Damn the star wars fandom is cancer

Damn the star wars fandom is cancer.

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Really makes you think about our society


>Dobson thread
If I have to....

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Nothing personnel humans

What's with the woodchuck looking like he's about to rape her?

>son of dob

damn this is powerful.........

kek dobson really is a fucking cuck

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I keep saying it but everyone just scoffs at me. Being famous is bad for you.

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>being a hollywood actor who gets bullied by overweight 30 year old star wars fan neckbeards
How are these people so pathetic?

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>endured a boycott
>TFA is top 10 grossing films of all time

what did he literally mean by this?

>bullied by jealous 12 year olds
>bullied by a handful of nerds
>bullied by alt-right trolls
>bullied by Chinese cinema goers
>her wooden acting and the Mary Sue role deserve a fate far worse than a couple of snarky comments on fb
>Boo hoo, he made billions and is involved again.

>deleted instagram accounts because of harassment

If they got a computer virus, would they need therapy?

It's funny because it's obvious that he forgot that it's supposed to be a comedy strip so he crammed in a shitty non-sequitur into the last panel.

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That's what kids do, nothing to do with fans. It would happen even if PM was beloved
>nearly suicided
Big if true
>endured a boycott
You boycott a product. You can't boycott a person
>deleted Instagram
boo hoo
>deleted instagram
boo hoo
>made 4 billion by signing some paper


What does jalapeños have to do anything? wtf is the joke?

Oh no, those incredibly wealthy good looking celebrities encountered people that didn't treat them with inherent praise, what a horrible existence.


Does this person know about the X-Men?

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>That's what kids do, nothing to do with fans. It would happen even if PM was beloved
Jake Lloyd's issues with bullying was like next level shit. And hew was a kid living every little boy's dream. And it turned out to be something that would fuck him up for life.

He's the only one on this list I consider legit life ruined because of star wars.

The joke is that he was too busy preaching his surface-level political views instead of telling an actual joke.

So brave

So is there any single source of why they deleted their instagra accounts? Because as far as I know thye just did it and said nothing.

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Incels hacked their accounts and deleted them which is a form of virtual rape.

is this real life?

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Omg, they deleted their instagram account!

What's the blue flag with the double yellow stripes?

What does this fucking bear look like in real life?

Wait who's Tom Preston?

it's an equal sign as far as I can tell

It was a thing from like 7 or 8 years again. It was like "I stand for equality" if I remember correctly.

you mean the author? hes a weirdo with a ponch who's never seen without a fedora atop his presumably bald head

Transgender flag

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Getting a bit tired of Dobson lads. Ive written too many words about him.

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Here's the complete one

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>dislikes negativity
>90% of his comics are him complaining about stuff

he used to be a test pilot okay! he's ejected over 10 times

Poor multimillionaires ;_;

>kylo is literally the only good character in nu-wars

really makes me think

>Power chords
Being THIS much of a brainlet

>fuck you fans
>why are these so unpopular
Makes you think

This tbqh

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>Likes normal human functions
>Dislikes random shit
Are you guys sure Dobson is not an alien?

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no, we aren't

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>so subversive
>the villain is literally you or something
maybe we were wrong all along, could it perhaps be kino?

nice catch, but then, are powerful chords not the best?


>Bad actors and terrible casting decisions couldn't handle criticism.
your sympathy for these poor souls is mandatory, goyim.

is that Pugsley Addams?

>nice catch
I'd just like you to know Yea Forums has made fun of the power chords thing thousands of times already

Bald and shaped like an egg.


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I'm sure, what's new to me is an old road to another

Explains the inflation fetish. Getting blown up like a bloom would probably make him normal heigh.

>lebsian kick

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Anyone have the alternative version of this made by some tranny? It was apparently too tolerant for Dobson and he had to resort to blackmail to get it deleted.

Dobson is so FUCKING lucky the internet came put, or else his misanthropic paranoia would have no validation, and he would have nothing to justify his mentally unhealthy idea that anyone he doesnt like is as evil and disgusting as he can possibly imagine

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Hello, Disney. I couldn't hlp but to notice you're posting that pic A LOT over the past few days. Are we trying to bully the masses into being kinder towards your next SW movie? I think we are.

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I wonder where my pipe went

>people who have a vested interest in not disappointing you tend to lie about the quality of your work
>anonymous, impartial critics have no such obligation to you and tell it to you like it is
powerful message.

>friends and family said it was great so it must naturally be great nobody could think otherwise
I can almost guarantee the other children at school called him the tubby weird art kid. The best part about Dobson is that he destroys himself with his own work.

