Post your ideal gf

post your ideal gf

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Jane seems cool at first but I'm pretty sure the artsy fartsy bullshit would get old fast
I have a weakness for dark-haired women with colored eyes, but
I can see her being very flaky and not loyal at all
I don't think we'd work out but she'd probably be good in bed, she'd want to try all kinds of sick shit

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what makes you think she wouldn't be loyal

She seemed like a good gf when she dated Tom.

artsy fartsy chicks are almost always very liberal, very WIMMIN POWER, so that pussy's gonna have a lot of wear and tear by the time she wants to settle down with you, if she ever wants to settle down at all.
Face it, Jane doesn't look like she's going to have very traditional values based on her hippie parents and the rough life she's had.
She's not gonna want to be a housewife and if she got tied down with a couple of kids I mean she'll raise them but she's going to be miserable and dead on the inside.
Again, I say it's a lay but not wife material.

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Best girl.

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too many sweeping generalizations and assumptions there

I get the feeling that with the right haircut she would look like a 12-year old boy

I would give anything to fuck Tay Sway in her prime.

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also she doesn't strike me as the type that would want to try all kinds of "kinky" shit in bed. i think you are basing you views on jane on someone you know irl and it's distorting you view of what jane is actually like in the show.

>Not posting best nazifu

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right show, wrong girl

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hey I'm just speaking from artsy liberal women I've seen/dated
They're fun and creative sarcastic, there's definitely a lot going on up there, they're not airheads, but they get bored easily and they have a tendency to become GURL POWAH feminist cunts.
Then I've also met girls who had hippie parents, lots of teenage girls in the 80's and 90's had that going on.
Again just from observations I'm not saying they all have to be like that.

spot on with the kinky shit. these types are ALWAYS filthy sluts.

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well speaking from my experience with art girls, i can agree that some of them are those feminist types but not really. most of the ones i know have all been pretty normal.

Jake was such a twitchy little cuck I'm surprised they never showed Daria's big black bull "uncle" Tyrone coming by to stay the night.
The Morgendoffers were perfect cuck material

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My dick is fucking hard right now!!!!!

aaaand I was right
12 year old boy on the right

More of a Daria man myself (end of season 4 Daria)

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daria is the type that doesn't shave her pubes properly. jane would have a slick landing strip.

Except the character is depicted in a clear way on the show, you're just making up a bunch of bullshit. Did you even watch the show? Also I agree with , most are pretty normal.

She was the actual slut.

Don't hate on pixie/boy cut

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no no no no, it would have been the chad quarterback fucking her. nigger cuckold shit wasn't popular back then.

necromancer gf

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Me too.
I get the feeling that Daria would be more loyal, smarter, and really fun to hang with as long as you're a smart guy yourself.
Imagine the banter.
As much as I'm more attracted to women like Jane I think Daria would be a better fit, who wants a flaky artsy fartsy bitch who thinks she's all that because she thinks a dot in the middle of a sheet of white paper is "art" and you "just don't get it" if you don't agree.
>She was the actual slut.
The thing with Tom was a fluke. There are hormones and sexual discovery, lots of confusion.
I can almost guarantee that by the time they both hit 25 Jane had 10x more dicks inside her

>Except the character is depicted in a clear way on the show, you're just making up a bunch of bullshit.
The thing is that the show depicted them as young teenagers, stealing kisses and making out but not yet having sex
I'm looking forward to their college years, and I'm telling you Jane grew up to be either a huge whore or more likely a lesbian.
Daria had her confused hormonal period and she probably made some mistakes but she's much more likely to have settled down.
Unless she turned out like her older aunt Amy and never got married, which is also possible.

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not hating on it just saying it makes her look like a 12 year old boy
She doesn't have a feminine enough face to pull it off I think that's the problem

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she's got a cute smile

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