written all over it has any chance of flopping.
we'll see
uh huh
I agree
I'm not french, faggot. I spread my cheeks and shit on all biopics no matter where they're from. It's a trash genre.
>casting a manlet Jew as Celine
>Celine is replaced by a manlet semite imposter just like he said Hitler was
That's actually quite funny, in a retarded sort of way.
Lotr literally ripped off a famous contemporaneous opera. Lotr is to the Ring Cycle what the Narnia movie and Game of Thrones were to the Lotr movies.
Bait, but you still get a fuck you
Where do you think words come from?
If it's used as a word then it's a word. The only time you can say something is "not a word" is when it's just gibberish with no meaning but "ahistorical" has a clear meaning that everyone understands so it's not gibberish.
Fucking illiterate.
I agree.
This piece of shit is going to be especially trash because I like Tolkien so much. I'm not even going to bother pirating it
>I'm not french, faggot. I spread my cheeks
Oh you're Greek then
Are you a biopic-loving anglo or what?
If it makes you feel better, I was mostly thinking of americans. Hollywood keeps making biopics of people who aren't even fucking dead.
I will rape you and spit on you as you wail in agony.
>Using DuckDuckgo
Fuck off, you contrarian shill.
>being lithuanian
not long for this world, eh buddy
I agree. Also, Marvel and Star Wars belong to everyone.
let me guess, they're going to make tolkien gay.
Don't you need to dilate?
>I don't understand the anglo obsession with biopics.
They're the only thing we have left, modern Britian is a shithole and nobody wants to make movies about it.
Because of this we look to our past and make historical movies back when England had a culture, Oscar bait biopics being a popular choice.
t. brit
Two hours of Gary Oldman doing his best Churchill impression in a fat suit won't bring the empire back.
I fucking knew it
They're going to make him a closet homosexual. There is no way Hollywood green lit a film about a Christian White Male unless they can somehow undermine him
Because of its inaccuracies, of which there weren't many compared to most adaptations.
I can safely infer that inaccuracies plague the Tolkien biopic as well.
I know, most people I know think these movies are kinda embarrassing, I assume foreigners with a British fetish like them
>Production Company: Fox Searchlight (Disney)
>Distribution Company: Disney Studios
Cringiest shit I've ever read
Brainlet detected. Wagner's opera was an adaptation of the medieval German poem the Nibelungenlied, just like Fritz Lang's film in the 1920s. References to the Nibelung story show up across Germanic, Skaldic, and Old English poetry, including in Beowulf, so Tolkien obviously would have been familiar with it independently of Wagner's adaptation.
You must be retarded. They haven't even seen the movie. Nothing in the trailer implies what you are afraid of. It shows a love story with his wife. TE just mad they didn't get any money from it.
Or maybe they're mad because it's a movie about their grandfather & grand-grandfather and it's shit? Isn't that enough cause to be mad?
You are the brainlet if you think he wasn't riding on Wagner's coattails. No one in England would have given a shit about German romantic nationalism if his operas hadn't become popular. He was openly trying to do the same for his own country.
I don't think Tolkien had any intention of the LOTR becoming popular, it was unexpected
I don't believe it. They were suing with New line cinema for royalties from the Lotr. They clearly want more money.
I somehow doubt he put everything up on the wall like an autist.
He was trying to create a national epic because he envied European nations that had one according to his sons.
The Worm Ouroboros
The Well At The World's End
The King of Elfland's Daughter
The Once And Future King
>In 2009, his heirs settled a multimillion-pound lawsuit over royalties from the Lord of the Rings films. In 2011, the estate took legal action over a novel called Mirkwood: A Novel About JRR Tolkien, which used the author as a central character.
Seems pretty obvious to me what they want.
Also watch them not saying a word agains black elves or explicit sex scenes in the upcoming Amazin series. Because they were paid already.
true in a sense, he said that England lacked a proper mythology and identified that the Norman Conquest stopped the culture development of the Anglo-Saxons.
Why haven't they gone after the videogames with the same passion? They even reimagined Shelob as a shapeshifter in Shadow of War, I would've thought that'd make the heirs' heads explode.