>With ''''friends''''

lol okay Dobson

>so boring and bland he has to point out arm hair as a defining trait

Most artists at this age just have a career and make some amount of money satisfying paying fans, they dont generally have to rely on internet chatter for the satisfaction of knowing they make art people want

The one on the right in that panel looks like he's holding a mop. Maybe Dobson confused the school faculty being nice to him out of pity with having friends.


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This is so fucking confusing on so many levels so I'll just focus on the positive, the hot brown tomboy. I also prefer the hot brown tomboy over the blonde bimbo. Even a broken clock, etc.

This image might actually be perfect. Thank you.

The lil Anakin thing was especially weird. You would think being a child actor in a fairly prominent role in one of the biggest franchises in the world would make you the coolest kid on the playground but apparently you get bullied for it? Just doesn't seem right somehow

Imagine focusing your life on this shit.

He was probably acting like a highfalutin faggot at school and got bullied for it. There's always a reason why and it almost always stems from the bullied kids behavior.

>power chords
What is it with weak men and their fascination with punk rock?

>Deleted her Instagram account due to harassment
oh no :

>people working on star wars are thin-skinned little cucks.

it reminds me of that webcomic about the autistic 24yo virgin dadrock lover guitar player that made up his fantasy girl that ended up falling in love with his selfinsert
he later became a tranny
think his name was Kevin

It unironically is. They're even more cancerous than GoT at this point.

Fuck Dobson though

why do these people strain so hard they nearly tear their asshole or burst a bloodvessel trying to push this shit? Why is it at all important. You gonna feel like a whole human being if you're gay and you see a gay superhero?

>hot brown tomboy
Kind of surprised no one's drawn any porn of her yet.

FYI, after this became viral Dobson later whined on social medias about how this didn't make him any money and how being an artist was so tough

Man, I bet the feminists fucking hated it.

why are people even replying to this tumblr tier post/picture

Thats starwars fans and not /pol/ doing that btw.

The dude who played jar jar was bashed by the media. The fans just focused on the character.

>good looking
Lmao my dude.

>They're even more cancerous than GoT at this point.
hahhahahahaha no

or maybe

Flagrant displays of political correctness validate the anti-social belief that its the rest of the world's bigotry that keeps one down. Having been bullied, criticized, and mocked, the self-declared victim pretends its his kindness and virtue that keeps the world from showering him in the social prizes he believes he deserves

you put it into the words I could not. Thank you user, that was fucking based.

The average joke on Yea Forums is considered abuse by most social media only users. Prepare for more censorship.


X-Men and Black Panther don't exist in Dobson's world I guess.

Also, why is this the only comic Dobson's ever drawn with black people in it?

This shit actually makes me fucking angry, it's 10/10 nuclear bait that gets me every fucking time

>'she's not called captain cuntlicker in a rainbow suit with pink hair and a wife, therefore she's not a lesbian and lgbt isn't being represented!'
>they say, unwittingly harming their own narrative by otherising gays and perpetuating the assumption that everyone is automatically straight until proven gay

I can't tell if the people who do it are doing it because they're fetishizing the sexuality, exhibitionists, or fucking idiots

How do their skulls not split from the cognitive dissonance when in one breath they carry "Actually, many people are LGBT and it's just a part of their life like your sexual proclivity for the opposite gender, and it's very normal and a part of society" and then shout "HEY EVERYONE LOOK GAYS WOOO RAINBOWS AND COCKS HAHA THE GAYS ARE COMING PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT WE DO IN THE PRIVACY OF OUR BEDROOMS HONK HONK HONK"

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All of Yea Forums loves to hate this guy. It's a pastime.

>boo hoo pity all those sad wealthy people.

Just dont suck at your job and people wont give you shit about it.

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>Bullied by school children and actually likes Star Wars fans who at least have fun with the character
>Nearly committed suicide because the media painted his character as a racist caricature up until Disney bought Star Wars
>10 poltard accounts and a few false flaggers
>Never ever publicly commented on why she quit Instagram
>Never had a strong social media presence in the first place and claims to hate it
>George Lucas being a sadsack is the fans' fault

Not just Yea Forums. Dobson is such a unique lolcow because literally EVERYONE fucking hates him, even the people whose side he desperately tries to be on.

>he would have nothing to justify his mentally unhealthy idea that anyone he doesnt like is as evil and disgusting as he can possibly imagine
Spot on description of /pol/


Yep, that too.

>fetishizing the sexuality
this is exactly it, Liberalism is the religion, the gay is its priestly caste, its dogma is inclusion, to ask why it is even important to have a plethora of gay characters is its heresy.

>How do their skulls not split from the cognitive dissonance
Because they are narcissists living in a weird cult of otherness where to lavish on praise in the sign of the faithful. It's like the Emperor's New Clothes.

don't ruin an otherwise insightful post with their weird newspeak.

