Why didn't the whitewalker or the undead army kill Sam in this scene? He was completely surrounded

Why didn't the whitewalker or the undead army kill Sam in this scene? He was completely surrounded.

Attached: jA8AO - Copy.jpg (720x404, 23K)

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that was in the season finale right? finale scene? probably just some retarded production decision to make it a cliffhanger and then they just hoped people would forget how impossible his situation was next year.


Season 2 was probably the best season

because bran likes samwell duh

white walker getting tactics off of the state of the night watch personnel

What the fuck happened with this? I remember seeing that moment for the first time. HOLY SHIT THEY ARE GOING FOR THE WALL, and then nothing happened with it. The big scary end-game monster just shows up, Ghost kills one of the zombies and then it just kind of ends, and the next time we see white walkers is two or three seasons later where they are actually much further away from the wall.
What the fuck were they doing so close to the wall?

unironically, they let sam live to tell the tale.

Tell the tale of what? That white walkers showed up near the wall, fucked around a bit and then went away?

Hey retard, they literally couldn't get past the wall. They needed to wait for Dany to bring her dragon to them

Well isn't this reminiscent of the very first scene/chapter? One guy actually somehow survives just like Same although not as ridiculous.

So why were they at the wall?

The Gamer's Code: A gentleman gamer should never cause harm to another gentleman gamer.

So why would they leave the wall then instead of just standing there for years waiting for whatever? Why not go to the sea at either end and just swim or walk around? Why not just bash in the gates? If they were already at the wall there's no reason for them to not stay there. This show is shit.

The White Walker didn't actually see Sam. Sam is well hidden behind the rock, and his cloak makes him blend into look like just another part of the rock.
Its just filmed at weird angles. If the Walker saw him, the army would have tore Sam apart.

That youtube description

Attached: 6s.jpg (228x221, 7K)

feels kind of bullshit that the magic ice guys don't have any special or advanced senses beyond 2 human eyes, but okay

They are quite a bit North of the Wall at this point of the series, and the walkers are just roaming around looking for wildings and giants to add to their army. Remember when all the Crows and the Lord Commander went North to see why there was so much new White Walker/Wight activity? The battle at the fist of the first men where the Crows realise Walkers are building an army, and this scene is either just before or just after that.
Before episode 1 I don't think the Crows or Westeros had any idea Walkers even existed. The Wildlings would have known but I don't think anyone else.

It felt like they were toying with some idea that the WW will ignore you if you completely surrender and pose no threat, like they did with the guy in the first Ep, but later dropped it.

My head canon now is that the WW were playing 4D chess trying to lure a dragon north of the wall so they could kill it and then break the wall, so they let people live here and there to spread word of them. Night king knew dragons had been or were about to be reborn or something

>retards ITT think that they were going for the wall
This was the Fist of the First Man you fucking brainlets.

The white walker commander looked straight at him... they made eye contact

This should've been the design for Night King. Looks posing as fucck.

Attached: whitewalkah.jpg (570x380, 45K)

looks like my ratty tissue after I jizzed on it. fucking cumskins

No he didn't. The next scene shows the Commander is actually a bit behind the Rock Sam is blending into. Sam is just glancing over randomly and see's him.

Like I said. They filmed it at weird angles.

I think this is whats going to be revealed in next few episodes. Knight King essentially has the same powers as Bran and can see shit going on in other parts of the world.

Dany moves to Westeros with the dragons, and all of a sudden the NK starts marching on the wall.

That guy is obviously Jon. Have brainlets still not figured this out?

They went back North to get Bloodraven didn't they?

Looks like a butthole

>that nose

Was this whitewalker a jew?

Why did Uncle Benjen sacrifice himself when 10 minutes later the Wall was knocked down?

No the Jews are in Bravos funding wars.

I may never get the image of maisie's digusting gremlin face kissing another human or that scarred fake muscular visage out of my mind ever again. I feel cursed by it.

Isn’t that obvious when he is waiting for bran to show up in the vision and then grabs him?

All we know for sure is that he can tell where Bran always is and is that evidently he has been sending three eyed ravens to try and kill him multiple times. I don't really remember any of that happening though.

They were at the fist of the first men, up north of the wall

no, they fucked the clash of kings book, they missed so fucking much out.

>to tell the tale
>white walkers entire premise revolves around erasing the living and their memory
ok, Dabid

No, the book design should have been it.
Though I will admit, that dude is pretty iconic now.

because he's never gonna lose his V-card

Night King only wants to destroy corrupt men. Sam is noble and pure, worthy of living.

>implying the jews arent funding the white walkers as well

no white walkers anywhere near the iron bank's interests. do the math.

>his face when he'll be right

Attached: choqué chevalie.png (505x656, 336K)

In the books they can sense any creature that's warm blooded.

they forgot to edit the horse as a dead rotten corpse in the last frames, bunch of hacks

Deliberately poorly filmed to tease the viewer. It's almost a break in the 4th wall
>WW looks at camera
>Sam shudders in fear
So dumb

The Battle of Blackwater should have been bigger. It seemed so small in the show.

pro tip: the "night king" that we think we know is not actually the night king. there's another walker we've yet to see. this is why he's not worried about throwing their full force towards the northerners/Dany. he's not actually risking that he gets killed and his whole army drops with him. worst case scenario is that his whole undead army gets rekt and he has to rebuild from square one in the shadows

sam is the only survivor and writes the book series. he grows up to be GRRM dumbasses


something something furtive pygmy

Fist of the First Men is way North of the wall, that's why they were attacked