What kind of movies does this guy watch?
What kind of movies does this guy watch?
That's the reflection of the guy sitting next to the girls you fucking retard
Literally me
this nigga dont watch shit
lmao no it isn't
me in the back
They're just like me!
Зepкaлo (Aндpeй Tapкoвcкий, 1974)
Do you have more than 1 friends ?
what is he looking at?
Why do they have two of the same painting just reflected?
>it's a mirror
Literally me. Delete this
It's a mirror, low IQ niggers. But to answer your question, that guy's reflection obviously watches a lot of David Lynch movies and thinks he's deep to offset the fact that the real him consumes inordinate amounts of capeshit... Woah.
What is this expression trying to convey?
What kind of burgers does he eat?
He marathons every Tarkovsky sequence everyday.
I wonder.
What the fuck is wrong with women?
I really hope for their sake that they are acting
this is by far the stupdiest forced meme this board has created
Are you implying men don't do that?
faggot ass cavs fan
they can't control their emotions, nor are they encouraged to try.
Are you unironically implying that's genuine?
It's a fucking reaction video, you don't get anywhere if you are not overreacting.
Shut the fuck stupid redditor.
Watch the millennial ignore this webm and pretend his entire generation isn't full of pussified faggots who bring shame to humanity.
that monkey soup is delicious
>implying that's genuine?
Not everything. But some of it is genuine indeed.
No it fucking isn't, as I said, it's a goddamn reaction video, they are overreacting for the camera.
Nothing done in front of a camera for Youtube views in sincere.
What are they reacting at?