But really star wars actors get a ton of flack when their characters dont go well

This is what Dobson wants to do with his life? Isn't he 40 years old and still obsesses about children's cartoons and lesbo fetishism

don't all actors who do a role where the fans are this dedicated? I'm sure John Boyega is crying about how we all hate him and thinks it's down to his race or something. But if he was doing the same thing with a Star Trek cahracter or Doctor Who or LOTR, they'd be the same.

>even the female baddies are blonde
real subtle

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didn't this tubby bitchboi get btfo because of his inconsistencies about Nintendo characters?

the "endured a boycott" thing was one of the most transparent examples of manufactured outrage i've ever seen

within a few hours there were about 10x as many articles about the boycott than there were people actually participating in it

This some serious misinformation.

Was this person alive in the 80s, 90s and 00s? All this shit only happened in the past 10 years.

He's over 30, around Chris Chan's age.

Balding manlet who can only make a point by falsifying an argument.

It sounds masculine, but the politics are usually very left wing, so they don't have to worry that they are enjoying muh toxic masculinity the way they would if they were listening to any variety of heavy metal or hard rock.

V is the only good thing from the shitquels.

>Tries to bait people into asking: "what was the incident?"
>Nobody asks
>Still tells the whole story like someone asked

> Muh russian bots!

He should know, then, that comics weren't any different than the broader culture in the 90s and 00s. He makes it sound like BLM and gay marriage campaign were the social norm in 1995.

He has a lot of skeletons in his closet so he overcompensates and tries to pretend that he's always been super PC.

this is always the case user, ask any super active member of an activist community and they will act as if they are fighting a great evil.
>"We need more gays in cinema!"
Really? Like every other actor isn't a homo?
>"We really need to break down the stigma of mental illness"
If I said that depression isn't real in my place of work I'd be fired, ironically for perpetuating the "massive" stigma. And so would everyone else in the civilized world.
>"this is why sexual assault survivors aren't beleived"
Bitch, if anyone ever got overheard questioning whether a girl was raped, their career is over in a heartbeat. The left is nothing without its struggle.

It's the Grand March mentality, Kundera pointed this out decades ago. Revolution to revolution, struggle to struggle.

interesting, I never actaully got round to reading him. Is this the long and short of what he had to say or did he have more to add? Care to redpill me if he did?

>he’s the size of a grunt in halo

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>this one person has managed to piss off all the boards here
I’ll give him that at least

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Damn Dobson looks like THAT!

I can't really do it justice, you have to read Unbearable Lightness of Being, but there's a chapter in it called the Grand March in which people feel that they want to be a part of some historical greatness and so join in, so they have to keep finding new causes to march for to have a sense of purpose. So everything needs to be dramatized to the nth degree as a matter of life and death and grave injustice. Kundera grew up in communist Czechoslovakia, he hated that mentality.

>power chords

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yep, that sounds exactly it. The further left it is the more revolutionary it is and the more it is in search of a bogeyman. Will read user, thanks. It's my best friend's favoruite book and he has mentioned it a number of times so I will look into it.

"The Blue Bear" sounds like a fucking pedo handle he uses to bait children.

What?? Comics have always been one of the most forward thinking industries in the West.

Only one that really deserved shit was Lucas.

Why does liberal propaganda or "think pieces" always feel like the 2 Minutes Hate speeches from 1982?

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It's a great book, and it's a shame it's not read more often, it was a standard a generation ago that both liberals and conservatives liked. The left took over education, though, and the book is definitely anti-leftist even if Kundera himself is a liberal. If you've ever heard sjw types say
>the personal is political
>the idea of privacy is bad because it's just a cover for privileges people to be racist, sexist, homophobic, commit rape, etc

Kundera goes after that mentality too.

this is fucking insane. does this idiot not realise he's being sexist to defend lesbians? lol. no progressive would support this let alone find it funny.


like clockwork

w-what could she do with the jalapenos though

Jews did Minstrel shows
The Jazz Singer is super Jewish, not in a /pol/ way it's literally just about Jewish culture through the eyes of a minstrel show Singer.

This one is particularly bad, because he's completely rewriting history since the current social mood is "nerds and gamers bad". Comics were tackling racism before the 80s, and 80s/90s X-Men is just a long allegory for why racism is bad and the Religious right is evil. And a lot of comics featured people with unusual sexualities back when the mainstream culture was jocks calling the gay kids faggots. Thinly veiled Reagan and Bush clones were usually the bad guys. I don't even like comics and I was aware of all this.

>Comics were tackling racism before the 80s, and 80s/90s X-Men is just a long allegory for why racism is bad and the Religious right is evil.
He actually said in another comic this very thing to defend the idea that comics have always been progressive, in defense of the current SJW politics they're now shoehorning in them.

