Why is Yea Forums so entry level compared to Yea Forums and Yea Forums? The absolute STATE of this board:

Why is Yea Forums so entry level compared to Yea Forums and Yea Forums? The absolute STATE of this board:

>Go to Yea Forums
>Find threads about popular fad genres, some pretentious ones about less known genres, but overall interesting debates and references. Some threads exclusively about expanding your tastes and recommending stuff outside your comfort zone.
>People outside of Yea Forums use Yea Forums essentials as a place for finding new stuff.

>Go to Yea Forums
>Find threads about bestsellers and classics, some pretentious ones about less known books, but overall interesting debates and references.
>People outside of Yea Forums use Yea Forums recommendations as a place for finding new stuff.

>Go to Yea Forums
>Nearly every thread is either about super-hero movies, game of thrones or degenerate reality TV, and each of these topics gets 10 simultaneous threads every minute of every day. The compounded efforts of Yea Forums intellectuals generated the word "kino" as the sole descriptor of a good movie, although most of the time it just means "use of pastel color schemes", "use of neon color schemes", or "babby's first Byronic hero main character". Recommendation threads here are unironically the same you could find on a buzzfeed "top series to watch in 2019" article.
>People outside of Yea Forums use Yea Forums posts to discredit the entire imageboard

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you are right.

all the got/marvel threads are annoying

watching tv is a low attention span NPC activity that's why. only absolute redpilled user's read fine literature or endulge in the broad musical arts.
>forgetting youre on the same website that hosts Yea Forums

Your descriptions of mu and lit are so fucking wrong I know you've never even visited them

There was a time, before The Dark Knight Rises, where there was always a healthy amount of discussion. Of course it came with the caveat that everyone tried to out-douche each other with pretension but it fostered an atmosphere where plebs were driven out.
This was all brought to a grinding halt with big guy threads that created the environment you see today. Unfunny memes posted simultaneously over and over again, with absolutely no variety. The joke never changes or evolves, it's just repeatedly posted by absolute faggots, driving quality threads to the archive.
>He's gonna say it
These are the current "For you" worst offenders. If you are one of these posters, literally kill yourself.

>Unfunny memes posted simultaneously over and over again, with absolutely no variety. The joke never changes or evolves, it's just repeatedly

This is why I love Yea Forums, just like a classic sitcom, you can always count on it. It's comfy

Yea Forums is sneed level

Fuck you man I once watched as movie that didn't even have colors

I mostly agree though it feels like Yea Forums is better suited to shitposting about pop culture. maybe there is a need for /pop/ to put discussion about recently released popular media or something like that.


Television/cinema is probably the easiest to access and most heavily marketed artform, and the lack of attention span or critical thinking or really just any kind of thought whatsoever necessary to consume it is only surpassed by social media. so it shouldn't be surprising that it attracts a mass (retarded) audience.


Yea Forums and Yea Forums (also /fa/) are full of non traditional gender role conforming individuals. I’ve made great threads myself on various topics, posted essays on film theory anonymously that belong in the history books, I’m basically a genius, as are most fa/tv/irgins. That’s why we feel comfortable pretending to be retarded. Yea Forums is also the most heterosexual blue board, although I will admit most people on here have terrible taste in movies

i dont visit Yea Forums as much as i used to but it used to be dominated by shitty american rap, endless discussion about the same 10 meme albums, k-pop and waifu threads
honestly not much different to here

You're not wrong about Yea Forums, but Yea Forums isn't much better. Everyone there seem to treat the 'core' albums as truly being the best around, and that taste seems to have spread everywhere on the internet. You can't go on a facebook group without seeing a shoegaze (always just one of like 3 bands at that).
Seeing 3 Radiohead albums on the 'rateyourmusic' top 10 albums of all time is enough to not want to discuss music.

>go to Yea Forums
>only thread where people appear to have actually read the books they're talking about is the scifi/fantasy one

A boards shitpost ratio is directly proportional to its traffic.
Yea Forums is the only one that looks like they've managed to retain some form of board culture despite being one of the highest visited boards.

based & true

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>Yea Forums
>full of hipsters listening to shitty music thats entirely based on preference and holding no greater meaning

>Yea Forums
>full of Luddites and boomers wasting their time over a redundant form of fiction media

>Yea Forums
>full of chads and contemporaries who only enjoy the most advanced form of interactive entertainment that makes use of both sight and sound, selecting for the best of literature and using music only for its greatest purpose which is to set the mood

