Movies with this aesthetic?
Movies with this aesthetic?
Call me by your name
I'd punch a stupid bitch trying to do that to me
>he almost started crying because no one had ever done something similar
lmao what a pussy grow the fuck up you big baby
Broke back Mountain
It's fake. Calm down.
t. Big fat baby
>and then I lost all respect and left him
What a fag.
This you show that you’re butch made in front of a women and she will loose respect for you dissent matter the women and what she says never cry in front of them except your mother
Have sex
Get raped
Why do I keep seeing this around?
You are now aware that there are men out there insecure enough to "hate cuddling".
I can't hate something if I don't even know what it feels like.
I like cuddling but not bawling like a baby because she rubs my head
this is unironically the only thing I really need from a relationship. if such women don't exist I don't see a point in ever having a gf. why lose time and money on someone who won't even give me genuine affection, while only getting in return something I can get much cheaper and without the hassle from an escort?
To be fair its sounds like she had never shown him affection before that herself. Its meant to be a boast but she just made herself look like an idiot
This is 2019's "cuck"/"soi boy"/whatever
You sound boring and no girl wants a needy guy
Fuck and i left for a few years off this website and decided to check well I’ll see you in a few more year
haha fuck humans