The religious angle in X Men is fairly recent and also dumb.

I love dobsonposting
When was the last time anyone saw him in the wild?

I thought the grunts were 4'6", not 5'6". That said, I'm sure Dobson is just as intelligent, if not less than, them.

>since the current social mood is "nerds and gamers bad"

That's weird because it wasn't too long ago that being nerdy was "cool" and hip, mostly thanks to shit like The Big Bang Theory.

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>does he not realize

He's a 5'6 balding manlet with an inflation fetish fighting the patriarchy under the guise of a blue bear wearing a fedora. Always impressing the women he draws in his comic strips.

There is a lot that fucker is missing, most of which are brain cells.

>Religious right is evil
Tone down the islamophobia bigot, before I sic OIC on your ass.

>fairly recent

Reverend Stryker goes back to the 80s and was modeled on Jerry Falwell and Moral Majority, I remember him in multiple episodes from the 90s XMen cartoon.

sounds right up my alley. I love some of the anti-soviets that came out of that time period. You know they really suffered and know what they are talking about. Bulgakov and Solzhenitsyn are kinography.


Holy shit

Yeah, I am still confused what happened. I started going to anime and comic conventions in 2010 when I was 17, the attitude was really positive and

>group hug, we're all freaks here!

I went to one for the first time in a while back in January, and the vibe is totally different, it's like half of the people are afraid of the other half and that other half resents the first half.

No one who goes hard as a motherfucker with eyebrows like that has good intentions.

>"nerds and gamers bad"
I don't think it's this at all. I think "Nerd Culture" has fully been embraced as cool. When hot girls jump in on the scene you know it's mainstream enough to become culturally normal and therefore embraced by women.

The gamers = bad thing is simply that they are now expected to fall in line with the dominant narrative. They are formally fringe and could do whatever they wanted before, having almost naked chicks in their comics and vidya. It's why only Jap vidya has this "misogynist" stuff in it these days.

Now they are part of the big green money machine, these fans and artists are supposed to move lock step with the corporate interests that have wrapped their tentacles around them.

They love gamers and nerds, so long as they are behaving and spending their money correctly.

Grunts are way more intelligent than Dobson

God Loves, Man Kills

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Is possible to be any more of a simp than this artist?

You see, the problem with the nerds is that they are the 'lore' junkies. They do nothing else. The 00's internet is just nerds screeching at one another over smallest details.
Now imagine that you will introduce a bunch of posers and social engineers that do NOTHING else but fuck up the lore in the name of ism. The reaction will be quite vicious, and the only way the corporate backed ismists can have any foothold is via massive censorship and attacks against true core of any fandom.

I liek ewoks!!! :3 :3

Don't language police people, Cletus.


>Positive Representation

Literally all they did last five seconds of the series was they held hands and looked at each other

I didn't even know they were gay until the creator said so

This is all true. But remember that even though it was a fringe culture, it wasn't really any different from mainstream culture with rap videos of women in thongs shaking their asses on expensive cars or TV ads of half naked women selling you soft drinks or axe body spray.

Mainstream culture itself shifted 2010-15, video game and nerd stuff was just maybe 2 years behind.

Either good bait or a complete retard.

>Assuming a black guy like Black Panther because he's black and not because he's a superhero

Imagine shitting yourself just because a character shares a shallow common trait with you. Literal fucking ant-people weaklings. How much of an empty scumbag can you be.

they wanted to expand the audience at cons

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Dobson must have a say job right.

Or does he leech of his parents?

>tranny talks about language policing

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Tbh I had a black coworker, smart guy, who said he didn't like the Magic School Bus because there weren't enough black characters for he and his brother and sister to pretend to be when doing imaginary adventures. I wasn't sure what to say to him given that the black kids were actually overrepresented.

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>Winter soldier
A mind of a balding numale faggot with zero standards, everyone.

>everyone I don't like is a tranny and has to answer for my infographics
Is this really the extent of your ability to argue? Sad, if true.

>being nice is being evil

I hate the modern liberalism so much.


Is this dude always such a faggot?

the irony is not lost on me, but I stand by it, their newspeak is fucking weird and we should be on guard agaisnt it. At least our reaction to it isn't that of a hivemind or to declare the user a heretic for transgressing. We just think he's a retard.

true, but it isn't the nudity or gore or sex I was really talking about, it is their general attitude now towards vidya and other "geek" media. Fucking hate these terms man. They are happy to invite these hobbyists in, but as soon as the hero is too nuanced and isn't explicitly punching Nazis or fighting for Trannies, he is "problematic".

