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>I dunno Mr. Lahey, that's pretty friggin far to jump.
where's the plane?
>transit safety: always off
it's almost like if you lose lots of frames you'll miss fast-moving objects or whatever
They’re the shit planes bobandy! They come and crash their shit planes in to our shit towers! THE SHIT PLANES ARE COMING
first frame, retard
Funny, they didn't lose enough frames to not see the cruise missile
They literally shot a middle the pentagon
You know planes move around 570 mph right? At downward trajectory that speeds up. 570 mph is already like 800 feet a second. In that one frame that’s not shown it could have EASILY smashed through and crumpled in to the size of a car by then.
these people don't understand how fast planes move, don't bother with them
>these people
Go on, just say goyim.
no because you're a human being, you just don't know how fast planes travel, you make the assumption they cruise along at 35 mph
>frame rate of 2fps
>"hmm no sign of a jet flying at full speed"
Please stop implying your opinions are "scientific proof," enough people have been fucked up by bullshit with "scientific" backup.
>yippee ki yay, motherfucker
America deserved 9/11 tbqh lads
edge master
Why didn't he just walk down the stairs to the bottom. What a fucking dumbass.
why the fuck would a person trying to ram a plane slow down from top speed you dipshit
How'd Randy survive that fall?
He landed on a pile of frickin cheeseburgers.
Why didn't they set up giant bouncy castles for people to jump on to?
Why didn't they keep parachutes for emergencies like this?
Why didn't they fly up a helicopter to collect people?
I wouldn’t say deserve but after all their meddling around their world and arming governments Nd insurgencents something was bound to happen they should have learnt RIP to all the innocent people jay died that day
>Why didn't they fly up a helicopter to collect people?
They tried, smoke was too thick. Doors to the roof were locked too IIRC.
they weren't people. they were goys. learn the difference.
Why didn't they give them emergency parachutes?
Seems a no-brainer to me.
>a plane can fly straight one foot off the ground and not been be seen in any footage and vaporise completely on impact
I hear they also shot a front and back too.
In your mother's cunt
9/11 literally didn't happen. All actors. Not one person actually died.
Probably anyone who believes the official narrative of 9/11 woman’s there was nothing clandestine going on is an absolute moron
>one foot off the ground
why are conspiracy theorists so retarded bros?
New York doesn't exist, it's a fictional place made up in the movies.
Ah I see you're an intellectual
A lot of people did survive
i think that the 9/11 commission answered many questions poorly, and leaves many unanswered, but generally has good answers to what happened and why. i still have major questions about WTC7 and the pentagon, but overall i'm satisfied
Based schizo poster
>i think that the 9/11 commission answered many questions poorly, and leaves many unanswered, but generally has good answers to what happened and why. i still have major questions about WTC7 and the pentagon, but overall i'm satisfied
Fuck off. Rey jumps a space fighter in the star wars trailer and its not going that fast and it's a space fighter so it's faster than planes.
>major questions about WTC7
It was hit by debris.
why do people make memes with the ugliest niggers
nigga he's gotya there
Because instead of using logical reasoning to determine if a given conclusion is probable, they instead use their own biases to come to a conclusion and shape the facts around that.
legit question: why not ride a desk the way down, then jump off it in the last 10-20 feet? That way you'd only be falling a story.
shut up debunker
the "conspiracy tard" comments in these threads is proff CIA posts here
figg off rick
Yeah bro, WTC7 pancaked like a controlled demolition because a few chunks of glass and iron hit it from above
>a few chunks
There is footage of the damage that did, the side that was faced the towers was completely fucked.
I wasn't shit posting: this stuff works in real life. If less people hadn't been so fucking dumb and lazy and stood around waiting for big daddy government to save them they would've lived. You could've clung to the outside and just let go, fall a few stories, grab it, let go and repeat. Fat Americans need to hit the gym before they hit the ground.
LMAO, then explain how buildings 5 and 6 miraculously survived if they are closer to the blast radius. Also, the towers fell completely vertically without toppling onto nearby buildings, and 7 fell the same way. Also, how was it that the BBC reported that building 7 had fallen THIRTY MINUTES PRIOR TO IT ACTUALLY FALLING?!
>It was hit by debris.
But it imploded so perfectly. Look at the footage, the inner part of the building started collapsing a split second before the exterior, a sign of controlled demolition.
A few years ago I watched a roughly 6 hour documentary on youtube that basically debunked all the bullshit 9/11 theories, poked holes in the report, and looked into all the valid theories. Anyone have a link to it? I lost it ages ago.
>building 7 hits freefall speed falling symmetrically into it's own footprint
>impossible unless there was literally no resistance
>news channels announced it collapsing before it fell
>they refuse to show the actual data behind the simulations that show how and why it collapsed because of "national security" concerns
>people inside the 9/11 omission insisting they're being lead into what they're supposed to conclude
>molten concrete fused with beams found at ground zero and put in the 9/11 museum
>nanothermite residue all over the rubble
>fires burning months after the buildings collapsed typical of high oxide explosives
I don't even care anymore. Most people you talk to about this haven't spent any time reading the commission, or reading into the narrative in general. Reading how many times the official story changed or contradicted itself at least opens you up to read more into it. Safety in groupthink goyim.