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lol Yea Forums is retarded

>Yea Forums
>nietzsche threads
>multiple threads on cultural marxism
>"books by women of colour" with a pic of AOC
>thread with most replies literally asking for favorite film director
>second highest replied thread is on e-celebs(pewds of all people)
>just as many threads on rome as you'd see here
>"what are you reading" threads
Ah yes Yea Forums is truly booming


This but unironically

there are only three groups of people on Yea Forums
>people who only watch the most mainstream movies
>people who only watch the most niche movies ever, and unironically have ptp account and are proud of it
>people who don't watch movies at all, and just shitpost

fucking newfags, one day you will understand that the only thing this site is good for is shitposting

Listening to an album is easier and more rewarding than watching a movie

this place should be discredited. its a fucking shithole

There should be a separate board for comic book movies

Have sex

Fuck you.
I enjoy big budget popcorn flicks.
And century old silent films.
And weird direct to cable/DVD/VHS B-movies.
And pretentious foreign art house flicks.
And British TV series that might wind up on Masterpiece, except the Cumberbitch Sherlock pile of shit.

>Yea Forums
>interesting debates and references
let's take a look, shall we?

>kpop waifu incels
>three threads using the exact same album cover image about generic pitchfork garbage from last year
>/soc/ thread
>/r/ threads
it's almost like you're a delusional cherrypicking retard or something.

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And that's STILL better than Yea Forums.
If Yea Forums was lile Yea Forums then you would have like endless +300 post threads about Despacito and David Guetta every single day, passionately arguing which made more millions in sales.

Literally from your image:

5 threads about Kpop/Rap
5 threads about noise/80's/some other non-fad music.
4 recommendation/rating threads
Rest are trolls/spam.

Unironically follows the description you're complaining about.

If it was 10 threads about kpop and 10 threads about eminem trying to argue which one is better based on album sales, you'd have the Yea Forums version of Yea Forums.

Are you arguing with this guy or agreeing with him? I can't tell.

Yea Forums is way worse than Yea Forums; I probably read twice as much as I watch tv & film but the autists there make it impossible to take seriously.

All their stickied lists are ridiculous. DAE The Road?

no1 on Yea Forums knows anything about music


Yea Forums is a disney board. If you don't like it go to... umm... go to... /pol/

Because Disney and how the distribution model works. Cinema is the most popular artistic form since its inception and the most lucrative, hence there is no art to found in movies nowadays, only contrived cash grabs. No risks, no narrative ambition, no comfy alternative or experimental movies in theaters anymore. Whatever. I'm more of a vidiafag these days

Films (and television) have a tendency to cause an intense following by plebs, AND those plebs are the kind of people that go on Yea Forums. Think about it: literature plebs are a rare breed anyway (mostly middle aged women reading Dan Brown or Fifty shades of grey), and music plebs are 99% absolute normies who would never visit 4chins. But with films, especially nowadays, you have a lot of outcast nerds who nevertheless are massive plebs, and they actually do come on Yea Forums. All the while people who watch more arthouse-type films are often pseuds and hipsters who don't come here.

With films there's also an issue with what is actually high quality content. There's obviously a lot of pleb-tier stuff like capeshit and so on. But a lot of the arthouse stuff is just hacky shit for pseuds and contrarians, and not really of high quality. All the while many high-quality films are also quite popular. So all together it creates a strange situation unlike what you'd find in respect to music and literature, where low-quality and high-quality are more clearly delimited.

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that sounds miles better than the shit that actually gets posted on Yea Forums

Yea Forums is full of plebs with shit taste. It is similar to Yea Forums actually. At least in Yea Forums you can get some good recommendations. For music, I'd rather go to VK groups.

This board is the shithole of Yea Forums. You could even find better content on Yea Forums. As for the reason, bad moderation, generally uneducated people and memes that attracted the normies. No such things on Yea Forums or /lit. On the other hand, Yea Forums went to hell around 2013, too.

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I feel like if French was my native language, this movie would have been absolutely insufferable.

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You know what a shit state it has become when the form of edgy contrarianism is not to reject mass super hero shit but to root for another form of mass super hero shit that is not as popular

IE DC films or even fucking Pokemon or Alita

This, either OP is a retard or only came to this site last week.

Yea Forums is garbage, as bad as (if not worse than) Yea Forums.

>everyone who doesn't share my taste is a pleb

because Yea Forums has become a shitty spill over board full of 80 IQ /pol/troons who come here to wank each other culture wars stuff.

I've gotten good recs from tv over the years from every other thread. I just like to banepost most of the time

That puts me off every time I visit Yea Forums once in a blue moon

Based Renoir. He was the very best kinoguy.