They even recently made Magneto a literally neo Nazi who joins forces with Hydra or another group that is still loyal to the Fuhrer. Fucking... Magneto..... wut? I mean, it's just not possible to have a villain today unless they are a Nazi or in the orbit of the Nazis, so if they have someone who is evil and hates Nazis, that's just too nuanced and makes the sjw confront the possibilty of nuance, areas of grey, or heaven forbid a big question mark over who the real bad guy is.


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This. Literally nobody had a problem with Ahmed.

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you might wanna see my post here which is incidentally on topic:
They see villains who happen to have been given a backdrop that is political. IIRC Winter Soldier is about a Soviet mid control experiment? And Captain is naturally all about his star spangled aewsomeness. The trembling sjw wants all things to fit into neet categories and no nuance, so no wonder they focus in on the factions that the two guys belong too (even though it makes literally no difference, Bucky could have been a CIA experiment gone rogue instead) and think they are fighting the good fight.

imagine if you just stopped posting twitter screen caps
literally no one will know who the fuck this faggot is. fuck you

This. It's also why anyone that wants their niche hobby to become popular is fucking retarded. Thank fuck anime is made exclusively in japan where they don't seem to give as much of a shit. At least for now


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Literally no one who ever shit on jar jar even knew the actor's name. If he nearly killed himself because people really didn't like a role he was unrecognizable in, he has serious fucking issues.

>that's just too nuanced and makes the sjw confront the possibilty of nuance, areas of grey, or heaven forbid a big question mark over who the real bad guy is.

This is the real issue. 80s, 90s, 00s media was filled with morally ambiguous characters, antiheroes, etc like The Punisher, Crow, Spawn, 80s and 90s Batman, and that's just in comics. I think people just got sick of it and wanted some moral clarity desu. But out in the real world it's like a complete reversal of how Americans viewed the US in 1990

>the greatest force for good and freedom and equality in the world

And how a large chunk of Americans view it now

>an evil racist sexist homophobic empire that needs to undergo a complete revolution in thought to make up for its past horrors and completely exterminate that mindset

It's like we replaced one big fiction with an even more extreme big fiction. I liked how our movies, music, and other media used to question absolutes and not be black and white, maybe it was too cynical, but I'd rather have that given the woke version of Christian morality plays that we have now.

>Pakistani terrorist physically assaults the man democratically elected President of the United States of America in his bath robe

>strong offense
God save us from our narcissism

>loafed on the couch for 2 hours
The man baby grows ever larger

>Nephew's Hannukah gift
Well that explains it, perpetual guilt, strong sense of persecution and angst, eternal kvetching, all rubbing off on the poor goy.

>drawing in the car
So he let his woman drive? That's the final fucking straw.

Is that spoony as dr insano?

Furries are truly stupid people.

Yes, Anime is a fine example of what is currently excluded. You know once it is taken over, they will make something like Goblin Slayer again and it will get pulled and some mangaka will have to apologize and even though the Slayer is there to kill the rapey goblins, it'll still be promoting rape culture. Ya know, cos Schindler's List is such an anti-semitic film for portraying all those Jewish deaths. Then the next season will feature Goblin Slayer fucking up all the time and having to be saved by one of his magic girls who has hung up her costume (lewd or not) to don armour and fight alongside him, showing him up and outdoing him at every opportunity.


I think it's just some bottomfeeding cosplayer fan. I don't believe Spoony would be Dobson's friend.

Not a furry (according to him)

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It's not even true for the last ten years. Comic shops were dead the minute Diamond Distributers got bought out and it hasn't risen since.

this, everyone thought he was just a CGI character and blamed George more for including him. Nobody gave a shit who was playing Jar Jar

proof positive that these people are not pro-[insert group name here] and are not goody two shoes pacifists. They are simply impotent to act out their aggresion on others the way they'd like to. Hence the rapey male feminist phenomenom. They are pacifists cos they couldn't possibly be anything else.

did the mangaka really have to apologize?

Anime is getting more and more mainstream, that's why GS even caused any controversy (personally I couldn't stand it because the art looked like shit). Shit like My Hero Academia, OPM, Death Note, Attack on Titan and a few others have broken into the mainstream or at least the surface layer of it. But like I said nips don't give a shit what filthy gaijin think so long as they sell enough figurines. I mean rape is one of the most popular hentai categories for fucks sake. My only fear is that the western market grows large enough to attract their attention and they start pandering to it.
No, he speaking hypothetically

>I think people just got sick of it and wanted some moral clarity desu
I would strongly disagree here senpai. I appreciate what you're saying, but I think it isn't tiredness with adult themes and moral quandries. Usually your tolerance for that goes up with time, not down. I think they just became infantilised. Why? Pick your poison. Flouride in the water, onions, economic downturns leading to a lack of purpose and an inability to live the grown up life your parents got to, general precarity making the future scary. I think the way they tackle moral issues is exactly how a child does. They cry when their Disney princess has a hardship to overcome, because a 4 year old cannot understand that a challenge is what's required for her to be a hero. That's why nu-Star Wars' Rey is so infuriating, she isn't poorly acted or ugly, or flat or unappealing really, she is just excorted down a red carpet to her objective.