>Chistopher is still his autistic self
Kek. What else is new? He's still allowing the amazon show, will get money from it then shit on it to promote his next "original" rewrite.
I don't know, that surprised me too. But I think it proves that they don't really care for books canon if they were okay with that Shelob.
not sure asking 14 mil for the license is 'allowing' anything, it's clear he doesn't care enough to try to ensure quality and accuracy and thinks a big budget benchmark will ensure that, it won't.
What's more those games used storylines from Silmarillion about the forging of the rings and the war between Sauron and Celebrimbor. And nobody from TE said a word
Because the videogames are middleschool tier fanfiction cashgrabs?
Pretty sure Christopher had stopped running the estate by the time of the Amazon deal.
Either way, I think he's just completely detached himself from it. I did the same thing; people can make trash based on LotR all they want, and I'll keep shitting on it. It doesn't change how I feel about Tolkien or his books at all.
That earned hundreds of millions of dollars, you'd think they'd have taken notice as they're a massive cash-cow.
They already sued Warner for the movies. I guess they gained money from them so didn't care about the games. Warner was producer for the games too as far as I know.
>That earned hundreds of millions of dollars
Being some of the most psychologically manipulative in your face virtual gambling simulators to date. Fuck off shill.
based christopher tolkien dabbing on them jews
good. rebel in the rye was bad enough
>yes, it's stupid
Why? Tolkien is dead, and his son will be dead. Logic me on why extended relatives who had absolutely nothing to do with his creations deserve reward for it any more than some random nigger on the street.
What about good biopics, like Patton?
Haven't seen it! What makes Patton different from other biopics in which the actors are basically just imitating the subject?
lmao I thought they would loosen up after chris tolkien stepped down
nope, still joyless, cranky, and bitching about everything
also completely and totally irrelevant
absolutely no one gives a fuck about "tolkien estate"
nothing worthwhile, in the creative or business sense, has come from there for 40 years
The Tolkien estate has been to fucking limp-wristed.
Garbage fan fiction that paid for distribution rights remains garbage fan fiction.
Patton is a war movie that happens to be about a real person.
Doesn't matter if they are, they make lots of money and that's all TE cares about.
it's their fault for not making licensed products that are up to their standard of quality for almost 60 fucking years
of course garbage fan fiction products would get made, and be successful, eventually, to fill this void
Not gonna argue with dubs
>trying to ruin LOTR with your liberal bullshit
how to make /tg/ go full /pol/ in less than 5 seconds
The world... is changing.
What did he say? I can infer, I just feel like getting mad today
X-axis is iq, y-axis is enjoyment of lotr.
the books maybe. the movies are literally just the normal bell curve of IQ. dumb people don't get it, smart people get that it's overrated, inbetween is the target audience and that's okay.
The Book of the New Sun
by Gene Wolfe.
>"The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long." ― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II.
>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White." ― From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959.
>"I must say that the enclosed letter from Rutten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries? ... Personally I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine." ― Letter 29 — Written in response to Tolkien's German publishers asking whether he was of Aryan origin.
>"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace." ― The Two Towers, "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit".
>"Thank you for your letter. I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject — which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.
>Your enquiry is doubtless made in order to comply with the laws of your own country, but that this should be held to apply to the subjects of another state would be improper, even if it had (as it has not) any bearing whatsoever on the merits of my work or its sustainability for publication, of which you appear to have satisfied yourselves without reference to my Abstammung." ― Letter 30 — Written directly to Tolkien's German publishers.
I did mean the books, you're right about the movies being the opposite. They were fine, but far from flawless.
The game's are fun and well made but holy fucking shit do they absolutely SHIT on the lore.
haha dude all this must mean he would have totally supported millions of violent africans, indians and muzzies flooding into britain and skyrocketing the murder and rape rates, lol he would have loved to see all that multiculturalism
the movie is going to make Fr. Morgan a villain for separating true love
How can you say that, I saw some cannons in that trailer.
>that one autistic finn that has to make it about him and his country
nobody cares about you snowniggers
delete this right the fuck now, this goes against my narrative wtf.