Amazon LOTR/Middle-Earth

Is there any info other than the fact that it's apparently set in the 2nd age?

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It will be wonderfully DIVERSE and WOKE.

It is going to take place in regions where non whites inhabit.

Wow. What a surprise.

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A vile, stinking Morgul rat professor was teaching a class on the virtues of Sauron the "Great".

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Melkor, and accept that he is the Elder King, greatest within the circles of the world, even greater than the line of Elendil the Tall!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Dúnadan from the ruins of Arthedain who had fought in a hundred wars against Umbar and understood the necessity of the Reunited Kingdom and fully supported all military decisions made by the King of Gondor stood up.

”Who's the greatest King in Arda, Goblin?"

The arrogant Orc professor smirked quite Gorgorothically and smugly replied “The Great Eye, you stupid Man”

”Wrong. It’s Elessar Telcontar. If it was Sauron as you say… then wouldn't he have won at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields?”

The Morgul professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Last Ringbearer. He stormed out of the room crying those Mordor fellbeast tears. The same tears Orcs cried when brave Boromir retook Osgiliath from the foul hosts of the Black Land. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had pulled himself up by his rags and become more than a ruined and terrible form of life.

The students applauded and became proud Gondorians sworn to besiege the Black Gate that day and accepted Eru Ilúvatar as their Lord and savior. An eagle named “Thorondor” flew into the room and perched atop the Tower of Ecthelion and shed a tear on the glimmering spike of pearl and silver. The Oath of Elendil was sung several times, and Tulkas himself showed up and banished Sauron the Abhorrent beyond the Doors of Night.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He tried to escape, but all Orcs were sentenced to death by Aragorn, even the little baby Orcs in their little Orc cradles.


What the fuck are with those realm boundaries? Not a single one follows rivers or mountain ranges. It's just random wavy lines through open plains.

>fought against Umbar
What the fuck, was Earendil his uber? Do you know the distance between the lands of the Northern Dunedain and fucking Umbar?


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It's going to be kinda like GoT. A lot of state intrigue with Sauron the master manipulator behind everything akin to littlefinger / varys / etc.

that's where the fences run

The problem is when leftists inject identity politics into everything it fucks up their ability to engage in actual good story-telling

So it's going to be nothing like Lord of the Rings. Great.

what were you expecting? Amazon wants this mostly to grab subscriptions to their shitty service. They want the appeal to be as wide as possible. So you need something to appeal to women too.

Are you retarded?

Are you retarded or pretending?

Theyre gonna reveal that the lands that later became Gondor and Arnor was full of diversity, but then the evil Numenoreans came and colonized them

The problem is mentally ill incels and poltards project identity politics and insecurities into everything, it fucks up their ability to engage in the real world and with normal people.

Fantasy is not supposed to be the real world, retard. It's supposed to be a disconnect, not a tool to project the social and political opinions by biased writers less interested in good story-telling and more interested in using what someone else created as their own personal social platform.

>Fantasy is not supposed to be the real world, retard. It's supposed to be a disconnect, not a tool to project the social and political opinions
That's exactly what I am telling you, retard.

>abloobloo I don't want black people in my fantasy because reasons!
>ablooblooo MOM, don't let black people enjoy Tolkien's work!

Grow the fuck up.

fuck lotr and fuck tolkien

enough with this tolkien bullshit....three hobbit movies weren't enough? adapt something new, something that has actual fantasy and not just dwarfs running around....if I wanted to see dwarfs running I'll go to so fucking shitty bar in the middle of nowhere. there's fucking midgets racing with camels every year...fantasy my fucking ass.

I would love to see some adaptation of the Silmarillion, it has a lot of material to work with, but the Tolkien Estate has the final say on it and it's unlikely they'll ever agree.

Lmao polcels rekt yet again

Im hoping the story is about the fall of gondolin

nah the problem is nigger-worshiping leftists shoving their unwanted, ugly pet subhumans into every piece of traditionally white media. go back to leftypol

>every land mass has a central volcano

tolkien was such an uncreative hack

Who cares, it's some new original story so it will be utter garbage.


Don't islands often have volcanoes?
In any case, it's an island raised by the gods.

>Star-shaped island
>Places are named Somethingstar
Bravo, Tolkien!

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Of course not. Lord of the Rings and the Downfall of Numenor have nothing in common except for Sauron.


>people are really expecting lord of the rings series

Because they're completely different stories. Sauron manipulated the numenoreans and was the power behind the throne. The Fall of Numenor is a political story. Hell they're probably gonna throw in a subplot with ar pharazons wife since she's technically the rightful heir while her husband is a usurper.

Probably not as long as Christopher Tolkien is alive considering that he wasn't a big fan of the LOTR filmatization and The Hobbit trilogy probably didn't help.