As for your other greentext, I think maybe you were replying to another user? Don't recall writing those, but very interesting take I agree with nonetheless user.

>le Pizza meme shirt
>Soi beard, baldness
>muh depression, muh sleeping xD
He is the anti-man, there is not a single male quality about him

Isn't it telling that webcomic artists like Ronnie, KC Green, Kate Beaton, Sarah Anderson, and Katie Tiedrich all depict themselves as being shorter, fatter, and uglier than they really are, but Dobson doesn't? And rather than go with a more true to life self insert he started to use his fursona, "the blue bear".

Pretty sure there's a difference between the government thinking it has the right to put death machines in the air of its own populace


Look at this character with no real characteristics outside their sexuality/nationality/gender

no he didn't, I meant it as a hypothetical as what will occur. There will be a goblin-slayer-like anime in 10 years that will be so triggering that the mangaka will have to apologise and get fired anyway and then the second season will see a woke lesbian hero take over.

Sorry, should have clarified this is my worst case predictions for the future, not what actually happened. As far as I remmber, the Goblin Slayer team basically just went full steam ahead and said "lol fuck off" when they got criticised.

>good jewish person

the anime does cut out some rape scenes though, I thought they gave in or something

what the fuck is wrong with 5'6''?

the average adult male is 5'2'', so Dobson is actually pretty tall

>Dislikes Mayo
But then why he am so fat?

>I know LEGALLY I was in the right
except he wasn't. That was property that belonged to Gamestop and it was physically located on Gamestop's private property. And Dobson tried to physically remove that belonging from the private property without consent from the owner of the belonging/property. Theft. If I get a free bobblehead from a baseball game you can't come into my house and take it because you have an email that says the bobbleheads are free. Even if the promotion from Capcom was that it was supposed to be free for pickup from Gamestop locations, Capcom can't force Gamestop to follow through on that agreement. There would be recourse/consequences but that does not legally permit Dobson's actions. What a fool. Arrest this fuckhead.

>life is like a dying apple in red wine
why does he need a thesaurus?

I like how he draws himself to be a lot less bald than he is in real life.

Attached: dobson.jpg (398x599, 54K)

From what I understand it cuts a bunch of shit, not just the rape scenes. Like the attack on the farm for example. If you're talking about how the witch bitch didn't get raped in episode 1, that's just the anime following the LN more than the manga, since she originally just gets stabbed and dies.

Or maybe instead of all that they just think rich people should pay more taxes so poor people aren't actually dying from having no healthcare.

Why do so many leftists love to defend big corporations?

Attached: questioning anime face LOGH.png (1444x1005, 1.02M)

Look at a picture if him. He's clearly never heard of an apple

Sorry, you've just outed yourself as a manlet

>Usually your tolerance for that goes up with time, not down. I think they just became infantilised. Why? Pick your poison. Flouride in the water, onions, economic downturns leading to a lack of purpose and an inability to live the grown up life your parents got to, general precarity making the future scary.

I think we're mostly agreeing desu. I'm not saying people got jaded with jadedness necessarily, but that as people born in the late 70s through mid 90s have gotten older and no longer have the material safety to explore edginess and greyzones in their social or work lives, especially if they're raising kids, they stopped having patience for ambiguity and want to be certain about right and wrong, including that some people are totally right and other people are totally wrong. I was born in the 90s, I remember when liberals hated this sort of thinking and associated it with fundamentalist Christians.

My other greentext wasn't talking to another user, it was like a paraphrase of a big idea. Sorry if confusing.

is that fucking kathy griffin?

It's an American phenomena.
Maybe they have nothing else in their lifes

Ronnie is like bizarro-´world's Dobson that somehow found their way here.

They're weak so they try to seem strong by playing/listening to loud music. This is why folk punk is the thinking man's punk

Attached: virgin dobson chad ronnie.jpg (2518x1024, 601K)

>deleting social media account because your harassed
Isn't that something all celebrities do on a daily basis? Also, I'm fairly certain George is the reason Jake Lloyd turned into a fucko.

> Uses four finger gloves for thumbs up and down.
> Uses five fingers for characters.

Unless he's animating that shit he's a fucking retard.

>the average adult male is 5'2''
Back home in Pakistan?

Wait, which party wants to actually give them huge tax breaks and which doesn't? I'm confused.

People who make edits to mock him are 1000x as funny as he'll ever be.