9/11 commission*
what did it talk about?
People did survive though, it was less than 3,000 in total dead but 50,000 worked in those buildings and it was a tourist attraction. It could have been much, much worse.
that's not how physics work, user.
Reminder that they had drone technology at the end of WWII. These planes were flown remotely.
I'm not defending the official report, but here's the thing: A 110 floor tall skyscraper with such deep foundations has never before or since fallen due to a plane flying into it. We have zero precedent or procedent for anything even remotely resembling 9/11. There are so many questions that aren't answered that right now, can't be answered because our simulations simply aren't there yet.
It was about four years ago, I don't remember everything exactly, but it showed how all the insane conspiracies like holograms, missiles and nuclear bombs were impossible. It explored in detail the inconsistencies in the official report, and further explored the questions raised by the engineers and architects who released their own report.
I remember it was extremely low budget, only using stock footage and narrated by one guy with a shit microphone.
Have you ever been close to a terrorist attack whilst it's happening?
Shit gets out of control.
The idiot who started running people over in Sweden managed to kill 3 people, which is about as small as scale as you can get. I heard people talking about there being several attackers going around. People reported gun shots from every other direciton. And the news started reporting all of it before it was confirmed.
It could have been MUCH MUCH Much much Worse!
I don't buy the hologram theory sorry.
the most based man that ever lived
>The Virgin Descent
>The Chad Plummet
First point: physics and logic don't stop because a "plane" has hit a building. So the talk about this being "failure of imagination" is just fake news. In fact the engineer who built the buildings had specifically said that the they should withstand an imagined plane crash from a structural point of view. Steel structures don't collapse from fire nor by taking a hit the size of a plane nor by both of those things. And even they did, it wouldn't be like what we've seen. The buildings would collapse like that if they were blown up from the inside.
Second point: that could've been any average video presentation done by one person on youtube, they usually have those qualities you describe but they get routinely deleted not just from youtube but from the internet entirely. Thousands of videos about 9/11/sandy hook/boston bombing etc have the same fate and just disappear and become forgotten which is the whole point.
I want to take this chance to rebutt someone yesterday who was saying 'most americans are so stupid they think osama did 9/11 because he hates our freedom' and when asked who did 9/11 he and another guy just brought up that the US basically allowed it too happen. The fact is though the attack was issued from Muslim Radicals who want to destroy and destabilize the Whore of Babylon that is America, no? For both its physical transgressions against the world and also our total moral depravity?
if you believe this is a plane no one is stopping you desu
But really it was more that a molten wrecked 767 had wedged itself into the center of the building, wasnt it? I imagine you could achieve the same effects by dumping an imperial ton of flaming garbage in the center of those buildings too
Pretty weak case desu
No way that many people survived
I'm willing to believe it was a conspiracy and shit, but I don't know why all the theories are so overcomplicated. If there's people willing kill thousands in some buildings, would they not also be willing to kill an extra few hundred in passenger planes? Why would they bother with drones or planted explosives or whatever?
We saw two planes crash into two buildings in real time, so forgive folks for questioning why the pentagon is suddenly different.
Im completely satisfied in knowing the US gov impicitly and compartmentally allowed it to happen to justify a Middle Eastern Zionist type war. That's plenty, nd not even a theory at this point, no internal explosives or holograms needed.
What a horrible picture.
I always get amazed how people don't know the basic fucking things about any STEM fields.
Didnt the Pentagon attack destroy the evidence in the investigation of the disappearance of $6B from the budget?
>The fact is though the attack was issued from Muslim Radicals who want to destroy and destabilize the Whore of Babylon that is America, no? For both its physical transgressions against the world and also our total moral depravity?
How dumb do you have to be to believe this? First of all the US didn't "allow it to happen" it carried it out the whole thing. It's a military operation and no "radical" or patsy could be depended on to complete the task.
As for the why, well you have to look into a few things: Patriot Act, Project for the New American Century, war on Iraq, Bush/Opium, the missing Pentagon trillions, the role of US in Soviet–Afghan War.
the CGI planes are needed so you know how they did it or more specifically through what. If you don't believe the planes were fake you're falling for a deeper trap thinking you're smarter than average. The media is in on it and through the media you will be sold more and bigger lies.
You may think it's a big deal to say it was done to the benefit of israel or whatever but it's not a big deal, even the most normie thinks governments are shady and deceitful, however they have total faith in the media and will believe anything as long as it's packaged as news.
Israel might not even deny this allegation at certain point, in fact they will be proud of it and might claim the whole thing was their operation entirely(even if it's not true). Today they're proud of false-flag bombing in eygpt from the 50s, who knows what will they claim in the future?
But if you no longer have faith in the media, that means you will no longer be sold lies as easily even if you believe the official narrative of 9/11 to its most ridicules detail. You're only a bad goy if you deny the news footage aka the """"planes"""".