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>poor people
Shitlibs don't give a single flying fuck about poor people. Last time I checked they were calling them all the things they have in their basket of bolshevik labels.

>average male

fukin lamaoin at you senpai.

average in USA is 5'10
hell even in poointhelooistan it's 5'5

Attached: SmugAnimeGirl_14.jpg (336x331, 25K)

Came in here expecting a Dobson thread.

Was not disappointed.

Wait average height is 5'2"?
This is deeply concerning

I am 6'0 and I have 3 friends that are taller than me, I have never met any man shorter than 5'5 and the one 5'5 guy I knew was very sensitive about his small height already.
5'2 for a man is borderline dwarfism, your stats are bullshit

Legend of Zelda tv show? Is that an ethnic link? why is his hair brown?

Link's hair was brown in the tv cartoon.

Saved to my “pictures you can smell” folder

It's both, both love corporations.

Only the first two are somewhat valid. Deleted their instagram account, oh boo-hoo. George Lucas sold his franchise after he fucking ruined it and still profited hundreds of millions, poor man.

Riiiiiiiiiight because expanding medicare and other forms of welfare and providing cheaper college tuition rather than restricting them, on the rich person's dime, is not done for the benefit of poor people. Only the right wing prosperity gospel pushing Randian objectivists, who think being poor is the result of personal weakness, have the poor man's well being in mind. That's why they're content to let poor people be bankrupted by the costs of university or hospital fees.

Attached: plus tip.jpg (1536x2048, 380K)

The show was made before they changed his hair to blond

Attached: 56066-Legend_of_Zelda,_The_(Europe)-2.jpg (500x300, 59K)

New Star Wars thread


That is so fucking sad

WTF was that? A poisonous snake bite requiring multiples days in the ICU?

Hell he got a large applause at the recent event, which is the first he has ever attended, if anything the fans have been supportive of him.

>Dobson lives in Minnesota
Ugh, I don't like sharing a state with this.

>benefit of poor people
>also Open Borders(TM) bigot

>my room
>your room

Wait, so Dobson's girlfriend wrote this post, and they live together, but they have separate bedrooms?

But being poor is a result of personal weakness. You need the retards to die so they don't reproduce. Subsidizing populations that aren't self sustaining is probably the stupidest thing you could do in the long run.

Attached: Capture.png (720x766, 208K)

The (((Republican))) party, but many left wingers who claim to hate big corporations and love socialism still defend the same capitalist big corporations they claim to hate.

holy shit. embarrassing

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Attached: lesbiankick.png (685x2176, 1.72M)

>had to delete a social media account
>retired with billions in his bank account
oh man, must suck, such a hard life

Is there an entity in the universe more unlikable than Dobson?

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>LEGALLY I was in the right

Jesus Christ, that's a child's understanding of law.

You tend to tack on half-inches to your height, don’t you

Kek, this dobson guy is such a faggot

The only ones I feel bad for are the kid and jar jar, the rest can suck it.

Hes like the living embodiment of John Arbuckle

Why do liberals fantasize about violence 24/7? Surely this is not a healthy fixation.

Jon Arbuckle at the very least got to shack up with Liz.

Jon, despite being a loser, isn't a malicious and petty piece of shit like dobson

They need to act out their power fantasies somehow since they're usually so pathetic IRL. Dobson is particularly notorious for that.

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>first time reading about this.
>super racist stereotypical character that nobody liked.
>99% was trolls
>false flag made by disney to stop people from noticing how bad Solo really was.
>Mary Sue that actually deserves criticism
Claims shit like he didnt love making them anymore but has no problem whoring out the IP.

Jon was a saint compared to Dobson and wasn't half as cucked

Well, if they wouldn't let people bully them they wouldn't have the problems they have. Maybe the fandom isn't the problem, maybe its allowing people to bully you. Stop being a pussy and stand up for yourself. But everything about star trek is cancer now so yeah.

maybe don’t antagonize your fans?

>I can almost guarantee the other children at school called him the tubby weird art kid
Funny you should mention that, he drew a comic about his school experience.

Attached: 7efc72d5cae486fcdf73cadd7f8d0d5580cb58659e45585c4332b2574ca029a2.jpg (800x1126, 332K)


Jesus fuck Dobson, didn't you get scolded once for doing it?

Attached: tumblr_m4dz1apiZD1qdesmi.gif (339x357, 102K)

That really happened? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA that fat bearded fag that makes comic about a self insert teddy bear saw a boyfriend taking pictures of his girlfriend and the fat neckbeard got jealous and virtue signaled about it in a comic???? HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA

Wasn't there also a comic where he gets bullied by fucking D&D nerds of all people?

>Fat chance
what kind of faggot talks like this

Pretty much yeah

Attached: gEMfxMk.jpg (550x1144, 497K)

To make it even better, there was some guy who tried befriending him in college. Dobson being Dobson took great offense to this guy all because he said Ranma 1/2 was kind of silly.

hold the fuck up
is that a jojo reference

Found it

Attached: tumblr_inline_p8bihsEJU71r7r8ub_1280.jpg (775x1126, 359K)

That is a very sad self portrait. almost as bad as this.

Attached: 1536021809644.png (514x960, 486K)

>Sign outside says CLOSED
>Goes in anyways
>Acts surprised when people get upset for interrupting their D&D session

Classic Dobson

Attached: dobson_child.jpg (1440x1521, 902K)

The fat talentless faggot traces shit all the time even though he gets called out for it all the time.

Attached: tracing.gif (540x801, 321K)

Attached: dobson stone.png (760x1920, 863K)

even dnd nerds make fun of smelly smash autists, perfect

who the fuck enters a shop asking for something without first approaching the clerk?

This is a guy that stole a demo CD and somehow though he was in the right

Do you think Dobson raped someone? Every single one of the male feminist allies, without exception, are essentially sexual predators. It's distressing to think I could be making fun of someone who has a girl locked up in a basement somewhere.

200iq thought user

I only use facebook for business marketing purposes, but I've been told that the "friend request" screen in this comic is actually the window that Dobson would see if HE made the request, i.e. he's never actually seen what it looks like when someone makes a friend request to him.

Is this true?

The funny thing about these threads is that no new content is ever posted in them yet all these images that get posted here everyday get tons of replies and these threads always get to the bump limit

You can feel the rage behind the screen. Dobson is such a fag.

Personality learned from watching TV instead of being raised by loving parents

>violence against women is ok as long as they're white and conservative

I've never used facebook but the screen clearly implies he's the one who sent it. Which, given that he drew it by hand, would have to mean the only frame of reference he has to go off of is sending other people requests

Raped? Doubtful. Coping a feel somewhere? Making shitty remarks? Definitely.

>Add as a friend?
>Send request


Attached: 1532609549372.jpg (640x640, 79K)

Dobson hate is magical that way. It's the single strand of consciousness that connects every living being on the planet, except Dobson himself.

Nah, if he did something like that someone would've already made it public, after all he is universally hated.

It is as if this shupr sekrit darkweb forum is one of the biggest social platforms in the world and there are hundreds of thousand of people everyday.

He's too much of a pussy to rape someone.

most of the comics being posted in this thread are over 5 years old

holy cringe.

his newer material gets posted time to time

Attached: dobson_ipad.png (1312x716, 539K)

>the protagonist must represent the core audience you are pandering to

This only became a thing when normies invaded video games and girls that were attention whores demanded to be catered to because they noticed that a hobby they were never interested in before did not cater to them or their interests when they invaded the hobby at events like games conferences and gaming events. Remember when it was such a big deal about Twilight and how it was so popular with the girls/women because of the bland writing and anyone could self insert as the main character of the story. No other story in the history of writing was ever written to be like that and since Twilight we have seen this new style of writing take shape. For narcissists that require the story to be about them.

>Every single one of the male feminist allies, without exception, are essentially sexual predators.
Sauce* on this?

*Please note that a stonetoss comic is not a valid source

>no one has ever sent him a friend request
holy cow

Attached: dobson_aot.png (503x489, 251K)

>the screen clearly implies he's the one who sent it
No, the computer's statement ("You have a friend request") and the surrounding context implies that the bully is the one sending the request

Found the discord tranny. You can always spot a tranny online on a message board easily. I don't know if its the HRT or the mental illness but they always have the same writing style and defensiveness.

Attached: discordtranny.jpg (1177x892, 296K)

>reading comprehension
I specified that the screen implies he's the one sending it, not that the comic as a whole implies it you illiterate faggot

>normies are just now realizing Japan is full of low key fascist sympathizers

He's one of the rare guys who fit the "nice guy" creeper stereotype. Probably some combination of

>extreme levels of creepshots
>jacking off with a female friends underwear
>secret nude or upskirt pics
>obsessively texting any woman who talked to him "pls respond"-style
>trying to guilt trip female friends into having sex with him

He likely thought he was amazing to women since he wasn't his cartoon idea of a frat bro, so when the nice guy fedora tipper meme hit it shattered his self-concept.


>I specified that the screen implies he's the one sending it, not that the comic as a whole implies it you illiterate faggot
Yes, so you agreed with my post but still wanted to fight a little bit. I hope you're feeling better now that you've gotten that out of your system.

Napoleon wasn't shorter than the average man of his time and place. That's just a meme created by people to denigrate him.

That's what happens when your fans are literal spoiled manchildren.

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Isn't it just because she's brown, like a Mexican?